-18 Capital Journal, Salem. i . V : 1 ' fVY U - J f ' The Fatal 10 "the fatal 10" from "retired heavyweight champion Joe Louis in the fifth t round of their scheduled 10-round exhibition bout at Oakland, Calif. (Acme Telephoto) Nation's Bowls Expect 70,000 More Fans '50 New York, Dec. 21 (A3) Thei The total receipts will be football bowls expect to stuff, larger too, but not proportion- - some 70,000 more customers in to their games January 2 than a - year ago, giving them something . of an all-time record bulge. ; All four of the major post- - season attractions rose, sugar. : cotton and orange bowls have found or built new sitting space and are counting on crowd in- " . creases ranging from 2000 to r 10,000. The Rose Bowl at Pasadena, grandpop of thi:J New Year's head-knocking business, is ar ranging for a turnout of 103, 000 to see the game between unbeaten California and Ohio State's Big Ten champions. This is some 10,000 more than usually cram the big Cali fornia arena for the game. The cotton bowl at Dallas, featuring Rice's southwest tillists against North Carolina's - southern conference kingpins, I has issued tickets for 75,500 - a jump of 8500. Around 65,000, an increase of 5000, are expected to at- lend the orange bowl offering " at Miami. This is an intersec : - tional clash between Santa ' Clara and Kentucky. The sugar bowl hopes to ' ; squeeze at least 2000 more people into the giant ball park -Bt New Orleans so that 83.000 '. can see undefeated, untied Okla homa tangle with Louisiana 1 State, conqueror of three con- - ference champions. In all, 661,500 fans are ex- pected to shell out for the 18 i remaining post-season extrava ' '.. ganzas, beginning with the ; North-South Shrine game at i Miami December 26 and ending 1 with the main bowl outburst January 2. 1 - Three games are scheduled , December 31. They are the ' ' East-West Shrine game at San 1 ' Francisco, an old favorite; the : - Blue-Gray affair at Montgom 1 ' cry, Ala., and the Rain Bowl i at Fresno, Calif. 7l0W IpU fol&W! Tut aniwari to Ttrrdaj tnsuranct problem By SID BOISE This Is the season when we all want to insure one thing above all others the happi ness of our families and loved ones and those around us. Re grettably it's a season that's fraught with danger on high ways and streets. Be extra careful in your driving so that you and yours will be sure to have a merry christmas! If yrcH adcraa year rn tnnr-a-c Qutfttou tc IhU ofric. e'U try to f.tt you the correct aiuvera and there will be dure of Mi faltM at anj ktL IT1 H. Chart: rfcm. Mill Br.rMOtln OeaMni a liHf Ca. Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1949 Lanky Al Hoosman heads for the canvas and after stopping a hard right ately so. The sponsors expect a $2,599,500 kitty this time com pared with S-. 545, 800 on last New Year's day. Most of the money will go to competing teams, with those in the big bowls getting more than $100,000. Academy Quints Nose Perrymen In Two Contests Perrydale Perrydale high dropped two -games to Salem winning the preliminary 23 to 11, the visiting Crusaders came back to nose out the main event, 32-30. Perrydale ( Ed:ser IS .... (3!) Academy 9 teller ... 