20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1949 f LEAVE GO, CHOKER? T HOLD ST1LL.1 I FIND ME SOME CLUB 1 K THAT CARROT- T NOW HELP ME GET MRS. "aWk3 , T RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P.M. - YA SHOULDN'T WRECK I OR I'LL B08 WHILE I SMEAR ON A COLOREO THATCH OF BRAWNSKI ON MY SHOULDER KsB5 A LADY'S CROWN I NO YOUR 1AR5 , LfTTLE SOOT FROM YOURS 1SNT A BAD I CAN WALK OUT FAST ROPER J I p OlORYyni j.wm ajMOPTOP'7 J THE COOK'5 GALLEY J MATCH FOR "SMUDGE AND THE ENTIRE POLICE, JZ s5-. L ' "rrTl. r6a7toMay?f 7, POTS' MUSTACHE - FORCE THEN, HALFWAY rrf J?feVV KEX 1190 ABC KSLM HW MBC KOCO 1400 Kc KGW 630 NBC KOIN 70 CBS ; (Ohapter 16) SANTA IS CAUGHT The Wiggle Waggles stood about la front of the Ice house gobbling up the fourteen different kinds of Ice cream Mrs. Claus had made for her party. They were quite tired and cross from the long day. Soon they got bored with eating the ice cream. They began to throw H at one another Instead. They were so busy doing this that they did not see the ball of smoke until It was quite close. Humphrey wiped a blop of strawberry cream from his eyes, blinked, and shout ed:. "There's a ball of fire rolling upon us!" The Ice cream fight ended. The wiggle waggles turned and gaped at the astonishing ball which seem ed to have come from nowhere and was rapidly rolling towards them. "This Is a terrible land I" wailed one Wiggle Waggle. "You never know what strange thing is going to happen. I wish we'd left It all to Santa In the first place!" "Nonsense!" roared Zezop, the leader. "This Is Just some trick of Santas' and" Before he could say anything ' more the ball of smoke burst into the midst of the Wiggle Waggles sending them screaming end wailing in frightened circles. Ze zop turned and fled. The smoke followed, sometimes touching his iieei. sometimes even wrapping It self for an Instant around his head. All the time he was running. Ze xop was getting out Santa's magic wand and thinking how he could use It. Still, he would never have had a chance to use It at all If he had not tripped Into a diteh at the yery instant the smoke finally sur rounded him. Lying at the bottom of the ditch Zezop waved the wand and cried "Let there be a fine fresh breezel" Immediately a fine fresh breeze swfept across Santa Land. When It came upon the ball of smoke it blew it neatly away. And there were Banta and Mr. Dilly and Henry standing at the top of the ditch for all to see . Now the chase went the other way. Santa and his two friends, help less now. turned and ran. The fur ious Wiggle Waggles followed, honk-In-? their noses and flapping their afs and screeching at the top of hlr ugly voices. Zesop climbed out of his ditch and led Uie chase. Round and round the toy shops they ran un til ' Henry felt he could run no more. Even Santa grew tired. And poor Mr. Dilly fell back further and further until he was onlv a hand's reach from the Wiggle Waggles Just at this point Zezop did reach wit his hand and grasped the end of the scarf which fluttered from Mr. Dllly's neck. "Clot him I" roared Zezop. He rave a furious yank at the scarf. , But this was Mr. Dllly's trick tcjrf. Zesop clutched the end it trow loafer and lonser and loiter. It turudi red, Uion black, then orange, and a dozen other colors a It spread out In the breeze. Finally Zezop realized what was happening and stopped pulling. But by that time Mr. Dlllv was an varru away and had unfastened the scarf from his neck. The enormous thing fluttered from the Wiggle Waggle's hand, blinding Zezop and tripping MP all