20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Dec. 22, 1949 PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY I FRED MEYER Sift Sssggestkm for (kmims Bimyers GIFTS FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS Sheerest of Them All SMARTFIT EVENING SHEER 54 Gauge, IS Denier First Quality, Full Fashioned Pencil Line Seams Tender Beige, Tan Glint and Taupcsheen NYLONS 1.35 3 Pair $4.00 Glamorous for evening wear. They're absolute flattery in nylon Springcrest Daytime Sheer Nylons 1 .39 Pair Springcrest Sheer Nylons 1.15 Pair 51 Gauge, 30 Denier 3 pair 4.00 51 Gauge 15 Denier 3 Pair 3.30 Best Made Semi Serv'ce Nylons 98 C Pair 40 Denier First Quality 3 Pair 2.85 Wheeler Service Weight Nylons 1.15 Pair 70 Denier Cotton foot aid welt 3 Pair 3.30 Oakbrook Sheer Mesh Nylons 1 .69 Pair 51 Gauge 15 Denier 3 Pair 3.85 Rosedawn Sheer Nylons 1.15 Pair 15 Denier First Quality 3 Pair 3.30 AT FRED MEYER APPAREL SHOPS Christmas Tree LIGHT SETS REG. 98c SERIES LIGHT SET, 49c Might Multiple Light Set . $1.19 15-Light Multiple Light Set . $2.89 7-Light Outdoor Set . . $1.98 AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES Gift Wrap Supplies Tags, Seals and Enclosures 5 c Pkg. White, Red, Green, or blue tissue paper 10c Pkg. Cellophane Wrap 5j Roll Foil Gift Wrap 25 C Roll Printed Gift Wrap 10c Heavy Kraft for mailing 10c Christmas Scotch Tape 10c and 25 C Christmas Gift Ties 10c and 25c AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES Smoking .45 PISTOL Ejects Ilnrnilcs White m gf Smoke I UX The children will really I W want to play cops and robbers with this gun. AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES Save $14.00 Regular $23.95 Lu Ray Dinnerware 53 Pieces Now 9.95 SET INCLUDES 8 Cups 8 Saucers 8 Plates 8 Fruit Dishes 8 Salad Dishes 8 Sauce Dishes Creamer, Sugar, Chop Plate, Vegetable Dish, Salt and Pepper. AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES Tre-Green 98c Protects Your Christmas Tree Actually Fireproofs As II Protects Your tree will last longer this year and become much greener as a result of treating it with the amazing new Tre Green. Tests prove that trees stay greener longer and hold their needles, preventing messy falling needles, before you take down your Christ mas tree. AT FRED MEYF.R VARIETIES CANDY CANE CAKE ony69c Fluffy Light Butter Cake Decorated with Candy Canes A Cake Just Right for Christmas The whole family will rave about this new cake. Tender, light, white butter cake, frosted with fluffy marshmallow icing and studded with chopped peppermint sticks and one large cane in the center. AT FRED MEYER BAKERIES Extra Fancy Whole SALTED NUTS For Holiday Entertaining Our finest assortment of quality nuts that are so wonderful for the holiday candy and nut dish. and CD PC with one riEC Full pound Green' 4 PlaSt.C Baskets With Each Purchase of One Pound Tin of Nuts All for only 98c 6 Baskets Free with the Purchase of 3 lb. tin Salted Mixed Nuts i AO AT FRED MEYER CANDY SHOPS f 'inr! $3.59oular ljiJU!j 21 Inch RAWHIDE LUGGAGE Regular $34.75 Weekender $55.00 Rawhide Wardrobette $27.95 Plus Tax Beautifully styled antique rawhide luggage makes a perfect gift. Solid brass hardware and moire lining. Now! at lowest prices for distinctive gift. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES Save $1.00 Houbigant WINDOW BOX GIFT SET 2.50 Plus Tax Contains a bottle of both Qualeques Fleurs and Chantilly perfume. A lovely gift for a lovely lady. Either fragrance is delightful and refreshing. