14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Dec. 22, 1949 Phillies' Boss Worries Over Loss of Prospects Philadelphia, Dec. 22 (IP) Fresident Bob Carpenter is wor ried about the reluctance of other clubs to do business with his Philadelphia Phillies. "Why, you'd think we had leprosy or something the wey other clubs steered away from us at the New York meeting last week," the youthful Phil lies' executive said. "I can remember the day when our hotel room tele phone at a major league meet ing never stopped ringing. Everybody wanted to deal witli us. But not this year. "Oh, everybody was polite. 'Hello, Bob, how are you' and all that sort of stuff But talk about ball players, no. You'd think we were in the ping pong business." Carpenter was informed that he was paying the price of be ing a winner and a pennant threat. The Phillies' president isn't used to being near the top. He's just learning that when your team is good nobody wants to make you better. Carpenter admitted he was a little worried about his team's prospects next year. "After all, we finished third last season, thanks to great years on the part of veterans like Ken Hcintzelman and Hank Borowy. But suppose those two don't repeat. "Of course we have some fine rookies coming up. A pitcher like Bubba Church from Toron to can mean the difference be tween third and second place." MOVIES SHOW STORY Carpenter unhesitatingly se lects Brooklyn to win the Na tional league pennant in 1950. BASKETBALL GOU.KGE SCOIiKS (By the Associated Press) Washington 53, Minnesota 46. Oregon 58. Stanford SI. Bradley 67, Washington State 59. Drake 58, Idaho 53. Indiana State 74. Southern Oregon 44. Willamette 73, Western Washington 59. Yakima Valley J.C. 64, Lewis & Clark 54. Wash. Frosh 58, Skagit Valley J.C. 48. Colorado 63, Rice 52. Utah State 64, Montana State 54, Hamllne 49, College of Pacific 40. Pepperdlne 44, St. Mary's (Calif) 41. , West. Montana f Dillon i 50, N. Idaho 46. Syracuse 91, Pennsylvania 65. I West Virginia 57, Temple 46. 1 Ca nisi us 93. Tiffin 31. Army 45, Ithaca 41. Seton Hall 61, Westminster (Pal 54. Kentucky 49. DePaul 47. Tampa 66, Tennessee 63. Texas Tech 6D, Austin 59. Toledo 52, Denver 50. Xavler (Ohio) 76, Santa Clara 41. Purdue 75, Western Reserve 54. Dubuque 75, Wayne (Neb I 55. City Loop Scores city t.r.Ac.vr. (National Dlvhlon) Naval Res. (41)) & Cltj Transit N. perry 3 P 2 Cook nu L. Perry 8 P 9 Klelnsmith Hartley 9 C 6 FUzslmons Fischer 17 O 4 Clark Bassett G 8 Blakley Subs: N. R.. Barnhott 3; C. T. Blalt- ley 2, Ashcraft 3, Mull 2. Post Office (: (34) Nat'l Guard ardner F 5 Hart Morrison 2 F 2 Mclleal Touchle 3 C 4 Jones Humphreys 3 0 Caspelt Lathrup A .. 17 D. Chmbrlaln Subs: N. O., A. Chamberlain 4, McDon ald 2. Mar. Reserves (28) (38) Burrnufh' Inn Pearsall 3 F 25 Roberts Wilson 4 F 8 Fisher Car row 8 C Knedler Weslllng G Holman went a u Mciiae Subs: Marines, Wagner 4. Jaqua 2; Bur roughs, llolfcrt 4, Lee 3. Defeats Longden Mrs. Wantha Davis, 32, veteran mid west and west county fair and bush track rider, beat America's Champion Jockey Johnny Long den in a six-furlong match race held at Agua Calientc, Mex. She is shown in the winner's circle on Northeast, held by an unidentified groom. Northeast led Longden's Grey Spook to the finish by a length and three-quarters in 1:12. Track of ficials rated the horses as equals. (AP Wirephoto) Fireman Joe Deserves Pay Boost New York, Dec. 22 (IP) Memo to George M. Weias, general manager of the New York Yankees: When you come to Joe Page's name on your 1D50 salary list, make it big. Fireman Joe has the goods on you in black and white. He couldn't have done better by writing the script for the 1949 world series pictures previewed yesterday. When the lights go down and the scries movies start, Page glitters brighter than Hopalong Cassidy. Both get in trouble but Fireman Joe wig gles home first without shoot ing iron or lassno. They say around town that Page, who appeared in 60 regu lar season and two world series games for the champion Yanks, will want at least $25,000 next summer. Like most clubs, the Yanks never announced salaries. However, it's "reliably re ported" that Fireman Joe got "about $20,000" last summer. He'll certainly want more in '50. Contracts