18 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVKBTJ8INOI Pet Ud ISe , Per Line I timet ......40c Per Lin times , 0 Pei Lin 1 mouth 12-00 Outside of Salem ISo per line per dny Min. 10c; 1 time min SOe e time min ll.JD No Relunds READERS In Local New CoL Only: JOc per lint To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALEJHOUSES MERRY CHRISTMAS 45600. 3 bed rra. home, livln rm., den with fireplace, dimmt rm. Kitchen. Ls. lot. Business zone. Paved St. A NEW HOME EAST 19200. 11700 Da. Living- rm., dlnin r.n., kitchen with loLs of bullt-ins. Utility jm. 7 nice bed rms. Had. firs, thruout. ALL FURNISHED 15250. 3 bed rm. home. Livini rm., din In? rm., kitchen, bath, l-i A. close In. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL IIO.tOO. Ensllsh type 3 bed rm. home, livlne rm.. dininf rm.. kitchen, hwd tin., fireplace, bsmt., furnace. V. OMER HUFF 161 Chemcketa P". 25091 a304' BY OWNER Will trade our equity In cute 1 U.K. home for a tood '49 or '50 fur AU.riee.. home, corner lot. land scaped on city bus line. Eve. only, 2-0418 FOR SALE or trade lor food trailer house, equity In 3 Bd. Rm. home. Ph. 2-2240. 305 IT'S A BARGAIN $7050 Attractive ranch style home on s la rue lot, 2 nice bed rooms with double closets, extra lane living room with fireplace, large den or play room. Ben at and ranee to. 1140 feet floor apace, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor flito 8. Commercial Ph. 2-3849. Eve. 2-5260. B304 jTeTuitifijl keizee acres, liooo down takes this 0 rlcn rolling suouman acre. 2 houses, one rents for $30 per mo. 250 capacity pltry. house, brooder bldx.. hflrn oarftcc Family fruit St mils. Grade St hlah school bus by. Only 110.000 Larsen Home & Loan Oo. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. ConVl St. Ph. 3-8289. Eve. 3-99H9 8JU1 BY OWNER: Well constructed room house. Pecan flooring, all electric. Aid utility. Extra lot for garden fruit. Terms can be arranged. Ph. 2-5512. 2385 Claude St. S306 Englewood District 3 bedrooms, living; room, dining room, niastrrpd hdwd. floors, fireplace, fur- nin hent. lame garage, nice yard. See this for 18350 with 11500 down. Call Brown, Eve. Ph. 3-4937. Highland District This home will go O.I. at 18500. A wrll built 2 urdroom home, a years oio, m jilde utility, large garage, near bus lines Belter hurry. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Phone 3-821 fl Eve. Phone 3-4937 or 3-7217. a305' $900. DOWN HaUnee. 145. ner month: suburban, nearly new two bedroom house, larne garden space. Pull price $0550. The la&l lmr Xma.s gift. Call Mr. Beckett. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. Hlah St. Phone 3-W.O Eve. phone2-45fll b305 BAHEMLNT, fireplace, oak floors and a larce lot Plus a good small home all goes for only 16,000. XMAS SPECIAL If you consider the excellent workman ship, oak floors, closet space, auto, heat, you cannot duplicate this home for the money, Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Vho. 3-4701-48 Court-Eve. 2-4173 a3nn' UNUSUAL Two bedrooms, each with private bath; center living room with fireplace; kitch en with bar; ranch type; northeast lo cation: specially priced at $7750. Call Mr. Nation. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. Htsh Bt. Phone 3-7000 Evephone 3-0020 a305 FOR RALE 1IY OWNF.lt: New 2 rm. turn. cabin to be nmved. Cheap. 3095 Portland rd. Ph. 2-6958. a308 OWNER WILL SELL at sacrifice 2 BR Insulated house in Kelzer dint. Va acre. half In strawberries. Immediate poss. Makejin oiler! Ph. 2-8117. b309 "NEAR ST. VINCENT Exceptionally well-built 2 BR home on a corner lot. Plastered, hdwd. firs., eolo-tyle bath, fine bsml.. stairway to at tic Willi materials to finish, all-rleo.. In sulated As weather stripped. Just fH2f0. Crawford YOUNG FARM Nearly 2 A. East, near school St bun. t lilt home on one fir.. Inc. mirnKc, chick house It's a good value at JH.'iOu. Crawford BURT PICIIA, Realtors VIEW PROPERTY JROOQ. B yr. o bdrm. - living Modern style - 2 dining - kitchen -- attached Karnxe - hath - utility rm. Lot 60x120 til yard and shrubs. F.H.A. hou.sp will SUBURBAN ACRE $!!500. 4 bdrm.?. - 7 yrs. old house - llv Inn riltiinn - kitchen - hath utility rm. - drying shed - attached garage -new auto oil lurn. - new wrll with hie. pump house - Owner transferred to Portland. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS 111.550. 