V Young People Offer Pageant Liberty, Dec. 21 A pageant of "The First Christmas" will be presented by 25 of the young people of the Liberty Church of Christ on Friday evening, Dec. 23, at 7:45 o'clock at the Liberty Community hall. The pageant will be given in full costume with musical accompaniment by a girls' chorus. On the program will be "Pro phets," Ray Mendenhall and Larry Doyle; "Joseph," Roy Bloom; "Mary," Barbara Loyn es; "Gabriel," Milbre S 1 p e ; "Kings Guards," Larry Sipe, and Duane Doyle. In the Girls' chorus are Don na Plenge, Lynne Standley, Ed ith Parrish, Vida Standley, Betty McMillen, Wanda Plenge, Mar garet Seeger, Shirley Peterson, Katherine Myers, Loretta An son, Elizabeth Sipe and Delores McCellan. There are four scenic back grounds for the different scenes of the pageant and have been painted by Roy Bloom. The four scenes are 1. Annun ciation. 2. King Herod's Pal ace. 3. Judean Hillside, and 4. Adoration at the Manger. An of fering for benevolence will be taken. Skilled Labor Now Available Lebanon, Dec. 21 Skilled and qualified workers in nearly every line are available in the Lebanon area in greater nunv ber now than at any time since the end of the war, according to Fred Worral, manager of the local office of the Oregon state employment service. Jobs not only are hard to find for seasonal employes laid off during the winter months, but also for mechanics, mill men. building trades workers and many others. Home owners and employers with part-time work should exert every effort to pro vide employment during the next three months until spring activity begins, Worral said. "The population of this area, like other sections of Oregon, has been increasing rapidly," commented Worral. "Possibly we can't find work for all of the newcomers and others who need a regular income, but we should provide for our steady skilled workers who are a part of this community." "Our office has applications for hundreds of experienced men and women who are able and willing to tackle anything. Many jobs need to be done. Let us lose no time in putting these It's to keep fit Le( Sun Valley add variety to "Bread Hungry diets" and safely, too. Sun Valley Bread baked with no shorten ing whatever, is low in calories, (less than SO to the slice) yet high in energy producing proteins. Try SUN valley dKe.au toasted tomorrow morning. J T f WITHOUT SHORTENING 0X1 LOW IN CAiomts HIGH IN ENEIGT AT VOIR FAVORITE fOOD STORE A m 7 'I- Love Is Secondary Ana Maria Alvarez-Calderon, 20, winner of title of "Queen of the Americas" in Peruvian beauty contest, waves a greet ing as she arrives at New York to start a six weeks' visit in this country. The slim, five foot, five-inch brunette told reporters that she supposed she was heiress to about $32,000, 000, "although I never count ed it." She prefers culture to love. (Acme Telephoto) people to work. It will save money for us all." While stressing that the slate employment service is not a re lief agency, Worral did point out that unless jobs are found for family heads and other able workers, welfare expenditures will increase greatly. Gable's Bride Like Lombard Hollywood, Dec. 21 Mi Friends of Clark Gable said to day his bride, blonde Lady Syl via Stanley, bears a "peculiar resemblance" to his last wife, the late Carole Lombard. And their runaway wedding yester day was like his elopement with the gay movie star 10 years ago. "He proposed yesterday, and I said "yes" as fast as I could," Lady Stanley said after the sud den ceremony at Solvang, Calif. "We decided to get married because Clark suddenly found he had the day off," Miss Lorn bard had said after she married Gable at Kingman Ariz., in 1930. Like the late movie comedi enne, Lady Sylvia is slim and gay, with long blonde hair. She's about the age Miss Lombard would have been. And, while Miss Lombard started as a Mack Sennett bathing beauty, Lady Sylvia was a London chorus girl before she nabbed the titled Lord Ashley for the first of her four husbands. Miss Lombard "completely remade her personality" to keep Gable happy, and friends said Lady Sylvia may have to do the same. She's as feminine as Miss Lombard used to be before she turned herself into a hunting and fishing pal for Gable. Michigan Cow Wins World Championship Flint, Mich., Dec. 21 U.B A 4-year-old Holstein cow today claimed the world's milk produc tion championship. Spokesmen of several cattle organizations said they watched yesterday as Forbes K. Merkley milked Minnow Creek Eden re peat of the final gallon of the 35,240 pounds of milk she has produced in one year. The new mark is for cows of all ages milked three times daily. A Wisconsin Holstein set the previous record of 35,207 pounds. In winter the lynx grows tufts of hair on its feet that act as snowshoes. 