Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 21, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21,
Is Varied
Varied, informal entertain
ment marks the few days pre
ceding the holidays.
Two Couples Hosts
A group of friends has been
invited by Dr. and Mrs. M. K.
Crothers and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
A. Hale for an informal at home
Christmas eve, Saturday, the af
fair to be at the Crothers home
at 7 o'clock.
Party Tonight
Misses Marilyn Burris and
Leona Burgoyne are to entertain
this evening at the home of the
former for a group of school
friends at a holiday party. There
-will be a tree and exchange of
gifts, followed by a late supper.
In the group will be Misses Eva
McMullen, Gayle Juve, Marian
Carson, Catherine Cooper, Joan
Enyeart, Janyce Baker, Frances
Baum, and Mrs. Theodore L. Co
valt and Mrs. Tad Shinkle.
Breakfast Event
Justice and Mrs. James T.
Brand are entertaining a group
at their home for a Christmas
morning breakfast, Sunday. In
vited are Miss Mabel P. Robert
son, Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Dr.
and Mrs. Robert Gregg, Dean
and Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Gerlinger and the
hosts' son, Tom Brand, who is
home from Stanford.
Caroling Event
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winsiow
and the former's sister, Mrs
Gertrude Winsiow Ayres, are to
entertain at a Christmas carol
Ing party tonight. Games will
be played and carols sung, late
refreshments to be served. In
the group will be Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Anderson, Prof, and Mrs.
Charles Derthick, Mr. and Mrs.
Carlton Greider, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Stringham, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Mink, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ronald
Hudkins, Dr. and Mrs. Robert
F. Wulf, Mr. and Mrs. Steve An
derson, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cox
of Portland, Miss Margaret Mor
gan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gast,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brandt, Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison W.
Elgin, Jr.
Club Plans Party
Salem Saddle club has plan
ned its Christmas party for Fri
day evening. Santa Claus is due
to appear with gifts for all. There
will be games and special en
tertainment. George L. Arbuckle
is general chairman and on his
committee are Mrs. Fred Ellis,
Walter Zoscl, Mrs. Arbuckle, Ed
Goeckner, Mrs. Homer Smith,
Jr., and Graham Sharkey.
tained for relatives and friends
at a Christmas dinner Sunday at
his home, Seldom Inn, at Gov
ernment Camp. Attending were
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
J. Beckman and daughters, Bet
ty Lou and LeeAl; Mr. and Mrs.
George Meeker and family, Mor
ton, Kay and Nancy, of Forest
Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Stewart of Nowbcrg: Mrs. Gert
rude Majors of McMinnville;
and as guests, Robert Donaldson
of Portland and Miss Mary L.
Lovcland of Government Camp.
Holiday Party
Mrs. Arthur Fisher has
planned her annual Christmas
party for her little daughter.
Susan, for Thursday evening, 16
little friends of Susan being in
vited at 7 o'clock.
Christmas movies will be
shown and refreshments served.
Toble Lamps
Beautiful Floor Lamps!
Exquisite Boudoir
modern shades
Still Available Sunbeam, Mixmasters and Coffemasters
236 North High
Christmas Event
Ela chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
has arranged its annual Christ
mas party for this evening at I
the home of Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding at 8 o'clock.
New pledges are to be in1
charge of the program. There
will be an exchange of gifts.
Party for Children
The Moore Business Forms
company entertained with a
children's Christmas party Sun
day. For the entertainment. Clay
ton Jones showed pictures of his
travels into the Canadian
Rockies, also a comedy: two
dances were presented by Janice
Baker; Steve Miller played ac
cordion numbers; the Cart
wright trio put on a "medicine
show," and Santa Claus called
to distribute remembrances to
the children, pictures being tak
en of each child as he received
his gift.
On the various committees
arranging the event were Don
McGregor, Mike Jurewicz, Ed
Smith, Miss Shirley Hill, Miss
Carolyn Miller and John Perry.
its annual Christmas party on
Monday evening, when Santa
Claus entertained and treated
all of the children to bags of
candy. A tableau of the Christ
mas scene was reenacted, during
which a chorus sang carols.
The F. L. club presented the
lodge with a lamp to be used by
the pianist.
