W. urn l.jti! Just What He Wanted A warm tartan check sports shirt and action jacket ot smooth wool gabardine. Both are styles selected as top gifts by the wool bureau. Miss Heyerly Recent Bride Hubbard Miss Shirley Hey erly, daughter of Mrs. Gladys Heyerly, Hubbard, and Ray mond Gerig, son of Mr and Mrs. Raymond Gerig, Pratum, 'were united in marriage at the Cal vary Mennonite church, Barlow, with the Rev. Paul N. Roth of ficiating, and Rev. Wilbert Re gier assisting, Thursday evening, December 15, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wilbert Rcgier was pian ist and Mrs. Ernie Graham, so loist, singing. ; The church was decorated with white and yellow chrysan themums and. greens over the altar in the form of two bells. The bride was given in mar riage by her brother, Keith Hey erly. She wore a traditional white satin gown, princess style, with peplum, a fingertip veil held in place with a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a white Bi ble, white satin streamers tied with Cecil Bruner rosebuds. Matron of honor was Mrs. Harley Hostetlcr, wearing. a pas tel blue gown. Best man for the bridegroom was his brother, Roy Gerig. Ushers were Richard Berkey, uncie oi me onae, ana am Week. Candlelighters were Mrs. Abe Reznicsek, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Don Rabe, both wearing pastel green gowns. The bride's mother wore a wine suit with black accessories, and the bridegroom's mother, a black suit with black accessor ies. Each wore a corsage of white carnations and gardenias. A reception followed the wed ding in the basement of the church which was decorated with chrysanthemums and greens. The bride's cake was served by Mrs. Lee Yoder, aunt of the bride, and the bride groom's cake was served by Miss Adeline Heyerly, aunt of the bride. Misses Hazel Schonk, Marilyn Hostetler, Winona Roth and Marjorie Morris assisted in the serving. The guest book was passed by Miss Mary Gerig and in charge of gifts were Mabel Zimmerman, Beverly Yoder, Barbara, Ruby and Rubene Hey erly, Adeline Haurey and Glor ene Heyerly. DAYTON Miss Katherine Shawver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shawver, Dayton, and John Edwin Mickle of Redmond were united in marriage at the Episcopal church in Klamath Falls, Saturday evening, Dec. 17. The couple will live in Kla math Falls for the present, as they are both attending the Oregon Technical Institute there. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shawver left here Saturday and attended the wedding of their daughter. They went on south to Los An geles and to Chandler and Phoe nix, Arizona, where they will visit friends for a few weeks. SCIO Miss Virginia Schroe der, formerly of Salem, who has been a telephone operator here, and Harold Varney of Albany, distributor of the Oregonian, were married in Reno, Nev., last week. The bride was an Albany Teen-Talk AP Newft;r;iturci BONG goes the signal for a gay winter season and happy holidays ahead. Let's see if wc can wade through it without eat ing all the icing on the cake. Go to the parties and keep the dates that you can't resist. But don't go around seeking excite ment. Rest up in between the big moments so you'll look fresh and pretty for mistletoe and winter carnivals. You might be invited to a special celebration or school dance in a strange city. In that case it might be necessary for you to stay at a hotel And, just because you are away from fa ther's critical eye, don't throw caution to the winds. It's possible for any girl to have a good time and still ob serve the demeanor of a shel tered debutante, says Frank L. Swadley, general manager of the Ritz Carlton hotel in New York. A perfect lady conducts herself with dignity when left on her own, but it doesn't have to spoil her fun. Says he: "It always is a good idea for parents to make the hotel res ervations for daughter so it can be confirmed before the girl starts for a strange city. Frequently wc call the par ents to ask if we can keep a watchful eye on their off spring, and they always are grateful for the extra bit of reassurance." 1. Even If your date meets you at the railroad station and escorts you to the hotel, you should do your own registering. Your parents or yourself should make the reservation Don't ask the young man to do it. 2. Since you do not invite guests into your bedroom at home, you probably will not in vite them to your hotel room which after all is a bedroom. 3. Whenever possible two girls should travel together. Then they will not be lonesome, and they can share a room. 4. The curfew that parents stress should be observed. If you expect to be out later, leave a message at the hotel so that an xious parents will not get pan icky if they should call in the late hours. 5 Your date should buy your dinner, but you should pay your own hotel bill. If he wants to reimburse you, that is for you to decide. Mr. Swadley says that hotels want young people to enjoy themselves during their stay, but they also like to help them avoid embarrassing situations. If you are going to entertain in your own home, your par ents should meet the guests. If parents choose to go to bed or leave the house before the guests ' L-k. v , M ' Pi V?l For a Gift Wing Tip Scarf . . . Cape Cod motif by Vera can be tied in a dozen ways. Today's Menu (Br 11m AwacutMl Pruu) arrive, that Is a cunereni mat ter. But don't insist that they leave. Sometimes after a party, your special date will linger around to say a special good night. If he does stay later than the other guests, make it a brief adieu. Unless you decide to whip up a snack and a cup of tea, he should leave within ten minutes aft er the other guests have de parted. Lois of young