If 12 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Friday, DeremW 23, 1919 f 949 Sports in Review ! V. f ... i. : . flits!. ;.. . f ,-r.- J " ft IM IIBlwV Dive to Death Rex Mays, one of the world's leading auto mobile drivers, hurtles to his death during the 100-mile auto race at Del Mar, Calif., Nov. 6. His car is whirling through the air throwing him onto the track where another car struck him. Victim Tragedy marred baseball season when Eddie Waitkus, Phillies' first baseman, was shot in Chicago by a girl who was ad judged insane. Leahy Lauds Shrine Bowls As Worthiest Grid Effort By FRANK LEAHY Of all the post-season games being played throughout the na tion none are more worthy of note than the charity all star games to he played on December 26th in Miami, Florida, and De cember 31 in San Francisco, Cali fornia. Bettor known to football fans everywhere as the North-South and East-We.Tt Shrine games, these games are played with the greatest humanitarian purpose in mind. Benefitting from the efforts of college football's star play ers are crippled children in the United States, Canada, and Hawaii. In 25 years the East West game has turned in over $1,250,000 to the crippled chil dren's hospital in San Fran cisco, with 15 other such hos pitals benefitting considerab- last two East-West games the y. "Most Valuable Player" trophy Although still in its infancy, has been awarded to a Notre the North-South game in Miami Dame man. We know that the will be striving to make their three mentioned lads will do all total reach SIOO.OOO with this in their power to emulate the Webfoots' Mighty Midgets Start Mid-West Hoop Tour the fourth year of operation. Both contests will be doubly interesting to us, as in addition to the wonderful cause for which they are being conducted, the University of Notre Dame will be represented in both games. San Franciscans will have the opportunity to watch our 1949 co-captains, Leon Hart and Jim Martin, who along with left halfback Frank Span iel will perform for Coaches Bernie Bierman, Andy Kerr, and Tuss McLaughry on the East team. These men have a glorious tradition to live up to as in the ! ' . " --r,-,s ; -, ! - ! Yankees Lose Lead ?. disputed plav in Yankees-Red Sox game of Sept. 2fi in New York Is shown by sequence camera. Left, Johnny Pesky starts slide as Ralph Houk, Yankee catcher, takes throw from first baseman Tommy Henrich who fielded Bobby Doerr's squeeze bunt. Right, Bill Grieve calls Pesky safe with the run that beat the Yankees, 7 to 6 and knocked them nut of the lead for the first time. Al Zarilla (No. 2, right) is next batter. Yanks beat Red Sox in final game to win pennant, then beat Brooklyn In World Series, four to one. ki a u I. ri ! Yathlsmen Take Blow SK""S.,n;i? Island race on Lake Michigan was sailed through a July squall that forced crew of the Rubaiyat to cut a spinnaker guy line to keep from capsizing. SCORES in the ALLEYS Improved Capitol Alleys LADIES CITY I.EAOLF Arklin'B Bootery ll Wilder 3Bf. Whit- taker 314, Vittone 311, Archer S32. Wll lard Art Tile 2) Cibb 43P. Lawleu 416. Wamwrieht 334, willard 44. Hellenes (1 Dawson 397, Boyd 382. Put man 442. Qulenberry'i Bennett 395. Evans 368. McDameU 457, Black 389, Kennedy 471. Capital City Laundry (0 Bain 7h. DoerfHer 371. Bom 371. Hillman 452. Baye5 412. Golden rheasant 3- Clark Schmidt 43?. Mueliiavipt 466, Laird Garbarinn 476. Uphnard Cafe t2i Thomp.son 43S. Up- 5ton 36(1. Pea.e 337. Glodt 379. Bovce 433. Good Hnusekeepinir Olney 367. Al- brich 461, Lindsay 387, Jowx 460, Pm- aeni ;ih. Y. M. C. A. M Rchue.vler 392. Schwab 338, Mackev 358. Senatnr's Beauty Shop (2- Chne 3S9. Scott 293. McCIam 336. Adotph 537, Hiah team .tene: Ont.enberrv'j, 320(1. Htah Individual aerie; Mane Archer, 533. Hitth Individual same: Rita Adolph, 