Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 22, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Christmas Setting Arranged
For High-King Wedding
Miss Jean Elizabeth King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harvey
M. King, was wed to John Nathan High, son ol Mr. and Mrs.
Finley High of Spray, Ore., at a service solemnized at 8 o'clock
last evening In the First Methodist church, the Rev. Brooks Moore
Christmas greens, white chrys
themums and candles deco
jfeted the church for the service.
Lighting the tapers were Miss
Aleene Craycroft and Miss VI
ona Haugen, the latter of Cor
vallis, wearing pink and blue
Preceding the ceremony, Phil
lip Hamp sang and playing the
accompaniments and wedding
marches was Miss Edna Marie
Wears White Satin
The bride, given In marriage
Christmas Party
For OES Chapter
Chadwick chapter, No. 37,
Order of the Eastern Star, held
its annual Christmas party, with
exchange of gifts, Tuesday eve
ning. A large Christmas tree and
baskets of holly decorated the
chapter rooms. Herman Johnston
was escorted and honored in the
east. He recently was given the
33rd honorary degree in Knight
Commandery, court of honor and
spoke for the good of the order.
Mrs. Norman Kenney became
a member by affiliation. Christ
mas carols were sung, a solo was
siven by Mrs. Ivan Stewart and
Special Christmas music by a
'ladies quartet were enjoyed.
A special degree, carrying out
the 49 er theme, was given the
retiring worthy matron and wor
thy patron, Mrs. D. M. Eby and
Jason Frizzell, and gifts present
ed them by Mrs. William Lewis,
newly-elected worthy matron,
Gail H. Jones, newly-elected
worthy patron and courtesy
group. Mrs. Fred Rawlins sang
a solo. Mrs. Eby and Mr. Friz
zell thanked all the officers and
committee members of the past
year for their help and cooper
Public installation of new of
ficers will be held Thursday
evening, December 29, at 8:00
o clock in the Masonic temple.
Refreshments were served in
the dining room. The tables
were beautiful with greens, hol
ly lighted red candles and large
. red poinsettias. Individual pla
ces were marked with a small
lighted candle. The committee in
charge included: Mr. and Mrs.
H. R. Robinson, chairmen; Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Gaska, Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Jackman, Mrs. Thel
ma Christphier, Mrs. Emmett
Kleinke, Mr. and Mrs. Michel
son, Mrs. Jane Watklns, Mr. and
Mrs. David Cameron, Miss Bet
ty Robinson.
ARRIVING Friday from Se
i attle will be Miss Edna Sterling
,to spend the Christmas holidays
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul B. Wallace.
North Santiam Unit
Has Christmas Party
North Santiam Mrs. Louis
Scofield was hostess and Mrs.
Edwin Ruby co-hostess for the
North Santiam Extension Unit's
annual Christmas party at the
Scofield home.
A covered dish dinner was
served at 6:30 o'clock, followed
by games. Prizes were won by
Mrs. Carl Bethell, Mrs. Everett
Kaiser, and Mrs. Edwin Ruby.
A gift exchange and social
hour with group singing of
Christmas carols completed the
evening. -
Present were five guests, Mrs.
Ethel Archibald, Mrs. Robert
Nelson, Mrs. Ray Morgan, Mrs
Carl Vaughn, and Mrs. Peggy
'Fletcher and 23 members.
by her father, wore a gown of
white slipper satin fashioned
with sweetheart neckline, leg
o mutton sleeves, a shirred bod
ice and long train. The finger
tip veil of white lace was ar
ranged from a coronet of seed
pearls. For her flowers, the
bride carried a bouquet of white
gardenias and pink rosebuds
with a shower of ribbons caught
with the pink rosebuds.
Miss Beverly Karsten, cousin
of the bride, was maid of honor.
Her gown was in peach taffeta
and she carried a bouquet of
white and pink carnations.
Misses Joyce Edgell and
Glenys Barge were the brides
maids, both wearing identical
gowns, Miss Edgell in orchid
and Miss Barge in aqua taffeta.
Both carried bouquets of white
and pink chrysanthemums.
Warren Reed High was best
man for his brother, and usher
ing were a group from Mr.
High's fraternity, Phi Kappa
Psi, including Robert Zeller,
William Sorenson, Donald Mace
and Richard Daggett.
To Live In Corvallis
Mrs. jung wore a copper:
crepe gown with brown acces
sories and corsage of white gar
denias for her daughter's wed
ding, and Mrs. High was in j
dark wine gown with matching
accessories and corsage of the
The reception was In the Car
rier room of the church. The
bride's table was set with pink
candles and the wedding cake
encircled with pink and white
mis. Aiirea LaBrancft, an
aunt of the bride, cut the cake,
assisted by Mrs. Edmond Tal
bot, a cousin from San Diego.