On Thursday. December 22,
all the grand officers are asked
to meet at 7:30 for practice and
all incoming officers to meet at
the hall on Tuesday, January
3, at 7:30.
The Past Noble Grands party
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Gus Enckson, 1800 State street,
on Wednesday.
f r
I , AS K ; , , v " 1
tit I
g I
Warm Greetings That very young man about town will
go for a smart covert lopcoat such as this, good the year
round with ils zip-out wool lining.
I ill!
19.95 &
Hurricane Lamps
Were 14.95, now. .
Lazy-Lite Pin-l'p
Plans Party
Alpha Epsilon chapter, Beta
Sigma Phi, has planned its
Christmas party for Thursday
evening at the Mormngside
home of Mrs. Duane Janicek, at
8 o'clock.
There will be a program, in
charge of Mrs. W. L. Morrison,
and an exchange of gifts. . Re
freshments will be served by
Mrs. Donald Parker. Mrs. W. L,
Morrison and Mrs. Chet Nelson.
w- 11
Wed in Portland
Silverton Miss Orfia Mes
singer and Joe A. Ressequie
were married Saturday in Port
land and came to Silverton Sun
day for a wedding dinner and
reunion of relatives at the Cool-
idge street home of cousins of
the bride, Mrs. Ida Makinster
and Mrs. Lydia Dawes. Mrs
George Kirk is also a cousin of
Mrs. Ressequie.
Others present for the dinner
and a social afternoon and eve
ning were Mr. and Mrs. George
Kleen of Fruitland, Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Beer of Woodburn, Mr. and
Mrs. George Kirk and Vernon,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dawes and
William, Marie, Kenneth and
Marilyn of Canby, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Staehely and Donald Van
Vleet, all of Oregon City, Mr.
and Mrs. Vilas Kirk and Rita
of Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Schumacher and Mere
dith, Sara and Bethel of Canby,
Fred Reinke and Miss Vivian
Kauffman, both of Stayton, Miss
Janet Volker of Oregon City,
the bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe A. Ressequie, Portland, the
hostesses, Mrs. Lydia Dawes and
Mrs. Ida Makinster.
Staff Party
Among firm staff parties dur
ing the mid-week is the one for
Necdham's Book Store staff
members, their wives and hus
bands, the affair to be this eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Needham and Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Needham as hosts at the Rob
ert Needham home.
Twenty will attend the party
and a late supper will follow the
informal evening.
Compare! See these
fine lamps and you'll
know you're getting
the BEST for LESS!
Plastic Floor Lamp Shades. Chinese
Modern C y tZ
Were 8.95, now
Torchler Lamps, copper and brass.
Were 17.95 11 QC
Plastic Floor Lamp Shades
wrrr 4.95 1 Q C
now I.OJ
Dial 3-9412
f'' I ) K . -il r A" 1 A
lit A ;
YJ)k -
h'Mr j tA
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Homer Daniel Walters were
married November 6 at the Nidaros Lutheran church at
Monitor. The bride is the former Elsie Pauline Moen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moen of Salem. (Alyce
Studio, Woodburn)
White Shrine Event
Willamette shrine NA 2, Or
der of the White Shrine of Jer-
usalm, held its regular meeting
Monday evening at the Masonic
temple. Mrs. Wilbur Pintler,
worthy high priestess, and Stan
ley Brown, watchman of shep
herd, presided.
There were twelve candidates
initiated into the order, Mrs.
Florence G. Brown, Mrs. Elva
Burns, Mrs. Emma Y. Edwards
Mrs. Dorothy M. Darlington.
Mrs. Esther Oudeans, Mrs. Jen
nie I. Peirce, Mrs. Hannah K
Neely, Mrs. Marie Conner, Mrs.
Peggy Patchell, Mrs. V a d a
Whetstone, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
W. Handy.
The program included solos
by Mrs. Lester Hagen, accomp
anied by Mrs. W. A. Skewis. Vis
ltors from Bethlehem shrine, Eu
gene, were Mrs. Sam Bentley,
Mrs. Chris Hart, Mrs. S. M. Ink
ster, Mrs. Ted Wall and Lyman
Palmer. At the close of the meet
ing refreshments were served.
The committee in charge was.
Mrs. James Booth, Mrs. Nancy
Peed and Mrs. William W. Mills.