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES HARVEY WICKER HAMPERS 6.45 Perfect size for any size bathroom. Soft pastel colors. Styled with pearlized lid. Heavily enameled wicker sides. Just the right size for any size bathroom. A perfect gift for your home. AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES Amos Andra Doll 2.98 . Newest Doll Sensation of the Season Named for the Amos and Andy Radio Show Complete with Full Layette Won't your little girl be thrilled when she sees this cute little doll under the Christmas Tree? Amos Andra's one of the cleverest new dolls in many a year, AT FRED MEYER VARIETIES Reg. $1.98 G.I. BASEBALL GAME 59c IT'S NEW! IT'S DIFFERENT! A First at Fred Meyer The Perfect Christmas Gift UNIVERSAL MINUTE 16 CAMERA Precision Built Automatic Film Transport Automatic Exposure Counter with Reset Button Automatic Double Exposure Preventer Simplified Positive Action Magazine Film Loading 14 Exposures on Black and. White or Color Loaders Coated Color Corrected f6.3 Lens Built In Lens Shade Perfect Pictures With Optical Eye Built In Flash Synchronizer Only 795 FLASH UNIT 3.95 3 Rolls of Film 1.00 Complete Set as Shown 12.90 Lentheric Three Silent Messengers 2.50 Plus Ta Gaily different. Selected colognes in Tweed, Confetti and Dark Bril liance to please her. At Fred Meyer Toiletries 1 P La I 11 i Tabu Perfume $2.50 You'll never know the mystery and dark secrets of this Forbidden Per fume until you've used one precious drop. AT FRED MKYER TOILETRIES Evening in Paris Colonghe with Atomizer $1.95 Plus Tax All the gay light and enchanting moments of an evening In Paris have been captured in this delightful cologne. At Fred Meyer Toiletries Reg. 59c Magnifying Shave Mirror 49c Shaving mirror on one side and magnifying mirror on the other A perfect gift for a man. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES WRISLEY'S FAMILY SOAP All your favorite Wrisley's soaps AU In one bog for such & low price. In Plastic Bag 79c Gem Gift STOCKING for no. PI" Men 70C Tax A gift of the shaving supplies he prefers. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES TAWN SHAVER'S SPECIAL LOO Plus Tax Contains After-Shave Lotion, Tawn Shave Bowl and Cologne. Exquisite old-fashioned cologne AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES WRISLEY'S HOBNAIL COLOGNE 100 in antique hobnail bottle, truly distinctive gift. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES Evening in Paris Perfume Flacon 75i Plus Tax Purse-sized flacon for the lady who likes to carry her favorite perfume. AT FRED MEYER- TOILETRIES CARVEL EXQUISITE SET 49C ox' Contains new fascinating Ex quisite cologne and two bars of soap, AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES Rockmount Stationery Notes 75 C B OX Handsome individual note paper for those short personal notes. A delightful gift to give or re ceive. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES Reg. 10c Libbey Safety Edge Emerald Green TUMBLERS Package of 6 29c 5 Piece Bauer BOWL SET 1.98 A set of nesting mixing bowls AT FRKD MEYER VARIETIES Save $2.02 Regular $3.00 DESK SET SWIVODEX Now Only 98 Holds Full Ink Bottle Supply A perfect gift for home or ottice. btylea in black, browi or ivory with matching pen and base. AT FRED MEYER TOILETRIES Fred Meyer J ewe lite Piece Dresser Set Handsomely styled in crystal plastic Encased in Plastic tray Comb, Brush and Mirror $9.95 Use Our Thrifty Pay Plan. No Down Payment an Approved Credit. Jewelite Rollwave Brush, $3.95 ' Stimulator Brush, $2.95 Jewelite Men's Club Brush Set, $5 45 148 NORTH LIBERTY