16 Capital Journal, Saem, Ore., Thursday, Dec. 22, 19491 , PUT !rf IN IMV RCWBCOT anak2T - H .MSyS. BIS HULK ' A.rjioArr' Tt.g0.rs tower the door. RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY Y. M. (Chapter 16) HENRY'S PRESENT Zezop and his Wiggle Waggles ouiciuy uea up &anui. "Welcome to your own party," sneered zezop. ! who. you mm you would Be sorry lor nop in viting us." "Let's give him some party food," suggested Humphrey wickedly. How about some gum drops?" Immediately the Wiggle Waggles began dumping gum drops from their Dockets eum drops which were really the enchanted Santa Land workers and their story book friends who had come to the party. Santa gazed sadly at the gum drops heaped on the table. The tip of his own magic wand stuck from Zezop's pocket. "If I could only get that," thought Santa long ingly. But he knew there was no chance at all. Meantime, Mr. Dilly and Henry hid In the bicycle shop, not know ing that Santa had led the Wiggle Waggles off their trail. All about the shop were bicycles and tricycles, shining bright with newness. How wonderful they would look around ell the Christmas trees on Christmas morning! thought Henry. He forgot lor a moment that there very like ly wouldn't be an Christmas morn lng any more. He felt in his pocket for the little present Tweedieknees nao given him. "Do not open until Christmas," Tweedieknees had said. What If there was no Christmas? Would he never know what his only present was? While Henry thought about the Christmas hed never have, Mr. Dilly was planning how to save Henry and Santa. He did not know that the Wiggle Waggles had already captured Santa. This was his idea: why shouldn't he take Santa's place and let the Wiggle Waggles capture him while the real Santa escaped! "Henry," said Dr. Dilly. "Lie down and get some rest." The boy was . only too willing to obey. He clutched his Christ' mas gift in his hand and stretched out on the floor. Instantly he fell asieep. Dr. Dilly rummaged around the shop. The tables and benches had been overturned by the galloping Wiggle Waggles. Wrenches, screw drivers, and pliers were strewn about. Some of the bicycles had been smashed. Hunting around, Mr. Dilly found what he wanted. It was an old work suit of Santas'. It was torn and dirty out it was red and fur trim med. What a sight Mr. Dilly looked when he had put it on! Long, thin Mr. uniy wnn Santa's suit hang ing on him like a double sheet. Hi snatched up rags that lay about the snop and stunea tnem in his coat, filling out the empty spaces. Then he glued wads of cotton to his chin and cheeks. He had no hat so he glued cotton to his hair. too, to make It white and fluffy like Santa's. When he was ready he was the funniest sight you ever saw. But anyone looking at him would have known right away that If he wasn't Santa Claus he was someone who was supposed to be Santa Claus He ducked out of the bicycle shop and started off for Santa's cottage. He could hear tho WigRle waggles wnooping it up over there. "Jingle bells, jingle bells," sana out Mr. Dilly, trying to sound very gay and jaunty, "Here comes San ta himself!" With that he burst Into the cot tage. Instantly he saw Santa all tied up and he knew his whole plan was ruined. But It was too late to do anything. The astonished Wig gle Waggles looked first at him and then at the real Santa and then back again. Finally Zezop said, "Maybe it's all done with mirrors, maybe not. Anyway, now we have two San tas." Well, I guess that wou'.d have been the end of evervlning if it hadn't happened that lust about that time little Henry over in the bicycle shop woke up. When he found Mr. Dilly gone ho thought the Wiggle Waggles had gotten him and would soon get him, too. "That being so, there's no reason I shouldn't open my Christmas pres ent right now," he said to himself. "After all, It's the only present I ever had and I'm sure Patrick Tweedieknees wouldn't mind If he knew now It was." So