14 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Friday, December 23, 1949 ' r JUST A MINUTE, PAL.-- SINCE TKCEP AWAV FROM HIM, 1 GO ON UH "SMUDGE POT" ) 1 1 ul KtrmrrT Til f RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY P. M. KGW 630 NBC WHEN DO SHIPS OILERS GO ROPER CN Ht MtLHI Grr INTO THAT ROWBOAT xT On J f! I l'C' .J KOIN I KEX I KSLM 970 CBS f I ICQ ABC 1380 MBC KOCO M80 Ke Chapter 17 A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL At the very instant Henry whis pered to himself in the bicycle shop a most remarkable thing happened in Santa's cottage. The Wiggle Waggles who held Santa and Mr. Dilly suddenly let them go. Four of Wiggle Waggles! who were pulling and kicking at each other in a corner stopped fighting and fell to hugging and kissing one another. A kind and friendly smile sud-j denly spread across Zezop s ugly 1 face. "Let me untie you." he said to Santa. Immediately he and a dozen willing helpers unwound the scari that bound santa s arms ana legs. "Is there anything else you would like?" asked the amazingly changed Zezon. "Why yes. If you would just let me have my magic wand, please," murmured Santa, hardly daring to nope the creature would obey. But Zezop instantly obeyed. "I'm so sorry to have troubled you," he said politely and held out the wand. Quickly Santa waved the wand above the gum drops which were scattered over floor and table. "Come back," he whispered. "Come back to your proper shapes." Slowly they came back: Mrs. Claus, Peter Pan, Jack Frost, Pin- occhio. Father Time. Boy Blue, The Sand Man, and all the Santa Land folk and all the other guests at the party. Soon all the gum drops had dls appeared. The cottage was over flowing with folk, little and big friend and enemy. But who was the enemy? Surely not tnese pieasant-iaced, sort voiced, gentle-mannered Wiggle Waggles! At this moment Henry raced into wie cottage, vvnen ne saw wnat had happened he ran up to Patrick Tweed leknees. "I opened mv present and I made my wish!" cried Henry. "H-hmph," said Patrick. " Tisn't Christmas yet. You weren't sup posed to open it until Christmas.' "But you'd still be a gum drop i naan t,- laugnea Henry. "What's all this about?" asked Santa. "What present ? W h a t wish?" "Patrick Tweedleknees gave me a (jnnsimas present. explained Henry. "I just opened it. Here It is." He held out the tiny gold feather. Santa bent to read the ilver - writing. " 'Whisper one wish and it will tome true'," he read. "Well and what did you wish?" "Why," said Henry. "I wished the Wiggle Waggles would turn into bhe kindest creatures in the whole world and stay that way forever." It was a wish that really came fcrue. The Wiggle Waggles had be lome the world's kindest, mast lov ing creatures. They were so gentle ind so sorry for all the wickedness they had done that Santa told them they could stav forever in Eanta Land and help him with his work. "When all this kissing and hug ring Ik over, somebody better get lo work," growled Patrick Tweedle knees. "Or have you forgotten to morrow is Christmas day?" With songs and shouts the work ers, the Wiggle WaRgles and the ttory book folk headed for the (hops to repair the