r n irirr -Jl I ijaptiai women f Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 22, 1949 Getzendaner-Edwards Rites Solemnized Wednesday " Dresses in the rich Christmas colors of white, dark red and green made a charming picture grouping for the wedding in St. Mark Lutheran church last evening when Miss Betty Lou Ed wards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles H. Edwards, was married to David Getzendaner, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Mark A. Getzen Morrises Hosts At Holiday Party A Christmas festivity was the dinner given by Dr. and Mrs Henrv Morris at their Fifth street home on Sunday evening. The guests were seated at a table centered with holly and other greens, and red candles, and afterwards played canasta and sang carols. Those bidden to the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Day of Sierra Madre, Calif., Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris and daugh ters, Barbara, Suzanne and Pat sy. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. bcnencn and Glenda Clare, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perry, Mr., and Mrs Eric Horlin, and Dr. S. A. Wheatley, ; College Friends Are Entertained Among parties for the college group home for the holidays will be the informal Christmas event ,. for which Miss Marianne Bone- ' Steele Is to entertain this eve ; ning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bone steele. A dessert supper will be serv- ed and an exchange of gifts held. The guests will include: Miss Su- 1 zanne Huggins, Miss Roberta Tussing, Miss Charlotte Alexan der, Miss Virginia Huston, Miss . Patty Wilson, Miss Patti Ray, Miss Joanne Fitzmaurice. Miss Luella Campbell, Miss Jpan Blaxall, Miss Wanda Hathaway , Miss Joyce Smith, Miss Marilyn Hill, Miss Barbara Hendrickson Miss Patricia Burrell. Mrs. Keith Morris, Mrs. James Erickson, . Mrs. Dale Pence and Mrs. Har vey Loveall, Jr. Sunday School Sets Program on Friday St. Mark Lutheran Sunday School will hold its Christmas program, Friday, Dec. 23 at 7:30 o'clock, with all departments participating. The nursery department will present a group of shadow box Christmas scenes, with a cherub choir accompaniment. The Christmas story, with children of the United Nations worshiping together, will be portrayed by the primary department. A play "The Light of the World" will be given by the junior Intermediate depart ment). White Christmas will be ob served by all. Luncheon for Soroptimist Club Soroptimist club's Christmas meeting was Wednesday noon in the Senator hotel Cherry room. The group sang several carols. Mrs. John S. Beakey told about visting the Tucson, Ariz, club. Guests for the meeting were Mrs. Rcgina Ewalt, Miss Mac Thorgcson, member of the Van couver club, and Carolyn Zoe Lowery, little grandaughtcr of Mrs. H. G. Maison. Welcomed as new members were Miss Gertrude Acheson and Mrs. E. A. Gucnthner. For the December 28 meeting Miss Lena Blum is to tell about credit experiences. The lunch eon will be at the Golden Phea sant. It's alwayi pica so re to drink Schilling! Therm o-ReguU ted roast assures uniform good flivor, tUwtyt richer and more delicious. YWO KINDS DUP OR PERCOLATOR eMIlii loffffee LOWRY FISCIIEK t daner. The bridegroom's father officiated at the 8 o'clock serv ice. The church, too, was in a Christmas setting for the infor mal wedding, white chrysan themums, red poinsettias holly and candlelight decorating the altar and auditorium. Preceding the service, Miss Grace Ashford sang and Mau rice Brennen played the organ. For her bridal dress the bride wore an afternoon white velvet one. It was fashioned with a low round neckline with stole type of collar and cap sleeves. The very full skirt was gathered in back for a bustle effect and was flared in front. The bride wore a short, shoulder-length veil of net. It was arranged from a crown enhanced with seed pearl circlets and the seed pearls also dotted the veil. The gloves were of net matching the veil with seed pearl trim. The bride car ried a white prayer book with white orchid and streamers. Mr. Edwards gave his daughter in marriage. Attendants Listed Miss Beverley Kenney, the maid of honor, wore a deep red velvet dress made identically in style to that of the bride. In her hair she wore a crown of the red velvet and she carried a red muff to which were pinned white blooms. Young Miss Martha Louise Lucas, cousin of the bride, was the junior attendant. Her gown of Christmas green velvet was identical to those of the bride and honor attendant. She wore while flowers in her hair and carried a basket of the white blooms. LaVern Fowler was best man for Mr. Getzendaner, and ush ering were Kay Huntington, Richard Taw, Roy Houck, all of Salem, Dean Thomas of Tilla mook, James Seiffert of Port land and the Rev. John Baglien of Chchalis. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Edwards wore a black crepe gown trimmed in winter pink satin, and with it a black hat, black lace covering the win ter pink satin trim, and a cor sage of gardenias and red carna tions. Mrs. Getzendaner, the bridegroom's mother, wore a dark green gown with brown ac cessories and a corsage of gar denias and red carnations. Reception Follows The reception following also was in the church. Holly decor ated the rooms and encircled the wedding cake, and lighted can dles also were used in decorat ing for the reception. Mrs. B. E. Edwards and Mrs. J. E. Lucas, both aunts of the bride, were at the coffee urn and punch bowl, and cutting the cake were Mrs. Samuel H. Tyler of Eugene and Mrs. J. D. Ber wick, also aunts of the bride. Assisting about the room were two aunts of the bride. Mrs. Har ry W. Ross and Mrs. Cecil T. Clark, the latter of Portland, and Mrs. George Dilts. Serving were Miss Patricia Larson, Miss Lois Mulcahy, Mrs. Norman E. Mann, Mrs. Herbort Lucas, Miss Eva Miller, Miss Maxinc Miller. In charge of the guest book was Mrs. Mark A. Getzendaner, Jr. For traveling the bride wore an electric blue suit wilh white blouse and gloves, an electric blue hat with rhinestonc trim black coat and accessories and her bridal orchid. Following a short trip, the couple will be In Salem for the holidays and shortly before the first of the year will leave for Minneapolis. Mr. Getzendaner is to graduate in May from the Wonderful Parties at Holiday Time Miss Ruth Skinner is to be hostess this evening for an in formal Christmas party. Bridge will be played and a late supper served. Guests include Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Krueger, Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Etzel, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostrin, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dixon VanAusdell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gentzkow, William Backe. At Home Event Among informal at home events marking the week is the one for which Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Martin, Jr. will en tertain on Friday evening. Guests have been invited to call between six and 7 o'clock and between 8 and 10 o'clock. About 50 friends have been invited. Delta Zetas Entertained Delta Zeta sorority alumnae met Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs. H. E. Smedly for their annual Christmas party. Mrs. E. A. Carleton assisted the hostess. During the business meeting, presided over by the president, Mrs. Arthur Lewis, the monthly meeting date was changed from the third Tuesday to the second Tuesday of each month. Members spent the evening packing boxes for a needy fam ily and dressing dolls. The usual exchange of gifts was giv en over to toys for the family. The next meeting will be a white elephant party at the home of Mrs. Charles Derthick, Jan uary 10. Members present were: Mrs. O. K. Beals, Mrs. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. B. Bradley, Mrs. Charles Derthick, Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. William Foster, Mrs. Arth ur Lewis, Mrs. Hugh Morrow, Miss Maxine Paulsen, Miss Prudence Paulsen, Mrs. Norman Paulson, Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mrs. H. E. Smedly and Mrs. E. A. Carleton, ETA CHAPTER of Beta Sigma Phi held its annual Christmas party Wednesday evening at the homo of the social sponsor, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding. Miss Wan da Ringland was in charge of the affair and was assisted by the new pledges of the sorority, Mrs. Dwaine Chretian, Mrs. Muriel Cross, Mrs. Laura Foote, Miss Jane Rodarmel, Mrs. William Sims and Miss Ruby Strand. Games were played during the evening, there was carol sing ing, and gifts were distributed by Santa Claus. Late refresh ments were served. The rooms were decorated with holly wreaths and scarlet ribbon, and the centerpiece was of holly sur rounded by red tapers. LYONS Several from Ly ons attended the wedding of Willard Berry and Miss Dorothy Brown in Salem, Sunday after noon, at 3 o'clock at the Leslie Methodist church. Willard is the son of Marvin Berry of Lyons, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry and Levi Garri son, also of Lyons, and is a stud ent at Oregon State college. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ber ry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penning ton, Mr and Mrs. Alex Bodeker, George Berry, Gloria Karr and Mrs. Clyde Bresslor. Northwest Lutheran Theological seminary in Minneapolis. It's Later Than You Think! ) Miller are prepared to give that last minute service to make your Christmas shopping a real pleasure! TJhMeiL flllillllWHIM II tllMl HWIWHWIIIH II mwt tfmmt Ml Jl . v ' ,,. -. . k ax- ' 't , t ; . . .i- a I If r K - I JUu jfi-v.