Democrats Snap Viking Win String with 45-37 Setback By DAVID BLACKMEB Salem high school's Viking eagers suffered their first set back of the season in a 45-37 beating, staged by the potent jciierson Democrats Tuesday aiternoon in Portland. The Viks return to practice sessions Wednesday to start working for the Hillsboro tilt Thursday night at the Vik Vil lage. "They were just too fast for ns and never missed their shots," stated Coach Harold Hauk upon returning from the trip north. Salem held the lead 9-7 mid way in the first quarter but fad 7 ' ed under the snapshooting of ihe Jeffmen. Wayne Walling opened the scoring with a pair of gift shots but the dead-eyes of Jefferson high Ron Fundingsland and Quenton Raymond brought the Portlanders. all the points they needed for a victory with "Fuds" racking up 18 and Raymond fol lowing close behind with 14 points. Play was slowed down some Y due to the constant whistle toot- ing for 36 fouls called during the game. Viking free throws kept Sa lem from a drubbing as they collected 15 points from the foul line. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Buckeyes Sneeze At 'Suddy Co' After Workouts Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 21 (VP) "Suddy Cadifordia Ah Choo!' That's the sniffled reaction of Ohio State's Buckeyes after two hard opening workouts for their Jan 2 Rose Bowl engagement with California. The first drill was held in a driving morning rain; the sec ond in a penetrating afternoon wind. The result: Right end Tom Watson caught a cold, and Coach Wes Fesler said, "We may have several more cases, too." But the Buck head man de fended the drills. "We need the work, and the boys will snap out of anything they might catch now." There was contact work right off the bat, with the first and second string lines butting heads in a long charging and block ing session. The boys from Ohio impressed observers with their size, speed and spirit even under the damp ening circumstances. Central Catholic Defeats Cardinal Team by 54 to 26 The Cardinals of Sacred Heart Academy failed to keep pace with Central Catholic as the two i quints met in Portland Tuesday night and the latter won, 54 to 26. Central Catholic held a 34 12 half time bulge. The Cards will meet a group of alumni on St. Joseph's court Thursday night for the benefit of charity. 8.R.A. (36) (54) Cent. Catholle Ecker 7 F 13 Altenhosen Btaudlnger 8 F 11 Mandlch Colleran 5 C 12 Marshall Weger 4 0 1 Foster Daniels 2 0 3 Bartholomew Subs: Central Catholic Corrado 1, Sam pler 3, O'Flaherty 2. Weber 4. Davenport Named To Head l-WClub In Silverton Silverton Roy Davenport was re-elected president to serve another year for the local Izaak Walton league, with his assist ants named at an evening meet ing of the league at the K.P. hall, Alfred Jensen as vice pres ident; William Miles as treas urer; Victor Sather, secretary, and board members, Allan Fos ter and Ab Bourbonnaise. Plans were discussed for the new club house program with no definite action decided on as to beginning the work. Women's Squad Sets Pin Mark Indianapolis, Dec. 21 VP) The Indianapolis city women's cham pion bowling team last night rolled the highest five-member team total in the United States this year. The Milano Inn quintet posted a score of 3090, second only In all-time National league compe tition to the 3,132 made by the Detroit Gears Enterprise team Vm 1946. ' The Milano inn team had games of 1,062, 1,064 and 964. Four of the team members had series of over 600 and the fifth had 588. Jeilferson led 17-10 at the first quarter and 28-20 