3 yrs. old - modern style - 3 bdrm, on one floor - IIviiik rm. - lire, kitchen and nook - elec. heat - ftre place - view property - beautiful yard and shrills 1Unl)0 F.H.A. loan - 175 a mo, payments. Candalaria Heights One of the mo.it beautiful houses In 8a hm - nrw - modern style - 3 bdini.-.. -Inri-e llviim - dinliiK - big kitchen with nook - double plumbing - large utility -2 cr plastered garaitr - auto, oil heat, fireplace - picture windows - view of the city and mountain.. CALL OH SEE ANDY HALVOHSEN Office - 191 a. High - Home 3-7l(" A. A. LARSEN REALTY alf)B llllt lKH'SK. pc. Lit. wall towalfcarpet. lee. kltr'ipn. builtiiiS. bath with show er. Lot BSxlOi. Depp well pump. Furn. ran ho houtrht with house: 1 duvrno Si chair Kroehlrr'. t platform rocker, I ore as. rlialr. 1 9x5 all-wool Alex. Smith' rut, 2 lamp.. I Admiral radio irnmb.), break fast set (4 chairs), I Leonard (deluxe) electric range. Leonard refrlg., Conlon Washer. 6 throw mas. 3 folding chairs. 5(V garden hose, some gardrn tools. 100 UnVris Ave, B307 FOR SALE LOTS $10"DOWNT! US per month. I-ots with water, elec tron v, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Rcimann for Real Estate 301 South Tllch Street Ph. 3-9203 Eve. Sz Sun.. 3-5905. 4-3874, 3-lJ271 2-3738. 3-2533 aa304 WnoilKD LOT on paved atrerCfila Rtt ellff Dr. Cleared and leveled FHA. City water, busline. Ph. 3-4284. aa" FtlR BALE OR TRADE: Business lot in Four Corners. Ph. 2-6100 days, asinv REAL ESTATt FOR YOUR mvtnui. M.testment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem ft Tlclnlty. FTamlne security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5-, We make all col lections fer you If desired STATE FINANCE CO. 15 8 nigh t To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Ore., Thursday, Dec. 22, 1949IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $3750 Special Very modern 4 room home, elec. heat, hdwd. floors, small but very comforUble and livable. Some terms. Eve. phone 27874 Of 33558. Cape Cod Very well built toe., spacious room, i dwd. floor, fireplace, full basement, oil furnace, patio. Total price (13,000. P i! A, term: available. Eve. phones atm or mum, Englewood 3 B.R. older type home needs a. new roof but otherwise In excellent cond., basement, garage, extra Ise. lot. Priced rlKht. 10.500. F.H.A. terms available Eve. phones 27674 or 33558. Home & Store Building No. t rone, 2 B.R. modern home, new store bid. North. 12700 down, balance at 5, See this one fEve. phones 3707 or 3355B. 10 Acres North 4 room home, would make good berry farm, lk mile from school, 12 from Bali-m. Email barn, well, elec. pump, total price only (4950. If you want to b farmer for a small Investment this ll HI Eve. phones 34735 or 33558. 13 Acres Plus 3 B R. home, l',4 miles from small town, new chlx rue., would make very good chlx lirm, Total prlc 7l. Evt phones 3473S or 33558. 3 Acres North 8 room home .small barn St chlx hse,, close to small town. Willamette toll. Let us show you this one for 15500, eve. Phones 34735 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co. Realtor 303ft Portlind Rd. SEE Otltt LISTINGS BEFORE BUYINO. WE HAVE SOME GOOD CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES, AS WELL AS LA ROE AND SMALL FARM PROPER TIES FOR SALE OR TRADE. DENTON & DENTON FORMERLY LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 344 State St. Phone 2-3663. c309 FLASH If you have $300 cash for dwn. payment and a vacant lot, we can deliver you a new home in 90 days. Come in and see us for details. No phone Infor mation please. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4508. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE .In need of good houses to el) In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see ORABKNIIORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-2471 IP YOI'R PROPERTY Li for sale, we need )ur li.stinw. Burt Plcha, Realtors. 379 High St., 2-3649. ca304 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. ca WE NEED a few good 3 or 4 bdrm. homes. we will appreciate listing your home. WALTER MUSORAVE REALTORS 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109 ca303 Wanted Farm Listings We earnestly solicit Itstlncs of self supporting farms. For PERSONAL atten t noacllt ERIC R. NELTE with Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court. Ph. 2-3629. Eve. Ph. 3-1947. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ASS O CIATE l "ST AT lb Nf oMMseTSeiff or small territory. Oood location. Ph. 2-9271. Cd304 UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES Immediate connection for qualified men to sell Floatlnitalr commercial refriger ators. Pood merchants are demanding; Frirdrlch's Opunvlew Self-service and other quality equipment. Permanent, pleasant connection with security and a future. Hid pariilnus. Write Air Mall rIv ItiK complete qualification. Ed Fried rich Sales Corporation, San Antonio. Texas. cd305 SERVICE STATION on 99E for lease. J600.00 buys tnv. 2005 N. Capitol St.. Salem. cd304 UNIT court. 3 gnrat(cs, Incom 707 $23,000. 15D3Markct. Ph. 3-9409. Cd5 IIAYESVILLB ator. Rt. 7. box 145. Ph. 2-4319. ed3 3 STORY It KICK APT. I1IJK1., furnished, excellent location, construction, condi tion Si investment. 182,000. 10 UNIT CO I JIT clone to Capital it Shop ping center. $55,000. NEW IICSINKSS building leased for 10 years, nz.nwi. itsinkss lil.DU. North. I good rentals. 136.500. 5 ni'Pl.KXEK with 10 rentals. West Salem NEW APT. Bl.nG. West Salem, excellent const. :i3.soo. t-I.nsE IN business bids, with lease. $25.- 000. Larson Home & Loan Co. Personal Service , 3-82BD. Eve. 3-9Hfl9 ed104 LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H, E. Sne- then, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 21345. eal7 ItOMlKn AN I) LICENSED llvestockbuyer" E. C. McCanUltAil 1137 S 33th. Ph 38147 ea309 FURNITURE FOR SALE A it MS., jnmc as new furniture and ap pliances 1 roin storittte. Mu.sl sell at once .vo wilt sacrifice all for t price and less. '4S model Philco relrlc. like new $99. All apt elec. rauKe. J.VV Lute modrl uaslier with puiup $44. Mohair dnveno Miile. used 2'j nxwv, $99. Maple 5 pc. dlni-ile m-1 Motor scooter tsft, 13 ga. si iot nun ill. Simmons bed, coll spring mattri'.-.s Ctiioiiiohlx elec. heater 2(. Pair o curved mahogany chairs, $25. Baby stroller S5. Push button table ra d:n $13. Toaster $2. Girl's bicycle J20. S'c tnv a-ri-nt. Glenn Woodry, 1605 N. Summer . fl, 3 -SI 10 dlOfi W A N TEDRJRN rfU !'Li:c TltlC range, water heater, refriger ator, din in it set. runs, bedroom suite, washer, radio, desk, daveno set, other household articles. Pay cash. It you hate any ot the above Items pleane Ph. 3-.M 10 at once. da30S PETS A I It I IMLE puppies. 'Reg. . ' Ph. COCKER PITS. Pure breed. Red ami wIiiia partlcolor. 865 Kins wood Dr. Ph. 3-9.7!. c306 CH III I' A HI' A puppies, $10.00. Ph. 2-1758, ec304 MOOKrR tropica! fish and supplies, White Ar micro worms. Ben tit If ul live Xinus presents. Rt. 5, box 4S3. 1 mile past Htckey school on Macleay Rd, Ph. 2-7331. ec306 MONTHS female pup. Small, abort hair. Good with children. Free. Ph. 3-6003. ec305 CHOICE canary birds. 360 N. 18th. ec6 singers. 18.50 St up. BEAI'TIFl'L cocker pups. Lovely Xmaj ttft. 16i0 Pearl. ec304 IlliAIlTr iH. RED Irish Better pups. Pure bred, 3 males left, $10 each, 370 W. Rur al. Ph. 3-7051. c304 FUEL SLAB, a cdi. $10. Ph. 31458. e till FEN 0K Si dry prune wood. Ph 22129 after 5 p.m. ee.104' DRY. JND GROWTH fir, stov length. Reasonable. Ph. 3-394), 3-8445. eel6 ISHCRAH S-woods. Th. GRABENHORST SPECIALS CANDALARIA HEIGHTS VIEW HOME I We. bdrm., all rms. ofr entry halt beautiful kitchen with lots of bullt-ins, brkfst. nook, lie. llv. rm. it din. rm., full daylight besm't., with party rm. & fireplace, auto-oil heat, ceiled 2 car garage. TO SEE THIS HOME CALL EARL WEST CANDALARIA BEAUTY t bdrm 4. ranch-style home, located on Candalaria Blvd., L-shaped llv. rm., din. rm.. hall, bath. hdwd. fir., fireplace, auto-oll heat. Inside utility, dble, garage. This home Is priced right. CALL ROY TERR IS FOR1 JEWELRY & FUR INSURANCE CALL HAL HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty - Phone 3-2471 Xvenlngs and Sundays Call Earl West 3-0608 - Roy Ferris REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFULLY located on comer lot In Enrlewood Dist. Tnis very attractive 3 B.R. home, Ise. living rm., dining rm., nook Ac fireplace, flnlihed dry base ment, automatic heat, sprinkling system in lawn. First time on the market sod the price Is right. RAMBLING ranch style 3 B R. alt on one floor, living rm. has nice fireplace and entrance hall, dining rm., nook, big utility rm., oil piped furnace, attach, gar., driveway wide enough that even your wife can't miss, lot 03x150, lo cated In Hollywood Dist., lotta home for 112,600. LOCATED close to Englewood Sch. on corner lot, bdl. plumbed, 3 B.R. and den, dining rm., fireplace, and nook. Full dry basm. Oil furnace, all for 1 11.500. ID acres and excellent complete mdn. this is tops. OVER 100 acres under cultivation, part Irrigated, good buildings, can be had with or without stock and equipment. Trade for town property will be con sidered. Ph. 3-6(80. