AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES !T I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursdny, Dec. 22, 191919 V. !Hey! Warner Motor Co. s : USED CAR LOCATION Wishing You and All a "Merry Christmas" I WITH THESE BARGAINS 1949 Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedan R&H, O'd., clean . .$2445.00 1949 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan R&H, Fs. Spt. light, perfect $1995.00 1949 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan R&H, Wsw. .'....$1995.00 1941 Buick Special 4-Dr. Sedan R&H, Excel, cond $ 695.00 1941 Ford Convert., R&H, A real buy $ 595.00 1941 Ford Sedan Very clean $ 645.00 1940 Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedan R&H. Very nice . .$ 595.00 1940 Ford Cpe $ 545.00 NO SANTA CLAUS? 1947 FORD 2-DR. SED., R&H, MAROON, "LEAN & PERFECT $997.00 , CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 1937 Buick Sedan, 4-Dr. $ 107.00 1937 Chev. Sedan $ 197.00 1935 Ford Tudor See this $ 197.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER NO DOWN 1934 Chevrolet Pickup 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan 1937 Chrysler Royal . . 1937 Pontiac 1937 Plymouth Sedan . 1938 Ford Fordor ..... 1936 Chevrolet LODERBROS. OLDSMOBILE 4(15 CENTER PHONE 3-7D73-M10 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE 3-HOO WILSONS ft END OF THE YEAR CLEARANCE Compare Compare Compare PRICE APPEARANCE CONDITION 1950 Buick Special Sedanet. Dynaflow $2500 1950 Buick Special Sedan 2350 1949 Buick Special Sedan "95 1948 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. Dynaflow 2095 1948 Buick Super Sedan 94j 1947 Buick Special Sedan J4jj 1946 Buick Super Sedan "o, 1946 Buick Special Sedan 1948 Pontiac Streamliner 8 Sedan 5U 1946 Pontiac 8 Sedan Coupe J39S 1947 Oldsmobile 78 Sedan. Hydramatic 14j 1948 Crosley Station Wagon 398 ALSO SEVERAL LOW PRICED OLDER MODELS OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial AUTOMOBILES 41 Buick SUPER SEDAN GOOD TIRES. EXCELLENT MOTOR. RADIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER. FOG LITES. MED. BLUE FINISH. INTERIOR VERY CLEAN. THIS 13 A REAL VAL V UE- CONVENIENT TERMS, FULL ' PRICE $695 Orval's Center at Church PYL?. THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Eisner Motors Fine Cars ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRAD1 TERMS J32S Fatraround Rd. Ph. 520 Hood St. l-TU '46 Pontiac "8" STREAMLINE STATION WAGON RADIO, HEATER, SPORT LITE. FOO LITE. BUMPER EQUIPMENT. WHITE WHEEL RINGS, SIDE VIEW MIRROR, WIND SHIELD WASHER. ORIGINAL LIGHT GRAY PNISH. IN PERFECT CONDITION. BOOK PRICE 11410. OUR PRICE $1095 Orval's Center t Church Phone 3-4703 -THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" Journal Want Ads Pay PH. 3-3012 I PAYMENT . .S150 . .$325 . .$250 . .$250 . .$250 . .$300 . .$125 at Center MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS "Heap Big Smoke & Lots oi J? ire Make Xmas 1949 a Practical, Useful & Lasting One! Low Cost Transportation BICYCLES WHIZZER BIKES SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED New Low Prices & Easy Terms, ol uourse VISIT INDIAN TERRITORY Shrock Motorcycle Sales .HIST PASS THE UNDERPASS JIH17 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-14J3. q304' FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS and 8 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reaaon Caab for Real Estate Contracts and 8eeond Morttasea. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 301 Pioneer Trust Bldi. Ph. 4-32S3. ! PnTVATR MONEY 8pee:al Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Loni and Short Time Payments ROY B SIMMONS 116 South Commercial St Pbooa 3-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTk CREDfl CO. 133 5 Church Parklnl a Plenty Ph 3-34S7 Lie. No M-1S3 S-IM CHRISTMAS CASH $50 to $1500 T.....tiicita C Plan PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 1IB S. Liberty Ph. 4-3303 Acrou Iron atcvena Jti rsOi YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU BUY SHROCKIZED USED CARS HUDSON 1949 COMMO DORE CLB-CPE. GUAR ANTEED $2395 HUDSON 1948 SUPER SIX SEDAN. GUARAN TEED $2195 HUDSON 1947 SUPER SIX SEDAN. GUARAN TEED $1495 HUDSON 1946 SUPER SIX SEDAN. GUARAN TEED $1395 STUDEBAKER 1947 COMMANDER SEDAN. GUARANTEED $1498 KAISER 1947 SPECIAL SEDAN. GUARANTEED $1287 CHEVROLET 1941 MASTER-DEL. C L B-C P E ., GUARANTEED $ 787 CHEVROLET 1940 SPEC - DEL. SEDAN. GUARANTEED $ 597 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. Buy a Shrock Used Car and have a happier New Year with the 'Differ ence. . ShrockMotorCo. FINANCIAL $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1I80 Ftirmmind.. Rond Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 37032 Lie N M3fi9-629t Floyd Kenyon Mar t sni. ns for ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4r. OR 4'Vr. INTEREST ft to 40 Ynara and No commlMloD Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State 8t Phone 1-3583 IF YOUR PROPERTY In for sale It will pay you to know how much ol an FHA loan It will stand. This Information I obtainable with but very little trouble. DO NOT HESITATE to call on u tor any Information you deelrt about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 S. Hlah St. Tel. 3-4121. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-133 and U-33S and ROY B. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 13B 8 Commercial St, Tel. 3-!61 INSURANCE INSURE AND BE SURE Save 20r, to 30 on Auto Insurance Complete Line of Insurance VAN M GREER AGENCY 963 Highland Ave. Ph 3-2451 ra3r)5 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired Roen 456 Court Phont 3-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE XECTRIC! HOME appliance repair njrrlBi new appliance Vinee's Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 1-923 137 S Liberty 8t ' UTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlni service day phona t-9288 Nlini 2-1804 33" Center o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, levelina, road bids., clear Inn. teeth for brush. Virall Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3 146. Salem. 08" BriLDING CARPENTRY RemodcL vpair that home now Terms. No down payment Phont 3-4860 CARPENTERING AND PLASTERING Plumbing, Ilxture installing, cement fin ishing. Reasonable. Rt. 7, box 418. CASH REGISTERS Instaii' deliver; of new RCh cash re e Lite i A) males sold, rented, re pa ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 r CEMENT WORK For expert tuaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla ate Call 2-4850 o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum Enslcy. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. EXCAVATING Ben Ot)en Si Son excavatlos St grading. Land clearing. Ph. 3-30S0. o7 exteIimTnTtors Cockroaeh Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 6. Box 437-C o311 Br. 'haunt .- for flowers Dial 1-9178 C FURNACE & CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed & repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 34963 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 2-8576. HOUSEHOLD PRODLCT3 J. R Watklns Oo products Prea lyery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. IN. ULATION Johns-ManvlIJe. Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Servica Floor Waxing Buildings - Pactorles - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDQ MAINT OO. Ph. Salem 3-9133. n LANDSCAPr NURSERY h Doerfler & Sons, Ornamentals. ISO Lancaster Dr tt 4 Cor Ph. 2-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 245 Jef ferson St Phone 23452. O LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Com'l. St. o311 MATTRESSES Capita. Bedding Phone l-40fl. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish fc Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, file and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief c Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court OIL BURNER SE1VICE We guarantee our work. Ph. 2-1 4-2424. 