12 Caplial Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dee. 22, 1949 ''V'i' 2 New Bomber In Flight Sleek linea and swept-back wings lend a feeling of speed in this in-flight picture of the U. S. air force's new Martin XB-S1 ground support plane. A crew of two pilot and radio operator-navigator operate the speedy craft, which is powered by three J-47 jet engines set on pylons beneath the fuselage and in the rear of the craft. The wings, of approximately 55-foot span, are swept back at a 35-degree angle. (AP Wirephoto) East Salem Stand Opened; Holiday Program Presented East Salem, Dec. 22 The new barbecue stand that has been under construction for several months at the corner of the Sil verton road and Lancaster drive, was opened for business the past week-end. It is owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs Orlen Kring and will be open for business from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. Officers of the associated clubs of Middle Grove repo-t a successful evening for their country fair, held at the school house Friday night. The fol lowing program was provided by the program committee: In strumental and vocal numbers by six Future Farmer members two accordion numbers by Su- .san Anglin; guitar and vocal numbers by Hubert Aspinwall; skit, "The Country School Teacher," Willi parts taken by Mrs. Robert Wagers as teacher William, the bully, by John Van Laanen; Moses, Dan Scharf; Hortense, Mrs. Dan Scharf; Agnes. Mrs. Norman Fletcher; Archie, Donald Bassett, fat girl, Mrs. Ernest Crum; Abraham, Henry Sprick; the three trustees. Miss Tidy, Mrs. Paul Bassett; judge, Gil Blankenship, and Mr. Tete, Ernest Crum. The program given for the trustees on thoir visit to school was two piano selections by Abraham; tricks with his dog, Archie; and two humorous numbers, "Crazy Christmas" and "Jingle Bells," by the bully off stage because of his bashful ness (they were recorded num bers). Prizes were given through the rooms and distri buted by Mrs. Santa Claus and Santa Claus by the same method they were being given out on the streets in Salem, by tagging. Several of these Santas were Mrs. Albert Fabry, Virgil Wil son, John Harger, William Scharf and Mr. Weisner. Members of the Auburn school Brownie troop and their leader, Mrs. S. W. Burris, en tertained the mothers of the girls at a Christmas party held at the school house Sunday. The mothers and their daugh ters were Mrs. Cornelius Fes kens and Mary; Mrs. Lloyd Maas, Sandra and Linda; Mrs Zmil Maas and Arlene; Mrs. A. W. Martin and Joan; Mrs. Sullivan and Linda; Mrs. Harold Bressler and Maxinc; Mrs. R. Wolf and Judy: Mrs. Moore and Deanna, and Mrs. D. Meyer and Ronnene. Gifts were given from under a lighted tree by the girls to their mothers, and by Mrs. Bur ns to the girls. Mrs. Burris presented Brownie pins to the new members this year, Mary Feskens, Linda Sullivan, Ron- nene Meyers, Deanna Moore Joan Martin, Maxine Bressler and Sandra Lindberg. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Fes kens and Mrs. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown oi swegie community were week-end guests of his mother, Mrs. Ella Brown at Cutler City. Amity The Amity Lions club and Amity FFA chapter braved the stormy weather for the tur key shoot. Sportsmen from In dependence and other nearby towns as well as the local com- Deaf Boy Unharmed By Wild Dog Packs Bloomsburg, Pa., Dec. 22 (U.PJ A 7-year-old deaf mute who wandered from his home into dense woodland infested with wild dogs, was found unharmed Wednesday by a member of a searching party which included 350 National Guardsmen and firemen. Little Larry Jarrard was dis covered sitting exhausted on a brush pile by Guardsman Paul Gross, Berwick, Pa., two miles from his home in the roaring Creek valley section of Colum bia County. The barking of the boy's beagle, one of hte two dogs which accompanied the lad when he strolled from the farm home of his parents, led Gross to where the tired youngster sat sobbing. Larry was missing from his home for eight hours last night before he was found after mid night. He wandered from home when his father and grand father left to cut a Christmas tree. munity made up a fair crowd for the shoot. Proceeds will be used for the town basketball team uniforms by the Lions club and for tractor implements by FFA. Girls That Gable Left Behind 'Flabbergasted' by Elopement Hollywood, Dec. 22 J. The girls Clark Gable left behind admitted today they were "flabbergasted." The great lover's sneak wedding to Lady Sylvia Stanley was as big a surprise to his former girl friends as it was to the rest of the world. "Oh, no!" was their reaction"- when informed by United Press that Gable had taken his fourth marital leap. "Are you kid ding? You MUST be!" . . With Gable out of circulation, a lot of lady-like hopes were blasted sky-high. It has long been the misty dream of many a movie queen that she might be the one to help him forget the late Carole Lombard. A lot of 'em have tried. And Gable, although never a night club hound, has quietly dated some of the most beautiful wom en in Hollywood. But he always by-passed the proposals. People said he would never marry again. Tops in his date book for years and years was Virginia Grey, of ten called the most gorgeous blonde in town. "Oh my God!" she gasped. "Is it true? Well, I hope he finds the happiness he wants. He was really a lost guy for a long time." Other girls he's dated include Paulette Goddard and Marilyn Maxwell, Lady Producer Joan Harrison, New York socialite Dolly O'Brien, Anita (The Face) Colby, New York business wom an, and Elaine White, an MGM secretary. Miss White, a willowy blonde, said the news left her with her 'mouth hanging open." Well, I sure wasted a Christ mas card, I guess," she said. Producer Harrison who's been his steadfast date in the past few months, cooly denied she had been "left waiting at the church." "We were just good friends," she insisted. "There was nothing very romantic about it." Paulette Goddard, Gable's last summer romance, is in Mexico City, but they made a few head lines together last August when he drove her to her plane. Paulette asked Gable to kiss her goodbye. He refused. "Well, that's that," laughed the sultry charmer. "So long, su gar." Scio The Scio Garden club decided, at its recent meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Minnie Shelton, with Mrs. Ralph Badger co-hostess, to give a prize for the best decorated home. The prize winner will be decided by popular vote. People are asked to drop their votes in containers which will be placed in the various business houses. Neuberger May Run for Senate Washington, Dec. 22 m Oregon's Democratic National committeeman, Monroe Sweet- land, predicted Wednesday his party will win next year some of the state's seats in congress all now occupied by Repub licans. Sweetland, here to talk with Democratic National committee officials, said Democrats will contest in each of the four con gressional districts and also try to unseat Senator Morse. The state's Democrats, he said, "are determined to win the gov ernorship." He told a news conference that Norris Dodd, International Food administrator, Assistant Secretary of Interior C. Girard Davidson and Richard L. Neu berger, state senator of Portland, may be candidates for the dem ocratic nomination for U.S. sen ator. Sweetland said Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman will address the Jefferson Jackson Day dinner In Portland April 15. Francis Loses Digit Silverton Ralph Francis of South Water street is suffering from the loss of the end of his front finger of the left hanw. Francis was splitting kindling at the family home Monday eve ning when the axe slipped, causing the accident. He