The rooms were decorated in
holly and red candles.
Mrs. Lydia Vaughan and Vic
tor Helms were married at a
noon ceremony solemnized Sat
urday in the Presbyterian church
manse, the Rev. Chester W.
Hamblin officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Helms of
Prineville attended the couple.
The bride wore a burgundy
suit with matching hat, black
accessories, and corsage of pink
Following a trip to the coast
the couple will be at home at
1100 Chemeketa street,
Son Born
A son, Christopher George,
was born Tuesday, December
20 at Salem General hospital to
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Payson Smith
of Inglewood, Calif. The baby is
ine second son in the family, the
brother being Michael. Grand
parents are the Rev. and Mrs.
George H. Swift of Salem and
Mr. and Mrs. John Snow of
Santa Maria, Calif.
Give Jier the
Holiday Party
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae
were entertained for their
Christmas party last evening at
the home of Mrs. Ervin L. Pet
erson. There was a tree and
exchange of gifts and late re
freshments were served.
Attending the party were Mrs.
James H. Turnbull, Mrs. Robert
Nelson, Mrs. Gordon Hecker,
Mrs. Howard Arnot, Mrs. Keith
Flory, Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan,
Mrs. Robert Tierman, Mrs. Her
man Jochimsen, Mrs. Stuart
Thede. Mrs. Calvin Kent and
Mrs. Peterson.
Mothers Club
Sigma Kappa Mothers club
was entertained Tuesday after
noon by Mrs. G. A. Reeher and
Mrs. R. J. Davey for a Christ
mas party at the home of Mrs.
Attending the affair were
Mrs. C. L e s t e r Newman, Mrs.
Claude Murphy, Mrs. Bruce
Crandall, Mrs. Grace Brown,
visitor from Pasadena, Calif.,
Mrs. D. G. DeSart, Mrs. W. G.
Burris, Mrs. H. J. Eastman and
Mrs. Forrest Holmes, both of
Dallas, Mrs. Vern McMullen,
Mrs. N. S. Rogers, and the two
ville Women's club met at the
home of Miss Minnie Peterson
for its annual Christmas party
Following a short business meet
ing, refreshments were served
by the hostess at tables centered
with candles and Christmas
Present were Mesdames. Mary
men, Mae Lamb, Earnest Towle,
Guy Shields, Hugh Craig, James
Miller, Ed. Holmquist, Blard
Spear, Roy Hough, Elmer Kiel
and a guest and former club
member, Mrs. John Smith; The
next meeting on December 30
will be at the Blard Spear home.
tertained the P. L. E. F. club at
her home Wednesday evening.
Miss Lois Kirls is the newly
elected president. A gift ex
change was held, followed by
-machine that sews
Hotel Party
On Thursday
Annual Christmas party for
all employes of the Senator ho
tel and their wives or husbands,
will be an event of Thursday
evening in the Cave room of
the hotel.
About 150 are expected to at
tend the event. There will be
a dinner at 6:30 o'clock and a
program. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Chadwick and Mr. and Mrs.
Cedric T. Reaney are hosts for
the affair.
The Senator coffee shop will
close at 5 p.m. Thursday in or
der to give all employes of the
hotel an opportunity to attend
the Christmas party.
Guests Listed
For Coke Party
Among coke parties preceding
the Rainbow formal Thursday
evening will be the one for
which Miss Edna Marie Hill and
Miss Joyce Armstrong are to
entertain at the home of the
Guests for the event include
Misses Donna Beard, Margaret
Bown, Patricia Bramble, Mary
Campbell, Dorothy Cannon,
Betty Cooley, Pebble DeSart,
LaVelle du Buy, Carol Fuhr,
Ann Gibbens, Janet Gaiser, Syl
via Hastings, Elizabeth Johnson,
Shirley Jones, Diane Karsten,
Joan Miller, Mary Ann McFar
lane, Martha Marshall, Edna
Mae Manning, Marilyn Power,
Sharon Plunkett, Susan Perry,
Carolyn Payne, Dorothy Peder
son, La June Rahtz, Bonnie
Stewart, Elaine Stanley, Patricia
Service, Beverly Wilt, Charlotte
Wood, Barbara White, Marilyn
Waters. Wanda Tannerf, Mari
lyn Hall, Sharon Brown, Leslyn
Burdette, Lois Chamberlain,
Ginger Currier, Barbara Flagg,
Gwen Fry, Alice Girod.
