McKay Studies Conservation A campaign lo conserve Ore gon's natural resources can suc ec4i if "le heads of various departments involved concen trate and co-operate in their cf- j forts, Gov. Douglas McKay told j a joint meeting of his advisory j committee on conservation and the legislative interim commit- I tee on natural resources here Wednesday. Gov. McKay said that the re sources conservation problem in Oregon is one of the most im portant. He indicated he would favor a permanent conservation department. It would take legis lative act to create such a de partment. The governor suggested that personnel of this department probably would include several state department officials and others interested in conserva tion problems. State Sen. Jack Lynch of Portland, chairman of the inter im group, said he was interested In getting the reaction of the governor's advisory group be fore his committee proceeds. pepartment officials at the meeting said they did not have enough information yet to make definite recommendations. They disclosed that they are consult ing with other states to get con iervation data. State Forester George Spaur said lniormaiion ne nas gamerea so far indicates that conserva tion groups in some states have operated with great success. However, as far as his depart ment is concerned, he said that forestry problems in Oregon are much different from those in eastern states. Among other problems dis cussed at today's meeting were stream pollution, agriculture, education, recreation, hydroelec tric, mineral activities and the work of the Willamette River Basin commission. department. "Trio" by the girls. Benediction. "Joy to the World" by congregation. The mornini' services will start at 11 o'clock and Rev. Parrish will bring the message which will be "The True Meaning of Christmas." British New Guinea has about 97 acres for every inhabitant. Tax Exemption Urged by CIO Washinetnn. Dee. 22 UP) The CIO urged congress today to give a $3,uuu income tax exemp tion to married couples plus a $600 exemption for each depen dent. The proposal came from Hy man Bookbinder, economist for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America speaking for the CIO. Bookbinder told a senate eco nomic committee the CIO also recommends raising the exemp tion to $1,500 for single persons. The present exemption is $600 for each member of a family. He argued that revenue losses to the government because of the increased exemption rate should be made up in higher corporate taxes or higher taxes in the upper brackets. Bookbinder also urged: 1. Immediate action by con gress to raise the minimum wage level from 75 cents an hour to $1 an hour. 2. Repeal of the Taft-Hartley act. 3. Enactment of a fair em ployment practices act design ed to end job discrimination Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Dec. 22, 19499 against negroes and other mi nority groups. Only three states are repre sented on the 1949-50 Univer sity of Arizona 21-man basket ball squad Arizona, California and North Dakota. Church at Liberty Offering Program Liberty, Dec. 22 The Liberty Church of Christ Sunday school will hold its Christmas program on December 25, at the church on Skyline road at 10 a.m. dur ing the Bible school hour. On the program will be "O Come All Ye Faithful" by the congregation. "Welcome" by Cheryl Lee Kurth, "Songs" by group of beginners, primaries and juniors. "Recitation" by one year primaries. "Christmas Letter Exercise,' by second and third year primary group. "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," Vong by the intermediate class. ""Talk" by Rev. Ellcry Parrish. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" by congregation, playlet, "Christmas Eve," by the junior II How to Make Your Wife a DESSERT EXPERT- Ttll Her About (?cdcU-U)ip TO GLORIFY EVERY DESSERT! Ttll root wife the easy, effort- r estdesMruUwhh economical Raddl-wlp. If made with pare, rich amm it whips Itself at the touch of fiagtf. Detscrti look better, tut better with Reddi wip, There'f no waste, no work, no bowl or beater to washl Start doc Reddl-wip today I mi Till DIMM II II It II "IT HIPS ;seven; STAR All Safeway Stores in Sa lem are now open Friday evenings until 8 P.M. Safeway Store in Hollywood and 1420 State St. open every week day evening until 8 P.M. Shop leisurely in the eve nings avoid the rush of daytime crowds. ' Don't Forget Mr. Wright's Special Bread for Stuffing! . 14c.:iM9c FRUIT COCKTAIL 29e Noby3m 19 Hostess No. 2V2 Delight Can Glace Fruits Fancy Corn LMsft. Niblets Corn S Libby's Pumpkin Ritz Crackers Crackers Cheese Food Sunnybank Margarine JiS: 25c Lib. pkg. Lib. Jar 39C N.a3B3 15C ,2.V 17c No..3:j 10c 29c Tea Timor Fireside IE 29c 69c Fancy Canned Peas 2 can 25c Del Monte r No. 303 can Sugar Belle Cranberry Sauce 2cans29c Ocean Spray Your Choice Jellied or Whole Berries Mince Meat Aden's ts- 35c for Delicious Mince Meat Pies That Can't Be Beat Jell-Well Gelatins i 5c Six Flavors to Choose From. Buy Several Packs! Canned Pumpkin 2 15c No. 2V2 Cans, Moonbeam Brand. For Beautiful Golden Pies! MIXED NUTS A large variety of Nuts you like. 1 -lb. pkg. 29' 1-lb. 1Crt ri 1. j r Dieauieu lYHisiiiSBUdt. Pk9. Dromedary Dates PitUd pkg. 19c Cake Flour Pk. 35c Cinch Cake Mix pka, 39c Nestle's Morsels Stmt Swt pkg. pkg. -oi. 1 1C. Milk Chocolate V0" Lib. 39c Kitchen Craft IS 93c 2Mb. M OO tack Flour KitchenCraftFlour '..$3.89 Gffs for the Smoker! Cherub Milk Ev.p.. tall 10c Whipping Cream fM 54c Fresh Milk NobHiUWhcXBr t A IviTTrtTT Whole Bean 2-lb. Airway coff.. bag Edwards Coffee 2 Quart 19k $1.23 $1.17 $1.33 CHRISTMAS CANDY CHOCOLATE DROPS GUM DROPS JELLY BEANS ORANGE SLICES HARD MIX P 0 U N D Famous Cigarettes, etn 1.45 Print 1-lb. Albert can 89' EGGS I Butter A Large 39 C 'ox' AA Large 41 C 'oz' A. Medium 37c do. Meadow Wood Grade O a- ib. 69c WW Ready to Stuff and Roast! FRESH-PRODUCE VALUES! Sweet Seedess NAVEL ORANGES! nC Ha,f7i9 F" a9 WV Crate' Crafs When you buy a Safeway Christmas Turkey you pay only for the part that will roast just right Price is based on the oven-ready weight. Grade A Hens I Grade A Toms lb. 65c hb. 55 Crisp Celery lb. 8c Sweet Potatoes 2. b 25c Southern Yams 2,b23c Cranberries H 15c Squash, S'iKa lb, 5c RED DELICIOUS APPLES Pack Half Box 1.69 , 912C DATES, 3-lb bag 75e GRAPEFRUIT, 8-lb. bag .... 49 GRAPES, Red Emperors, 2 lbs 27 D'ANJOU PEARS, Ib 9 AVOCADOS, Ib. 49 BROCCOLI, lb. ..13 CAULIFLOWER, Ib 14 CELERY HEARTS, Ib !12 LETTUCE, Ib 15 POTATOES, U.S. No. 1, 10 lbs 49 Brussell Sprouts, 9 oz. cello bag ....19' RIPE TOMATOES, 14-oz. tube 25' I Other "Pan-Ready Features! Fancy Fryers Ib. 69c Roasters Ready to stuff Ib. 69c DUCkS Ready to stuff Rabbits Ib. 69 ForFryJng Ib. 69c Fricassee Fowl per Ib. 65c Skinned HAMS Famous brands HALF OR WHOLE ib. 49s Fin for your Drtuing Country iryl Fresh Oysters Pure Pork Sausage Pure Ground Beef Nic 'n Ittn Skinless Wieners Specially prlctd Assorted Luncheon Meats per Ib. 49c f Buy T CHRISTMAS SEALS 09 039 0033 0? OB CP ffi-)) V) ftVfl; Pint 59- HtZzFl lb.29' Sfeoj Prices In this ad are etefctive through Saturday, Dee. 24. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers.