8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1949 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 19499 rALL WOOL PLAID SHIRT' GIRLS' FLANNEL MEN'S VIRGIN WOOL WOMEN'S ASORTMENT OF GAY PLAID SIZES 15 TO 17 ' ,M 1 wMi AMAS Plaid Shirts L '?-- sr. Gay plaid design those col orful plaids that men like. Large, or small design. New colors for that "different" look. Warm close woven wool Cashmere yarn. Sizes 15 to 17. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR si , wis 98 I 1 B t --J, r IS 1)1 UK . MX " 1 Here's an ideal Christmas gift. Printed outing flannel in two piece styles. Cute floral de signs clever trimmings. Real ly washable. Sizes 8 to 16. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR Handsomely tailored in smart shadow plaid virgin wool fab ric. Sturdily made, plenty of pockets. Roomy cut. New deep tone colors. Sizes 15-17. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR Cardigan 5 90 Soft, warm cashmere slip-on sweaters, snug fitting neck line, luscious new colors, also rabbit hair slip-on and cardi gan sweaters. Fluffy knit, all handsomely designed. Soft, pastel colors. SECOND FLOOR " i ,.,.,ut,,il,li,,A1iai,t-..- , I- mull Ml mi- ...n.-f..:-,.-......,-,.. .-.m 2 ., ,...3 GIFTS H&jf FOR HIS CHRISTMAS Agsffi r For Hs G7t HANDSOME JACKETS ... All Around Styles A. MOUTON FUR COLLAR MOUTON COLLAR FABRIC Leather Flight Jackets BOMBER JACKET A sure hit under the Christmas tree. Sturdy leath- A ffe mm er flight jacket. Horse hide, mouton fur collars. Rayon lined, knit cuffs and bottoms, strongly sewn for long wear. Sizes 36 to 46. 5 MAIN FLOOR Comfortable styling bomber jacket. Weatherized outed fabric, alpaca lined for extra warmth. Mou ton collars, knit cuff and bottom. Green, biege, maroon. Sizes 38 to 44. MAIN FLOOR Mm it !Y'S Of aiding Merchandise - Just Oeie PEKY'S ARE OPEN UNTIL 9 UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE., DEC. 24. h MM. AMD THOUGHTFUL GIFT FOR HER ! efon ic smm mmq After Another M. EVERY EVENING Kayo-n YOU'LL SEARCH HIGH AND LOW TO COME ANYWHERE NEW THESE PENNEY COATS Group 1 Wenther treated rayon satin twill. Hood models with helts, three way styling. Practical shades of grey, black and green. Women's sizes. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR Group 2 Plaid taffeta hoods and cuff trim. Wea therized gabardine and rayon satin-finish fabrics. Belted models and swing backs. 12 to 18. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR B. WEATHERIZED SATIN BOMBER JACKET All purpose weatherized fabric Bomber Jacket. Warm quilted lining. Mouton fur collar for ex tra warmth. Neutral tan shade. 8'PPer front. Two extra large pockets. Sizes 36 to 46. MAIN FLOOR D. PERFECT FOR THAT BOY Leather Flight Jackets Leather jackets a practical gift for that young j man. Sturdy brown capeskin leather. Warm Mou- ton fur collar, knit cuff and bottom fully lined, g 8ipper front. Sizes 8 to 18. MAIN FLOOR JUST RECEIVED Largs Group of DLIDAY DRESSES Beautiful dresses every one new this season. Dramatic fabrics, smartest of styles. These dresses are buys that really stand out. In velvets, crepes and failles, every one a thoughtful gift. to CHECK THESE LOW PRICES Wool Covert Here is top value for your Christmas dollars. All wool coverts and some sheer broadcloth. New est styles shoulder treatment. Rich winter colors. Miss B'4" or under sizes too! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 100 Wool Gabardines All wool gabardines in new models of winter coats. Interlined sharkskins, fleck and solid col ors. All handsomely finished. You just can't miss this value. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR Just Arrived! SHORT COATS FOR SPRING A grand array of luscious spring tones in the cleverest of styles and, of course, in the new I 38" length for a grand Christmas gift. I PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR t I ir&k t II 75 Every One New This Season Penney's Second Floor PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR PENNEY'S HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF GIFT HI NYLONS - GABARDINES SPORT SHIRTS ASSORTED FABRICS Assortment of sport shlrti. Gabar dines, rayons, woolen mixtures, ny lons and many more solid colors, prints and plaids. You'r aur to find your choice hcr. 398 3-BUTTON CUFF STYLE GAMBLER SHIRTS RICH DEEP TONES Most popular sport shirt today, Gambler style 3 button (wide) cuff. Extra smart styling. Some 23 wool mixture. Rich deep tones of greens, blues, maroons, teal, coco and dark brown. Shirt sizes. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR f i mi i 75 ?hk iliri l- -Aim- x 1 ' FOR HIS CHRISTMAS ' GIFT DEEP TONED SPORT SHIRTS Practical cotton gabar dine sport shirts styled new with a zipper neck ooenina. Do the fellows ever love them! Hicn deep tones and fa- orics that are such values at this low price. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR COLORFUL SKI SWEATERS Colorful all wool ski sweat- Now c vvami ciose wouen Kmc. Gay patterns and desgins. Slip-over models, long sleeves, sizes 10 to 16 Penney's Main Floor Boys Depr. MAKE HER'S A PRACTICAL GIFT . . . SPECIAL SAVINGS FINE QUALITY COATS Collection of warm coats for that young miss. Woolen coats with clever collar and cuff trimmings. Reversibles, (plaid and gabardine) and of course ever-popular rain coats. Gabardine weatherized. Make her gift a practical one. Save dollars, too. Shop today. 13.88 WINTER COATS REVERSIBLE RAINCOATS RAINCOATS 7.88 3.88 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR GIFT SUGGESTION now Just in time for Christmas spe cial savings on snow suits. One piece zipper closings, weather treated for sudden showers. Warm fleece lining and interlining. Practical colors for boys and girls. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR A GIFT HINT FOR GIRLS Chenille Rob For girls, washable, practical che nille robes that are so easy to , care for. Thickly tufted in pinks j and blue some with white che- La nille design. Sizes 2-4-6. (Gift j 9 Hint Robes for the Whole Family at Penney's). PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR r CRIB BLANKETS n PATTERN & DESIGNS ASSORTMENT OF COLORS SATIN BOUND Cute novel crib blanket de signs in that easy to care for fabric. Your choice of colors. Wide satin bound. A perfect gift for that little one. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR FOR THAT BOY 9 DOUBLE CONSTRUCTION SIZES 8 TO 18 Rugged plaid all wool shirts for boys. Double con struction across shoulders and back. 4 generous pock ets. Gay multicolor plaid. Size 8 to 18. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR Children's Warm Mittens 69c Rayon-Lace Panties 49c Colorful Polo Shirts 50c Knit Dresses and Panties 98c Juvenile Twill Jackets 2.93 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR r CORDUROY SMARTALLSn 9 DEEP TONE COLORS STURDY FABRIC SIZES 1 TO 6 Children love them moth ers love them corduroy smartalls. Sturdy construc tion and fabric. Deep colors so easy to keep. Bib and shoulder straps. Sizes 1 to 6. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR PLASTIC RAINCOATS WOMEN'S SIZES 4 GAUGE PLASTIC CLEAR-BLUE -COLORS Light, easy to always carry with you. Heavy durable 4-gauge plastic in clear or blue colors. Hood 3-way belt. Full cut for comfort. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR r ZELAN JACKETS WEATHERI8ED SIZES 8 TO 18 An all around jacket for that boy. Fitted gathered waist band. Neutral colors to choose from. Weatherized poplin fabric. Sizes 8 to 18. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA Housecoats Comfortable wa'shable gay printed Housecoats. Seersucker fabric, tailored zippers, buttons and belt ed models. Fancy lace trim full swing skirts, 12 to 20. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR NO. 1 GIFT FOR HIM TOP FLIGHT I 70 TOWNCRAFT 2,0 Complete assortment of Dress Shirts in colors and patterns. Whiles, pastels, stripes (candy and bold) sparkle tones, ened-to-und weaves. Short tab, regular and wide spread collars. All sizes and sleeves to choose from. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR U1 s . 4 7 HELPS IN ANY WARDROBE THE IDEAL GIFT FOR HER Wanted styles at a very down-to-earth price. Ex pensive looking details. Versatility of assortment. They make grand holiday gifts. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR f4! !l 7lJ Here's a Real Buy MtllMl COVER" The Venetian Covert in closely woven 100 vir gin wool cravenetlod, to resist showers. Full-cliest-ed, brond shoulder cut. See it at Penney's unci remem ber, the price is just 25.00 new colors. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR GIFT SPECIAL Paine! Sfiiits A sure hit for his Christmas gift. Sanforized, washable woven through plaid shirts. Heavy cotton fabric, gay colors In sizes 15 through 17. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 1 fa i ! jM yyyyry -VirW I c'