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate, 433 N. High St Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 2-77S9 - 4-2328 - 3-5413 cS04 FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oren Edging 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also IB" Oreen Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. ERESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends A Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shells tor sale. Klorfeln Packing Co.. 460 N. rroDt. . 51 ,West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 3-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater West Salem PHILLIPS BROS Old ftr. oak, ash A maple. fir. 18" lab and edgings. Ph 3145B ee' TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7442 1 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside U1U Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY 1VE TURKEYS. Ph. 31301. 1304' LIVE young roasting hens and fryers. 3490 aunnyvlew Ave. Ph. 3-B3i. uuo NEW I1AMPS1IIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatcnes every iuea Fox Hatchery. 3830 State Bt. Ph. 3-4969. PRODUCE EASTERN alfalfa by ton or truckload. Ad dress 865 S. 13th. Ph. 2-9923. ff305 HELP WANTED MALE ELECTRICIAN, licenced, for commercial Ar hoim wirtnK. Must have own tools. Prefer one with truck. State experience, salary expected, etc. Write Box 493, Mo lalla, Ore. R&308 voiino siNRI MAN who wishes to learn the parts business. See Mr. Fancher at Stan Baker Motors. sa308 HAVE EQUIPMENT for making cement blocks. Want partner with small amt capital for supplies, c0 Capital Journal Box 308. ga304 HELP WANTED FEMALE MIDDLE aged lady or widow to live in our home. Care for baby, while mom. er works. Write Box 304 Capital Journ al. gb305 WANTED Young lady for general office work. Dictation required. Give age, quai Iflcstlon, experience and reference, Write Box 302 oo Capital Journal. gb305 WANTED women nut ahilieri. All rlnter work. 460 N Front Klorfeln Packing Company. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFP1CB AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 30 Sttte Slrttt 3-14BB. If- WANTED SALESMAN WANTED An experienced sales service man by local distributor of National Brand tires. State awe and qualifications to Capital Journal, Box 310. 881 SALESMEN Do you want to make good money In 18 so selling racxara cars: Must dc ex perlenced and married. Good deal lo right party. State Motors, Inc. Packard Dealer .140 No. 11 lull St. KK305 BOOK BINDING Have your National Geographies, Sci ence Journals and other magazines bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We also rebind antlnue books. Hand and machine sewed. Capital City Bindery. 1925 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-8176 ghl4 WANTED POSITIONS WANTED: Poaltlon as housekeeper In Christian home. Kindly state salary At etc. In reply add. J. McKenxle, Salem, Gen. Del. h30 YOUNG MARRIED man experienced in dairy and general farm work. House necessary. Write Capital Journal Box 311. h309 BART RITTING. Ph. 2-6833. hiT YOUNG VET, independent, stubborn and too much pride. Not lass than anthtnc a wek. Many qualifications and ret 3-8O90. h304 B it d7 RM.'for litUi' glrli "in "nice" 1 a r ge home in Monmouth. Quiet street, lawn, trees, pleasant playmates. $45 mth. For Info., call Salem 3-3585. MOS niiriTcAREMi iTTthTph. 33'ei . hi 1 CniLD-CARE 1180Shlpplrigr Ph. S-992V ha CARPENTER work. New. repair. Ph. 3-3093 h6 GROCERY CLERK, meat cutter or man atter. Exp. Good ref. Call Orexham 5799 after 5 30 p.m. Write Rte. 3, box 3. Bor ing. Oreei h30S Will call for h5 RARY SITTING. Phone 2-0380. hJ TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr lerv Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hi TREK WORK, topping, trimming, remov- it. ins. op. work guar w. h. ucaiiis r. 40Trade.Ph2-14961 hJ EXPERIENCED LADY wL-Oies work where mother comes home from hospital witn baby. Ph. 4-3079. h307 Mimeographing-Typing POES. 103 North 16th. Phone 1-3643. hill CHILD CARS by day or hour. 1090 N l"'h IFOR SALE HOUSES 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 REAL ESTATE 1 B.R home, located 3 ml. out, north. WANTED POSITIONS HOURLY child care. Ph. 2-0403 INTERIOR PAINTINQ. Exp. Ph. 1-8796 n306 IRONING in my home. 3-7498. CARPENTER work, any kind Reas. 1161 Union. Ph. 2-1487. h-2 CEMKM WORK wanted Ph 3-4B50 FOR RENT ROOMS Ph. 36539. 