broken toys ind load Santa's big red sleigh, tn a little while Zezop returned. "I forgot this one," he said sor rowfully. He dug a crumpled or inge gum drop from his pocket. "I bit a piece of it but it did not taste so good as I thought it would." Santa waved his wand over the landy. Suddenly it vanished. In its place stood Serena, the talking luck. "Holy moly, rahdedoo and ketch Wttoo!'' squawked the duck. "My kail feathers are gone!" "Well, just be glad Zezop didn't ike the taste of you or you wouldn't e here at all," laughed Santa. They went out where the sleigh Itood loaded and with all their friends waiting around it. When shey climbed in Santa picked out i large while package and gave it io Mr. Dllly. "Merry Christmas," ke said. "Open HI Open it!" cried tvery- ! .'!. - - ; . . ?., t v (. '--'-.-.; :-''"' VV v;"r " & . v. :j Mr. Dilly opened tnt box. in it was a tall black hat. Quite an ordinary hat you would have thoueht. But it wasn't so at all. With trembline fingers Mr. Dilly reached in. A wonderful smile lit his face as slowly he pulled out an enormous white raDbit. The Santa Land folk cheered Henry laughed with pleasure. Mr. Dilly said, "Now I shall be the greatest magician in all the world! And Henry said: We can go on tour again. ' Santa took up the reins of his sieign. "Merry Christmas! ne cried again. And all the creatures, man and boy, in all that land shouted after "A Merry Christmas to all!" THE END Pleasant Hour Club Guest Sherman Home Dayton The Pleasant Hour Reading club were guests of Mrs. Harry Sherman, with 22 members present. Christmas carols were sung by the group Mrs. Dolph Goodrich sang a solo. Mrs. Clete Gell read Christma sstory. Refreshments were served. The committee in charge was Mrs. Gordon Gra ham, Mrs. Irene Clark, Mrs. Bernice Mitchell and Mrs. Jen nie Murphy. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Martha Dower January 6. Wearable, Washable Back-but toned Dianfore . . . "practically" nerfect from crisp shoulder flange down to pocket-catching skirt. Won derful to wear in lieu of a house dress, too! No. 2964 is cut In sizes. 12. 14. 16. 18, 20 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 18, 3'i yds. 35-in. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles mat includes designs lor all mem bers of the family from tiny tots and growing girts to juniors and misses, mature and larger-size wom en? Just include the WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. It's a big aid to every home sewer. Price per copy 20c. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number. State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5. Calif Star Rrriprrd Thla crocheted bedspread of enduring benuty is eaMly nd quickly made. Do each six-point star motif cpara(ely, then Join and add the ahell edging. Pattern Envelope No R27M con tains complete crocheting Instruc tion, material requirements, stitch Illustrations and finishing direc tions. To obtain th imttern. lend JOc In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and lone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 2 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. Vj" TVVV I NO..BUT1 Ml WELL .TWANKSTO YOUR SMARTl I WHATS JUNIORlDlDlsiTOUkMOl?! I AND IT WAS SO tSfJUU II I -ii-4-? JiiJ ' ' VA -TL, ( -SUPPOSE I'LL ) SOM 1 PUT OVER SOME PINE J 1 GOT TO DO I HE WROTE IvTV J THAT 1 MADE IT THE J j g-"0! Arr7', y-, VvA T di rudv" V"Ave to J plaus forourtowm at 4 I witu it ?dausuters civic 1 subject of m Ct A" A-' VvVa'.A U VsoinSmv") -i-l A MTWW VESTERDAV I WER FDR HER 1 LmV SPEECHSOTMAT HOW1 345 i' ' "J.' ,' ''I'. ' HURbTuP-X THAR,SNVA--''0'WWfM lMiMr! g-j-T ' .'