10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 22, 1949 Train Crew Stops Fast Freight To Play Santa for Three Girls Dongola, 111., Dec. 22 (ff) Crewmen of a fast freight stopped their train about 20 minutes here last night to play Santa Claus for three happy little girls. The engineer and conductor of Illinois Central train No. 81 walked across a field to the little girls' house to show their ap preciation for the waves and4 smiles the three have given as.c l Q0 uQ. proarnm TMn HI mrl other trains passed Pcn 001 nas rrogram their home for some six years The girls are Vivian Miller, 12. Gloria, 11 and Lorraine, 4. They received 26 crisp new $1 bills from Ross Brewster, en gineer from Centralia, 111., and O. H. Kennedy, conductor from Duquoin, 111. The stop was arranged by an other trainman, R. J. Brennan of East St. Louis, 111. "At night, regardless of time, the girls answer our unfailing toot of No. 81's whistle with flashlights," Brennan said. "When the trainmen notice the lights are dim, they drop off fresh batteries on the next trip. This means a lot to you when you've pulled out late and feel sorta grumpy." Yesterday the girls, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Miller, received by mail a new radio, flashlight and $20. The gifts were collected from the crews who work the runs between East St. Louis, Centralia and Du quoin, Borneo is 800 miles long and 700 miles wide. West Stay ton The West Stayton school will hold its an nual Christmas party and pro gram Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The school will then be closed until Jan. 3. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Rand attended the turkey din ner sponsored by the Odd Fel lows in Salem at the Odd Fel lows hall. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hilton. WAMT BRIGHTER COLORS? Rain drops puts a "rainbow 'round your wash line... actually rerealt the hidden brightness of wash-filmed colors. RAIflOfiCPS v GuaianKfd by - I Good Kovitktivlnr Lfi X. ALL TOYS AT Ma off WW Three Days-Thurs. & Fri. fir Sat. Open Thurt. and Fri. Nifes 'Til 9 TWO CONVENIENT WAYS TO BUY 30 DAY CHARGE BUDGET PLAN Commercial and Ferry St. Opposite Marion Hotel Ph. 3-9156 Selected For YOUR Holiday Table . . . BLUE DIAMOND BRAND Eviscerated Turkeys PLUMP TENDER JUICY Blue Diamond Brand Turkeys are tender, carefully selected mates of the fine birds sent tills year to President Truman, President Inonu of Turkey and governors of the 48 states. Be sure of the best ... be sure that a Blue Dia mond Turkey graces your hol iday table. At Your Neighborhood Market Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. Salem, Oregon !SSSRS-f - -"Se";;$JrS8Sy f ft 11 I imrn " PtAUItt K Be, Foods J CgSShuen ve. of f,nc, I Mayonnaise m SjZ peaches In heavy syrup, f I 4 fer;;""'!! r' 37c .rS'v Cn XV Real Mayonnaise at a J 6 Jn25 special low iirice I IGA j 1 Jell-It I I 4Pkg..25c I I Six delicloui flavon. f Pillsbury HOT ROLL MIX pk9.27cJ Pillsbury Pie Crust Mix f 2 pkgs. 35c I lutt add water and mix. I a. SPECIAL LOW PRICES 3 1 69c SUGAR 10 89c a IGA Sno-Kreem CUADTCMIMi jnUIMC 1II1U can Pure all vegetable shortening guaranteed to satisfy, --sJLK ia : b, - w n SPECIAL LOW PRICES CORN cans 25 or Whole Kerm i 2 f. 23c No. 303 can Elsinore . . . cans Cream Style or Whole Kernel No. 303 Can Tasty Pak X for Cream Style or Whole Kernel FRUIT COCKTAIL No. IVi can OQl Elsinore Z.tC PEACHES 2 ... 