1 V If; v : , . - 1,i , I Photo from Festive Christmas Spot Downtown Salem, during the holiday period, presents a very festive appearance. This picture of street decorations on Commercial was taken from a point near Commercial and State. It was taken at 9:30 p.m. on a time exposure of two minutes at F-22. MARKET Completed from report ol Salem dealeri lor tne imaance oi ininim ,iuumi Hende.s. Revlied dail;). Retail Feed Prices: Eki Mash - $4.60. Rabbit Pellets $4 20. Dairy Feed $3.65. Poultry: Buying prieea -Grade A color ed hens, 19c; grade A Lee horn hens nnd up. 15c; Rrade A old roasters. 14c; Grade A colored fryers three lbs. 26c. Eggs Buying Prices Larue aa, jc; larne 34-37c; medium AA, 31c; medium A, 29c: pullets, 25-27C U'holesata Prices Egg wholesale prices ft-7c above these prtres: above grade A eenernllv quoted at 43c. medium J. Butlerfat Premium 66ci No. I. 6c; no a. ob-ouc biiytnn prices). Butter Wholesale grade A. 68ct r tull 73c. DIRECTORY "ntatrom's are equipped to do toui painting Phone a-2493 o PAINTING & PAPERnANGING ie painting. Est. free. T'h. Painting and paperhanging. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o7 PAPER HANGING Expert Paperhanglng and pnlntinft. H J, Woodsworth, Ph. 3-9807. Free est O305' PRUNING AND SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1208. riUTIIRfc FRAMING ni Hutcheon Paint Store ROAD GRADING Large 4: Small Jobs. New grader. Joy Strlckfadcn, phone 3-5410. o8' Roof leak? Or do you need a new roof? Ph. 2-7761. Free estimates. Terms. olB SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms, all makes. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671. o307 SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soli, crushed rock, Shovel aed dragline excavating Walling Sand St Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o" SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel, Septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol6 Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Rolo Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect Todd's Sootlc Tank Service, 550 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o iEWERH AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean Sewers. Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-6327. o SEW IN GM ACII I NE S Al! makes repaired, free estimates Sinner Sew in it Machine Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3512 o TRANSFER A 5TORAGI ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Bekins House hold goods mo red to anywhere In U.S or Canada Larmer Transfer tt Storage Ph 3-3131 o TYPEWRITERS Smith Oorona. Remington Royal. Under wood portables Ail makes used machine.' Repairs and rent Roen 456 Court 0 VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or reltnlAhed Relnholdt St Le-ls 2-3639 Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37328. WEATIIERSTRIPPING WELL DRILLING Fred Wimore, Rt. 2, Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. WINDOW CLEANING Acme indow Cleaners Windows, walls 4b woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 341 Court Lanidoc Culbertsoo and Mather WINDOW SHADES Wa.ihr.3le Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt Si Lewis Ph 23639 o' WOOD St SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co Ph 3-4031 th4tV4Sl-44t4tN LODGES i DeMolay Commanclery, Knights Temnlar annual Christmas ob servance. Thurs. eve., Dec. 22, 1:30 p.m. Public cordially invited. Pacific Lodge No. 50, AP. & A A.M. E.A. Degree Friday, December 23. 7 p.m. 305 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County or Marion, In Probate, duly mnde and entered on the 25th day of November, 1949, that PIO NEER TRUST COMPANY, of Salem, Ore gon, has been duly appointed as Execu tor of the last will and testament and estate of Zutette Painter, deceased, and that It has duly qualified as such execu tor. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, to said Pio neer Trust Company at 109 North Com mercial Street, Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the 8th day of December, 1949. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY of Salem, Oregon, Executor aforesaid. Peery T. Buren, Attorney for Executor 211 Pioneer Trust Building, Sslem, Oregon Dec. I, 16, 22, 39, Jan. . Slocks Advance Around 2 Points New York, Dec. 22 UP) Mounting buying demand came into the stock market today and sent prices up by fractions to around 2 points. The show of strength reversed a three-day downward move ment and spread to virtually all sections of the list. The volume of trading was at the rate of about 1,600,000 shares for the entire day. That is the best mark of the week. Rails stepped out smartly ear ly in the day and accumulated gains running from fractions to more than 2 points. Oils, with Richfield at a new high, added fractions. Steels also were in demand with frac tional gains. Motion pictures held back in the procession and showed some small losses. American Tele phone stayed on the losing side most of the day but at times crossed over to the plus column The decline of the last three days was attributed to profit ta king the year-end tax selling. Stocks going higher included Santa Fe, Standard Oil (NJ), U.S. Steel, General Motors, Goodrich, Lockheed, Admiral Corp., American Smelting, Du Pont, American Can, American Woolen, International Paper (new), Pan American Airways, U.S. Gypsum, and Celotex. Proposed Silver Falls Cut-off Road Talked At a conference this afternoon between R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer; County Judfie Grant Murphy, Clair L. Brown, president of the Salem Cham ber of Commerce; Adolph Heat er, Winnie Tate, farmers of the Sublimity area, and Ted Cham bers, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce roads committee, the matter of a proposed Silver Falls highway cutoff and other possible improvements in the Silver Falls routing is being dis cussed. The matter of the proposed cutoff was taken up recently with the county court by Heater as was another short cut in the Sublimity area to assist in im proving and cutting down the route between Salem and the falls. The conference today is to dis cuss the plans with Baldock and secure reactions of various in terests as to the proposals. Sec. Johnson Places Military Security First; Economy next New York, Dec. 22 (fP) The nation's military security should get priority over economic considerations, Defense Secretary Louis Johnson said last night. But he said that spending either too much or too little for military purposes could be disastrous for the United States. Johnson spoke at the annuals meeting of the Nnw York Law yers association at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. Outside, 35 pickets paraded in protest against what they termed "Jim Crow" practices in the armed forces. Johnson declared that to "build up our military power to the point where it overburdens our peacetime economy and hurt that prop of our national secur ity would be disastrous." "But," he added, "while it would be disastrous to wreck our economy by inordinate mili tary expenses, it would be equal ly disastrous to be penny-pinching. The watch-word must be military security first, economy second. Johnson declined to comment on the picket demonstration. Grant Reynolds, a leader, said the pickets were trying to "spot light the shameful army pro gram of segregation which Sec retary Johnson seeks to pawn off on Negroes as a forward step." Johnson, who has been push ing a unification economy cam paign to trim $1,000,000,000,000. STOCKS Rt i he A mm run Can .... Am Pow St Lt .... rel St Tel .... Anaconda ... Bendls Aviation .. Btlh Sieel Boeing Airplane .. Calif Packing Canadian Pacific . Caie J I Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth Si Sou ., Com Vuitee Continental Can .. ,'rown Zellerbach Curtis Wrljjlit .. Douglas Aircraft ., Oupnnt de Ncm Otneral Electric ., General Food .... ianera) Motors ... Uoodyear Tiro ... int Harvester .... Ini Paper Ken cott 50 "i Llbbj MrN Si L Long netl 'A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator Hat Dairy 15 NT Central Northrrn Pacific Pac Am Ft$h Pa Gas Si Eleo Pa Tel i Tel Ptnney J C Radio Corp Rayoiiler Rayomet Ptd ... 