i i 8 Capital Jonrnal, Salem, Oregon, Thnrsday, Dec. 22, 1949 What Have Been Prize Quotes Out of Hollywood This Year? By BOB THOMAS Hollywood, Dec. 22 Vf) What year In Hollywood? MvhP some of these won't hut fhpv seemed out of the ordinary lo me. Here are some of the bright, pointed or inane sayings 1949 news: Robert Mitchum, commenting on his sentence at the county de tention farm: "It's an experience every taxpayer should go through." Laurence Olivier, after win ning the academy award: "I al ways did say Shakespeare was a good script writer. Artnr Paul Valentine, di vorcing strip teaser Lili St. Cyr; "Everybody in the country could see more of her than did." ' Fred Allen on the FCC ban on giveaway air shows: "They have taken radio back from the scav engers and given it back to the entertainers." Milton Berle, answering an at tack on him by Allen: "Allen still has the first penny ever thrown at him." James Mason: "Hollywood Is filled with frustrations, but not uninhabitable." Claudette Colbert, disapprov ing French bathing suits: "Of the many features of a woman's anatomy, one of the least attrac tive is the navel." Mae West: "I'm still looking for the right man. My trouble is I find so many right ones it' hard to decide." Clifton Webb: "There's no use pretending I'm a modest fellow . , . some day I shall write a song called 'I Fascinate Me'.' David Niven, on the end of his Goldwyn contract: "For the first time since I was 17 years old. I am able to do what I want. Dur ing ail that time, I either was in the British army or under con tract to Goldwyn." Bette Davis: "Hollywood tries tq combine entertainment for both kids and adults in the same picture. The result is a movie which isn't suitable for either.' Shelley Winters, after return ing from a blustery location: " was so cold I almost got mar ried." Description of the "shimmv" in Gilda Gray's suit against the picture "Gilda": "A rhythmical shivering and shaking of parts or tne Dody, synchronized and performed in a personalized syn copated musical rhythm and ac companied with appropriate songs." Linda Darnell, decrying the "Doyish look" in fashions: "Why can't women look like women and men look like men. That's what makes life more interest ing." Jimmy Durante, telling about rubbing elbows with socialites at the opera opening: "I had to rub elbows nobody would shake hands with me." Bob Thomas, to his readers: "Merry Christmas and a happy New Year." ... From 1938 through 1944, Dartmouth won the Ivy league basketball championship every season. Quality MEATS 170 North Commercial We Are Wishing Every One a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year HOLIDAY SPECIAL Steem Higrade Maple Kisl PURE PORK LITTLE PIG LINK SAUSAGE GRADE A Men Turkeys We Have a Large Asortment of Capons, Hens, Bakers, Fryers Ducks, Geese and Rabbits are the deathless quotes of the live into the second half-century, that I have collected from the Baby Rapist Faces Death Fresno, Calif., Dec. 22 () Paul Montes Gutierrez, 25-year-old cotton picker, was convicted yesterday of first degree mur der in the rape slaying of 17- months-old Josephine Yanez. The verdict of Superior Judge Arthur C. Shepard, who heard the case without a Jury, was without recommendation, mak ing death penalty automatic. Judge Shepard also ruled that Gutierrez was sane. Peace officers called the No vember 20 murder "the most vicious murder ever committed in Fresno county." Gutierrez admitted taking the child from her parents' car, but said he remembered nothing after falling with her. Josephine, daughter of ranch worker Joe Yanez, 29, and his wife, Teya, 22, disappeared in brief Interval when neither parent was in the car. Small Cabin Burns; 15-Monlhs Baby Dies Wapato, Wash., Dec. 22 ff) A 15-month-old child burned to death and three others, the old est about 5, were carried to safety by neighbors last night when fire broke out in a two- room west side cabin. The rescuers had to batter down a door to the cabin to gain entrance. The dead infant was Jimmy Ventura, son of Mrs. Elsie Ven tura. His brother Donald, 2 'A and Johnny Dandara, 1, son of Mrs. Lucy Dandara, were ill from breathing smoke. A fourth child, about 5 but unidentified by name, was not injured. The children were alone in the cabin when the fire broke out. Cause of the blaze was un known. Tony Lavelli's 40 points against Princeton on Feb. 5, 1949, stands as an Ivy league basketball scoring record. PEERLESS MARKET r "At City Bus Stop Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Half 1 """ iV i r 'V At Army Schools Capt. Andrew J. Brown, on leave from the publication section of the Oregon adjutant gen eral's office who this month completed a course at the in fantry school at Fort Benning, Ga., and January 11 starts an other course at the adjutant general's school at Camp Lee, Va. (U.S. army photo.) Man, 106, Wants lo Live 26 Days to Be 107 Oregon City, Dec. 22 VP)- Mike Thralls wants to live at least 26 more days so he can celebrate his 107th birthday. The Civil War veteran moved here a few days ago from Nam- pa, Idaho, to make his home with a grandson. He thinks he'll live until January 18 for the anniversary. "I'm 106 years old and feel ing fine," he declared yesterday when interviewed by a reporter. He was talkative and glad to re count his war experiences as a member of the Indiana infantry and a convalescent from a wound in the second battle of Nashville in 1864. But he wasn't anxious to have his photograph taken for a re publican newspaper. "I'm democrat and I'm not ashamed of it," he declared. WWtf j "YOU'LL NEVER BUT , W -) a BETTER 3REA9 n 4fe II .HT 1 .