29c No. T can Elsinore . . . lb. bag Fine granulated. Ocean Spray CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 3' Strained or whole. Priced to save you money. Elsinore SWEET POTATOES Fancy whole potatoes you'll enjoy. Rosedale Whole SWEET PICKLES A real buy. Buy two or three jars at this low price. Lindsay Medium RIPE OLIVES p. lou'll want these to round out your relish dish. IGA PINEAPPLE JUICE Delicious fancy juice for your punch and cocktails. IGA Sliced PINEAPPLE No. 2 ton Enjoy really sweet and delicious pineapple under this IGA label. 29C Bfskfr Mix fkg. 39C I 39c J Wonderfood I Marshmallows 7rr 2P825cJ J J Special low price. 37c f- Jlt Campbell's 29c I ve6etable soup (ZcanCJ STORES CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY DECEMBER 26 IGA SOAP GRAINS 23c IGA ENRICHED FLOUR 50 3.89 Compares with the Finest. Guaranteed to satisfy. POWDERED HEM0 69c Drink your fill of vitamins. HI POP POPCORN 2 29c Its Manley's Movie House Popcorn. BLUE PLATE OYSTERS c. 43c Small Eastern Oysters for Cocktails or stew. RITZ CRACKERS 29c Nothing tastes as good as Ritz but Ritz. T"'v ?e44 0pcciU & 1e$et4&U& SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SWEET POTAOTES 2 , 25c U.S. No. 1 fancy grade. Waxed for keeping quality. FRESH CRANEBRRIES 2 , 39c TURKEYS Plump Broad Breast Also: Delicious HAMS With toy bar in each package. The kiddies will love them. SALLY MAY BEAUTY SOAP 4 ,,33c Beauty cloth free with each package of 1 bars. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2.... 23c Chases dirt. Makes everything spic and span. J. I V DR. ROSS DOG FOOD In assorted flavors to suit your 1 BEG MORE CAT FOOD cans 27c 27c Special ingredients make it the best food for your cat. lbs. Sound red Eastern berries in bulk to save you packaging costs. PASCAL CARLOAD SALE SUNKIST ORANGES I i NUTS ' S For Gifts, Eating Enjoyment CANDY and At Your IGA Store All Priced Low Old Fashion CELERY 25c Bunch Sweet, crisp bleached celery for your salads or relish dish. BRUSSEL W SPROUTS 2,37c Fresh, green and good to eat. Old-Fashioned Popcorn Balls vy last minute Gft SussrtionlI q All POPULAR BRANDS J CIGARETTES CHOCOLATE DROPS . Fancy Roasted PEANUTS Fancy Bleached WALNUTS Barnums Animal x CRACKERS :. L 23c 29c 25c 2 ... 15c 1 rap KAIO Symp, tin IqM I hnam Intgo I n, bnwi tm l hiW.t.i kultar w .riM H fa wattr 2 qvort wniattad pwtn Comblna flnt row limlinit. Cook ovtr medium hwl. atlrrtiv coMUnlly nnlll mutura boila. Coatioua cookinf . itiiriiuj almoal cooalantlr ta hanl call ilaia (1SS F.) or until a imall amount forma a hard ball htn taatnl In vry cold water. Remove from heat: quickly add butter and blend. Slowlr pour over popcorn in larae bowl, while mixing well. Form Into belle. Butter hand!, it deairad. Makea 15 about JVi inchea in diameter fatfal Paptan lalll Follow above recipe tubatltutiof Red Ubel KARO Svnrp for Blue Label and granulated tucar for brown auv. Whan addlm butter tint amir any dtilred ihade with vetetabra eotoria(. Uea I laaauuuua vaniUa. Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Center Carter's Market 17th and Market St. State Street Market 1230 State St. Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon Lemmons Market Central Cash Market Ronner's Grocery 598 No. Commercial Monmouth, Oregon Gervais, Oregon Ken Golliet u. , . ... , 1 "Stlndli.6' Model Food Market Broadway Grocery " 275 North Hin st- Brdwy. & Mkt-open Sunday Independence Pearson's Food Mkt. Food Market Equall's Grocery 294 No. Commercial Independence, Oregon Woodburn, Oregon