795 N. Winter. Jk304 LGE. SLEEPING room for couple or ei lady. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 38459. Jk304' RM. FIIRN. for housekeeping, $15. Close 10 uapitoi Shopping Center. 594 N. 12th. Jk304 WARM, ATTRACTIVE, reasonably priced rwmi ior employed gentlemen. Ph 3-4248. jkaoS' CLOSE IN sleeping room. HAC water. 461 Jk305' PLEASANT sleepinn room for man. 1050 worway. Ph. 34547. Jk304' SMALL, clean, warm room. Ctaa in. CnnlT ing priv., S3 per week. 740 Chemcketa. Jk304' RLP. A LIGnT hskpg. rm. 3-4335. Jk307' FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. FURN. upstairs apt. Close in. Ph. 2-0745. jP304. ROOM APT. with priv. bath & ent. 735 S. 13th. 1 block to bus Si store. Jp305 -RM. FURN. apt. Prir. bath and ent. aauiu. au union. Jp305' COURT APT., 3 rms. and bath. Electric nrai, new. ciean, reirig. and ranae. 1348 S. 13th. Jp305 NEW 4 RM. all electric. No chlldreoTPh! -7P7l. jP308 WELL nEATED 3 rooms furn. apt. Adults. 720 N. Com'l. MOD. 8 RM. fum. HStC water fnrn. JT 1. 2 adults, no pets. $60. 3845 Portland Kq- , JP305 LARGS rm. apt., private entr. Close in. i-n. 3 vaih. 315 Market. Jp304 ROOM At APT. 360 N. CapTtoL Jp308" you CAN afford the best! Ambassador NICELY furn. apt. Private bath. Ph 3-5838 or eve. 3-4814. jjr FURNISHED 3-RM. COTTAGES. Ph. 25769. JP307' FURN. SMALL APT. At klthenette. State ai. Aouiis oniy, ivan o. Martin. Ph J-.141B: JP304' NICE LGE. APT. Util. 16th. turn. Reas. 365 S. jp307 RMS. & bath. Unfurn. $35. Ph. 2-4342. SPARKLING NEW 4 one-bdrm. apts in modern brick court. Lots of storage. xc. location. 380 S. 17. . JP308 t RM. APT. Also sleeping rooms. Ph. 3-43.15 JP304 APT.. PRI. BATH, elec. heat, refrlg. Ac range. $35. Emp. lady. 713 Ferry. Jp304 3 ROOM CLEAN apt., quiet, priv. bath & ent., elc. heat, bus at door. Inq. 1382 1 ra- JP304 5 RM. FURN. apt. Close In. Clean. 760 pi. unurcn. rn. a-saoi. Jp304 FURN. MOD. apt. 3B8N. Liberty. AdifltT Apply apt. 2. Jp304 FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. OR UNFURN. house about Jan. 15th. Union Ac Liberty. Ph. 3-4336. Jm305 4 ROOM unfurn. duplex. Adult i7$65noT Utilities paid. 155 S. 19th. Ph. 3-1529. Jm304 l BD. All elec. Oarage. Ph. Jm305 810. MO. unfurn. mod. all-elec. l'i mi. So. 13th St. 14 Junction. Burt Plcha. Realtors. 379 N. High St. 2-3649 or -5390- Jm304- 3-BDRM. FURN. home. Auto, oil heat! Jh.3-5382. Jm306 3 RM. HOUSE on bus line, near Blue Lake tannery, moo., j oarrn. Inquire 1656 Mill st- Jm305 ? BD. RM. house. H.W. floors. Large rms. i'rr, D3 per mo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Ohurch Ph. 2-7643 Jm305 .S RM. house at 1326 N. Winter. Jm304 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE TRAILER With apace. Ph. 2-5321. J30B FLOOR space on state St Desk apace on Marion St. Ph. 3-6483. U DRIVE Trucks RoJInioo Bhell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103, J BUSINESS RM. for rent R L. Stiff FOR RENT Large room Ferry Btreet. iiiiaoiB ior uince or store aiso 2 story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High St. Tel. 3-4131. J" UonUomer J' POWER TOOL rentals lor home and in dustrial us Uowser Bros Pb 3-3646 TRAILERS $3.00 per day Howser Bros iiv fr 12th Wait Balem FURN. TRAILER house $23. 1968 N. Com'l J304 HOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff TO DO good lob -ent a sooA Poor anri . We sen everything; to complete th b BOWSER BROS Ph 3-3646 j UNGKl EI.lCTRto portable sewing ma- ehines Reasonable rates. Free Pick up At delivery Singer Sewing Uachln Co ISO N Com 1 Ph 11513 r WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYFD LADT nndl lurnlih.d 1 or 3 optiroom .pt. close in. occupy Feb. m. Box 308 CptLI JournM. J.308 F17RN. AfT. for younf worktn, coup,, HO. wrll, box 307. c.pruiJournftl. J,304 WANT HOlUt by Jn. lSth. 3 or J B.H. HishUnd .chool dut. preferred. Pti 3-0634. tvt. 3-07. Jt30l Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Christmas Specials! BUY YOURSELF ONE OF OUR FINE LATE MODEL USED CARS. THEY ALL CARRY OUR 12 MONTHS GUARAN TEE. HERE ARE A FEW: 1948 KAISER 1948 CHEV. AERO 1947 CHEV. AERO 1947 CHEV. 4 DOOR 1948 CHEV. AERO 1948 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SEVERAL LOWER PRICED CARS. Teague Motor Company 352 N. Commercial St. XTRA XMAS SPECIALS NO PARKING WORRY. JUST DRIVE TO 678 So. 12th St. STATE MOTORS INC. PACKARD USED CAR LOT 1946 Nash Super Deluxe Sedan $795 1941 Dodge Custom Sedan ??? 1941 De Soto Custom Sedan '. ??? 1940 Nash Club Coupe ? ? ? 