5 Doer k en .. 8 M:kkleion 4 Frlren ..... 6 BuUock Power 7 Hiebenthal 4.. Hempel I N. Beaver 1... W. Beaver 3... Mill City Team Noses Aumsville In B Loop Game Aumsville The Mill Citv Rangers nosed Aumsville's Han ger basketball quint 33 to 32 Tuesday night as Leo Poole dunked two rapid field goals in the final minutes. The game was a Marion county B league affair. Aamtrille (.) Russell 6 F. . Dal Dalke 6 F.. Wwley 13 C. Del Dalke 4 Q.. (S3) Mill City , .... 2 Thorn'.ey , . . . .1 Leo Poole 16 .Mil He ...'.5 Law. Poole Mober Speer O. . Subs: Aumsville Cox m:ii c:t Half ltm- Aiimivllla 11 Villi University of Texas football; teams have met squads from schools representing 24 states. ...only the FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY i bears this label. HARWOOD'S IS CANADA'S FINEST Harwood's is the master, piece of Canada's largest Independent Distillery. To millions, it has become the Canadian Whisky which they can always depend on for quality. Every sip tells the same story of light, mellow, velvety flavor. Ask for Hahwoobs today FIFTHS $5.05 pinti i.jo vy 3 mt runrn lUllilltl flyfl ReserY6S Collect Fifth Basketball Win The Naval Reserve City league basketball team racked up their fifth straight win by topping the Perrydale Farmers 50-39. The game was close all the way, with the navy never being over 4 points ahead until the last few minutes of the game. Don Fischer, navy guard and team captain led all scoring with 20 points. The navy team is made up of members of the organized naval reserve division 13-28, located in Salem. Perrrdale Farmer (39 Naral Kcserr (50) Dames Perry, H. RoSde (4) Mailer 8 Maer (3 Bennett 18) Lynch 6i OlliOD (2) ... (4) Ba&sett ... rji Hartley .. (301 Fischer ( Barntioidt ,.3 Hartraan ... (4) rortner .... iU McUod Hopsters Drub Dayicn Ccqers In Non-Leaguer Independence Independence and Dayton high school cagers got together here Tuesday night in a non-league contest with the former winning with consider able ease 34 to 16. Dayton was held to two points during the first half while the Hopsters were checking in 17. Independence won the pre liminary, 29-20. Indrprndenc. (3) Pryksen 9 P. (16) Darton .4 J. Allen .1 D. Allen 7 Sherman 2 Minktns Harwood ' Snyder 1 ..O . o Bell Pasty 2 s 1 Putnam Woodburn Rally Stops Silverton By 34-26 Count Silverton The Silverton Fox es held a 19-15 lead at the inter mission only to have the Wood burn Bulldogs rally and win the first Willamette Valley league tilt of the season, 34-26 Tuesday night. The visiting Bees lost the pre liminary, 43 to 18. Silverton (36) McCrearr 4 .... Gujtafron S ... J. Cooper 7..., (M) Koodborn .... 1 Seileque 3 n-un-j ... 9 Vanoehey 1 Unasetn 5 0 2 Odrers Subs: Silverton Kirk 2. Kollln 3; Wood bum Pavlicek 11, Seaton . Comeback Fails Prep Hoopers as j Molalla Scores Mt. Angel Trailing 27 to 15 as the third period opened, the Mt. Angel Preps staged a come-1 back that failed by but four! points of knotting the score as; the locals dropped a Willamette' Valley league game Tuesday, night, 28 to 24. to the Molalla Indians. Mt. Anrei (14) (td) Molalla SuUeh F 3 Coleman Payseno 11 F Fisc!ie Ebner 1 .....C t Horton Soderberf 2 0 7 Kellls Turin 3 G 5 Ovens Subs: Mt. Anrel Trareer 1. Wellmsn 2. I. Hall Estacada Tops Dallas, 48-41 Estacada The Estacada Ran gers opened Willamette Valley league cage play Tuesday night with a 48 to 41 triumph over the Dallas Dragons. Kstaeada (481 (41) Dallas Ball 12 .!!!..'