behind him. But now Santa himself saw ft was useless to keep on for Mr. Dlllv would surely be caught soon. As for Henry well, he was staggering already. "This way!" cried Santa, sud denly. He led Henry and Mr. Dilly down a hidden lane between the hops and pushed them through the door of the bicycle house. Then he himself ram back out of the lane Just as the Wiggle Waggles finally untangled themselves from the scurf "There he goes!" screamed Zezop. The Wigfrlt wangles, angrier than ever, took off once again after the red coated figure. Straight towards his own cottage ran Santa for there was nowhere elee now to bo. "Perhan thco ereatures can't climb," he thought as he himself climbed with case to the room of his home. But the Wiggle Waggles could fiuim, iney sninnieq rlgntjin aft. I). .. l er him. Santa ran easily across the sloping roof to me cnimney. The Wiggle Waggles slipped and slid but still came on. "There's nowhere else now but down," thought Santa. "They won't dare follow me here.' With that he leaped into his chimney Just as he had leaped Into otner ioiks' chimneys a thousand thousand times. He was right. The Wiggle Wag gles did not dare to follow him But they did not have to. For Ze zop and Humphrey were waiting bv the fireplace and when Santa slid out of the chimney he slid straight Into their arms. Next: Henry's Present Taft Population 489 The population of Taft, a newly incorporated city, is 489, Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry announced today after taking a census of the city. The census will make it possible for Taft to share in state highway and liquor revenues. Asst. Veterinarian Named Dr. Richard Wayne Stanp, Se attle, became assistant state vet erinarian today for the state de partment of agriculture. He has been in private prac tice in Seattle. High Scoring Team Something new in Jumpers with softness In every ioid oi tne unpressed-pleated skirt. Something new. too. in a companion blouse with the smart turtle neck styling. No. 2809 Is cut in sizes 8, 11, 13, 15, n ana iw. oize la mnpr. m vrs 54-ln.j blouse, 214 yds. 30-ln. Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling of nrner via first class mall include an extra Sc per pattern, Would VOU like to spp n rilWHnn of more than 150 other pattern styles that includes designs for all inemuers oi me iamuy from tiny lota and growing girls to Juniors and misses, mature and large-size women? Just include the PALL- WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. It's a blc niri in every home sewer. Price per copy 20c, Send S5c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis sum at., aan r-Tauclsro 5, Calif R2880 Embroidered KufllnM Tho0. at tractive slippers are ensv to make and easy to puck. Make a iMlr fnr yourself and anotlirr to present to vriu-w-oe. Pattern Envelope No. R28S0 con tains hnt-lr.-m lninKrni. r.t- ... n signs, sewing and making directions. iiittiviitu j-vHiurenieiiLs ana color chart. To obtain this unttern. send 20c in COINS, giving paitt-rn number your name, address and rone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 82 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. hill ! lll'lil P MtfIZmTwa&-UmVX ,r A rl I J sTassisssiir M U-i-1 IN -ViJ L-s f If k sik LIS?. Ti i I I V. ( M m ' ifflf- "TW Mo TMt M4 B)g?iWIIIIMIimlll M" II. 11111111 L 1 N- Wl O rf WOW I LUCKY I GOT USED TO LOTS I P5 TH' I CM EIGHT- I 1T.L STOPTT GETTIti' I H BUT rM 81Q YOT I AU. VOU HEVPH; H AN' LOTS O" KIDS WHEN I WS IN b WATER I CAN TH- DICfTY CUOTHES- i ; TO GIVE Trf L1TTVE j 1 WON'T HAVE t'l