he tore the wraDnlnr from unie oox ana peeped inside. What he saw was a tiny golden feather covered with tiny silver writing, f or one whole minute he stared open mouthed reading the wuius on me learner. Suddenly he cried out with i. Then, his face lit with happiness unu me ieauier ugnt in his hands, ne wnispcred softlv to himself. Next: A Merry Christmas to All Coming for Christmas Webfoot Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bell and family of Webfoot, Mr and Mrs. Donald Gubscr and son Danny of McMlnnville will be Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Williamson at Lafay ette, where 24 members of the family will gather. Gift Exchange Planned Ml. Angei The juvenile of the Catholic Order of Women Foresters will hold their annual Christmas party with an -x-change of gifts on Friday in the bt. Mary's club rooms. Wardrobe Miniatures Sav Merrv Christmas' with this clever set of clothes for your daughter's favorite tioii. fun to sew easy to lit. No. 3528 is ordered by size for 14. 16, 18, 20, 22-ln. dolls. See pattern for yardage. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles Liiui, mciuues acsigns ior all mem bra of the family from tiny tots and growing girls to juniors and misses, mature and larger-size wom en? Just include the WINTER FASHION BOOK In your pattern order. It's a big aid to every home sewer. Price per copy 20c. Send 25o for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number. State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 314 Mis slon St.. San Francisco 6, Calif. R2489 Knitted Wnrmm Win I will lose their sting when you are U'pnrlncr thnn oneir mul wl.n.i. .........n nuu wii9,iciAI and knee warmers. They are such winning you u maxe tne com-1 ocb 4ii coupie oi evenings, Pnftprn Vnualnn. DAIM ' Mills complete knitting instructions ..,,ii,i ii-tiuiiciiieuui, suicn UlUS-l i rations, medium and large sizes, IllCIUUt.'U. To obtain this pattern, send 90c I in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and sons num- ocr to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. i 7.n ' i" irr-ni is j J. Jl H nP K ... An I : n n r 1 1 J ' A.UAI U urn n ; KrWn thm 1 i 0 Pf , lL lc. , I T OH' HELLO ' 1 I VESI HEARO-MKHTV "1 DINNERS ALWII fl.yM-ME-Me7 R DN LITTLE TO EAT IS RIGHT. 1 I I GUESS VOITRE MR. FINS OF YOOTOCOME I I PEflCV BETTER I ARE A T LIKE DOC BftIO I BUT THIS IMre I II Die-r...wm kii.. rXTlT I I rLJr J . I NK MNSZ-VHUW P -;l STEW SHOULD FILL -EM UP I I DOC BROUGHT ME BUT I'M NOT MUCH I I WHILE IT'S ( THIS IS " LITTLE FOR STEW- FOR YEARS I'VE 1..AKIO TODAY THAT NEWCOMER, TUEY STOOD UP AMD LHbbkbU sT fAM 1 IM DUTCH! IP 'TTT ( BEEM FIGHTING MARRV NOCVSER, SUGGESTED I AS HE SAVE MV SPEECH ALMOSTJ I POP EVER FINDS OUT 1 S FOR THESE TOWM TUE VERY THINGS 1VE FOUSWT A WORD FOR WORD.. I CANT JSC I : THAT 1 6AVB HIS SPEECH TOT H ( IMPROVEMENTS AND p FOR AND THE COMMITTEE jr ' LUNDERSTAMD IT! Psa MAR MOCKER FOR HER CIVIC E jiA VJMSaa OTEOTHEM OKAY -TlTWM PAPER, HETLL TEAR ME l mS wSrCTI irMl rl, WKJCMm umb from tree M ESTL h5 ' nLW UN,WITP SSSfSSy Lu6w-A 'V-z j&i I tl j rfi l y v . $A I - .... - 1 I llf M I 1 . .SiTal M L!!?.fr HAND ME I .. ? MA.Y-. . 0RUM-. . l THE ONI WHO HOt 05 TOE KEY TO THE VI ViiSra nrJS.Svi E PHONE, ? I KFOM. I ANSWER TOUR QUESTION, I M tO N s" KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C0 B20 NEC 870 CBS 1190 ABC 1380 MBC HflO Kc. ITrut The" of Vt Fexlurc Story ' Green Hornet Stralcbt Arrow Band of Dy - e:Yr 'otr, News Litllt Show Green Hornet Strmlsht Arrow Bnd of Dar cloniSonii or Timet Newt Sky KInc B-Bar-B Ranch Blnf Craiby gI-jElmer Petenon Sewa kr Klnr B-Bar-B Ranch Bmtoeii Newt "fiwn Scretn Guild SuipcnH hrelirhten Gab. Heater Candle Llfht S.ifJ Screen GutU Su&penM Home Edition K. W. Newa A Silver Sion Mui, Cavalcade Crime Mod. Romance! Telle Test Newe g-45 Mui. Cavalcade Photographer Mod. Romance! Serenade Twill rht Sont yTnn Perry Como The Playhouse Counterspy Drama, Pat