30'.; Reynolds Metal -J Richfield 1'J Safeway Stores 31 Sears Roebuck 3 ' Southern Pacific 1 Standard Oil Co fi6a Studebaker Corp " Sunshine Mining 0! Trantamerlca 16 Union On Cat Union Pacific United Airliner U S Steel , S1H Ranter Bros Pie Woolwortn Grains Advance Following Lag Chicago, Dec. 22 (&) Grains snapped back from an early shaking out on the board of trade today. Feed grains led the revival, pushing ahead of the previous close. Wheat lagged at the start of the upturn and then came ahead fast toward the close. The economic cooperation adminis tration granted $1,143,000 to Trieste for wheat and wheat flour and 51,000,000 to Norway for wheat flour. Wheat closed Vr lower to higher, March $2.18-2.177r, corn was -"i-l Vr higher, March $1.31 , oats were 'h lower to higher, March 724, rye was unchanged to 1 higher, March $1.4314, soybeans were 1 to 2xk higher, March $2.3016-, and lard was 3 cents lower to 15 cents a hundred pounds higher January $10.80. Portland Grain Pnrilntid. Dec. 22 (Pi Cash grain Oau No. 2. 38-lb. while 56.50; barley No. 2. 45-lb B.W. .16.00; No. 1 flax 3.9S. Hash wheat Ibldt: Soft white 2.16 Soft white (excluding rex) 2.18'A: while club 2.18',. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.18': per cent 2.18'i; 11 per cent 2.20; 12 per cent 2.21. Today's car receipt: Wheat 49; barley 3; flour B; corn 2; miineed 7. from the current $15,000,000,-1 000 defense budget, reported that the drive already has pass ed its first goal. As part of the program, he said that as of Dec. 1, the army, navy and air force have cut 138,000 workers off their pay rolls 3000 more than origin ally scheduled. In Washington, the defense department released a break down showing that as of Dec. 1 iho armv had rlrnnnpH 55.000 workers 14,000 more than the! 41,000 originally planned. The air force has laid off 17,-1 350 of the 18,000 cutback as-1 signed to it, the figures showed, 1 while the navy and marine corps layoffs totalled 65,000 against a goal of 76,000. The department said the na vy has until next June 30 to make the additional 10,400 re- ductions, but is expected to com-1 plete the job by the end of this month. Johnson, in announcing the reduction program last summer, estimated the savings in pay rolls would be about $334,000,- SALEM MARKETS QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Mai-fcc (Bj V Alley tracking Campanyi Wooled lambs $10 00 to 120.00 Feeder lambs li:i no to $17 U0 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) $18.00 to S22.00 Veal (150-300 los.t top ....$22.00 to $25.00 Portland Proance Buiterfat Tentative. ttt!ect to imme diate change Premium quality maximum to .36 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 67c lb.; 92 score, 6.-c lb.; 90 xcore. 63c; 8D score. 55c. Valley route and country points 2c leaa than first Butter wnolesala roB bulk cube id wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c A 92 score. 62c: B 80 score. 60c Is., O 89 score. 57c. Above priccj are itricMy nominal Cheese Selling price to Portia no whole sale Oregon slnsles 39-42c, Oregon 6 small loal. 44'-45c; triplets l'A less than singles Ens (to wholesalers) A grade large. 40-42 ',ac; A medium, 36-37',-jc: (trade B large. 39-40c; small A grade. 35' sc. Portland Dairy Market nutter trice to retailers: urade AA prints, 69c. AA cartons, 69c; A prints. 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. r.gga irice to reianers: uraae a a large, 47c doz,; cert 11 led A large, 48c; A large 44c; AA medium, 40c; cer tified A medium. 39c; B medium, 35c: A small. 