-.a-'X' . L J 1 T ,1,1 'H ', . I innn e i t r- 1 4 W lb. I Jl ' - rr v -SxJ , f, While B n PfWiTiiiiiiinT,'iT 1m TTil'irnr ""I' ftmm mmmmMtrinmmmmmYmnn .1,. i"ir . - dwuuaaa Last m U lf It's been true over 40 years ... it's true today . 7? t I mAX. i It will be true in the future. YOU'LL NEVER BUY fo, Jt&?l$P Four Corners Family Home Burned With All Contents Four Corners, Dec. 22 Four Corners volunteer firemen re sponded to a fire call on Wednesday that gutted an upstairs apartment at 537 S. Lancaster drive. The fire apparently caught from an overheated wood stove. Mr. and Mrs. John Turrentine, Jr., and their seven months old son had just moved into the apartment owned by Mrs. Clyde LaFollett on Saturday. Practically everything in the apartment was either burned or so badly water damaged as to be useless. Mr. and Mrs. John Turrentine, Sr., occupy the downstairs apartment. Their furnishings were badly water damaged. There was no insurance on the furnishings but the building was fully covered. Damage to the building was estimated at $1200, on the furnishings in both apart ments at several hundred dol lars. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller and daughters Audrey and Lo lita left Tuesday by car for Fort Lewis, Wash., to attend the fu neral of Mr. Miller s brother- in-law, MSgt. Robert Hooker. Mrs. Robert Burns, 4355 Dur bin Ave., has returned home from the Salem General hos pital where she underwent surg ery several days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith recognized the birthday anni versary of their daughter, Mrs. Violet Rundhaug, on Monday evening when they were hosts to a group of young people. Re cordings of Christmas carols made by the Smith family, Dale Hagedorn and David Looney were played during the evening. Coming to extend congratula tions to Mrs. Rundhaug were Miss Sharon Ostram, Miss Nel lie Roberts, Miss Louise McMil len, Miss Charlotte Smith, Miss Donna Hagedorn, Miss Mary tt ' ljiin fill ' in frvTiiM ; V;, " v4 '-- fi ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical i" " tefl m tf improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ (fei' m 1' the good fresh bread it is. .' K5sj Camenzind, Don Corkrum, La Verne Zert, Dale Hagedorn, Fred L. Trumbly, David Looney, George Mattson, John Camen zind, Everett Smith, Jr., Dennis and Duane Smith. Brownie troop 107 held their Christmas party after school. There were 21 girls present. Fol lowing the social hour and gift exchange Faye Futrell and Jan ice Phillips were hostesses for the day. Mrs. Francis Miller, co- leader, and Mrs. Harold Snook, who substituted for Mrs. Robert Burns, conducted the meeting. Oregon Car Bears Japanese License Dallas, Dec. 22 A long way from home was the license on an auto seen on Dallas down town streets Tuesday. It read, FOR Insured Sayings SEE c:t I 1191 Federal Savings First Current Dividend 2Vi 1 st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty "Japan Occupation 1949 2-A-2407." The plates were fastened to the front of a large sedan, but Oregon sticker was displayed on the windshield. But the owner of the plates was not a long way from home in fact, he was back home. He is MSgt. Reuben Voth who re turned in late November from a tour of duty in the Orient. Sgt. Voth and his wife will leave by auto January 9 to take the southern route and visit rela tives and friends en route to Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. He will report to the signal corps school there on January 30. Parochial Program Silverfon Tonight Silverton St. Paul's Cath olic school play and program is announced by Father John J. Walsh to be at 8 o'clock this evening at the parish hall with guests to donate a food shower for the Sisters of the school. The parochial school will FRI. & SAT. Leather or Rubber Half Soles and Rubber Heels 129 Pair MEN OR LADIES Miller' DOWNSTAIRS close Thursday afternoon to re open for class work Tuesday, January 3. Specially announced services for Sunday, Christmas day are 6:15 a.m., carolling by the chil dren's choir followed by 6:30 o'clock morning mass, the chil dren singing the hymns. Regular low mass at 8 o'clock Sunday morning. High mass at 9:30 a.m., the "Missa Cantata given by Senior Schola. Seven teams Yale, Colum bia, Penn, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth and Harvard com For Christmas Cash Come To General Finance Corp. Salem's Oldest and Largest Home-Owned Small Loan Company FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS LISTEN December 25th to KSLM 6 to 7. p.m. YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKING STARRING Dick Haymes, M. C, Rutt Morgan, David Rose and many others General Finance Corp. (First Door South of Ladd & Bush Bank) 136 S. Commercial Street Dial 3-9161 pete in the eastern intercollegi ate basketball league. 'Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES REPAIRS SERVICE RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial A left Ulavara ALL WORK FULLS V GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239