won't be mailed out for several weeks. Every day the '49 scries pictures are shown, Page is going to look more con vincing. As the prints won't be available for public showings until January 5, maybe Weiss had better get in touch soon. The scries films, directed by Lew Fonscca for the American and National baseball leagues have many a eloscup of hand some Joe. When Page isn't in view, the Yankee cause is ably supported by Bobby By JACK HAND Brown, Allie Reynolds, Tom my Henrich or Phil Rizzuto. When you win a series, 4-1, there can't be much controver sial material to air during the winter. It hardly matters that the movies showed Gene Hcr manski might have been safe sliding home in the second game. That was the only game Brooklyn won, anyhow. The excellent films represent ed many weeks of work by Fon- seca and his staff, who cut 20,000 feet down to 3,700 feet for a 35-minute showing. Some how or other, they forgot to show whether Tommy Henrich touches first base or not after hitting the game-winning homer in the ninth inning of the Yanks' 1-0 opening victory. The camera caught Tommy as he kicked sec ond base with vehemence. Ford Frick, National league president who has been some what in seclusion since early October, came down from his 17th story office to say a few words: At a distance they sounded something like "wait until next year." Mr. Frick is a very patient man. SCORES In the Alleys (Complete Results) University Alleys VN1VFRSITY CIVIC LEAGUE r. Chamber of Com. (1 Dlclt Schmidt 391. Al Schafer 448, Dave Porter 397. Wm. Zlttler 438, JacK Docrlt 46a. Hollywood J. ion No. . 2t Hanna 379, Moariy 4j. Farkner 372, Gilbic-skie 441, Collins 420. St ay ton Linns li Bate. 366, Mora an 407, Chri.sten-en 421, Schachtsiclc 495, Jor dan 469, Salem Mons No. 1 D Shatfleth 446. Yanc 401. Tord 403, Halvorsen 155. Hollywood Lions No. ? I2 Lantz 393. Ay res 395. Elliot 4!7, Donalp.son 368. Brown 465. Moose l.ortee No. I li Thompson 459, Paudent 519, Smith 522, Weber 483, Smyer 372. Monse I, oil re No. 3 1 1 Smith 469. Schu- del 373. Hedlne 369, Cooler 431, My era 381. ;m Lions No. l (l Tower 470, KOMel 340. Klmmcll 437, Hoy 420, Henderson 396. HlKh name: Smith. 200. HWh tram: Stayton Lions, 2162. High series, Smith, 522. STATE HOUSE LEAGUE lliwav Drpl. No. 3 fll Pax-son 457, Rlck- elts 392. Gardner 377, Hill 434. Merchant Tax Comm. IX No. I (2i Brldee.s 335, Arnot 296, Osborn 432, ProebMeh 376, Slerett 413. Hlway Dept. Salem No. I (21 Grif fiths 441, Schupp nub.) 503, Kayaer 402, McCallister 419. Highway Dept. Salero No, i 1 1 1 Hardle 322. Wood 471, Bartell 341, Hr."s 375, Owens 530. Printers No. il 2i KreJcl 503. MUner 441, Stone 439, McCrary 439. Mills 475. Hlway Dept. No. 3 lit Brown 397. Van- Pelt 346, Collins 310, Ebsen 224, White 376. Forestry No. . 3i Ewfnc 452. Ladd 395, Broxan 473. Ha lineman 420. Phipps 433. Veterans Affairs (01 Ryan 383. Waltz 427. Reed 423. Elain 477, HilLieth 549. Ind. Accident S1AC No. J (0 Gallanher 403, A.shby 515, West 472, Harris 538, GUS tnfson 538. Ind. Accident CIAC No. 1 (3 Buchanan 435, Gordon 515, Savace 373, Ba uer 1S9. Epton 409. Tax Commission 18 No. ? f0 Welch 364. Weiarl 376, Mafon 420. Robb 440. John-son 472. Sec. of State Capllol No, 19 I3i Miller 453, Llkfnz 519, Grant 457, Por ter 434. SchUltJl 485. Hixh game: Hlllerich, 208. High team: Ind. Accident 8IAC No. 1, 2455. Hieh series: Hlllerich, 54. Pitching for the West srr?"': West team said "all my backs can and will pass." In the backfield pitching the leather are, left to right: Ernie Johnson, UCLA; Ken Carpenter, Oregon State; Dick McKissick, SMU; Eddie LeBaron, COP; Lindy Berry, TCU; Don Paul, Washington State; Bill Mar tin, USC; Emory Mitchell, Stanford, and Dick Gray, Oregon State. In the line, left to right: Ken Rose, Stanford; Don Narrell, TCU; Carl Kiilsgard, Idaho; Jack Halliday, SMU; Jim Castagnoli, Stanford; Warren Wood, Puget Sound, and Harry Kahuanui, Hawaii. West team will meet the East team in the annual Shrine game to be played in San Francisco on December 31. Both teams are holding1 workouts in San Francisco. (AP Wirephoto.) 