37c; cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers Portland Oregon singles 33-42c, Oregon loaf. lb loafs 44 'a -45c lb.; triplets, cents less man singles premium brands, singles ai'.iC id., loai. OJttC Poultry Live Chicken No. 1 quality POB pi an M. no. i oroucrs unacr i ids. jvc lb. fryers 2-3 Itu., 23-26c: 3-4 lba 27c. roasters 4 ita and over. 27-2ftc; fowl. Leghorns, 4 lbs and under. I4-16c; over 4 lbs., 16c; colored fowl, all weights, 19-20c; roosters, an wcignis, 14-iec. Turkey Net to grower.s, toma, 30-31c; hens, 4oc. Price to retailfrfl, dressed: young hens. 30-51 c; A young toin.s, 38c: light tonus, 41-42C. Kabbiis ..teiui.t- u yrnwers nvt wnites A-b lbs., 17-18c lb.; 5-6 lba 15-17C colored 2 cents lower olo or nruvy docs and bucks. 8-1 2c. Fre.vh drevrd Idaho fryer.s and retailors. 40c: local. 48-52c lountry-KIIIrd Meat Veal Top quality, 33-34C lb.; other grades according to weight and quail U with lighter or heavier. 22-28c. lings Light blockers, 22-23, sow 18-19c. Lamb Top quality, springers, 38-39c; mutton. 10-llc. Ileef Good cows, 24-25c lb.; canncrs rutters, 20-21c. Fresh OresM-d Meats I Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.i; Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbs., 135-39, commercial 130-33; utility, J2R-29. Cows Commercial '' i; utility. 134- 25, canners -cutters, 123-26. ueet uut tutu. o. ulna quarters S50-S2: rounds, S43-40: full loins, trimmed. $70-72; triangles, $33-34; square ciuiiUs. 535-40; nbs, $55-58: forequarters, 134-36. Venl nnd calf; Good, t3l)-42; commercial. S14-37; utility, S28-30. bamos: uood-cliolce spring In nibs. 139- 42: commercial, 135-37: utility, 433-34. Mutton Good. 70 tbs down. 118-20 Pork cuts: Loin No. 1. 8-12 lbs., $38-40: houldPrs, 16 lbs, down, $20-31; snare- ribs, $38-41; carcasses. (24-25; mixed 'mints 12 pei cwt lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cnsear Bark Dry I2rtc lb., green 4e lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 45c lb Mohair 25e lb on 12-montn growth. nominally. Hides calves, lie lb., according to weight; pips. 22c lb.; beef, Il-I2c lb.; bulls. 6-7c lb Country buyers pay 3c less. ill ((iinlatloni WalniitsFrunquettes, first quality jum i. 34 7c, Inrce. 32.7c; medium. 27.2c. second quality Jumbos, .10.2c; large, 2H.2c. medium, 26.2c; baby. 23.2c ; soft shell, first quality large, ty.ic; medium, 36. ac; sec ond quality larce, 37.2c; medium. 24.7c, baby 22.2c. t ii nerts Jumbo, 30c ib.i large. 16c, medium, 16c; urn nil 'ir Chicago Livestock Chicago. Dec. 22 fl'ilUSDAl Salable hogs 9.000; fairly acllve. 25-50 cents high er on butchers: about 25 cents hie her on sows: top 116.75 sparingly for choice 180- 2(io lb: bulk good nnd choice 180-220 lb 1n.2s-iB.0Q; most 2.10-250 lb 15.S0-16.fl0; 760-310 lb 15.00-15.50; most sows under 4f0 lb 12.75-13.25; few under 400 around 13,50; over 550 lb averages down to 11.25. Snlnble cattle 2,500, salable calves 400; choice steers nbscnt; medium and Hood grades slow, weak to mostly AO cents low er than early Wednesday: heifers steady; rows active, steady to 25 cents higher: bulls steady to stronx: venlers steady: me dium and Kood .steers 21.00-31.00; pack age good 900 lb ycnrlinxs 32.00; load com mon light steers 18.00; medium to good heifers 20.00-26.50; good cows scarce, few of heifer order to 10.00: common and me dium beef cows 14.75-16.75; bulk canncrs nd cutters 12..i0-14.50: medium and Kood sausage bulls 18.00-2O.00: bulk medium and good vealers 25.00-29.00. Salable sheep 700: slaughter lambs strong to 50 cents higher: choice fed westerns held above 23.50; most medium to choice 90-115 lb nntives 21.50-23,00; ewes etrong, bulk 0.50-11.50. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Dec. 22 (U.R Livestock: Cattle salable 250: market moderately active; early sales steady; steers scarce; odd cutter dairy type si errs 14.50; good fed steers quotable to 25.00; odd common heifers 14-17; canner-culter cows mostly 11.50-12.50: shells down to 10 or below: few common beef cows 15.50: bulls scarce. Calves salable 50; scattered sales steady; supply mostly medium venlers 20-23; good choice quoted 23.50-27; heavy calves rath er slow. Hogs salable 100: early supply mostly feeders: no early sales; good-choice 180 230 lbs quoted 17; one lot medium 177 lbs 18.25 ;sows senrer; good 350-500 lbs salable 13.50-14; choice feeders around 17. Sheep salable 50; no early soles; market nominally stendy; good-choice Ted steers under 100 lbs this week 20 50-21; one load Monday 21.26; good ewes salable 6. 