'Impossible1 Christmas Wish To Come True for Small Boy CALEXIO, Calif., Dec. 21 W Some small boy here is going to have an "Impossible" Christmas wish come true. On Christmas eve it will snow on this California-Mexican border town for the first time since 1932. And all because of a letter to Santa Claus. The post office received the note In which the boy, who didn't sign his name, told Santa how good he had been all year and how sad he was that he couldn't play in the snow at Christmastime, like northern boys. All he wanted this Christmas was a snowstorm. The post office passed the let ter on to the Chamber of Com merce and the board of direc tors decided they would fulfill this wish. So, starting at 3 p.m. Satur day, planes of the border flying service will take off and, using crop-dusting ejectors, drop snow over the city. Snow will be freighted in from California mountain areas. Santa Claus himself plus a few helpers will load it into the planes. The only thing now that can hinder this tampering with the elements is a switch in the ele ments themselves. But the Chamber of Com merce, right on its toes, brightly declared: "In case of rain Saturday we will have our snow fall on Christmas day." Vacation Date Nears Grand Island The Grand Is land school will close Friday evening, December 23, for holi day vacation and convene Tues day, January 3, Mrs. Cecil Will, clerk of the board, announces. Doctor Dead in Suicide Pact Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 21 An apparent double suicide pact between a prominent doctor and his wife was completed Tues day with the death of Dr. Jo seph B. Crawford, 34. However, the purpose of the double suicide to provide their two children with an income may have failed. A $15,000 life insurance policy Crawford took out last month contained a clause barring payment in case of suicide within two years. Meanwhile, simple funeral services were to be held this afternoon for his wife, Mrs. Mil dred Minderman Crawford, for mer New Orleans socialite. Her body was found beside her dy ing husband in their fashionable Lookout Mountain residence Sunday. One of Crawford's two chil- Capilal Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1949 3 dren, seven - year - old Linda Mary, was expected to attend the services, but 15 - months - old Douglas Bruce was not. The 34-ycar-old doctor and his wife apparently took an uniden tified type of sleeping tablet which produced paralysis or partial paralysis of the respira tory system, according to Dr. Ebb Johnston, Hamilton County coroner. BORING OPTICAL HAS MOVED To Their New Location CORNER 12TH AT CENTER Across from Bergs. USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Dr. E. E. Boring Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now In Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTERl Dial 3-6506 !r. Sam Hmrhts b. own -.v i&ffl oirecto miss"am txqvmta J-OramoJ MOiin Mart 1-Dhmmd SMbNM 1 $7875 $49L50 ' his excei1ncy"xx" GODDESS OF TIME 'JTjr 1 gMT gf'--... .J Christ' MorninS-'"" BULOVA! HE $4.00 Down . $4.00 Mo. No charge for CREDIT! Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. Right up to Christmas. 177 north liEtci't y We Give and Redeem tQ?H" Green Stamps yw It T) nLil4AA wpjjss- SJf it OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL CHRISTMAS EVE 1 r t-i. -H".' 1 Re-Repeated By Popular Demand 1000 PAIRS Nylon Hose 51 Gauge First Quality floo Pair We've had io many requests to offer this tre mendous hosiery sale again that we hurriedly arranged for another shipment. Beautiful, sheer, sheer 15 denier, and sturdy 30 denier first quality nylons, as well as service weights, are yours again for $1.00. One day only! Figure-fitting flattery for under her tree; Budget-beautiful, luxurious-looking ! mi 1 1 it' orelie SUPS "Corette" . , . the name she'll never forget, the slip she'd like most to get! Priced to please every "Santa", propor tioned to fit all . . . short, average or tall! Suds-loving, long-lasting rayon multifilament crepe with the pantent ed bias-cut midriff, the straight cut or 4-gorred skirt. Tailored to Taste 295 Elegance expertly tailored, Black, pink r white (proportion- , i ed.) 32-44 Accent on Applique 395 Exquisitely embroidered. Blue, pink or proportioned in white. 32-40. A9S Laden with Lovely Lace Both bodice and hem generously garnish ed w:th fragile-looking but long-wearing froth! White or pink. 32-44. hi f A A W V i , Ir-SI j it 1 I ml i 4 4 1 i1''"; GIFT ITEM "Famous Name" 100 Wool Gabardine MEN'S SHIRTS 10 00 Beige, grey, navy, aqua Regular $17.95 Special Xmas purchase Fine all wool gabardint Pearl button snaps Two snap fastened pockets MEN'S Main Floor GIFT ITEM Woman's Sotln QUILTED ROBES 8 90 Smooth silky satin Smart detail Four luscious colors Fully lined All sizes $12.95 value Special purchase FASHIONS Second Floor GIFT ITEM Beacon Cloth MEN'S ROBES J9S I Fancy patterns i Fine Beacon cloth Blue and maroon All sizes royal quality Individually boxed Contrasting trim MEN'S Main Floor GIFT ITEM Women's FELT SLIPPERS 1 00 Regular $1.49 Blue, wine, grey Soft padded sole Sizes 5 to 9 Warm and comfy SHOES Second Floor tr in. laktn f Mailt Brni