TH' ORPHANPGE-LET'S SEE NOW3UESS J PIRSI- PUMP TH" EVERYTHING'S I i KIDS THEIR BATH- ( ANYTHINQ TO DO- - Q I (1 SUPPOSE YOU 1 I EVEM THAT WONT KEEP ME 1 AS MAYOR OF igORTUViaE 1 I AMD IN ClOSIMG MAY 1 L!l!S KNOW.RUOY.TWAtS AWAY,OBIE..rM SOIWGTOSETl IT IS MY PLEASURE TO INTRO- SUGGEST THAT TO IMPROVE T r OUR GUESTOF HONOR) OJMVCEET AMD FIGHT FOR DUCE TO YOU OUR (JEW J THIS PIMETOVJN WE NEED PARONG1 y 1 VTODAY IS HARRY t THETHIWGS YOUVE IGNORED MEMBER AMD NEIGHBOR ) METERS,MORE PlAY5ROL)NDS AND H ' 5?rw'N;;-.NOCKER 1 All THESE MR. HARRY NOCKER V HEALTH CEMTERS..ANDALLTENE- e tf,-3 IT 11 C YEARS'.;-' - 3 lMENTS MOST BE DOME i-r HPM THET U'L ABNCP Y WHOMPED UP A TREMENdUS ) THEN-LE'S AND EGHT II ATr i. ( ME., , 10 AU. MAftWiee A WEDDIN' SUPPER, AN" AH COBBLiX HUNDRED P0RK Hirrt irOSaS-VO'l3Al0!J!l)J,)AHGOTA , T' FABUUXJS JONCiJ-l WANT IT fSTf-EFyO' I UP VUKTIMilO CHOPS LATER. KTSiJO.11''? UP THVplwW DELLY-CUT L MOV. WILL VO' HEB,M3XLUD3E J V-HMT M J fifiTl'iitf'itf&tftflffi 1 AX HER T TAKfcjfoywELL as yore R- .. -t? LILABNCRvWnT4 I J ) I -" 1 E5?SeS 1 1 71 o n.i,... i . --- ' i p- .- 31. Rcsret f 'P"7rn9 MV LAND, 1GNT fT 7 AND, BESIDES, My LITTLE VOU'EE RI6HT ALL RI6HT, TEX. BUT I'M Vf 11'. Harmed t 1 AND 50METMINS'S BEEN 6RL-MA(S6y-IS OUT HERE WOOLLY, but' WABNiNS MDU. IF I SEE M NOIV WAIT TncT A MINUTE IVOOLLV KILLINS W SHEEP' J SOMEWHERE, LOOKlNS FOR IT'S NOT RUSTYS 006 AROUNP THE VI o NOWAITJ0SrlNUTCWLL J DOS! COME ON! SHEEP -WELL, DON'T SIS! ramSr nOT W l-A .ifl !D WTia FROM A KILLER, J?:lL HELP TRV TO STOP ME .' i IT--SHOOTIN A ON SloHT, JUST" PffiW IWS(BHfl!)W.g euc MAY GET MUST' rnueof L S & L o '' """" Lm M'WD ?ff''7 I heard youe standing in clover 71 -As-'0 .-J&rZZZj?-- r& bSi )kMlM7': f to th' top of your spats with 250 W BLASr'SPUT-Tl yfaf mmnf fgsftg lZmeirgf"'. NV HftWtiMC" V -Vr-&3fTXUal?' ' A " WMM" THATS A NICE HEAP OF NEWS OP MY' i 7. i.-f "'"!S 'i Z r&2r Jem&zi 1 lM&w x$Z!;K? '7 drachwas look, pal. I'm as ?? having a bit of U 11-31"il r-" Us? -vfejeQ. aSA"iw.v 5iiaa-3Nf.j ( hard pressed as plymdod, so X money goes 1 r v??5'& KS? YJZ S&s&5:!g&" will YOU lend me 25 P I) around here J Sf' 72-- 'Si -5' 'J V ZANY'S TH TIME I TOOK YOU FASTER THAN THE K Ziryi& C -ZS; e-c5SvVV iJ-SXZtSf" I off tw hook when mxj.wsre high sign ants - --t --'-' Z Trr-A IN A FINANCIAL SAG' 25 V GET ON A J XXiXZZ"- C!r- NW wm lUlil WILL KEEP ME OFF PICNIC- 1- 1 ' - 1 11 Tnl 07L HIGH J V. AN?F-ry- J I I'M NOT SURPRISED TO BUNNY R-R-REFU5E5TO H-1 OF COURSE- IF WE COULD J- SayI'-BUTONECWT MAYBE ONE eAH.MAHTY.' ) I ML (( tC'WBR'IDESl i. Is HEAR THAT YOU TWO HAVE ) MARRY ME TILLONEOf BORROW CAPITAL TO LAUNCH OUR jiwt WALKOUT INTO THE WAY YOU WOR0EDTHAT bl Tu kt 1 JUST BOUGHT A WEDDING 115 has WORR-RK I OWN GREETING CARD COMPANY I THE WOO04 AND PICK 1 GIVES ME A WILD, BUT fill (iH S i X ' T UCEN5E.8UNNY!. BinX-TMsS WORTH' Jj THAT WOULD PUT ANOTHER-. AN0 fltfrRKNBAfiKsVS WONDERFUL, IDEA! A x4VA - & B M WHAT IS THIS ABOUT A 1 FAR MORE ATTRACTIVE- -FACE ON L Sarlin'.! 3 11 f frCf; -3 H " S ' l A jM T " , 7 1 T'll D,.MU,U.