Mrs. Ralph King was at the
coffee urn and Mrs. Wilbur
Flood presided at the punch
bowl. Both are aunts of the
bride. Serving were Miss June
Treat of Corvallis, Miss Beverly
Main, Miss Diane Jenks and
Miss Joan Fitts. Miss Marijo
Ogle passed the guest book and
in charge of gifts were Miss
Norma Rigby and Miss Maxine
For going away the bride
wore a dark brown satin dress
with fuchsia coat and brown
The couple will be at home
in Corvallis, both attending
Oregon State college.
r t
y -i W
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Late November Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alley were
married November 26. The bride is the former Dorothy
Parton. (Jesten-Miller studio picture)
Hoags Honored on
Golden Wedding
Independence More than
150 friends signed the guest
book at the reception honoring
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoag on
their golden wedding anniver
sary in the parlors of the Meth
odist church, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag were mar
ried Dec. 20, 1899 at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
M. Calbreath, at Parker. Soon
after their marriage they moved
to Hoquiam, Wash., where Mr.
Hoag was a merchant until 1910.
They then returned to Oregon
and both taught school until
1929 when they left the class
room and moved to their fruit
farm near Monmouth. In 1945
they retired and moved to In
Both are still very active with
Mr. Hoag taking a leading part
in the work of the choir of the
Methodist church.
Many of the guests present,
as well as a number of those
who sent gifts of flowers, were
former pupils of the Hoags.
The honored couple greeted
the guests in a setting of 50
years ago. Furniture of the style
popular at the turn of the cen
tury was arranged about the
church parlors almost exactly
as it was in the room in which
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag were married.
The table was covered with a
white linen cloth and centered
with yellow chrysanthemums
and white tapers in crystal.
Mrs. Elmer Barnhart, Mrs. Ed
Moffit, Mrs. Sada Kelley, Mrs.
A. F. Elkins, Mrs. G. L. Russell
and Mrs. E. M. Ebbert, the latter
three of Monmouth, poured.
Taking care of the gifts was
Mrs. Garfield Byars while Mrs.
Charles Bullock was in charge
of the guest book. Serving were
Mrs. Amond Fulmer, Miss Lu-
cile Barnhart, and Miss Marcella
Others who assisted with the
reception were Mrs. Clark Irv
ing, Mrs. Harold Traylor, Mrs.
George DeForest, Mrs. Everett
Van Maanen, Mrs. Lynn Hunt
ley and Mrs. E. R. Grantham.
Mrs. Keene Visiting
Silverton Nrrw. C. W. Keene
is spending the holiday season
at the Spokane home of the
family of her daughter, the
Henry Glazes. Visiting their
mother, Mrs. Keene, for several
days this week have been Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Satchwell
(Frances Keene) of Gresham
who left later for Astoria to be
with a sister of Mrs. Satchwell,
the Mike Cosovics (Elizabeth
Keene). Also with Mrs. Keene
was Mrs. Peggy Scott of Port
land, formerly of Silverton, en
route to San Jose, Calif., to be
with her sister, Mrs. Gertrude
Smith, for the holidays.
Wedding in
Salem Church
Unionvale Miss Shirley
Agnes Todd daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John R. Todd of Unionvale,
and Thomas Allen Huffman, son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Huffman
of Dayton, exchanged their mar
riage vows Sunday, December
18 at 8 p.m., at the First Con
gregational church, Salem. The
Rev. C. F. W. Schulenburg of
St. John's Lutheran church of
McMinnville read the lines of
the double ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage
by her brother, Roger B. Todd
of Salem, wore a white slipper
satin gown with short train and
fingertip veil with sweetheart
crown. She carried three red
roses with white bouvardia.
Lighting the candles were Ml s.
Roger B. Todd, Salem, and Mrs.
Dale Pederson, McMinnville,
wearing identically modeled taf
feta yellow formals.
Miss Romona Oaks, maid of
honor, was in orchid taffeta, and
the bridesmaids, Miss Colleen
Coburn and Miss Patsy Huffman,
sister of the bridegroom, wore
green taffeta. All attendants
carried assorted colored chrysan
M. John Noble, Unionvale,
was best man. Ushers were
Richard Radcliff of Dayton
Duane Bartsch, Salem, James
Miller, Salem and Robert Muhs
of St. Helens.
Flower girls were Kathleen
and Susan Duzan of Portland,
nieces of the bride, in floor
length yellow formals.