50 -7. DEATHS John Mllrhrll lUmlrl. Sr John Mitchell Itnmlcl, Sr., at the res idence, at 85 Duncan avenue. December 20. at the axe of 72 years. Survived hy wlfe, Maude llamie of Salem; a son, John M Hamlel, Jr., of Snlcm, three daiiu li ters, Miss Annes Mam lei of Snlem, Mrs. C. R. Doiulnss of Salnin and Mrs. J. Mil ton Swenson of Cleveland, Ohio: and one arandson, Larry Swenson of Cleveland Services wire held at the Howell - Ed wards chape) Thursday, December 22, at 1:30 p.m. Interment In Belcrcst Memorial park. Harry I, Rrenenmn Harry J. Brencman, late resident of 130 North 24th street, al a local hospital, December 21. at (he aite of 75 venrs. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith Dn-ne on or Salem; two sons, Archie J. Brene ian of Parma. Ida., nnd Oleiin H. Ilrcuc- mnn of Sheridan, Ore. Member of the Moaern woodmen or America. Ser vires will be held Friday. December 23. at r.10 P.m. at the HowoJl-Kdwnrds chnprl with Rev. Dudley StrHin officiating. Interment one rest Memorial park. Churrh Stiirdr vfcnt Church Sturdevant, Rt a local hospital. December 21. Announcement of services littrr by W. T. HuUm fompanv. OBITUARY MlrhaM Carl Thnmp.nn Sllverton Michael Carl Tlmmphnn, an. died Truirwiay at hla home. B0! N. and Mre-et. He was a naturalised citizen and had lived in thla communtly 33 years. Thompson was a lllelonK member of the USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 sacks ' $5.00 Bulk- $10.00 17.50 1 ton . 2 tons FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 Lutheran church and affiliated with Trin ity Lutheran here. He was born July 1863 at Brandu-waadiana, Norway. and married Hilda Olson July 3, 1397. He survived by the olliowing on i id r en; Jame and Harry Thompson, both of Canby; Car Thompson. Dallas: William Thompson, Northfield, Minn.; Arnold and Elmer Thompson, both of woodourn; Mar tha White, eSattle; Helen Epenepetcr and Ruth Thompson, both of Portland: iv grandchildren: one great grandchild; three sisters and brother In Wisconsin. Funeral services will be held from the Trinity Lutheran church with time an nounced later by the EJtman funeral home. . Elma Sutter t. Ansel Mrs. Elma Sutter, 65, died at her home Wednesday night. She was born June 12, 1884 at St. Louis, Mo., and came to Salem In 1910 where she married Ai Sutter. Nov. 10, 1912, moving her seven years ago from Breltenbush. Be- s her husband she is survived by a brother. W. W. Charles, Los Angeles; sister, Mrs. S. L. Adams, Topeka, Kans. Announcements later from the Unger funeral home. AH In Burr Sllverton Alvln Burr died Thursday morning at a Salem hospital. Announce ments later from the Ekman funeral home. Mrs. I. G. Knotts Albany Funeral services were held at the Fisher Funeral home Thursday at 1 p.m., for Mrs. I. G. Knotts, formerly of Albany, who died at her home in Alham- bra, Cal.. December 19. She was a na tive of Indiana. She had lived in Florence, Ore., before coining to Albany In 1900 where she remained until 1933. Mrs, Knotts Is survived by a son, Ralph Knotts, Albany, and a daughter, Mrs, H. G. Butterfleld. Alhambra, Cal., with whom she made her home. Paul J. Hoff Albany Funeral services were held Tuesday from the Fortmiller-Fredcricksen funeral home for Paul J. Hoff, 57, who died at his home near Albany Friday. He was a native of Kansas and married Em ma Wnddcl. who survives, at Waterloo. Iowa In 1919. Surviving are two sons, Glenn. Redmond; and Billy, Albany, and i daughter. Mrs. Willis BurcK, Albany. Al o surviving arc a brother, and three sis ters. Minnie Mary Dumhrrk Albany Funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic church Wednesday at 9 a.m.. for Mrs. Minnie Mary Dtimbeclc, who died at a local hospital Sunday. The rasary was recited Tuesday night at .Mnpleton, Minn., but tiad lived in tne Palestine district of northern Benton rount y since 1910. She was married to Willnlm R. Dumbeck in 1905 at Maple ton. who survives as do three children, Mrs. John Havlik. Jr.. Scnpoose. Helen Dum beck, and Mrs. Allan H. Howells. Albany and a brother, Albert H. Neller, Fairfield, Iowa. Ora Delia Carver Albany Mrs. Ora Delia Carver. 