- -KmM Jl An Old Fashioned Christmas This arrangement display ing a Christmas tree and table as they appeared in the average Salem home some 50 years ago was a feature of the recent Salem Garden club Christmas greens show. Note the fringed white linen cloth and the dishes carried out scenes from Dickens' writings. Among features of the Christmas tree were popcorn strings, a gingerbread Santa Claus as well as other gingerbread figures the hand-made little paper lan terns, and old-fashioned clips holding the candles with cranberries. Diane Reed Party Hostess Miss Diane Reed is entertain ing this evening at a coke party preceding the Rainbow Girls winter formal dance, giving the affair at the home of her father, Ted Reed, 1297 South High. Invited are Deb Davis, Ste phen Benson, Tom Angle, Den nis Feike, Ronnie Walters, Mer lin Schulze, Ferrel Covalt, Dick Culbertson, Dick Lewis, Ronnie Lethein, Lawrence Shellar, Mike McManus, Clarence H a u g e n, John Ericksen, Marjorie Duni gan, Phyllis Scott, Pat Filler, Norma Hamilton, Sharon Brown, Joan Lewis, Mary Campbell Marilyn Blakely, Billie Miller, Norma Herrington, Joan Olson, Luella Carlisle, Joan Travis, Donna Johnson, Patsy Walters. HOLIDAY visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wellcr arriving last evening in clude their son, John Weller of San Francisco, Mrs. Weller's sis ters, Mrs. James F. Elton of Se attle and Miss Marie Churchill of Portland, and a niece, Mrs. Jon Schueler and her children, Jamie and Joya, of San Fran cisco. HOSTS ON Monday evening at an open house were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loder at their new Morningside residence, guests including employes of Lodor Brothers company, their wives and husbands. More than one hundred called during the eve ning. DR. AND MRS. Waldo Zeller left Thursday morning by auto for Los Angeles to spend the holidays. The Zcllers will visit there with their son, Robert C. Zeller, and with other relatives and friends, returning to Sa lem January 2. A Christmas Setting of Long Ago Legion Party Monday Evening A large crowd attended the annual Christmas party for Ca pital Post, No. 0, American Le gion, and Capital Unit No. 9 of the auxiliary Monday evening at the American Legion club. Charles A. Barclay was mas ter of ceremonies for the pro gram. Mrs. Paul A. Hale played the piano for the group singing and solos. Phillip Blankenship played violin numbers and also accompanied for the group sing ing. Mrs. David H. Cameron pre sented a puppet show and also sang solos. The Salem high school carolers, directed by Howard Miller, also gave sev eral numbers. Santa Claus paid a visit. Fol lowing the- program refresh ments were served, those on the committee for the party includ ing Mr. and Mrs. Donald Madi son, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dema rest, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Ca meron, Mr. and Mrs. John Gor don, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Borkman, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pilcher, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blaxall, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hockett. Return from Trip Home in time for Christmas following five months in Europe are Mrs. Oliver B. Huston and daughters, Misses Harriet and Virginia Huston. They returned by way of the Canadian Rockies and visited in Victoria, B.C. before coming on to balem. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitz- slmons of Coos Bay, son-in-law and daughter of the Hustons, will be here for the Christmas holidays. For the Whole Family I VIEW -MASTER REELS, 35c each 3 tot $1.00 STEREOSCOPE. . . . $2.00 PLASTIC LIBRARY SOX, $L8S NEW! TYNER As advertised in "Life", "Post", "Time". Fast f6.3 lens, gives you big camera perform ance! Daylight loading simple winding the film cocks the shutter no threading of film. Load and shoot in 5 seconds! See it today! 7.95 Price Films Miller-Messick Wedding Dec. 11 Of Interest to many friends in Salem is announcement of the marriage of Mrs. Nettie Messick of Midland, Texas, to Clay C. Miller of Gresham. The wedding was an event of December 11 in Midland at the home of the bride. She has been the home demonstration agent there. The couple are driving west and will be at home Christmas week-end in Gresham, a family dinner to be given there Sun day. Mr. Miller Is a brother of Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding of Salem and has been a frequent visitor in the capital. Two Hostesses Mrs. Joe Cook and Miss Alice Cook entertained Wednesday af ternoon at a Christmas party at their home. Five hundred was played and gifts exchanged. Guests included Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs. Dewey Baumgart, Mrs. Eric Erickson, Mrs. Arthur Engler, Mrs. Julia Hagenson, Mrs. Geneva Isaacson, Mrs. Lou is Thompson, Mrs. George euske. Holiday Event A group of former school friends will get together for their annual Christmas party this evening with Mrs. Robert Burns and Mrs. Donald Bee croft hostesses to the group at the home of the former. In the group are Mrs. Tom Stevenson, Mrs. Robert W Gormsen, Mrs. F. Vernon Sie mens, Mrs. Sidney Murray, Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Beecroft Joyce Giroux Experienced Professional Manicurist at Larson's Beauty Studio 471 Court Ph. 35033 NEW! Just received these in time FOR YOUR GIFT GIVING! CAMERA DEPT. UtitteJ HERE'S THE NEWEST CANDID CAMERA! 