. I .' I' .' LI'LABNER.-T I MORE CF US LEFT I HALF-KILT-- FABULOUS JONS LOOKS AH fcP P " C- 't I'- ,i I '", .ff-"- MASH IM HS A T'SLALXjHTER BUT, AH DOtfT LIKE., IN A REGULAR . 9 Wfcill DROPPED NATCHERLY" -lii- -.ii I ribs.or afore; th' y care.'-at -f dess.'.'-ah cAiu"r , aim WW -cr5 j-- " w , SOMETHIN'.'T UNVEILIN'.'?' I ( LEAST AH GOT I WAITS.' AtLL CHltT.?, i HLK . . ?t5siKP PAID.. -uJJS'A" I iw l'i I 1 . . 8 H ' I 0 c v sl m jq m m I- 1 ' . i i i I 7:45 r - 1 ":?? ( 9f, I ISNTTHISFIWV?JIET 7 YEAH LOOK- 1 W LILV AND IRIS W SURE- If I I CAN II 1:30 f HOW YOU FEELIM ' JUST SEEING MY BABIES 1 I TWO OfMS TILL CHRISTMAS? t COTTft GO I I AND POPPY-NOU Jff CAROV I ---4-- R I TOWS MRS. DRIPT? j SO HAPCV AND EVERYTHINQ I I MY POOR LITTLE GIRtS OUT TO GET I CAN COME TOO f YOU BET", ft LOTS-- S :?S I YOU'RE VOOKltj- SO CLEAN. IS THE BEST I I THEY DONT REALIZEIT'S SOME GROCERIES I AND HELP CARRY- L 1 2-'Jn lfSgS MEDICINE I COULD HAVE-J ITS JUST AS WELL- I AND STUFF I f- JSWT' ,f.EI 1 -J 1 1 ui I U-i v i- iiss rMUTT-HOWOOVW VsuReP-H-V fvOUSeE.THOSewORDSARE VVTTNrMUTTVfltl'RFPRFrrvt T a 14 WKZW 0 M SP6l.LPHySI0L0Gy.W0FC0USeVlH(W SPELLEO DIFFERENT THAN 'ZJ 3 SIMPLE.) VST7V) 1 AM K 7i H'M-- 1 ? t W JukeanFanothe ingisumkitarianover- JC 1 rrPy iareafool (S3 ,,,f ?,;,;, Utrm I T''S PRONOUNCED LIKE AN THE P IS SILENT LIKE IN OR! AMAFOOL?" &t e wooc C THirAHorS 1 1 mascaw vdo " ijTv.'oop 'oof m looh IJust what i T wait ! wait, f0D?; I V SJ arSb Jfj WOOF! WOOF! THOUfiHTI THEEE SHE IS! I WR. SMITH r tf ' I lwtTCLi 1 6g;We J pel's ohIIcorr! J11 1 J I IT 6000 TO HAt 'tJu11 vO(C .DRuMiirLYALLEDj DS A L,TTLE J,pYth0u6t1 I JUT A SENILE y I IF V0'J6AVT0E K'D5 fiRE A600D ) 1 :00 The I f Da iI.lScwi :.1flSonn or Time 4.Iilmer Petenon 00 Hfnrr Morfn 15 Henry MoriraD vtOlimrai.K 45lurknt Mannlnc (Chal. frhe LUtle Showfchal. k.- . lib. Lrave It lo Joan cave It to Joan ill ome Rdllloi Modern ,um 'n Ahner .um 'n Abncr 00 Director' 15t PUhoui 30 Bill Stern 45 RbTthm Tlma 0A!siniilraKiralFn Young Lot Young '.otc Sport Snort nbei Pleast Bun Buia Number Please .owell Thomas IFat 5 Nwi of Horld Jack Smith fat (Your (Your 30 Orrheitrs 45 Orchestra 00 is tar Klnra :15 Orchestra :30 Danct Mil :4.VDanca Muiio The Goldberta The Goldbcraa lOfile lOitle Western Western Skies im Hayes Star Final Rich. h Snarls Final Sports Epotlifhl ntermetro .10 Dick Hiymei 4f Orchestra ir-iio Concert Concert Harry James 00 i-Vews 15 1 Wax Muscnm :S0VVai Museum 45iVai Museum 00 Off " Serenade Concert Concert Memos Memos lOrean Musie Co I lot e Choir Collere Choir SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Hodge Podgo Hodge Podia lllodge Pods illodge Podge Pews Dawn KOIN Kloek Downbeat KOIN Kloek Dawn KOIN