at the in termission. At the three quarter mark Jeff held a 35-27 advan tage. ' The Democrats play a re match at the Vik village Decem ber 30. Oak Hockey Men Scatter After Team Folds Up Seattle, Wash., Dec. 21 U.B The Pacific Coast Hockey league experienced its biggest shake-up today with 18 pucksters on their way to new teams. Of those, 15 were from the defunct Oakland club and three from San Diego, league Presi- dent G. A. Leader announced. Four PCHL teams were picking up ex-Ooks with Springfield, 111., and Louisville, Ky., collec ting six. Oakland Owner Eddie Shore was granted permission yester day by the PSHL board of di rectors to fold up his club be cause of lack of attendance at Berkeley, Calif., where the Oaks play. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 21, Hoosiers Sweep Beaver Series with Second Win Corvallis, Dec. 21 VP) Indi ana's Hoosiers made a clean sweep of their two-game basket- Connie Mack Sees Best Hopes on Eve Of 87th Birthday Philadelphia, Dec. 21 (U.B) Connie Mack, who will be 87 tomorrow but will observe the day on Friday in keeping with the custom of the years, put his Philadelphia Athletics at the top of the list today as po tential pennant winners In 1950, his 50th year as the A's manager. Mack, in pre-birthday pre view of - American league strength, looked for an open race in a strengthened league. Bnt he said that his golden anniversary Athletics had their "best, real chance in years" to win the flag. Pro Gridder Gets Touchback From Federal Jurist Washington, Dec. 21 VP) Fullback Ralph Ruthstrom, who tried to get the Washington Redskins to pay him $4,100 for a season in which he didn't play, wound up by being tackled be hind his own goal line. Federal District Judge David A. Pine yesterday ordered him to pay the Redskins 9)241.80. That's what the Redskins had asked for in a counter suit. They said they had advanced Ruth strom some money, and that he was $241.80 shy in paying it back. Stayton Eagles Top Jeff Lions Stayton The Stayton Eagles defeated the Jefferson Lions, 37 to 25 on the Jefferson basketball court Tuesday night. The Eagles held a 19-17 half time margin. Each quint played without a number of regulars. SLylon 81) H) Jefferson Samples 11 ...F 6 Porter ...F... 8 Cameron ... C 6 Marlatt :..0 Williams ...Q....I Watterberger S 3 Black-well Haines 4 . Titus 10 . Hlndes ... Morgan 12 'I 'Heap Big Smoke Make Christinas 1949 a Practical, Useful $ and Lasting Onel !j Low Cost Transportation BICYCLES I WHIZZER BIKES 5 SCOOTERS : MOTORCYCLES New and Used New Low Priest and Easy Terms, of Course i VISIT INDIAN TERRITORY i SHROCK MOTORCYCLE SALES I JUST PAST THE UNDERPASS 'i 3007 Portland Road Phone 2-1423 As a climax Coach Loren Mort's Jayvee crew remained undefeated by topping the Jeff erson B team 37-33. Box score: Salem 87 U ft pf tp Jef'son 45 fs ft pf tp Rollers f 3 1 3 7 Enos f 10 4 3 Wnlllnl 1 1 111 Scott f 3 0 3 4 Rock. 0 0 3 9 3 Andersn 0 3 3 4 1 Davis 9 3 0 2 4 Fndnfffild 9 8 3 4 18 Olrod a 3 6 4 11 Raymnd 9 8 4 6 14 Pauluji f 0 0 0 0 Kersel f 0 0 0 0 McKnze f 0 0 0 0 Zapp f 0 0 0 0 Deen o 0 1 0 1 .Brthhvr 0 0 0 1 0 BaBgett ff 0 0 0 0 Bagley 9 0 0 0 0 Chabrln 9 0 0 3 0 Jackson c 0 0 0 0 Qarver s o o o o Total! 10 IT 18 37 Totals 18 9 31 45 Tree throws missed: Salem 10. Jeifer son 8. Half time score: Salem 20, Jeffer. son 28. Salem JV 37 Jones 7 Conder 7 .... 83 Jefferson JV ..... 2 Johnson 0 Lord Scheeler 3 , C 0 EUlott Haucen 6 .... 0 3 Kaufman Baur 0 O 0 Oraham Reserves: Salem Harp 4, Hazel 5. Jer ferson Klchorn 11, Hudman 3. Half time score: Salem 37, Jefferson 13. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Low 8:16 a.m. 9:10 p.m. s:06 a.m. 9:53 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:36 p.m. 10:54 a.m. 11:18 p.m. 11:51 a.m. 11:59 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 0:41 a.m. 1:49 p.m. 1:27 a.m. 2:46 p.m. 1949 Page 17 ball' series with Oregon State by winning last night, 58 to 53. The Staters contended strong ly in the first half, when the score was tied eight times and the Beavers held leads on eight occasions. But five points, in cluding four free throws, by In diana center Toni Hill just be fore the halftime, sparked the visitors into a lead they never lost again. With the count tied at 23 all, Hill sank two free throws, got a goal and another pair of foul line shots to put In diana at the 29-25 halftime edge. , Bill Tosheff had six field goals in leading the Big Ten confer ence team with 15 points. For ward Jerry Stuteville had 12 points. Leading the Oregon State scoring was forward Bob Payne. He added nine free throw points to two field goals for 13. Indiana (681 (83) OSC IB ft pf tp It ft pf tp Btutevllle.f 4 3 1 12 Payne, t 2 9 2 13 Buck, I 0 0 3 0 Snyder.f 4 0 2 8 arrett,o 118 3 Rlnearsn.e 10 6 2 Mlranda.E 2 0 0 4 Ballntyne.s 0 3 3 3 Watson.g 3 4 4 8 Detour.K 4 4 6 13 TOBheff.f 6 3 3 16 Storoy.g 0 0 0 0 Klll.f 8 2 3 6 Padgett, f 3 16 1 Meyer.o 1 4 0 6 Holman.g 10 0 2 Ring.o 0 3 3 3 Odbroad.g 0 0 0 0 Masters,f 1 0 6 2 Klnney.f 10 2 2 Harper.g 2 0 2 4 Totals 19 20 26 58 Totals 18 17 26 33 Halftime: Indiana 29; Oregon State 25. Missed free throws: Indiana Btutevllle, Buck, Tosheff,' Hill 2, Meyer 3, Ring 2. Oregon State Payne 5, Snyder, Rlnear son 4, Padgett, Goodbroad 2. Swaner Gives Up Hospital Vigil For Training Berkeley, Calif., Dec. 21 (ff) Jack Swaner, ace California halfback who has been getting his experience pacing a hospital corridor, rejoined the Golden bears yesterday. Swaner had been at his home in Eureka where his wife is ex pecting a baby. But yesterday, the rambling ace of the Rose Bowl hosts came back and an nounced he couldn't stay away from practice longer. Word of the Swaner heir, when it arrives, will have to 'be given him by telephone. The Bears, preparing a rough time they hope for Ohio State at Pasadena January 2, went through another two session day yesterday. and Lots of Fire High Deo 31 3:33 a.m. 7.3 3:02 p.m. 9.3 Dec. 22 3.37 a.m. 7.3 2:40 p.m. 8.9 Dee. 33 4:23 a.m. 7.3 3:38 p.m. 8.3 Dec. 34 6:04 a.m. 7.4 4:23 p.m. 7.7 Deo. 25 8:46 a.m. 7.5 6:13 p.m. 7.1 Dec. 25 6:29 a.m. 7.7 6:13 p.m. 6.5 Dec. 37 7:12 a.m. 7.8 7:18 p.m. 6.1 Dec. 38 1:56 a.m. 7.9 8:27 p.m. 6.8 ArriVP in Pffin The 0hi0 January 2, steps from a special plane at the Los Angeles airport to be greeted by a light rain. Top, left to right: Coach Wes Fessler and Jack Wilson, captain; bottom Pan del Savic, QB; Dick O'Hanlon, LT; Geogre Toneff, LG; and Jerry Krall, LH. (AP Wirephoto) . Indian Foul Shots Push Ducks into 70-67 Loss Eugene, Dec. 21 (fP) Three foul line shots in the final min utes gave Stanford university a 70 to 67 basketball victory over the University of Oregon here last night. Oregon had forged up from far behind to tie at 67-all. Then free throws by Jim Ramstead, George Yardley and Gus Cha valas gave Stanford the win in the first of a two-game series here. I Yardley, star Stanford for ward, was the big gun in the early lead the Californians held. He had 24 points for the night and scored 16 of these pacing Stanford to a 44 to 32 halftime lead. Coming back for the second; half, Stanford rolled to a 16 point edge at 58-42 and repeated it