-rrt-AT--Ll S LU ' Ml 0(1 The t of Ul 15 News 3flSonri ef Times 45lmer Peterson Itnoi MannlBf jChalteun el Ittl Show IDKOD News Uaek llack News lOOlvour Lir Groucho Mors Ft rr ; 1,1 Yowl Life :3(.l)lck Fowrtl AH DlckPowell 00 9lf Story 15 Rlf Story 30 CutUId Tims 45 SurUIn Tlmo 00 Unatra-Klriten IS Vcwa of World 30 Glldertleeto lOrouoho Mors Bine Crosby Bins Crosby Home Mod. Mod. bur di Allen In urn i U Allen Lone one Hnllrwood Dr. 1. Dr. I. III oil j wood Lowell Thomas (Jack Smith Ir. Christian for. Chrlitlan Nher. Bher. Ibuis nam leers Bun 00 Break tht Bank ljifBreak the Rank jFrank Race Frank Uace Beutab Bu Bun hrhlnk 4Spit. Attorney Club 15 Think 00 Sam Hsyes 15 Spts. Final 30 Dick Hurraea ,45 Tex ffUHawa B Star Final htehfld. Vou, tba World itcrmeaaa Hlr-rio brohettm Con ert IConeert OOfNewa IfilWax Muienm 30 Wax Mutenra 45 Wax Muaeiim Qplsita Off Serenade IConoert IAedmy Choir Tress. Band Concert Memos Memos New Bllent THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. fi:00nodr Fodre News Farm ew fNeww fi:15Newa KOIN Klook Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6-30 Farm Tlm KOIN Kloek Keep fimlllnf March Tim KOCO Klook 0:45 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling Sewa KOCO Kloek ?00 Eaj-lr Bird KOIN Kloek News News Tex Rltler :15 Old Bonn Newi Aeroneky Brkf.t. Gang KOCO Kloek 7:30 Newi News B Haien Drkfst. Gang News j):4S Sam Hayes Fred Beck Eefct Manners rop Trade i KOCO Kloek R:00 EddIe"'Alhert Consumer "sews Kreakfaat Club Marf'n Counter Ch. In iVIIdw'd 8:15 Kddie Albert Vewa Breakfait Club Family Alter Orran Moods 8:30 jack nereh Ttrand Slam Breakfait Clob Hairen ol Ret Weat'n Melodic 8:45 gag Riders aosemary Brewkfajt Clib Bayen m BU FlesU rim glJOfhe SecondCup Wendy Warren fei K. W News Melod, Tim 9:15 Tb Beeond CoplAunt Jenny Stars at Today Mm. Memories Melody Tim 9:3(1 Hometowners klalea Trent rt Llnkletler Paator's Call stars Hint 9:45 News Gal Sunday rt Llnklettcr Sage ttlders J. Ch. Thomaj 10:00 Marrlare for t Big Slater Sasbrnsh "(tar. Glen Hardy N W New 10:15 T,ora I.awton Ma Perklna Ralen Drak Kitchen Music 10:30 Brad Reynold Dr. Malone My Tru Story Wiles Tune Tim 1045 -The Playboys Guiding Light My Tru Story Morgan's Music SB Kcyj 11 :00 Double or 2d Mrs. Barton Betty Crocker Ladies First Music Mart !!:J5 Nothing Perry Mason Moneymakers Ladles First Music Mart 11 Children Norab Drake Northwest- Qaeen for Day Jan Garber lj.45 Light of World Brighter Day erners Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Raukfiag Top Trades Ilollrw'd Masi 12:lSRoad of Life Come t Get It News Newi "oU'w,'d "n,,, 12:29 pepper Voung Drlslit A Light Jack Norman Gay 90'i Headline New 12:45 Happiness Art Baker Meet Menjous Rob Eberly Dave Dennis l:00Baekstage Wife Barnyard Fol. Breakfast In Tell Tr Neigh. Mae's Melodle 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moor Hollywood Harvey Harding Mac'a Melodle 1:30 i.ortntQ JonM c.trry Moore Kay West Organ Reveries Mac's Melodle 1:45 widder Brown Ktrkhara News. Kay West Blng Sings Mac's Melodic 2:00 Girl MarrleT Klrkham-News", fay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:15 port. Faces Life Stere Allen lay Stewart Bob Pool Mac's Melodle 2:30 Tust Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride A Graem Music for Thut Mac's Melodle 2:45 Frt. Pg. FarrellTune. Xoura . Bride Groom Music for Thar. Mae's Melodle 3:00 Welcome Travel. Art Klrkham Quick as Flash Hoedown Party Mac's Melodle 3:15 Welcome Travel Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash Hoedown Party Mae's Melodle 3:30 tunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Ladles Be Seat. News Mac's Melodies 3:45 Love and Learn Arthur Godfrey red Malone Dave Ross Mac' Melodies 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Santa's Letters Fulton Lewis Movie Tim 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Oce Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 nr. .(t(. curt Massey Squirrel Cace Behind Story flyers Can B I 4:45 Panla Ston Edw. R. Marr'wlClnnamon Bear Car. Cavallere Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 dren's Thcatert 5:15, On the Upbeat? 