was cared for at his home by a local physician. Prompt Relief Emollient Cuticura Ointment aoothea promptly, atarta at one to help heal. Stay, on the akin. Try ill Buy today at VOIir rintiriria CUTICURA OINTMENT GREEN STAMPS ARE EXTRA SAVINGS FOR YOU BUSICKS MARION STREET MARKET Commercial and Marion St. Start Saving today for a Lovely Gift. Swing Club Was Speechless When I Served My Gorgeous feddi-luip Dessert! or ooecevtryfcodr was speech- Im Mnm 1 prmkUt brought in mr ofWM dscn, luicioutty fecoraird with Kttlrfi-wip. They past couldn't untlrr stand how I mid serre anvil in jt so glim of mi with absolutely no prepara tion or work. Krddi-wip whips itself st the touch of a (ingcr. Made with pure, rich cream, fc mm even simplest deittns ectatint, cupcakes, and pud dings into ftnrjccoui treats ktrntmiy. Get Reddi-wip today! Nil Till Hill Mil II CltCtt "IT We're Sorryl In Our Ad Monday, Dec. 20 i4995 Does NOT Include Automatic Timer! VINCE'S ELECTRIC 157 S. Liberty BHGGESTT LHTTLE MARKET HKf TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF BACON Turkeys, Baking Chickens jonges 41c ib Fryers, Rabbits 25c . Armours uk AT LOW POPULAR PRICES Young Beef SAUSAGE o"at Little Pig. . ROA5T 39C lb. HAM J o broad statement but jl Or 55C U. S.Gov't.lns. these hams back it up, Ib. Standing Rib C'HEESE ZZZZIy BEEF ROAST 49c ib PICNICS rlrt'SSc 47c . Year Old Frulted ,b. Blade, Arm or Rump OYSTERS PORK ROASTS 59c PICNICS 33c 33c b Small Six r shank, tenderized, Ib. 4fV Center Cut Shld. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SWEETSPUDS CELERY r u SPUDS ixutKT Cranberries u s No 2 2 .b. 25c 9c .b 9 -b 39c 50 98c Cho,c.W.,ed Green Cri,p L lbv 07C Marshmallows Freshest Thing in Town ica 15C Pk UR EGGS 3 lb 1 1 74 Pk9 Grade A Large 47c sunny1 Mom Cranberries Grade A Medium 39c TOMATO Wl"'",j"i'd v.. lr.ni JUICE 2.. ..29c , NUC0 3 25c 1 lb. ... . 25c j"",c Mayonnaise 49c OLIVES 07 NUTS OF ALL KINDS - CANDIES nn OC Pt. DATES -ORANGES -FRUITS ZVC can "'Food, FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS Lind.ay. Na.,1 Toll IGA rj! Store Open Sundays, 8 A.M. 'til 6:30 P.M. roadway Grocery BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS IGA Store CyCV0Uc4 ffli m am.' M selected a (jreai urntaiey. GIBSON'S SELECTED 8 BLENDED WHISKEY 16.1 PROOF . HX GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS GIBSON DISTILLING CO,N.Y, N.T. 3-6189 P.kTL1 '-"H,,1 1 1 U State St. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY And for your eating pleasure we will have the finest in Turkeys, Chickens, Rabbits and Hams at popular prices. Also fresh crab and shrimp meat and eastern oysters. To insure the best selection, please place your orders as early as possible. Freshly Ground f Fresh Country Q Hamburger .b ZC Sausage ib. Zc EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF itzsi beef ROAST Rump, ib. tJt STEAKS ib. SLICED BACON SPECIAL ZSZT.T 39c Pork Steak lb. 39c pork CHOPS ,b. 49c Fresh Oysters Pt, 59c Halibut Steak lb. 49c PICNIC HAM 00 WIENERS 7Kt Eas,ernH.ck,ess lb. jl'lS !b. JjC We Make Our Own Fresh Daily Little Pig Sausages, lb :.49c Salmon Steaks .....n. 55c LOCKER BEEF lrfori. .ib. 33c Ml fo)' FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street Phone 2-9237 Country Fresh! "A" Grade Medium Guaranteed doz. 37c Large size doz. 43c NUCOA 2lbs 49c RAISINS 4 ,., 47c Pumpkin 3 cans 20c Cigarettes ctn, 1.45 DEL MAIZ NIBLETS jsa.2.29c Pineapple FL,bcyanre2d,or 29c Cake Mix P,shurypk,. 29c PEAS v. Z Cans 2 for 19c CATSUP Dennisons 2 bot. 25c SWEET POTATOES 3 19c Celery Ll$i" 10c Lettuce 2JH?aga, 25c POTATOES 10 lbs. 29c 50,bba,1 09 Radishes . bunch 5c Ora ngeS Large Sizes Vi Box 2.49 CHRISTMAS CANDY AND NUTS Close-Out at Greatly Reduced Prices Prices effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Dec. 22 - 23 - 24 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th and State Sts. J i