.'" K:rceas 7 Nt-hftLnn I. 15 Bd!( F 2 FUcher C 3 Reeo 0 4 Obon 0 14 Cook Fricke 10 a 3 Davis Half time: Bstaea-ia 32. Dallas 1. 3 3 3 3 wwa'V.,' 53 tarUfCBTV m MM J M rVM H Sail at ill j a , SCORES in (CtmyleU Duckpin Bowling MEN'S CITY LEAGUE 1 Newman (CM Jim Linhart 410. 8am Fox 405. Bert EsiieJmen 361. Harvr Fox 394, Bill Nelmeyer 393. Capps tied Cart (4) Bye 450, Carol Cap? 4TB, Leonard Capps 434, Lea Cappa 21, Eddie HcumI 4. H elder's Radio (I) Bre 411, Dave SpauJdinc 346. Lee Ruuell 431, Pau! Rus aeil 443, Keith Kaye 373. Sunset Dentils (t) Royal Pawley 447, Duane Chreilan 480, B. y. Cushlns 362, Cliff Reed 431, Art Pinner 335. Mick's Slni Shop (S Art Berchbaek . B. B. Sneurove 478, Bill Uoad 409. Francis Miller 418, Utlbert Jacober 393. Reed's DrlTe Inn (1) Duani Frank 418. Oeorte Rel 378, John Nolan 344, Wayne Frank 145. Emery Alderman 489, Deri OH Ce. I Carl Wilcox 387. tea Schroeder 384, Bud Booth 403. Olen Bl an ion 439. Jerry Davis 401. Fretty Olsea (3) Tom Wood 488. Arnold Meyer 5, Emll Soholi 442, BUI Gauthter 478, Zddle Ham son 486. Hlth Mam aerie and lam. Frosty Ol- sen 3379 and 833. xtUh individual serits. Eddie Hemel fCappi Useed Cari 504. HUh individual game, Leo Capps (Capps Used Cars) 301. MIXED DOUBLES LEAGUE Orral's t'sed Can (4) Bill Lapschles 379, Almadean LapAchled 418, Charles Lp chle 333, Kelly Lapschles 332. Marion Mo tors 0 Pauline Cwborn 331, Emery Al derman 379, Bye 322. Bye 333. Cappa Used Cars (1) Eddla Henstl 605, 318. O X Welders ! Terry Kemp 306. Royal Pawley 433, Dottle Cupell 267, Bill Oaulhler 445. Centra! Finance (41 Frnnela Miller 453. Martha FeJes 316, Alma Penny 445, ImU Sholl 422. Salem Merchant Patrol 0 Audrey Steele 335. Mllbert Jaeober 430, Betty Lamb 325. Bob Helstrom 338. Lloyd's Aot Paint (1 Harold Duncan 305. Biille Duncan 343, Gladys Wood 333, Tom Woods 461. Commercial Seal Cover (31 Bud Booth 377. Opal Cappe 434, J-UCy Allen 382, Carol Capps 439. Hlsh team series and came. Capps Used Cars 1694 and 618. Hl?h Individual series and same. Eddie H easel (Cappa Used Cars) 505 and 318. University Alleys LADIES CLASSIC LEAGUE Good Hoasekeepinr (3 Olney 437, Glbb 454, Jones 457. Clark 441, Garbarlno 510: Rtneland's Kennels (0) Bennett 474. Hall 367, Rhinehart 465. Boyce 483, Snyder 234. Randall's Fine Meats U) stone JM, Lowry 416, Scheiman 404. Whltmore 292. Svanson 439: Lnts Florist (2 Llndsey 499. Upiton 399, LuU 437, Muellhaupt 45S, Adolph 482. united nneei Aiirnment io noviana 353. Kaneskl 402. Vanderhoof 352, Schmidt 479. Robertson 463: Anita Shop (3 Mc Danlels 450. Lemon 434. Causey 401, Thompson 439. Davey 423. Hlth lnd. same. Genay Schmidt, 186: high lnd. series, Bea Davey. 