5:60, KM Sports clubt 6:00, Newsi 0:111, Dinner Melodies) 6:30, Uncle Char He's Xmas Party t 7:00, Farmer's Union; 7:15, Evenlnr Farm Hour, T:M, Basketball! 0:30, News and Weather; 9:45, Eveslng Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. Grand Officers Pay . Vissi Hjbbard bdge Hubbard Grand Chancel lor of the Knights of Pythias, Ray Kaser of Milton, and Grand Secretary, Walter Gleeson of Portland, paid an official visit to Arion loge No. 57. Three mem bers from Portland, two from Aurora and Kenneth Hagg, a member of the Dallas lodge, business man in Woodburn and now residing in Hubbard, were also visitors. The complete panel of officers 35. Southern Btaui abbr. 36. Not so many 38. Tree with aro matic wood 40. Journey 41. Kind of meat 44. City In Indiana 45. Muss which Rrows on trees 41 Like 50. The herb evft 51. Period of time 52. News organiza tion: abbr, 64. Shake with cold 56. Languid 5S. Government Brant 59. Less difficult DOWN 1. ThatElrl 2 3 4 p5 bBT'0 ' 35 T( ' 36 3f 5T w I I I I I III 1 I I I I Band of Day Ipasid r Dar pin Crssb Armstronr Armitronf Business News rich ten Rabrlel Hsatsr N W Nvsrs Candle Llrht and SIItcf Edition Rnmaneea Tens Teat Ssrenadt News Bomancei Twiiifht 80ns Rioter plonsr Coacttt Dinner Concert Pat O'Brien Musical Jack pel Evelyn Knlfht Ranger Q. Q. Cisco Kid Ciieo Kid Mldcourt Holmes Name of That W U Basketball Hotmea Adlatn Sons' W D Basketball W TJ BaskstbaU Lean Bck., List. rrrio Adlam IW D BaaketbaU MTIen f?ar Er V Basketball ' U BasketbaU cws Adlam Adlam IDsTld Rosa Fast (Varieties Varieties Fut Mayor Speaks Frontier Town rrentler Tewa Reporteil Fulton Lewis Local Nswa Hoar Hour News lEddls Howard Musle Vow Want dsIo Tos Want Hour Loto Hjsterr Noctnrne Hoar Uast Uohn Wolohan John Wolohan Woe tor n Noctnrne Nocturne tsisVoff- Tomor. Tomor. Slsn Off lnAf Thursday A.M. 10:00, News rtVnw and Weather! 10:15, Especial ly for Women) 11:00, Concert Hallt 11:00, Newsi 12:10, Noon Farm Hour! 1:00, Rid 'em Cowbori 1:10, Review of 1049; 1:80, Melody Lanei 3:00, Home Garden Hour) 3:30, Memory Book of Muslci 3:00, Newsi S:I5, Music of the Masters; 4:00, Oregon Reporter. for Arion was re-elected. Verl Cochran as chancellor com mander, Clarence Friend as vice chancellor, Bahne Paulson an prelate, Leland Kocher as mas ter of work, A. F. deLespinasse as secretary, Robert Brown as financial secretary, Lawrence Scholl as treasurer, Ben Miller as master at arms, K. S. Ensign as inner guard, Frank Anderson as outside guard and Ed O. Er ickson as trustee. The last for a three-year term. Officers will be installed jointly with officers of the Pythian Sisters Thursday evening, January 5. RSSTOPABlALL YE P I TliR 6 A kls T Ail o A.5..L s iBlA R E iltpB A E T AjCI e sBa s s e rt s BLLl.k E IB At E STS B(15. nItIoSSa T T E N P A N E 9 CS53I I C.lHl5. 5. N IT El L l0 N 6 A rU? O N P m N Solution of Yesterday's Puzzla 1. Negligent I. Bear wltnesi 4. English dramatist I. Visit between vhalera at sea 8. Silkworm 7. Chess plecea 8. Flower 9. Surf duck 10, O reran of hearinx 11. Some 16. Sun srod 17. Exist 20. Current of air 21. External 22. Cap 23. Luzon native 24. Feminine nickname 26. Sweet substance 27. Sad 29. Lone: distance 30. Dry 33. Force to do without 34. Stages 37. Wan 39. Father 41. Central part 42. Jewish month 43. City In Kansa 46. Uniform 47. City in India 48. Serpent 49. Wild sheep 62. Rice paste 63. Unit of lieht intensity SB. Pronoun 67. Three-totV loth By Gene Ahern Santa's HaQ Santa's ftlall Tom Mil Tain Mil