78, died at her home there Sunday nlcht, and wns burled In the Pine Grove cemetery Wednesday, following services held nt the Hnlsey Christian church. Mrs. Carver was born at Yamhill, Ore., moved to Tillamook county when she was 21 years old and lived there until 1911, when she went to Corvallis. She had lived at Halsey for the Inst 32 years. She was married to William J. Carver. May 25, 1891, In Til lamook county. He died In 1927. Surviving are seven children, Mrs. Mary E. Green, Portland: Mrs. Effte Patchett, Dayton; Mrs. George Provlence, Salem; Mrs. Vio let Bllyeu, Halsey; James Carver, Dallas; Collin Carver, Noti; and William J. Carver, Valselz: by a sister. Mrs. May Johnson, Tillamook and by nine grandchildren. Virginia fe Cruse Albany Virginia Lee Cruse, 14. route No. 4, Albany, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harvle Lee Cruse, Albany route 4, died nt the Albany General hospital Sunday, fol low tne a sudden Illness. Funeral services will be held from the Fisher funeral home at a dale to be announced. She wax horn at Cape Glrnrdenu, Mo., and came to Albany in 1949. She was a student at the Central Junior high school. Surviving be sides her pnrents are two brothers, Vcr- A. Cruse. Camp Campbell. Kan Ralph, Albany and R 05 anna Cruse. Al bany, also her grandparents. Edward Allen Wills Dayton Edward Allen Wilts, 35. died at a McMlnnvllle hospital on Dec. 19, af ter a Ions illness. He Is survived by hi wife, Martha and two sons. Services were held Thursday nt St. James Cat hollo church at 0:30 o'clock. Recitation of the Rosary wns held at S o'clock Wednesday at Macy's Memorial chapel. Interment wai in St. James cemetery. Mfn. Olive Beard tier Brookn Mrs. Olive Benrdsloy died De cember 17, at the home of her son Orvllle Beardsley in Honolulu, T. H. She was born in Iowa Sept. II, 1889, coming to Ores on with her parents when a small child. She hnd been 111 for several months. flh wns a member of the Leslie Methodist church in Salem, where she had made ner nom? ror many years. Bhe was a member of the Brooks Oarden club. Sur viving are three sons, Orvllle, of Honolulu. Russell, of Oakland, nnd Charles of Chl cnuo: two brothers, Charles Anderson of Chicago, and Oscar Anderson of Washing ton: two sisters. Mrs. Hazel Park of Chi cago, and Mrs. Esther James of San Fran cisco: four grandchildren. Orvllle Beards ley will accompany the body to Salem, where Tuneral services will be held. An nouncement of funeral services later. $$ MONEY $$ FHA ii Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 193 S. High St. Lie. S-216 tt 222 Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use our Chines rem edlCR. Amazing success for 6000 years In China No matter with what ail ments you are afflicted, disorders sinusitis, heart, lunas, liver, kidneys, ens, constipation, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism. Kail and bladder, fever, ikln. female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN UIIINKSK IIF.RB CO. Office Hours V lo S, Tura and Sat only 2M S Commercial Phone 'ttXM 8AI.FM, ORE. X-TRA Egg Producer Puts Today's "Egg Feed Ratio in "Your Favor Triangle X-Tra Egg Producer is aa important pari of today's profitable "liR Feed" ratio. Good (avert, good feed and today's egg prcet are a triangle that means better profits for the coming season. Plan now to help supply the Northwest's shortage of local eggs. TRIANGLE E MILLING CO. 1 Your Local Triangle Dealer I (promts)