523: high team series, uooa Housekeeping, rcn. MERCANTILE LEAGUE NO. t Malm's Chevron Station (3) Malm 484. Wenger 469. Karn 422, Kepplnrer 383. Me- uanieis 5Ji; suraiana s mm cer a ) u. Burkland 475, B. Burkland 470, Rankin 10, F. Webb 431. H. Webb 431. Rem in (ton Rand (3) Col burn 516, Klin ell 435. Raboln 406. Mansfield 309. CrUs- THERE'S 10 FREE FOR EVERY 50 AT 3i. I CLOTHE S starts at Sears! V .-I V " " " M till FREE BUS SERVICE TO SEARS to P.M. Bus Irares corner ot Court and Commercial and all from 10:15 A.M. to !:4S P.M. the ALLEYS BetalU) well S45; Peaeoek Cleaners 1 Alexan-I cer 44. Salstrom 429, Volt 455, C. Bavyerl 447. B. Sawyer 433. Terminal Ice (3) Santee 374, Weston 442, Throneberrv 472, McDonald 362, Sou ra 534: Mack Llnd (1) Simons 502, Folk 436. Llnd 460. Wilson 486 Morton 435. Salem Heatlnr A Li ih tint (1) Yapp 371. Morrman 444. Gladow 346, Levis 434. Evans 418; Standard Stations (31 Ko piicke 433. Redd In j 352, Specht 427, Knuth 332. Purdy 451. High lnd. game. Sour a, 302; high lnd. series, Crtuwell. 645; high team serial. Terminal Ice, 3S70. Capital Alleys INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. Scl (?) Krejel S33. Main 492. Rock well 455. Densmore 453. Schrunk 520; Chris's Market (I) Myers 417, Walker 264. Cruien 412, Cracroft 436, Waite 302. MeKav Chevrelet (!) Chambers 3t, Thompson 444, Mlttendorf 464, Shurtlefr 435, Anderson 437: Hammond Bodv Shop (Ij Brown 543. Larson 570, Gardner 454, McGuire 404. Hammond 481. Valley Farm Store (? Bolre 466. Oray SO. Reenter 406. Morris 460, Sullivan 26: Whttuker's Welders 1 Lawless 416, Whlttaker 417. Vlttone 351, Elwood 379, Willard 439. Salem Heary Haollnr (2 Bulsman 469, Cracroft 543. Wilder 525, Farley 594. Cra croft 448: Loder Bras. (1) Surratt 478, Shuck 417, walker 482, Gardner 505. Ban m part 411, Mobilotl (3t Foreman 406, F. Pruett 465, W. Pruett 468, Jaskoskl 430. Buckley i;:: S--Ie.ii .'.i-io Cu. ci, V."c..er 4, r.a dall 428. Williams 311, Otven 34. Dun nlan 455. High lr.d. same and series, Ed Krejcl of Scio, 223 and 623: h1eh team eane, Lorler Bros.. 910; high team aeries, Salem Heavy HauUng, 259. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Barb's Sportlnr Goods 3 Inzlls 490. Hart we II 458. O'.ney. Jr., 520, Morey 509. Blue Lake Packers & Lane ho! f 489, Ayres 417, Walls 550, Carlson 418. Snobors itl Haacensoo 528, A. Ales- shlre 517. Merrell 431. D. AluMre 500. McNeil 467. Stnbblefield'a (1 Myers 468, Heifer 400, Rounds 411, Walker 3S2. Vlt- , tone 455. Valley Motor S Parker 522, Bullock , 542. Myer 416, Colwell 531, Doerner 480. . Hollrwood Finance (01 Brown 516, Kirch- ner 521, Albrtch 315. Jonea 482, Olney, 6r, i 535. I Cnrlv'i Dairy (?) Wriiht 524. Polk 1 514, Volk 331. M. Miller 435, J. Miller 576. taste today's Blitz IDeinhard - the. new taste, in "BEBK 3F tUIZIVtlKHAJtO COWMfTT P. RIGHT UP TO CHRISTMAS "Careful ttoughrFul Christmas shop ping Jokes TIME That, why thoughtful Christmas shoppers appreciate Sears extra evening shopping hours. No need to rush pell mell to beat a dosing door. You've plenty of time to enjoy o good dinner, then bring the family to Sears. The cheerful Christmas atmosphere, aisles and aisles of fine quality gift values moke you feel sure thot a Merry Christmas Visit Sears today or tonight I CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS: Dec. 