Kloek Downbeat Now Hear This Vow Hear This KOIN Kloek Round News iNews News lam Hayes onsumer Newi Fred Waring Fred Waring Let's Pretend Home ll.efs Pretend Musical smiling McConnell nior Miss Musical Junior Miss Musical iMary Lea heatre of layior Today Readina Is FunV irand Central irand Central (Toy! News t Farm Hour E Farm Hour Toyland Stars Over Hollywood jIvo and Take jive and Takt Stars Tomorrow Voices, Events M Voices, Events f Stars Tomorrow Lassie Broadway Cor. Notre Dame Ch Notre Dame Ch, (County Fair rCount Fair Meet ine Missus 'Met. Meet the Minus Met. Young Oregon lam Muslcana Muslcana News (Mother Knows Met. Met. Met. Met. Met. Best Family Party Concordia Concordia Cricket on tha Hearth Family Party Newspaper Newspaper Orchestra Met. Met. Met. Boys Town Choir Pres. Tea - Tea Stan Dougherty Stan Dougherty News News I'. N. Chrous Junior Guest Star NBC Symphony NBC Symphony Junction (Jail .Larry Lesuer IJaii Concert Letters to Sant. NBC Symphony NBC Symphony! llnside CBS Bandstand I nrle ChrMtmas Stockinr Way for Youth Albert 'Way for Youth DIAL LISTING, lAAf Friday P.M. Children's The IxvnV aten A:1A. On the Upbeati K:!tO 6S0 Sports Clubi ft:0fl News; A:15. Dinner Melndies; 6:31), Musie of Czecho Slovakia: 7:1.1, Eveninr Farm Hourt it: (Ml, Flying Time; Here's to Veterans 8: UK, Adventures In Research; 8:45, News and Weather; 9:00. Music That Endures; :l.t, Evening Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. Silverfon Jaycettes Have Holiday Party Silverton Mrs. James Nel son, assisted by Mrs. Harlan Moe, was home hostess to the members of the Jaycettes in a holiday session. The main feature of the busi ness program was arranging for food donations, clothing and toys for children for a needy ACROSS 1. Quarrel 4. Hoofed animal 9. Antique 12. Indefinite quantity 13. EcE-shaned 14. Brazilian money 15. Wander aimlessly 17. Company 19. Close 20. Jerusalem 21. Lateral 23. Annual pnhli ration of a society 27. Poks 2!. Kind of cht.-.. SO. New England state: abbr. 11. River Island 32. Native of an island of the West Indiea 34. Open vessel 35. Sun god 3B. Tempt 37. Type of piano 3i. Rakinc Runfire 42. Branches of learning 43. Move on wheels 44. Large dos; 4fi. Stnjrly 4. Flesh of deer 51. Of him 52. German river 54. Ancer 55. Likely 5i. Leaven S7. Beheld DOWN 1. Hydraulic pump ill!75 I25" 15 WlT3 srfir 1 ZSkw WF 3' i" 33 IT" " l mtL wr' h zK w y, - lX!a I IT43 I55" ROOM AND BOARD WELCOME TO PUFFLE TOWERS MV GOOD MAN-AHM, I TAKE IT YOU ARE MR. SNORGEEGLE. THE NEW LODGER, EH7--- LW, t AM judge puffle. host of this jolly manse---snorgeegle:-mvv i had a foreman of that NAMP wupm T uwncn am EXPEDITION TO EGYPT TO V M.i.rvMSjujl3lIAI. tXLAVATINS.' " VWTHT-KS Ht OF TOUR. KIN, BERT HIM mm af Yukon jSantk's Mall Band of Dar f Hand of Dar T of Yukon, Rlnr Call (Tom Mil Rting Crosb Tom Mil Gabriel Heater business News Candle Ugh" reflihtera News and Sllrer Fishing and IFisheaster omances Hunting Club Hiibt Sonr Show Show Pat O'Brien CM us leal Jacknoi Adlam Cisco Kid Adlam Cisco Kid Evelyn Knight Miocouri Man Ktralght Arrow Straight Arrow SHS Baskctbal SIIS Basketball SHS Baskelbal 1 SHS Baskctbal I Man FBI FBI Lean Hark jjerw