moderns write asking whether it will make them particularly unpopular if they must tell their friends that a house party must be termin ated by midnight, or if they are invited to one that they must be home at a reasonable hour. This attitude of your parents never will affect your popular ity with nice boys, particularly if they have sisters. Don't think you are the only girl experienc ing parental supervision. Any well - brought - up girl goes through the same experience. If Family Dinner Mexican Macaroni Toasted Carrots Tossed Green Salad Hard Rolls and Butter Butterscotch Apples Beverage Mexican Macaroni Ingredients: 2 tablespoons fat, 1 medium onion (finely chop ped), cup finely diced cel ery, 1 pound ground beef, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups canned tomatoes, 2 table spoons minced parsley, 1 table spoon salt, 3 quarts boiling water, 8 ounces elbow macaroni. Method: Melt fat in large skillet; add onion and celery and cook 5 minutes over low heat. Add beef, breaking up with a long-handled two-tined fork or wooden spoon, as it cooks and browns. Add the 2 teaspoons of salt, chili powder, and flour and mix well, stir in tomatoes, cover, and simmer about 30 minutes. Add parsley and cook uncovered for about 10 minutes longer. Add the 1 tablespoon salt to rapidly boiling water. Gradually add macaroni so water continues to boil. Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, "jntil tender. Drain in colander. Place macaroni on a large platter and pour sauce the center. the boys you know come from good homes, they will expect your parents to act as parents are supposed to act. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1949 7 Shower Given Scio The Munkers Commu nity club gave a bridal shower Tuesday evening for Miss Shir ley Nave of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Nave of Scio. Miss Nave and Miss Donna Shindler came from Salem for the event and returned the same evening. The guests made a scrap-book, each guest making one page which was presented to the hon oree. Assisting with the enter tainment and refreshments were Mrs. Edna White. Mrs. Cecclir Rollier and Mrs. Maxine Pierce The shower was given at tin home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thurston. Rogers-Baumann Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Baumann of Woodburn an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jeanetle Bau mann, to Dwaine Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers of Woodburn. The ceremony took place Friday, December 10 at Chehalis, Wash. The young couple are making their home in Vancouver. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rogers at tended Woodburn high school where he was graduated In June 1949, and are both prominent in -hoir work at the Woodburn Presbyterian church. DAYTON Miss Betty Baker, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Arth ur Baker, Dayton, was wed to Louis Hackworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hackworth, Dayton, Saturday, Dec. 10, at Vancouver, Wash. They are making their home in Dayton. for the entire family i Glv. rh gill Dial wM' b appreciated all f) yaar round . . . for comfort, looks and woari ARBUCKLE'S 481 State Street Open Nights Till Christmas Bedtime Fashions in Tulip Shades GOWN With Empire Shirred Bodice 5.95 Matching Bed Jacket With Slimming Waist, Shirred Long Sleeves 4.95 GIFT CERTIFICATE I Smart Ska 115 N. Liberty r 4 Wf 1. LOVELY FEMININE GIFTS TO PLEASE ANY LADY Dainty lace trimmed slips 6.95 to 10.95 Feminine Panties 1.95, 2.50 and 2.95 Petticoats with a froth of lace 3.95 to 9.95 the vogue of salem 445 state street Timber Carnival princess this year. They will make their home in Albany. Joyce Giroux Experienced Professional Manicurist at Larson's Beauty Studio 471 Court Ph. 35033 I made-to-order face powder by Grles o! 4-Lc lii rr ft i itTiTrT i Your face powder Is your own . , ? hand-blended exclusively for you by the Charles of the Ritz consultant who creates your formula and keeps it always on file. There's not another powder like it anywhere. Come in and watch it blended to order right before your eyes. 12, 3, 3 the box phis tax $1 introductory size Surpritingly-made-to-order face powder costs no more than other face powders. V0U Can Still BHIIVHilHHIIIIIIHHLSH GET'EJflatYEATERS! ( ) TOASTMASTERS ( ) SUNBEAM WAFFLEBAKERS The Famous ( ) SHAVEMASTERS ( ) COFFEEMASTERS tfuiibeam AIIXMASTER AMERICA'S FAVORITE ( ) UNIVERSAL PERCOLATORS ( ) ELECTRIC SHEETS ( ) TOASTERS ( ) MIXMASTERS WHEN AT YEATER'S JUST SAY Charge Open Evenings till Christmas iSifnbeam RADIANT CONTROL TOASTER COFFEE MAKERS ELECTRIC CLOCKS REVERE WARE CAN OPENERS HEATING PADS MINUTE MINDERS BOTTLE WARMERS CANDY THERMOMETERS ROAST THERMOMETERS HOUSEHOLD SCALES DOOR CHIMES PERCOLATORS FRUIT JUICERS FLASHLIGHTS CONDIMENT SETS SILENT BUTLERS BED LAMPS WORLD GLOBES ELECTRIC IRONS BATH SCALES DOOR CHIMES WHIPPIT MIXERS CORN POPPERS HAIR DRYERS STUDY LAMPS ROOM HEATERS ELECTRIC CLOCKS PERCOLATORS BUN WARMERS PRESSURE COOKERS m APPLIANCE COMPANY 375 Chemelceta Dial 3-343 11 Free - Westinghouse Sewing Machine Inquire about free $50 value art - needlework course directed by Shirley Kau. 9 ELECTRIC ROASTERS HOTPLATES 0 ELECTRIC SHAVERS ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECTRIC VIBRATORS ELECTRIC JUICERS ELECTRIC CLOCKS ELECTRIC MIXERS ELECTRIC GRIDDLES 9 ELECTRIC IRONS STEAM IRONS ELECTRIC SHEETS O ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRONS ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKERS 0 ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS O ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDERS PRESSURE COOKERS HAND VACUUM CLEANERS RADIOS