O'Brien i.tt-Perry Como The Playhoute Counteripy Soma of Tlmea Mle, Jaohpet 4:AnDrcnet Hollywood Date With Jndy West. Recorda Bvelys Knlht 7 :45 Dr"DCt Theater Date With Judy Weit. .Recorda Mldcourt Vwvn Sinatra-Klritcn Lowell Thomaa Amateur Honr Hop'lng CaaildyWU BaaketbaU 2. t eWorld Newa lack Smith Amateur Hour Hoping CaaaldyWU BaaketbaU S.'4n Aldrlch Family Mr. Keen Amateur Honr Lean Back WO BaaketbaU V$ Aldrlch family Mr. Keen Ft. Montfomery Ray Sinatra WD BaaketbaU qnn Father Knows F.B.I. Blondle Glen Hardy WU BaaketbaU g.i k Father Knows F.B.I. Blondie Barber Shop WU Basketball a'.a Dufly's Tavern Benlah As We Bee It Ray Block News 914 Duffy's Tavern Club 15 Our Town Ray Block Andy Russell 1000 SB,n W" Star Final Rlchf'ld Rep'tr Fult. Lewis Jr. Nlsht Soni ift'ieMort. Downey You A World Intermeixo Local News Mrht Senr 10'tn iiDt"- PKt- ''lnil Alrflo Concert Hour News Musle Yoa Waal 10 Orchestra Orchestra Concert Honr Mnsle Mnsle Toa Waal 11:00 News Serenade Coneert Honr I Love Mystery Neeturn 11;ir, Wax Mnsenm Or can Mnsle Coneert Honr Navy Band Noeturaa 11 '30 Wax Museum Men's Choir Memos John Wolohan Noctnrne I45 Wai Mnsenm News Memos John Wolohan Noctarne 127oolsitn Off IsTlent Xtra Hour 'sign Oft isim OK FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. 6:00 Hodfe Pods News Farm News (News Summary 6:15 Xneass News KOIN Rioek Keep Smlllnc Timekeeper 6;. 1(1 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smlllns March Tim KOCO Kleek 6:45 Fni Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling News tOCO Kleca 7:00 Early Bird KOIN ' Klock Washb'rn News News Tia Bitter 7:15 Old Sonss Vews Mart. Asronsky Brkfst. Gang KOCO Kleek 7;30 Kneass News Vews Bob Hesen Rise and Shine News 7:45 Sam Hayes Tred Beck Zcke Manners Top Trades KOCO Klecfc 8;0O iddle" Albert Consumer Newa Breakfast Club Counter King's Crnsai 8:15 "ddle Albert News Breakfast Club Family Affair King's Ornsad. 8: SO lack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Bible Institute Western Melod. 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Fiesta Time 9:00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N. W. Newa Time for Mel'dy 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Mus. Memories Time for Mel'dy 9:30 3 Suns Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Pastor's Call Stars Slag 9:45 ftneass News Our Gal Snnday Art Llnkletter Walts Time I. Chas Thomas 10:00 Marriage for t Big Sister Saga Riders Glen Hardy NW Newa ,J 10:15 Lora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Muale 10:30 Hostess House Dr. Malone My True Story Perry Como Tune Tim 10:45 Party Guiding Light My True Story Morgan's Mnsle S Keys 11 :00 Double, Nothing .'nd Mrs. Bart'n Betty Crocker Ladles First Musis Mart 11:15 Double. Nothing Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladies First Musis Mart 11 :30 Tod'ys Children Norah Drake N'rtbwesterners Queen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Hcht of World Brighter Day N'wcsternera Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Baakhage Talk Top Trades H'llywood Mnsle 12:15 Road of Life Come Get II News News H'llywood Mnsle 12:30 P. V'ng's Fan. Bright Light Jack Norman Gay 00g News 12:45 Bight to Hap. Art Baker Heel Menjous Bob Eberly Dave Dennla 1:00 Backstare Wife Barny'd Follies Brkf. ' In Holly. Tell Neighbor Mac's Melodies 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moore Brkf. In Holly. Harvey Harding Mac's Melodies 1;30 Lorenio Jones Garry Moore Kay West Organ ReVrles Mae's Melodies 1:45 Y'ng Wid. Br'n Klrkham News Kay West Blng Sings Mae's Melodies 2:00 Wh, G. Marries Kirkham News Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac'a Melodies 2:15 for. Faces Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:30 lust Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride St Groom Muslo for Fri. Mac's Melodies 2:45 Front Pg. Far'll Tunefully Yours Bride St Groom Muslo for JfrL Mac'a Melodies 3:00 IVelc. Travelers Art Kirkham Quick as Flash Hoedown Party Ma-'a Melodies 3:15 tVelc. Travelers Arthur Godfrey Quick i Flash Hoedown Party Mac's Melodies 3:30 tint Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodies 3:45 We Love. Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Gay Nineties Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Letters Fulton Lewis Movie Time 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Cart Massey Squirrel Cage Behind Story Byers Can Be 4:45iPnla Stone Edw. Murrow Cln. Bear ws Beautiful DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 lAAf Thursday P.M. 5:00. Chll P vn dren's Theater! A:13, On the Upbeat! 6:50. 550 Sports Clabt 6, News 6:15, Organ Music! 6:30. 'Round Campfirei 1:00, Headlines In Chemistry! 1:15, Eve ning Farm Houri 8:00, Public Health! 8:15, Great Songs; 8:30, Vets' News; 8:45, News and Weather; :00, Muslo That. Endures! 0:45, Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. u f A f Friday A.M. 10:00. News and INVSAI Weather; 10:15, Especially for Woment 11:00, Concert Hall! 12:00, Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Honr; 1:00, Kid 'Em Cowboyi 1:15, Review ot 1040t 1:30, Story Behind the Discovery! 1:45. Melody Lane; 2:00, Clubwomen's Half Hour! t:30. Mem ory Book of Music! 3:00, News; 3:15, Mn sle of the Masters! 4:00 Oregon Reporter! 4:15, Favorite Hymns. Recent Escapee Taken To Eugene for Trial Eugene,' Dec. 2i (IP) James William Cameron, 21, has been returned from Salem to face a charge of burglary at the Uni versity of Oregon co-op store. It was entered in October and $800 taken. He was one of the four men who broke out of the criminally insane ward of the state hospital recently. Cameron was committed to the state hospital October 17, to remain at the institution until he was able to assist his attor ney in his defense. Circuit Court Judge G. F. Skipworth has signed an order directing the sheriff to take Cameron in cus tody at Salem and return him. to Eugene. ACROSS 1. Father of mankind S. Public con veyance 8. Worthless: Biblical 12. Infant 13. Turkish commander 14. Dash m 15. Famous New York street 17. Sour 18. Fuss 19. Excellence 21. Telegraph 23. Pertaining to the stars 26. Conjunction 27. Moccasin 28. V-shaped plecs 29. Small flah 30. Soak 31. Color 32. Ahead 33. Waistcoats 35. Roam about 36. Terminate 37. Utmost limit 39. Lads 40. Fortification 41. Pouch 42. Warmth 44. Kind of oil 48. Long narrative poem 49. Before B0. Sufficient: poetic 61. River In Scotland 62. Knoolc 53. Dry DOWN 1. Poorest part of a fleece SLA MAT E XlT E RlMjlJHA T QRvl p osIeHt a pBr "eft t R U I T g F 1 A I T j E I S flRjU S a th p am1a1ge PH6 a T 1 pB H A MllG A Iff Y pgjT R E ebJE A a sB y a Ha g 0U P SHI V E ffllo R EAMY PatentUe1as i er M Oriental dwelling; S. On a veliicl 4. American Keneral ' 3 A WA I6 I7- WMP F ' " 7a (All 75 m H iS lb WA '7 HI !!!: il w mil25"- w," " iHH- A Newifeoftirea Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle (. Note of the crow L PertalnlnR to seedless plants 1. Barked 8. No longer active t. Winged 10. Vehicle on wheels 11. Insect 16. Be sufficient 20. Marry again 21. Relinquish 22. Reference table 23. Weaken 24. Extreme suffering; 25. Grants the use of 2T. Assumed an attitude 30. Seventh Inning routine SI. Short-napped fabric 34. Narrow 35. Groups of re lated species 36. Geological period . j 81. Manufacturer T 39. Sacks on a ' baseball Held 41. Consequently 42. Fowl 43. Finlal 45. Ribbed cloth 46. Conjunction 47. Sheep ROOM AND BOARD By Gens Anew 5ff ALL IN ALL,MR.SNORGEEGLE, "rtXlU. HP TUAM Bis 2gf FIND IT FAIRLY COMFORTABLE W ctio Jf HERE, EXCEPT FOR. JUDGE PUFFLE. ? . rr uc f BUT DONY TAKE HWA SERIOUSLY iytucb mc-. I A ---HE'LL GIVE YOUR EARS A V ,?nS 1 GOOD GOING-OVER IN SELLING ddcttv wci I t 1 HIMSELF ---HE'S AN AUTHORITY McaiiZs f ON EVERYTHING FRCM A TO Z, I cum 1 I f 1 BUT HE SKIPS W BECAUSE f V SHtu- J ITS THE FIRST LETTER. . OF WORK S - "" ' rm: &mmm