50c For 14 Frames KmeamsKsatgamabi Miss Donna Kletzing Bride At Independence Ceremony Independence Calvary Presbyterian church was arranged in . K.atif,ii rhristmas setting of all-white last evening for the wedding of Miss Donna Kletzing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H Kletzing, and William M. Addison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Addison, the 8 o'clock service being performed by the Rev. John W. Hood. ' White chrysanthemums, white fir bows and candelabrums deco rated the front of the church. Banked in the windows were the white bows with candles. Miss Denice Howard of Port land and Miss Barbara Ness of Oswego lighted the candles Miss Dolores Kletzing sang preceding the ceremony, accom panied by Mrs. Earl Johnson of McMinnville. the latter also playing the wedding marches Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress1 of white satin fashioned with a tight bodice and short train The lace yoke was trimmed with seed pearls as was the Juliet cap that held the fingertip Il lusion veil in place. For her flowers the bride carried a bou quet of white rosebuds and bou vardia with a white orchid in the center. 1 Sisters Attend Miss Barbara Kletzing and Miss Dolores Kletzing, sisters of the bride, were maids of honor and wore identical dresses of white moire taffeta. They carried matching muffs with red gardenias and streamers to the hemline of their dresses. Brides maids were Miss Pan Newton and Miss June Fitzgibbons of Portland, sorority sisters of the bride. They wore white moire taffeta dresses and carried muffs with red gardenias. Tom Glrard was best man and ushers were Wayne Allen, brother-in-law of the bridegroom; Paul Edlund of Santa Monica. Calif., and Dick Barber of Sa-, lem. For the wedding the bride's mother wore gray crepe with a wine velvet hat and acces sories and a corsage of gar denias. The bridegroom's moth er wore blue crepe with a black velvet hat and black accessories and a corsage of gardenias. A reception was held at the Woman's club building immedi ately following the wedding The bridal table was beautifully planned and decorated by Mrs. R. M. Walker. The large deco rated cake centered the table which was covered with white tarlton over satin. Gardenias in arrangements of lace ribbon and white tapers were placed on each side of the cake. the gift frW never mfstei with Mits or. Mrs, Stockings MOJUD by in fashion Harmony Coon Here's the sure way to win her approvol our flattering Mojuds. She al ways needs stockings . . . and Mojuds give her sheer beauty, good wear, and smart Fashion Harmony Colors? 1.35 to 1.65 Also Many Other EXQUISITE GIFTS ROBES LINGERIE GOWNS PAJAMAS SLIPS SWEATERS Free Gift Wrapping Service Kay's Mrs. Harrison Brant and Mrs. Homer Deahl of Portland, aunts of the bridegroom, cut the cake. Mrs. John Koke of Eugene, sis ter of the bride, and Mrs. Wayne Allen of Salem, sister of the bridegroom, presided at the urns. Serving were sorority sisters of the bride, including Miss Frances Baumer of Eu gene, Miss Ruthe Millard of Camas, Wash., Miss Marjorie Petersen of Portland, Miss Greta Skillern of Eugene, Miss Mar joree Rambo of Corvallls, Miss Margaret Bostrum of Portland and Miss June Bosworth of Medford. Mrs. John Irving had charge of the guest book and Mrs. El mer Oppliger and Mrs. Paul Robinson received the gifts Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mrs. Clarence Harwood, Mrs. Walte Smith and Mrs. Theron Hoover of Salem. For traveling the bride wore a vintage faille suit, black ac cessories and the orchid from her bridal bouquet. Following a short trip, the couple will be at home in Eugene, where they will continue their schooling at the University of Oregon. Mrs. Addison will graduate in June. The bride is affiliated with Chi Omega sorority and the bride groom with Beta Theta Pi fra ternity. The bride is president of her sorority this year. Mrs. Elmer Addison and Mrs. Wayne Allen entertained the bridal party at a Christmas buffet dinner Tuesday. panta ags: Vpiac4ica2 give her gifts by Fabergt) in her favorite fragrance WOODHUE . . . APHRODISIA, TIGRESS... STRAW HAT The one-and-only FabrgM perfume In exclusive TOUCH CONTROL applicator, leather purse pouch, gift boxed 2.50 Ensemble of Faborgette with matching cologne, N 3.50, Porfvm Extraordinaire In square-cut crystal flaconj S. 8. IS. to SOU Cologne Extraordinaire with luxurious decorative caps .2. 3.50 5 Cologne Duetto two fragrances In golden gift box. 2.50 me m. Cologne Quartette) set of t aborgo't four beloved frogronces, 5.00 I.Bn.rinimfii H FRBtRJE J5i