again, 64-48, before the Ore gon rally. Then Jack Keller and Bob Lavey, both reserve Oregon guards, started hitting and Ore gon narrowed the gap to 67-63 with four minutes remaining in the game. Will Urban and Kel ler combined to deadlock the count at 67. There were still two minutes remaining, but Oregon's scoring outbreak was ended, and Stanford took the game at the foul line. ii ii i ii i mini in i n" - yi'iii mi Jn Wl'i'i Cflf Cllfi "Now, this Is what I want you to do do," com tltl vU6J merits Coach Johnny Lewis as he instructs his Willamette university Bearcats prior to their game Wed nesday night with Western Washington College of Education, Left to right: Ted Loder, Reg Waters, Hugh Bellinger and Doug Logue. Wtfttf1' CHEAT STRAIGHT BOURBOII STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKT t d stat football team, which will SUn. 70 U ft pf tp Ore. 91 fg ft pf tp Yardley f 10 4 0 24 Urban f 14 4 6 Walsh f 7 1 4 15 Sowers f 0 0 0 0 Rams ted o 4 S 3 14 streeter e 2 2 4 6 Ch a vl 03 b 1 2 3 4 Krause f 7 0 S 14 Gelver s 3 0 2 0 Hunt b 2 0 0 4 O'SuIvan f 0 1 1 1 Cooper f 0 0 0 0 Bryan f 0 0 10 Baldlnl f 10 0 2 Carver o 0 2 12 Warberg f 2 1 2 8 Hugsian s 1 0 2 2 Amachor e 0 0 1 0 Iversen (1 0 4 3 Lavey g 6 0 3 16 Neeley K 10 0 2 TJnis t 0 10 1 Keller I 6 1 311 Totals 27 16 21 70 Totals 26 15 10 67 Halt time: Stanford 44, OreBon 32. Mlsaed free tnrows: Stanford Vardley 3, Rfim.stead 3, Ohavalaa 3, Hucasian. Ore iron Urban, Streeter 2, Krause. Lavey. Hunt, Keller 2. WWCE Drubs OCE By 82-67 Count Monmouth Altnough they trailed by six points at half time, Western Washington college hoopsters from Bellingham downed the Oregon College Wolves Tuesday night, 82 to 67. Harrel Smith, OCE letterman guard, caged six field goals and 10 foul shots to take scoring honors with 17 points. It was the last game until after the holidays for the Wolves. OCE 67 82 WWCE Smith 33 T 13 Starr Hlebcrt 4 o 8 Bnmlfir Johnson 5 0 9 Peterson Hogan 3 0 8 Bavenhurst B. Dushnell 4 Subs: OCE Pitcher 7, BaKllen S, Hum ble 17. Lanslie 1; WWCE Scott 6. Crooks 1, Norzard 2. Wnltzell 10, Woodman 5, O60 Famous for Us old-time fntmimr mt Wow enjoy again lh whiskey famous for its old-iimo quality and nch, full flavor! 86 PROOF;- NATIONAL PISUim jaOIllJCM"'COSlIi".EW YOKltra Angling Rules to Be Aired in 1950 At Public Meet The annual public hearing concerning angling regulations for 1950 will be held in the Port land office of the state game commission January 13 at 10 a.m. At that time the commis sion will listen to suggestions from the general public, indiv iduals as well as representatives from organizations. Suggestions made through the mail will be given consideration as well as those delivered orally. After the public hearing the game commission will set ten tative regulations for the year. These will be announced, and after a two weeks interval, the commission will reconvene and set the regulations that will rule during 1950. Syracuse Offers Bid for Regatta Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 21 (ff1) If they are going to move the annual intercollegiate regatta from Poughkccpsie, Syracuse university would like to stage the rowing classic' on Lake Onondaga here. Lewis P. Andreas, Syracuse athletic director, said yester day the university was not ac tively promoting the transfer "but if the regatta is to be moved from Poughkecpsie we definitely are interested in having it come here." Andreas is a member of a regatta board of stewards con sidering a request from Mari etta college to shift the race to Marietta, Ohio. Syracuse was host last. May