Seara A Harriet A Harriet Musle ISHS Basketball SHS Basketball jNews News Glen Hardr Hits Skies Hits Reporter Fult. Lrwls Jr. Select News News Charlie ftpifak Warwick Theat Warwick Theat. jMuslo You Want Music You Want flour Hour Hour Hour Love Mystery Navy Air Nocturne Nocturno Noeturno N'octurno John Wolohan John Wolohan Sign Off News Timekeeper March Time News KOCO Kloek KOCO Kloek -L'p BoysiNews ai Rltter News M. Arromky jBreakfast Gang Breakfast PlazaBreakfast Gang lOrgan Moods Breaklatt Plazafop Trades Extension Serf- Agent Bargain Counter ilnlsclna- Bridge LMuslo Reminlselna Bridge Haven of Rest jWest'n Melodist Science Eieur, BrldKQ Haven of Rest Ranch iNorthwrsf 'Pop Varieties Defense Rennrt Ranch Blng Sings and Tunes Pastor's Call (Music Without , Tunes ,Saite Riders words ef News Saddle Ml. Club Proudly Hail Proud lyHa II Platter Joek Platter Jock Platter Jock Platter Jock Babe Ruth ' , jhaiem Air Rea. . of , onceri Favorites Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade Sat, Serenade Sat. Serenade Opera Opera Opera, Opera Opera Opera Opera Top Trades News Gay 9's Bob Eberly At tha Opera uti ine upera, INews Navy Band .Man i Man i Farm jSat. Matinee Opera t-arm matlneo Opera Man Sat. Matineo Opera fiat. Matinee i, Truman .News Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Cy Shannon Cy Shannon Chin -Up Chat " Chin-Up Chat Chin-Up Chat Chin-Up hat Spotlight Mushl Spotlight Musle Curtain Calls Curtain Calls Truman Crumpet! Crumpets Ullh Army Rand College Chnlr College Choir Orchestra Orchestra Sat. Matinee Concert (Sat. Matinee lel Allen IF. Hemingway Rob Warner IKostrlanets Cinnamon Bear'Koslelaneti KOAC 550 15, Especially for Women I 11:00, Mr. Pickwick; 11:1.1, Concert Hall! At, News; 12:1.1, Noon Farm Hour; 1, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:30, Voice of Army; 1:45, Melody Lane; X:0ft, Music of the Masters) 3:30, Science; 3:45, Spirit of Vlklngsi 4:00, KOAC Christmas Tarty. family of Silverton. Mrs. V. E. Pettit is president and Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr. is secretary for the Jaycettes. Around 100 members, hus bands and guests attended the country club house Saturday evening program, supper and dance as the annual get-together for the group. Fun gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Dave Demeter served as general chairman of plans. 'AlBHRlAklAl Solution of Yesterday's Puzzia 1. United t. Iroquoian Indian 4. Hindustan hlli dweller County In North Carolina Equality Player at children! parties Modest Tow n In Main Constellation Immerse Require Garment Italian seaport Held in reserve Pertaining to a part of tha eye Flowed back Artistic svmbol of the faith ful dead Varieties Back kitchen Mountains in Russia Partial paralysis Wild animal Hindu queen KiilitiP rcsA Blissful region; uniseed Sunken fence Kdce By w ay of Early English money Lately acquired Pronoun By Gene Ahem NO, I'M. SURE HE ISN'T I SHORTENED MY NAME FRCM SNORGEEGLEHOFGOWZER. TO SNORGEEGLE DO SOME 7 li ONE EH 7 TIPPED OFF ON THE AjtAMC. BAB E A S A E LAN WO A. P JW A YUT art a nIpBp a cBwe pfet L HAL? p BEa "sflo n 1 1 1 eJr eWe nTo w N lTHRAlpisEiR!E us JULXE BEINt, A WINDBAG-