19 through Dee 23 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Dec. 24, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 Beek Waswrta i wadjorih oi.fon sale has not yet been an Anderson 434. Harp 510. Larsea 4SJ, Ire- land 534. Salem Pellet ( Frlese 405. Parts MO. Mathers 552. Houser 491. Mam 435. VaJ dez Meat Ce. 1 1 Er-seaard 502, Farrar 373, McKlnney 516, Helstrom 470, BUler 4ft0. Cat Fak (!) Werbowskl 427, Sloan 441, Helnke 368. Scheldecger 523. Basi S58. Kellh Brewn (1) Guerln 496. Brown 434, Hillerlcn 527. Jernitan 4S3, Sours 442. Hlxh Individual time, Earl Bullock of Valley Motor 222. Huh Individual series. Joe Miller of Curlr's Dairy 576. Hlih team came. Valley Motor Co. 926. Histi team series. Valley Motor Co. 2623. Places Assigned 800 for Public Bowl Ducat Sale Pasadena, Dec. 21 UP) The date when the mere handful 6,000 of Rose Bowl tickets that goes to the public will be put There's a Good Deal for YOU at DODGE STAN BAKER MOTORS High and Chemekefa KXmAJVft ORCCON P.M. J Plonfv nf . ...... w. Free Parking Pay Checki Gladly Cashed Visit SnU In Htppi-Time Toy Town. Monday and Friday. 1 day Saturday every half hour ItleitiharJ ' eH I f lr ta V"'.' a.' I. nounced. But places in line have already been assigned of fically. The Rev. Chalmers F. Gaith- ers started the lineup early yes-! terday by setting up a tent out-i side the bowl office. Even in the Tavern Christmas Candles In Attractive Seasonable Decorative Patterns. See Our Complete Line. Close Out on Poinsetta Design 16-pieee Starter Set in Hand Decorated SOUTHERN POTTERY Decorated Tumbler Ice Tongs 2-pc. Salad Sett Glass Salad Plate Heisey Glass Animal Figures Stanley Brace With 10-inch sweep. Re versible action. Rosewood handle. Reg. 5.95 Q95 SPECIAL L CUTMASTER Butcher Knife it Hollow Ground 9-inch Blade if Stainless Steel i( Chrome Surface Attractively Packaged Reg. 2.25 Close- 1 00 Out .... I ea. Dremel Vibro-Moto SANDER A swell little el ectric Sander for "round the house" use. 14' JUNIOR MODEL Roll Fast Bikes In Either 16 or 20-inch Size. Stocked in either boy's or girl's models. Choice of color. Puncture proof rub ber tires. Boked on enam el finish. Coaster brakes. 33.95 Values 24' 95 NOW BEAUTY The Perfect Wheelbarrow 14.95 With Oversize Capacity Lightweight Perfect Balance it Weather Proof Bed Puncture Proof Tires Open Fridays fr GEORGE & rain, 800 fans showed up. Gaith ers passed out numbered slips and they all agreed to their places in line when the sale is set next week. What happens if some un numbered gents get into line first when it becomes official? 25c Ea. 4.95 Reg. 45c 25 C 49 C Reg. 1.95 93 e 1 9C Reg. 1.25 79c Clothes Hampers Pyrolin finish cover, with choice of color with spray ed white wicker body. Sturdy and attractive. Reg. 7.25 66 SPECIAL . Special Pittsburgh Plate Mirrors First Quality 22-inch Size 6'5 28-inch Size O90 85 4-pc. Antique Brass Finish Fireplace Tool Sets Reg. 11.45 J95 Hammered Brass Andirons 8" pr. and up BARROW for Home and Garden. Value Bed 13.35 'Til 9 P.M. jf 1ENFIHD IMPOtTHS, ITD. NIW YOK - jrem Mttf Acai 550 N. Capitol St., Ph. 3-9191 COMMERCIAL IT. tAlStirOMOOt! , s&SK ivK W h V kx$ tU H