The reception was held In
the church parlors.
Mrs. Charles Pajala baked
the cake and cut it. Mrs. O. B,
Crabtree of Newberg served it
Mrs. James Penland poured
Mrs. Ted Lawrence of McMinn
ville was at the punch bowl,
Miss Jeanne Westfall of Mc
Minnville had charge of the
guest book.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Todd chose a wine suit
with black accessories. The
mother of the bridegroom wore
a brown suit with green acces
The young couple left for a
trip in Canada.
Miss Millard
Recent Bride
Lebanon Miss Lois Mary
Millard, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. D, Millard of Vancouv-
Wash., was wed to Russell
Greer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Greer of Lebanon, at an early
evening ceremony at the As
sembly of God church on De
cember 17.
Rev. H. D. Robeson perform
ed the double ring service be
fore the altar arrangement of
yellow snapdragons and candles,
Mrs. LaVern Stagel was soloist,
accompanied by Mrs. Erhard
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride wore a white sat
in dress and carried an arm bou
quet of long stemmed white
Matron of honor was Mrs. El-
do Badten, and Mrs. Amos D.
Millard, Jr., was bridesmaid.
A reception was held in the
church parlors after the cere
After a wedding trip along
the coast of Oregon and Califor-
Lucky says-
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Dee. 22, 19497
ma, the couple will be at home
in Lebanon, at 560 West Grant
The bride is employed in the
offices of the Cascade Plywood
corporation and the bridegroom,
who served with the 11th Air
born division for 28 months, is
an employe of the Santiam
Lumber company.
Schilling Spices and Extracts
make Christmas Foods
what you want them to be
a real Holiday Joy!
Check your cupboard now to make sure you have fresh,
complete assortment on hand.There are 36 Schilling whole
and ground spices and 29 extracts, flavors and food colors.
I your
Distributed by
280 Bellevue Ph. 33608
tl&,...i-(llVt-l i J- ..,., ..V-.l
Ilevlon" Aquamarine s ox.
lotion in ChrUtma Garb msom.2.50
Put Christmas stars in her eyes with Revlon's Aqua
marine Lotion, soft as the touch of a cloud, scented beau
tifully. It's a love of a lotion, luxurious complexion treat
ment for hands and body. Smooths and soothes like no
other lotion on earth.
Capital Drug Store
State & Liberty "On the Corner"
One and Two Piece
Knit Dresses
Gift Certificate
Smart SU
115 N. Liberty St.
r77ie Mark of a Princely Host
Bom in
die Elegant Eighties
still die mark
of a Princely Host
"The Rinccfy Whiskey
Priiccly host kivt
proidly served tM
excellent vkiikey
titcc 1882.
$025 I960
nm Hot.
vtc; cot
Decorate the fireplace,
cheer-up the room with
theie Christmas - bright
plants, gift poinsettias at
' griat savings. Each plant
gaily bedecked with color
ful Christmas decoration.
A Large Selection of
Blooming Plants
136 N. Commercial
Open 'Til 9 p.m. Friday
THE BARGAINS HERE. You can save money and be sura of belt quality too Large variety . . . Friendly Service
. . . Shopping 10 easy you can rest up in the time you lava by visiting our ladies' lounge or fountain-lunch counter.
SWIFT'S HAMSH.ii. whoi. AQr COFFEE f-. k 59c
Ladd's gift-price to you lb. V Limit 2 lbs. at this gift price ID.
GROUND BEEF 7 39c CHEESE o-. 2 ? 69c
Limit 2 lbs. This is not Just hamburger" lb. A creamy cheese of many uses box
Chuck Cuts Good & Tender lb. V Gift-priced to save you money ... . lbs.
Lean Shoulder, pre-trimmed lb. At M 0 just in time for holiday baking quarts
FRYERS Mr CIGARETTES UmltaneCarton "J 39
Completely dressed pan ready lb. Save for yourself or last-minute g.ft
sweet potatoes 3 25c ffiLSpH.ffl,L 239c
Perfect for holiday eating lbs. "
rci cdv ucadtc 40. GELATIN DESSERT St
CcLtKY HcAKIb 1VC A" flavorslimit 6 "s,omer--eoeh
Crisp & clean for the relish plate .... bunch I W
AUftfAnnc 1 "JO. DOG-CAT FOOD 6 49c
AVOCAUUj VC Supermeat for Pets Christmas Wea.-w
Just right for salads why pay more? At for Am M V pleasure
1705 South 12th St.
These Specials for Dec. 23 & 24
Open 9 to 9 Every Day