lit the eastern spring regatta on Lake Onondaga in which 32 crews from 11 colleges par ticipated. BASKETBALL COLLEGE SCORES (By the Associated Preu) Stanford 70, Oregon 67. Indiana 58, Oregon Slate 63. Minnesota 55, Washington 53, Punet Sound 47, Pacific University 37. Portland 68, Lin field 63. Central Waah, 60, Lewis St Clark 43. Indiana State 62. Southcren Oregon 62, Oonzrwa 61, Eastern Waah Ing ton 64 lovcrume). Montana University 91, Whltworth 61. Lone Island 70, (Southern California 45. Boston Collese 59, Lai Angeles Loyola 03. New York University 69, California 60. HIGH SCHOOL 8COUF.S (By the Associated Press) Jefferson (Portland) 45, Salem 37. Hillsboro 40, Grant (Portland) 39. Arlington 49. Hermlston 35. Central Catholic (Portland) 54, Sacred neari taaiem) ao. Canby 38, Sandy 35. Banks 38, Sherwood 31. Oaltrldge 42, Pleasant Hill 28. Elmlra 40. Lowell 20. Oresham 45, Newberg 30, Corvallis 44, Eugene 32, Parkdale 52, Mosier 27. Sweet Home 64, Willamette (Eugene) 50. Halsey 40, Shedd 24. Oregon Frosh 65. Washington (Portland) 27. Grants Pass 55, Crescent City 32, Taft 41, Sllctz 20. Oaribaldl 52, Star of the Sea 46. Eddyvllle 33, Waldport 27. CottaBe Orove 41, Junction City 31. Molalla 28, Mt. Angel 24. Tlgard 62, Lincoln (Portland) 45. OreBon City 40, Lowls-Clark Frosh 42. Estacada 48, Dallas 41. Ben side 47, Warrenton 27. Mllwaukle 49, Itattle around 44. Tillamook 57. Scoppooie SI. Corbett 41, Odell 24. J- LJU LJI JtL O30 at. Mm Pt. 3 quality and rich, full flaoor J. J Bearcats Open two-Game Set with Washingtons The Western Washington Col lege of. Education eagers from Bellingham, will open a two game stand here Wednesday night against Willamette's Bear cats. Game time each night is set for 8 o'clock. Extra curricular activities will include a quiz contest each night with the spectator knowing the Grid Contracts To Be Tested in Federal Courts Washington, Dec. 21 VP) Fullback Ralph Ruthstrom's claim that the Washington Red skins professional football club owes him $4,100 will proceed in federal court. Ruthstrom's suit seeking t test of the vital pro reserve con tract clause and the cash he says he lost because the clause prevented him joining another club went to trial yesterday. Judge David A. Pine refused a motion by the club for a directed verdict in its favor. The club also filed a suit of its own claim ing the onetime fullback owes the Redskins $241.80 for a loan made him before the 1947 foot ball season. Prison Inmates Provide Whitman Ball Scholarship Walla Walla, Dec. 21 VP) Inmates of the Washington State penitentiary are going to play football to provide a baseball player for one of their annual opponents. It sounds confusing, but it works this way. Proceeds from the annual Stone Bowl football game Jan. 2 will be used to provide a baseball scholarship for Whitman college. The diamond sport is the one activity in which the college students meet the prison team. The idea was hatched by the Downtown Booster club, recently organized to provide scholarship aid to Whitman athletes. Weaver Defeats Szasz in Match With each combatant holding a fall, Al Szasz went out to down Buck Weaver n a main event wrestling match Tuesday night. Leo Walllck flattened George Strickland in one of the pre liminaries while Harry Elliott and Dale Kiser went to a draw in the other. jimVWWVWtswmlwixinqiKtgisiwictsaMlt ! It's A Great Feeling ; TO LOOK FOR THOSE WHO CARE ON CHRISTMAS DAY AND EVERY DAY OF THE NEW YEAR Give him something to remember you by. What could be a more wonderful gift for him than a complete new out fit? Suit, topcoat