Jerry Inskeep, Dick Klinefel
ter, Ralph Blakley, Ed Becker,
Dale Burnes, Dick Carlson, Earl
Eshleman, Jerry Graves, Bob
Hamblin, Don Burgoff, Jim San
defer, Jerry Siefarth, Bruce
MacDonald, Warren Mulkey,
Jim Lancaster, Louie Lorenz,
Bob Meaney, Dick Fuhr, Tom
Bridges, Verne Halbert, Jack
Thomas, Ben Pitzer, Jim Wasch-
ka, Lowell Fox, Bud Given,
Harry Bramel, Dick Buren, Dick
Kemper, Jere McCarthy, Dale
Powell, Ray Comstock, Jack
Kortzeborn, Duane Anderson,
Max Vogan, Neal McCreary,
Chris Larson, Merlin Schulze,
Jim Rock, Elils Saunders, Bar
ney Rogers, Gordon Bacon, Gor
don Sloan, Dave Becker.
The annual formal of the
Chadwick assembly, Order of
Rainbow for Girls, will be
Thursday evening in Crystal
VISITOR at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Crandall during
the holidays is Mr. Crandall's
mother, Mrs. Grace Brown of
Pasadena, Calif. The Crandall's
daughter, Miss Thais Crandall,
also is home for the holidays
from Oregon State college.
VISITORS in the capital from
Portland over the week-end
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock,
who were guests of Mrs. Brock's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Mrs. Censky Given
Recognition by Group
Shpridan Recognition for
years of community service was
given last week to Mrs. tmei
Censky, active member of the
American Legion Auxiliary, by
that organization. The Auxil
iary has placed her name m nom
ination for the national radio
award for "Queen for a Day."
Mrs. Censky has taken active
part in many community events
for years, and is currently serv
ino as a member of the city
council to which she was named
in the last election.
In placing her name for nom-
innfinn fnr tho honor the local
Auxiliary stated that they "pre
sent Ethel Censky as meir can
didate because of her original
irfoac in nrnmntintf constructive
entertainment in our city, in
cluding the pet parade, amateur
hour, talent feast, in which 23
nroanizations took Dart. For
eleven years she was a mem
ber of the Phil Sheridan Days
celebration committee, and was
the first woman elected to the
city council." One of her pet
projects is tne "unrisimas L-neer
committee, which aids needy
families. She is chairman of
the committee.
, - mk
ROBERTS Mr. and Mrs.
Louis D. Johnston celebrated
their 37th wedding anniversary
Thursday evening. Guests for
supper were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Bidgood, Mr. and Mrs. George
Bressler and Mr. and Mrs. G. S.
Candy Dept.
Extra Sheer
Regular 1.15 Value! fi
FREE Gift Box I S M J
Cr nylons
Told at Party
Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Hatteberg are announc
ing the betrothal of their only
daughter, Miss Lou Ann Hatte
berg, to Harold Johnson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer John- f
son. The wedding is to be dur
ing the late spring months as
a church affair.
The revelation of the news
came as a surprise to a group
of close friends when the guests
were enjoying a Sunday after
noon Christmas party at the at
tractive home of the Hattebergs.
The names "Pat and Lou Ann"
were discerned on the large cake
that centered the dining room
table, which was covered by a
filmy lace cloth made for the
bride-to-be by the late Mrs.
John Hatteberg, her grandmoth
er. A seasonal complement to
the center arrangement included
holly, mistletoe and other green-
ery, clustering about lighted tall
red tapers. Especially made
Christmas napkins also told of
the coming marriage in inter
twined red hearts with the
names of the betrothed.
An exchange of gifts was en
joyed about the decorated tree
in the living room of the home,
where guests were entertained
informally until early evening.
Present were Mrs. Iver My
ren and Marian, Mrs. S. Esten
son and Artie, Mrs. Guy Miles
and Lucille, Mrs. M. B. Ford
and Edna, Miss Carol Hatte
berg and Mrs. Elmer Johnson.
Main Floor