218. (CmpltU Reaulta) Carv Middle coff. li. S. Open champion, called liv the PGA the "most improved goller'' of lt)4!, "guides" hall into the cun in Detroit toumamrnt- Pep Regains Title r IVillie Pep (rlRlit) drives a hard rUht to Sandy Saddler's mouth in the 13th round of their February U fishl In New York in which Pep regained the world featherweight championship he lost to Saddler the year before. Hogan Confident He'll Return to Pro Golfing Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 23 (Pi Wee Ben Hogan Is pretty confident he will return some day to the professional golf tournament circuit. But the great linksman, whose glittering career was halted almost a year ago In a bus-automobile crash, said today he didn't think he ever would be able to play In a tournament that had 36 holes In a single day. "I don't think I'll ever he able lo go two rounds In one day In tournament competi tion," salr Ben as he relaxed at Colonial Country club here. "But there aren't many tour naments that have 36 holes In one day anyway." Hogan was pleased that he now Is able to play nine to eighteen holes a day. He did his first lR-hnle rounds De cember 10 and 11 but traveled the course in a scooter. He registered 71 anil 72 over the tough par 70 Colonial course. Tuesday he walked around 18 holes and again shot under 80. "1 get awfully tired and sometimes my legs swell on me," he said. "But, you know" and he grinned at this "I have to get my weight down." Eugene's Juvenile Law to Be Tested Eufione, Dec. 23 T KuRcnr's ordinance holding parents re.' sponsible for their children's law violations will be tested municipal court January 4. The case will bring into court K. J. Stover, whose 17-year-old on ran afoul of police. Police Chief Keith Jones said the boy has a juvenile court record ex tending over a five-year period. University Alleys COMMERCIAL I.EAOI'E NO. 1 V. F. W. i3 White 470. 'Miller 42fl. Parke. 3S1, VaUenu 3J?9. Wodrewoda 410. Interstate Traelor Co. 1 MnrrL 441. Rob.oson 418, Burtner 348, Tanquery 436, P'arl 476. Ralph .Inhnon Apr I. ( 2 'Frank 439, R BiMl iid. Pekar 437, Mohlman 425. A. Bell 422. lit National Bank (3i DriBUS 426. Kottke 413. Marshall 437, Marr 345. Morris SIS. Western Taper Co. '21- -Gariach 412, Andfr.tnn 442. J. Knebler 43fl. Luke 42S, L. Kuebler 446. Eacle l2 - Peterson Sfi4. Rr;d 371, Ritzman 427, Pero 501, Zfller 557. JiiiHnn rtumhln (P Amove 437, Bron nn 401. BeaU 43D, Little 3H4. JudJOn 432. Over A Snn In. (3i Schradher 4(54. Cherrmeton 48S, Brought 496, Plant! 477, Perman 523. Pumlllte i U Duncan 4DR. Bolser 407, Sheridan 327. Kelley 330. Lind 433. Cuh lr 1'nlnn Service (3 Pea.se 4"i3. Farley 323. Stone 439. Scott 448. Comstock 659. Hlzti individual same: Kelley, 228. H'nh individual series: Kelley. SB9. Htch team name: Dyer A: Sorui Ins.: 978 HUh team series: Dyer A; Sons Ins.: 2765. COMMKRCI.M. LEAfil'E NO. 1 Mnmvfr Chevron Slnllnn (3 Momyer 4H2. Odermatt 41S, Covert 407. L. Miller 434. W. Miller 44(1. Van'i Parkinr Station It Vleck 448. Barnes 419. Roaers 438, Keenan 49B. McDnnWs 518. Farland 273, Meyer 421, StepaneSt 413. Shrork Motors (0 White 271, Mc Wser 412. Zeeh'i t'ird Can 4 Delk 417, B. Carr 496, J. Zeeb 394, Peterson 501. McDonald Candy (2) Baxter 444, Bry ant 417. Nickols 397. Gemmell 392, Scott 503. Knights of Pythias 2i Decatur 434. Judson 490. Schiedel 429. El wood 460. Maerz 161, Tschida 273. K. O. C. O. 0 McElroy 458. Com- stock 492. Lewis 429. Thede 366. Ran som 359. Smith Auto Part i Clark 396, Edmint.ster 414. Schuetz 520. Lemon 480. Lee 468. Hiah individual name: B Carr 2(15. H;sh Individual series: McDaniels, 518, High team series: Smith Auto Parts, 2926, Duckpin Bowling COMMERCIAL Quality l'ed Cars C BUI Campbell 4H8. Mnse van Dell 404. EAC.l'E Royal Pawley I. B. Snelarove Emil