1942 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan lit 1940 Dodge Custom Sedan ??? 1939 De Soto Club Coupe ? ? ? 1937 Ford Deluxe Coach ??? LOST & FOUND LOST: White gold Bulova wrist watch, with emeradls. In Sears or between Sears St t ibraska on Capital St. Rc w a rd. Please call 2-4086. k30S FOUND! A really good Place to eat. Pood selling Is the art of providing foods that won't come back to customers who will AUMSVILLE COFFEE SHOP Aumsvllle. Oregon Truck Parking k3l0 FOUND: Small breed of dog Tlclnlty of Duncan Ave. Owner may have dog by paying for add and Identify. Ph. 2-1438. k306 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. mil DENTAL PLATE rcfFAJR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARRT 8KMLKR DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State s Oomm"xlJ flu SALEM Phone I-SJll m BUILDING MATERIAL CONVERT your furnace. Motor driven oil burner for furnace In good shape. House being wrecked at 1109 Union. See Chris on the Job. ma304 RED CEDAR shingles tn I 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices 18 in. No. 1 carton packed cedarwali shakes. Ted Muller Salem-Indep road Call 2-1198 Salem ma DOORS Bedroom, bathroom Sz closet doors, stan dard sizes, single panel. The quantity is limited at $7.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front St Court , Salem ma oAVX OH ROOFINO Let Wards gire you comp;ete If STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 3-3191 UONTOOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREOOli ma WINDOWS As much as off regular prices on large assortment of single St multlpane standard and-offslze windows St frames. KEITH BROWN Front Ac Court Salem SIDING C" GRADE CEDAR SIDING 1Vx8" Choice and limited lot. Regularly 160 M. now $40 M i" 8HEETROCK tile board. Regularly $95 U, now $50 M KEITH BROWN Front At Court Salem ma" DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor ano carpenter using me nnesi old erowth Tertlcal grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 26 Lana Ave Ph. 34939 Free parking ma FLOORING l"n4" clear, end-matched fir flooring Limited quantity. Regularly $100 M. now $75 U KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem COMPOSITION ROOFING 4A lb. Smooth, mica surfaced roll . 1.98 90 lb Slate granule surfaced roll 3.11 15 lb. Asphalt saturated felt build ing paper 324 Sq. ft. per roll . . . 2.50 168 lb. Hex shingles State surfaced So. 5 93 320 lb. Square butt shingles. The finest. Sq 1.95 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO Salem, Oregon ma3U CONTRACTORS!! YOU OWE IT To yourself, and your customer, to ob tain highest quality lumber, at lowest possible delivered prices. For large sav ing, write, phone, or see us, for our lat est price list. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. mail FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 300 SAVAGE, Model 99. Also .22 Woods man automatic. Both like new. see at 1157 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-7509. n305 30-GAL. AUTOMATIC gas water heater $20. 30-eal. range boiler $63.00. Ph. 2-273S. 8 to 2 P.m. n.W? SED Electric ranges. $19.95 St I EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa FT. REFRIGERATOR. New 9 It. Cold Spot refrigerator. Davenport. 555 N. Church. n305 MODEL 12 Winchester pump shotgun. New. Haines Sport Shop. 1201 S. Com'l. n305 I9S7 FORD Vi ton stake or flatbed. Over load sprins, vacuum brakes, quick sale, also 6 mo. old Sanltlier vacuum clean er. Ph. 4-2806. n305 AS RANGES, apt. sue. 2 only, reduced $50. Tester Appliance Co. 373 Chemcketa Save 20 to 50 PIANOS-Spinets St Grands. GUITARS Standard St Electric. accordians All sizes St Prices. BAND INSTRUMENTS New St Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph 3-4641 Jaquith Music Co. STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings Id tock St made to order 1145 . Liber y. nS ISSION ELEC. hot watrr heater. 42 (al New Crated. 179. Ph. J -4284. n IAUTOMOBILES 1946 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 1948 CHEV. 4 DOOR FLEETLINE 1941 FORD 4 DOOR DELUXE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Intrhmiu nr IV. tin .niA.tu .1 heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 37S Kiicraeseia, GENERAL ELECTRIC CTOSley. aibsor and Montag Appliances at Oevurti. n PH ILL1PS BROS " "uieo or iresn, an kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all .ul un vrum icnce posu teicpnone uu c pule uny icngtn stungle Yew posu, Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 6 Box 118. i USED OIL burners, blowers At sawdust uuiiicib, rn. -udflj DISH GARDEN plants nnd planters. Beau tlfui floral work. Pembcrton Flowe Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 3-9948. nHftT APEX washer 2',j years old. $60. Apex nauri. ud. iswaxpoi reing., 7', in: Call 2-2567 or 1090 S. Hlah. n305 WEBSTER dual speed automatic phono graph records, $a0. 