and hat at these great savings. FOR THE BEST IN MEN'S Top Quality Clothes I Walk Upstairs to Joe's ISave $10.00 to $15.00 ON YOUR NEW FALL I Suit and Topcoat And vou can save S25 if vou suit, topcoat and hat all three together Save !4 to Vi on Finest Quality Sport Coats, Slacks and Extra Pant Suits Choose from hundreds of the finest 100 wool worsted fabrics, In just the color, style and pattern you want, in sizes to fit all regu lar. hnrt. stout and tali. Joe guarantees that . . rinn.. In minlilv u J Oil get mien. ii. ijuij, r long wearing lanncs, expert & perfect fit in every garment you SSo why pay more, when it is so P. . : ... . I. 1 .. .1 fl UJISiair.- (If UlC fcim .mm j service is best for $10 to $15 less. Your inspec tion invited without obligation. 100 Wool Covert and Gabardine Superfine Topcoats Regular $37.50, $40.00, S45.00 & S50.00 rAt Joe's Miracle Low Prices $27.50 $30 !$32.59 $37.50 Velvet smooth Coverts and Cravenette Gabardines in I tan, blue, grey and brown. Box model fly front dressy 1 rainproof topcoats, Open Every Nite Till Upstairs Clothes Shop JOES Above Morris Optical Co. next to Nohlgren's Restaurant. I.nnk fur tlin K.ive Sin plpctrir. flashing si?n above entrance. b most correct answers taking home a turkey. Gene Maleki will propound the questions. The Bellingham quint dis played the maximum in scor ing punch Tuesday night as they downed the OCE Wolves at Monmouth, 82 to 67. Coach Johnny Lewis' eagers returned from Tacoma yester day alter losing an overtime en counter with the College of Pu get Sound Loggers, 67-62. They have dropped their last three clashes, two of them going Into overtime periods. Willamette's club, predomi nantly sophomores, have dis played an aggressive spirit but inexperience has proved costly in at least two of their losing en counters. The burden of the at tack will probably fall on Doug Logue, Ted Loder, Dick Brou wer, Hugh Bellinger, Lou Scri vens, Chuck Robinson, Claude Nordhill, Pete Bryant and Jack Evans. The latter is a freshman out of Lebanon. Glass Backboards See First Usage At WU Wednesday Glass backboards, rapidly be coming standard equipment for basketball courts, have been in stalled in Willamette univer sity's gymnasium and will be used for the first time Wednes day night during the Willamette- Western Washington College of Education game. It is estimated that the new glass backboards will mean that additional ISO spectators will have an unobstructed view of the playing floor. Amateur Netsters Ranked by USLTA New York, Dec. 21 U.f9 Gil bert Bogley of Chevy Chase, Md., 18-year-old junior men's champion, and Maureen Connol ly of San Diego, Calif., 15-year-old national girls' titleholder, to day were ranked the outstand ing young amateur players for 1949 by the U.S. Lawn Tennis association. Bogley, winner over Hamil ton Richardson of Baton Rouge, La., in the finals of the national junior tournament at Kalama zoo, Mich., last August, was hon ored as the top young men's star for the second straight year. Sports Calendar December tl 8:00 p.m. Western Washlnftoa Tl HI lamette university. YOUR BEST buv a s ft ,h,na Itnlriinor . lauurine; aim buy at Joe's. easy to walk mulll. anil Reg. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60, $65, $70, $75 1 and 2 Pants Suits At Joe's Upstairs Miracle Low Prices $30 $32.50 $37.50 $40 $45 & $50 Finest quality 100 wool hard finished worsteds. New smart styles, in a wide se lection of most desirable colors, patterns and weaves Sizes for all Regular, Short, Stout or Tall. 9 o'Clock Till Christmas j 442 State Street "