Scholz 371 449, 436. Tweedie Oil il Carl Flood 433. Johnny Cooler 356. Harry Scharf 324, Ira Short 406. Emery Alderman 442. G. M. C. Truck Co. 3) Darwin Sermon 403. Milt Thomas 397. Joe Brooks 397, Charles Javne 300. John FulJenwtder 380. C1eann' Bakery (It Bill Moad 390. Har old Bonner 446, Marlon Gleason 356, Art Woelk 341. Ken Maguren 324. Cummlnt's Heaiinit Mi Les Dolie 452, Lester Woods 354, Eddie Goertzen 370, Dave Spa din a 496. Bve 429. Marlon Elec tric '3 1 Al Hakan.ton 455, Arlo Yoiina 407, Bob Griffith 309, Don Bower 365, John Wood 331. Willamette Amusement (4) Clarence Apn!eate 449. Roy Robinson 396. Wilfred Wilier 3fiB. Howard Mills 430. Bve 398. Willamette Valley Rank (0 Carrol Meeks 405. Keith Kave 369, Bill Baker 288, Car nel Waldlmt 368. Al Flicker 322. Hlnh team series: Quality, 2148, High team same: Tweedle. 7B7. Huh Individual series and same: Dave Spalding (Cummtne'.o 496 and 197. efforts of John Lujack and John Panelli as they display their abilities in Kesar stadium. Six Notre Dame seniors will be playing for Coach Herman Hickman's North team in Miami as they take the field against Andy Gustafson s Southern rep resentatives. Bill W i g h t k 1 n, Ralph McGehee, Bob Lally, W al ter Grothaus, Larry Coutre, and Mike Swistowicz will be our representatives in that game I am certain that such cap able men will be of assistance to Coach Hickman in a game that should produce one of the outstanding passing duels of modern football history, as the two teams have four of the years's leading forward passers. Throwing for the South will be Adrian Burke of Baylor, who completed more passes than any other college passer in 1949, and Jim Powers of Southern Califor nia whose completion percentage of 58.6 was the highest of any passer attempting more than 140 forward passes. Northern aerialists will be Eddie Songin of Boston College, who completed more passes per game than any other collegiate passer, and Steve Romanik of Villanova whose completed pass percentage of 20 yards per pass was tops in the nation. Such high class talent certainlv assures Floridians of a fine football game for a most worthy cause. Next week s columns will pre sent us with the opportunity to look more closely at the contes tants on the East-West game, but inasmuch as Monday is kickoff time for the North-South the pleasant task of picking the out come is upon us. The fact that Coach Hickman will be able to field a line averaging 229 pounds combines with our natural pre judice in favor of our own play ers to cause us to pick the North to edge out Coach Gustafson's team. Eugene, Dec. 23 Coach John Warren's "mighty midgets' en train from Eugene this week end for a three-game road trip Into the midwest bent on im proving their won and lost rec ord. The Ducks split a series with Stanford, winning 58 to 51 after dropping a 70 to 67 thriller in the last two minutes and now face the strong Loyola of Chica go club on December 27 and move on to Iowa City for a game with the Hawkeyes of Iowa on December 28. The third game will also be with Iowa, but the teams will move to Madison, Wise, for the game, half of a double-header which also fea tures Notre Dame and Wiscon sin. Warren expressed pleasure with the steady improvement of the Webfoots in the last Emperor Writes Poetry for Free Tokyo. Dec. 23 (IP) Emperor Hirohito still Is tossing off poems, but he won't take money for them. Recently he sent seven poems to Kaizo. a popular magazine. It was the first time in history an emperor did anything like that. Kaizo's editors were over whelmed. They offered the em peror 10,000 yen (about $30) for his contributions. The emperor's household offi cials said "No." They'd take five copies of the magazine instead. The emperor would distribute them to members of his family. One Kaizo editor said the im perial bookkeeper didn't want to bother with the red tape re ceipts, book entries, tax state ments, etc. that would ensue. The editors say such talent should not go unrewarded. They are thinking of sending the em peror 10.000-yen worth of fruit. two weeks. The Ducks have now won half of their lat four games and looked consid erably better even in the two which were lost. The Ducks owe their great ral ly in the Stanford opener and a large part of the second game victory to some great shooting on the part of the four rabbit fast guards. Mel Krause ac counted for 26 points in the two games and he was closely fol lowed by Bob Lavey with 23, Jack Keller with 19 and Ken Hunt picked up 10 to run the total for the backcourt men to 70 for the two games. TRAMWAYS CALIFORNIA and WASHINGTON THROUGH BUS NO CHANGE 520 North High St., Phone 3-3815 ?dut: Get a Low Cost I Punchboards to Face Court Test Portland, Dec. 23 UP) The last remaining legal punchboards in Portland face a court test to day. The city filed a circuit court case to determine the legality of question - and - answer boards. Other kinds previously were ruled illegal. ' ' City Attorney Alexander G. Brown said he hoped to gain a decision that would make clear "the degree of chance which constitutes a lottery." The question and answer board has been in doubtful sta tus because each punch presents a question and a number. If the customer answers the question within 20 seconds, he wins a prize. The number determines the prize he gets. A trial date has not been set. Your Local DODGE Dealer Hai a Good Deal for YOU STAN BAKER MOTORS High and Chemeketa LET. PIONEER TRUST HELP YOU! Yes ... at Pioneer Trust you can always, feel free to talk about your home financing problems! Whe ther you are building your home on the 'cheaper-than-rent' FHA Mortgage Loan plan or refinancing your present mortgage. So why not let Pioneer Trust help YOU . . . today! FHA Mill 4g Pioneer Trust Co. Incorporated under the Ore son Stftte Banking Laws Stale at Commercial DANCE CHRISTMAS EVE CRYSTAL GARDENS 2 Floors Old Time & Modern About 90 per cent of its as bestos is imported from Canada by the United States. Tnn members of Oklahoma's starting eleven during 1949 were natives of Oklahoma. Everyone Knows Only Caterized Oil Leavei NO CARBON! SOOT! 35622 or 35606 Sftltm'l Eitlitt Cftltrlitd OH Dlr Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway THERE'S 10 FREE FOR EVERY 50 AT 5lj f r m I C LO THE S f For Christmas Cash Come To General Finance Corp. Salem's Oldest and Largest Home-Owned Small Loan Company FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS LISTEN December 25th to KSLM 6 to 7. p.m. YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKING STARRING Dick Hoymes, M. C, Ruis Morgan, David Rose and many athen General Finance Corp. (First Door South of Ladd Si Bush Bank) 136 S. Commercial Street Dial 3-9161 Our After Christmas' j Sale Begins FRIDAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS Many Items Reduced 15-25 Take Advantage of Sale Prices for Gift Shopping MOORE'S Bicycle & Sport Shop 237 N. High Street OPEN FRIDAY EVENING No Doubt We'll See Yuh! Crowd upon crowd goes there . . , I H Stale at Commercial S r f QQBGOflO CEH9 QDODCMl to m STRAIGHT BOURBON ml , WHISKEY NEW BUFFET 65 DINNER fjBL Where you get SI l 3 CULTJau All L&JiCaJ: JmPIIkv use. for,usf yy(, UW (jffljfl (Including fresh 'n hot soup arf',J,2OT and choice of entree ond ' fitf V. frt i dessert) 10 liJUOH ! Don't forget to ask at j 5? tl Mte .1 HI jUffk u-jr 75 tbs rstsin s i tub tu SyL-SHIiBB' 3 TO in gont Ksnuiii o). ; J pt uwiuaitit in. About the gift SILEX Coffee Warmer Open from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Each Day But Sunday Downtown on State Street 9MOlMlMia