1150 N. Church D305 HUNTERS! Will sell a hunting right to re t.wu kuwc immiriR acreace ior the rest of the season. Harry Fast. mile north of R4ckrcall. Ph. Dallas 2022. WEDGEWOOD gns ranse. 2 years old. Ph j-aat. jjsa uiauoe St. n306 SALEM SAND Oi onAVEL COMPANY Komraci won Road Clearing Ditch in Sewer it Basement Equipment Rental ib B ',i yds 10 B yds D-l Cat Sz Doeer D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat At Dozer See us about ditching by tbi ft Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-824 or 2-4400 etaiem Oregon DIAMOND, half karat, perfect, reason- " vhuh:u. njo CONVERT your furnace. Motor driTe'rPoTl uu"' " mniBce in gooa snapc. House being wrecked at 1109 Union. See Chris on the Job. n304 n.P. ELEC. motor. 110 St 220 8 pulleys. Ph. 3-9409 "X5' ahaft nS RUMMAGE sale, 360 State upstairs. n311 O WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 37S Chemcketa n FOR YOUR HOLIDAY dinners St parties' Imi as enjoy pure apple cider. Made aany no Preservative i Contains all the fruit vitamins. Puritan Cider Wks. West Salem. n306 USED RADIOS Sz record players. $0.95 up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemcketa ti 30-00 SPRINGFIELD sporter with scope ?oa. ifgqr nouie. jusa Portland Rd. n305 REMINGTON 12 ga. auto. Ribb barrell re- coiipacK. n. 3-41)03. n305 SUN LAMP, portable O.E. in leatherette carrying case. Like new, only $17.50 Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. n305 I FLAT CLARINET with case $557Eler trie washiiig machine $35. Girl's bicy cle 120. Bunk beds, can be used singly, $15. South wind car heater, like new, $25 Two wheel trailer. 7 piece blond dining set $65. Ph. 2-7198, 431 Thorndale Circle. n305 STANDARD TYPEWRITER. 1 portable, $35 ea. 1 Rddlng machine. 921 N. Win ter. Ph. 3-8078. n305 i USED 50 gal. oil drums with fittings, $6 and $a. fn. 2-91. n305 BENDIX 1948 Automatic washer, $90, Trad er Louie. 30j5 Portland Rd. n305 ATTENTION! Service stations, used car lots, and equipment owners. Eastern oil, 2 gal. sealed cans, 47 Vic per Knl. Grease cup, chassis, water pump, all purpose gear 90 and 140. 5 lb. to 500 lb. contain ers, 9c lb. Rebuilt batteries, group 16 mo. guarantee. $4.46 exchange. H. C. Hanson, 320 S. Lancaster. Ph. 2-0010. nl5 OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n ELECTRIC WASHERS $19.95 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa USED Electric Refrigerators. I4.95 St up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa - n FULLER brushes. 1743 Grant. Ph. 3-8357 nil WALLING 8 ANt St GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROt'K for roads and drlvewaa cement ready mis concrete garden and Bulldozing drnlnaee and ditching S-yc hnvei and drag line Ph 1-8248 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FIR STI'MPAGE ane fir logs wanted Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber At Manufac turing Company, Inc.. Independence. Oregon. Phone 42. jia WANTED RAnklE Douglas fir-poles or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole At Piling Co., Inc. naS PERSONAL MRS. MF.LVIN SMITH, Sp-ncer corsetler Let a Spencer solve your figure problem All calls fives special attention Ph 35072. p308 AVON COSMETICS. Ph. 3-48S8. p3G9 STANLEY" HOME PRODUCTS, Lee Mln!t 1165 N. 14tb. Ph. 2-4801. p305 THE PLACE where careful nursing. Warm cheerful rooms, good food, makes the patient feel at home. Lansing Nursing Home, 2110 Lansing Ave. Ph. 3-8617. p305 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES HOLIDAY SPECIALS ON ' OLDSMOBILE "ROCKET" TRADE-INS 1948 PACKARD SEDAN $1795 ELECTROMATIO DRIVE. 1947 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $1445 ONE LOCAL OWNER. 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDANETTE $1470 LOW MILEAGE. NICE. 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN $1595 ONLY 11.000 MILES BY LOCAL OWNER. 1948 NASH "600" SEDAN $1350 ANOTHER LOW MILEAGE CAR THAT BTILL LOOKS LIKE HEW. 1949 KAISER SEDAN $1645 SAVE OVER 31000 ON A CURRENT MODEL CAR. 1948 FRAZER MANHATTAN SEDAN $1325 THIS IS THE DELUXE SERIES AND VERY CLEAN. 