24 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1949 HERE'S Thujas (Copyright 1949 by Vlnce Elliot) hi - ' ci nnn m ui liij r in r; i n ninM u n ei y e. jkd jy u m MIMmmm 1 is a igg 1 In lug is (B swigm YES SIR, FOLKS, I'LL RING SOME SALEM DOORBELL TONITE! JUST IMAGINE! Santa Claus . . . complete in whiskers and wardrobe ... at YOUR door TONIGHT . . . ready to hand YOU Twenty Silver Dollars! Sounds unbelievable? Maybe so . . . but it's TRUE. Yes, siree . . . TONIGHT . . . between 9 and 10... Santa in person . . . through the cooperation and courtesy of the friendly DOWNTOWN SALEM stores below . . . WILL STOP at somebody's home . . right here in Salem ... or in the outlying areas. If he comes to your door . , simply show him a sales-slip , . . cash register receipt ... or anything that reasonably convinces him you've shopped this past week in one of the DOWNTOWN SALEM stores named below ... and get TWENTY SILVER DOLLARS . . . mighty wel come cash for Christmas. That's all there is to itl your Thursday Journal will carry the news about whom Santa visits tonight . . . revealing the name of the party and the DOWNTOWN SALEM store where he or she shopped. In the event there's no winner tonight . . . Santa's Silver Sock ... in its next appearance . . . will be worth THIRTY SILVER DOLLARS. Check your DOWNTOWN SALEM stores below for outstanding SIL VER SOCK values 'ike those given . . . and hundreds more. Like all smart shoppers . . . Santa himself will be in DOWNTOWN SALEM . . . TONIGHT until 9 . . . and THEN . . . within the hour thereafter . . . he'll be out ringing doorbells in Salem . . . possibly YOURS! TONIGHTS JACKPOT $ 2 CASH SHOP DOWNTOWN SALEM FOR GREATER SELECTION SPECIAL CARLOAD Purchase ELECTRIC RANGES Only $149.50 (Famous make.) Can't mention name due to drastic price reduction ... Full Size (40 In.) Automatic Oven . . . 4 Burners . Drawer Snace . ' FULLY-GUARANTEED VINCE'S BLUE TREE LIGHTS? 'iJlie lflfodeme . . . still has a good suppiy of Blue Tree Lights . . . plus other hard-to-get shades that carry out your Tree Color Idea. For OUTDOOR LIGHTING ... you will find all the necessary lengths of light-strings and extra bulbs to help make your home a Christmas Greeting to all passers-by ELEcrm The MODERN E 305-315 Court St. Tel. 3-3808 KEEP CHRISTMAS IN COLOR ,5f your K0DAC0L0R FILM v.i Say MERRY CHRISTMAS with FLOWERS! "The Always Appropriate Gift" Most varied Selection of Colorful Christmas Plants and Cut Flowers Also see our Lovely Dish Gardens In Brass, Copper or Pottery JARY FLORIST 365 Court Street Tel. 3-7375 Delivery Service R. L. ELFSTROM CO. Pre-Christmas Sale CHATHAM BLANKETS WOOLSAIRE 100 Wool 72 x 90 4 Q ftC Pcunds Formerly $1 3.50 NOW O t7W LAMSDOWN 100 Wool 4V4 Pounds lr) Q 72x90 Formerly $16.95 NOW IZ.7J 340 Court Street Salem After-Shave Lotion $1.00 Plus Tax Instantly cooling . . . Soothing Invig orating. Gives a Man a sense of Well Being. Largest selling after-shave lotion in its price line. Man-tailored bottles ... 9H ounces. Only $1.75 Plus Tax CAPITOL DRUG STORE Stat and Liberty 'On the Corner' Park Free on Santa . . . 2:30 to 5:30 P.M. on State Street Between Liberty and High REMEMBER There's a $10.00 Gift Certificate FREE with Every Fifty-Dollar Pur chase Made Before Christmas at Park Free on Santa ... 2:30 to 5:30 P.M. ... on State Street between Liberty and High HnVHUiiV 5 Make Yours a Musical Christmas1. Musical toys of many kinds . . . Harmonicas . . . comnleta election of Kiddie Records . . . Pianos, Records, Sheet Music, Band and Orchestra Instruments. Christmas Sheet Music of many songs of the season ... the new and the old ... the sacred and the secular. ALSO: Just In time . . . Domestic Portable and Cabinet Sewing Machines ... on easy terms . . . Your Complete Music Center Since 1879 WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 State Street Park Free on Santa Claus . . . 2:30 to 5:30 P.M. on State Street between Liberty and High THE BEST IN THE PACK! Frigidaire Electric Range Model RK-20 with Automatic Clock Wos NOW 229.75 199.75 WW auaiTTi laiy Terms SALEM OREGON CITV I Open Til 9 Until Xmas wn'iinnnnisinifniio Look To Cooke For Christmas Gifts for Everyone Last Friday night was hardly a fit night out for man or beast . . . and least of all for Jolly St. Nick. Mind you ... it wasn't the cold he minded so much ... it was just the rain! After sauntering around in DOWNTOWN SALEM all afternoon under weep ing skies ... the white-whiskered old gent from the North . . . didn't particularly cotton to the wetness. After all . . . "up-there-wards" ... he enjoys the crisp, crun chy eternal snows. But anyway ... as promised ... he journeyed around Salem. However . . . after several calls . . , and with no one convincing him about where they shopped ... he called it a night, tossing the Silver Dollars back in his Silver 6ock. But . . . come tonight . . , between 9 and 10 . . . he'll be back out knocking on doors . . . ready to give away TWENTY SILVER DOLLARS this time. So . . . keep a wary eye on your door and sharpen your ears for that door-bell's ringing! Who knows . . . it may be Santa Claus I Make KAY'S Your Headquarters for HER Gifts NYLON HOSIERY $1.00 to $1.75 NYLON LINGERIE $1 .95 to $1 4.95 GIFT SLIPS $2.98 to $7.95 CASHMERE SWEATERS $7.95 to $14.95 See our MANY Beautiful Gifts . . . All Attractively Gift-Wrapped Free . . . KAY'S 460 State Street Park Free on Santa . . . 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. on State Street Between Liberty and High Largest Selection of Radios in the State Philco . . . RCA-Victor . . . West inghouse . . . Admiral . . . Delco . . . Emerson ... and many other famous makes All sizes, shapes and descriptions . . . priced of pre-war prices. Make your selection now. Small deposit will hold your choice until Christmas. Easy terms. For the Night Before Christmas LACE-TRIMMED JERSEY KNIT GOWNS (Values to AQ 8.95) at MX ft Store for ladiel Park Free on Santa Clans . . . 2:30 to 5:30 P.M. on State Street between Liberty and High The Grandest of Give-Aways GIFT BAGS AND GIFT SLIPPERS From the Salem Shoe Store the Santas Adore Park Free on Santa . . . 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. on State Street Between Liberty and High Lovely Ladies' E-x-p-a-n-s-i-on Watch Band (Regularly $5.95) 3.95 And Green Stamps, of Course 'erif (eweerL Special Just Received Large Shipment 100 Pure Wool JERSEY BLOUSES Many New Colors and Styles These ore EXTRA-SPECIAL VALUES While They Last... 3.98 FIELDS 426 State Street Salem V Park Free on Santa Clans , . . 2:30 to 5:30 P.M. on ' State Street between Liberty and High Vj