332, Hubert Mink 364, Bulek (41 Shorty Williams 345, Harry Wilson 454, Dave Moon 404. M. Van Dell 381, Bye 305. Dodse til Johnny Cooter 380, Dallas KJaer 342, Frank Jones 424, Frank Jones 424. Hal WILsan 319, Frank Snelsrove 161. Oldsmohlle (3) E. Surratt 441, Frank Chakarun 363. Al Woelke 355, Bill Shuck 384, Dewey Baumnart 361. Cadillac (2) Bob Fry 318, Don Bowers 361. George Shelly 429. Wally Doss 374, Herbert Berry 408. Ford (2 Vern Boock 401. Bob Burns 376. Arnold Holmes 390, Al Wolf 254, Glenn Schroyer 410. Lincoln-Mercury Earl Brooks 393. Spud SpaKlc 345, Wayne Sparks 423, P. B. Churchman 338, Howard Branch 491. Hud son (Unlisted). Hlsh team series: Butclc, 2033. Hlzh team tame: Cadillac, 744. High Individual same and series: How ard Branch (Lincoln Mercury) 491 and 212. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hlfth S.37 a.m. 2:49 p.m. 4:21 a.m. 3:35 p.m. 5:04 a.m. 4:23 p.m. 5:46 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:29 a.m. 6:13 p.m. Low :0 a.m. 3.4 9:53 p.m. -D.8 10:00 a.m. 3.4 10:36 p.m. -0.3 10:54 a.m. 3.3 11:18 p.m. 0.3 11:51 a.m. .1.1 11:59 a.m. 0.9 2.9 Capital Alleys MA.IOK LEAGUE Cupboard Cafe '2i Henderson 591, White 574, McClu.skey 611, Evans 569. J. Glodt 580. Corvallls Merchants (1 Ken nedy 601, Ross 553, Starr 509, Coe 524, SeitKlncer 572. Acme Motor '2) Mlrlch 603. Frlc.sen 539. St rat Ion 471, Stelnbock 471. Hart well 607. Salem Hardware U Thede 586, Garrison 410, Logan 529, Boyce 548, West 542. Woo dry's Furniture (21 Kitchen 576, OlinBer 597, Perry 515. Foreman 580, Ad olph 585. Mar' Lunch (1) Kay 523, Brown 525, Carlson 477. Bcal 515, Crlswell 612. La Vim's of McMinnville (3) Myers 493. RvaLi 512. Kraft 470. Minder 548, G. Glodt 586. Maple's Sporting Goods III B. Val dez 54B. Woodford 550, OIney Jr. 425, D. Pace 558, H. Page 538. CI lues Coffee Shop (3t Clinc Sr. 603, Olncy Sr. 514, Fnrmer 530. Bone 601. Os lund 504. Capital Brddinr 101 Wllker son 612, Nubrr 520, Haunen 494, Young 532, Larson 536. Hiah individual game: Loren Kitchen of Woodry's Furniture, 268. Hi sin Individual series: Walt Cllne Sr. of Cline's, 693. High team game: Woodry's Furniture, 1086. Hlah team series: Woodry's Furniture, 3018. Duckpin Bowling MENS AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE Kaler Fraxer 0 Lewie Nelson 370, Ed LvIp 345. Bill Hamby 413, Red Foster will meet a group of graduates in a benefit program on the St. Joseph court Thursday night. Proceeds of the program will be used in the schools charity work. A preliminary at 7 will fea ture the "B" and "C" quints of the academy. The main event will be stag ed at 8. ed to Glenn Davis, Army's All America halfback. Page Cage Crew Serves 40 to 36 Pill to Drugmen Portland, Dec. 22 Page "Wool ens of Salem racked up a 40-36 decision over Thrifty Drug of Oregon City in the 12th annual YMCA holiday basketball tour nament. Other results: Western Seat Cover, 37, Maloney-Cham-bers of Albany 52; Y All Na tions 20, Bradford 49; Yew Creek Loggers 32, Pearsons 41 Home Run King Dates Actress Hollywood, Dec. 22 (p) Elizabeth Taylor's latest date is Home Run King Ralph Ki ner. The beautiful young actress showed up at a premier last night with the Pittsburgh Pi rates' slugger. The handsome Kiner is the second big name athlete among Liz boy friends. She once was engag- Gutters . , . Downspouts Installation Service Available FREE ESTIMATE 7 PL UMBING -HE A TING 279 m cei1MeRCtol ntom Pace ! B. Johnson 13 F. Page 4 J, Johnson 11 R. Pane 2 Mc Morris (3fl) Thrifty Drue F 11 Tainer ,.F 8 Matlle ,.C 8 Harvey ,.G 3 E. Gettle .G 5 Hanktns Unruh 2 S 1 G. Gettle Card Alumni to Play '49-50 Team Members of this year's Sacred Heart Academy basketball squad IT COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK TO RIDE YELLOW CAB Phone 2 2411 5 oon Mow the BIG MOMENT will arrive Have you given him a WEMBLEY tie a WINGS shirt a STYLE-RITE robe a HICKOK belt a WHITE STAG jacket ESQUIRE sox or a DON RICHARDS suit or topcoat It's still possible to slip a few EXTRAS under his corner of the tree . . because the FREE $10 GIFT CERTIFICATE from S&X is still given with each $50 purchase. How about it? Got Chris tmas's Smartest Notion? Shop Open eipecially for you till 9. - 4 Only, the finest is fine enouoji ... say Seagram's and keSure of the finest" Seagnm's 7 Crown. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., Chrysler Building, N.Y. i CLOTHE S r