1948 OLDSMOBILE "78" SEDAN . .$1885 DELUXE HYDRAMATIC DRIVE IN PERFECT CONDITION. 1947 OLDSMOBILE "78" SEDAN ..$1465 ANOTHER HYDRAMATIC DRIVE. THE PROVEN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. ALL THE ABOVE CARS CARRY THE LODER BROS. WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND HAVE BEEN "SAFETY TESTED" LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 465 CENTER PHONE 3-79732410 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE 3-1400 Anderson's Used Cars 240 CENTER STREET SALEM, OREGON 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY, LOW MILE AGE AND REAL CLEAN. 1946 FORD SEDAN, RADIO AND HEATER, NEW TIRES ALL AROUND. LOW MILEAGE. 1941 CHEVROLET TUDOR, ONE OWNER. PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITION. 1940 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, NEW TIRES AND PAINT. PERFECT IN EVERY WAY. 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN. NEW MOTOR. 1937 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. A HONEY. 1937 GRAHAM COUPE. FARMERS ATTENTION 1948 CHEVROLET -TON PICKUP. LOW MILE AGE. ONE OWNER. 1942 DODGE 114-TON STAKE RACK. Anderson's Used Cars 240 Center St. PERSONAL SPENCERS ARE designed to adjust to fig ure changes. Gain or lose your Spencer fits. Ph. 3-5013. Eve. Ph. 3-1619. p305 AUTOMOBILES FREE TURKEY WITH EVERY CAR SOLD THIS WEEK 1941 BUICK 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN, VERY CLEAN. RA:H 1942 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1940 Willys Sedan 1937 Pontiac Sedan 1937 DeSoto coupe pick-up 1946 Cadillac Sedan, R&H. very clean 1041 Chevrolet ton pickup Many other cars to choose from Down payment as low as ?50 To our many friends and patrons we wish a very Merry Christmas RON'S MOTOR CO. GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Lubrication - Steam Cleaning 4 DODGE panel. 11.000 mileage. Like new. 6S9 N. Church. (Back of 685.) q306 PERFECT '49 CHAMP. Studebaker 81700. 4 -dr., radio, super tires. 15.000 miles, free demonstration Saturday afternoon. Owner, 1377 Chemeketa. Ph. 37558. 4305 '37 PONTIAC sed. Good shape. Best cash otter over J 200. see orabeis aarane, 3578 Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-9351. q308 WANTED! Car from '39 to "43 or 48. 2- door sedan or 5-pa.a. coupe. J. C. Brown. Box 163. Turner, Ore. A306 48 MERCURY club coupe. RAH. Exc. cond. 1840 E. Nob Hill. Ph. 3-0350. Q.309 1919 MERCURY 4-door sedan, overdrive. radio and heater, one owner car. Excel lent condition. Car Insurance and 1950 license pistes tree. Actual mtleatte 13.080. Cash price 11945. Phono 3-9070 evenlnas, 5:30 to 7:30. 0.306 S CARS! One '38 PIrmouth. Above aver age In every way. The other, nice 37 Ford. Best offer takes each. Ph. 3-0539. e.307 '37 PLYMOUTH pickup. 678 H. Comm'I Ph. 2-0001. qaga SA CHEV. sedan. Must sell. 1335. Ph. Q.305 3-3546. MODEL A, excellent condition. Pb. 3-7835. q.306" rAB ACCESSORIES tires ft tubes at eost price firt come first ervd as this v a close-out ale Dealer. welcomed R D. Woodro Cow 450 Center, ' IAUTOMOBILES Ph. 3-3724 AUTOMOBILES '47 Dodge CUSTOM 5-PASS. COUPE MAROON FINISH, RADIO, HEATER, INTERIOR LIKE NEW. BACK-UP LITE. WINDSHIELD WASHER, POO LITE. NEW TIRES. SEE THIS TODAY. $1395 Orval's Cenler at Church Phone 3-4703 'THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" q306" 1P50 PONTIACS ARE HERE '46 Pontiac Sedan $1195 '42 Pontiac Sedan iAh '39 Pontiac Sedan 495 '42 Chevrolet Sedan 695 "37 Dodae Sedan 295 Y '37 Chevrolet Sedan 2S5 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '40 Plymouth Sedan 545 '39 Plymouth Sedan 3!ft '36 Olds mob lie Coupe 115 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 660 N. LIBERTY PHONE 2-4113. q Eisner Motors to Sell '48 BUICK Super Sedan Radio, heater, lots of extras, ft.ono miles. Owner says sell at once. Easy terms, 24 months. See car at STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER 340 NO. HIOH ST. q305 FOR SALE '37 Plymouth panel delivery, new motor, 1250. Call 3-3993 after 6 p m. q304 SPECIAL 1948 Bulck Super, low mil ate, 2 tone. 435 N. Com'l. $1945. q307 'S4V-8 PICKUP, runs xood. 3 new tires. new battery. $155. Call Jess at 2-1001. q305 150 USED CAR LOT 150 St your old one 12th St. Junettoi Open till 10 p.m. q '33 CHEV. 4-door. Good tires. Set at RU 4. box 646 or Ph. 2-4200. Q304 Eisner Motors to Buy 11)38 CHEV, master 4-door sedan. $175. Oood cond. Ph. 3-1129 between ft Ar 7 P.m. q304 (Continued on Page 19) r i r