14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dee. 21, 1949 East Salem Social Clubs Clear Way for Holidays East Salem, Oct. 21 The holiday social calendar for East Salem clubs was almost completed the past week leaving this week for children's programs. Mrs. A. R. Tartar assisted by Mrs. Floyd DeLapp, Mrs. Eugene Braucht and Mrs.. Edward Brandlc entertained for the Christmas party of the Garden Road Neighbor hood club Friday afternoon. A luncheon was served to Mrs. Otto J. Wilson and Sharyn, Mrs. Larry Wagner and daughter, and Mrs. Tom McFadden, with members, Mrs. Glen Larkins, Mrs. Ben Braucht, Mrs. Ralph Mrs. A. C. Schafer, Mrs. Jess Hatch, Mrs. Paul Lynch, Mrs. Earl Wood, Miss Frances Byram, Mrs. W. E. Richardson, Mrs. R. B. De Lapp, Mrs. A. A. Geer, Mrs. William Hartley and the hostesses. Corsages were given each guest. For the story hour Mrs. Tartar read "The Small One" by Charles Taswell and guests sang a traditional carol, "Silent Night." Mrs. Edward Wilson enter tained the Jolly Neighbors at her Brown Road home. It was both a Christmas party and a birthday party honoring Mrs. George Brown, with gifts for both events. Present were Mrs. Ray Bernardy,- Mrs. Elmer Cur rie, Mrs. Arly Wilson, Mrs. John Swanson, Mrs. Henry Prcim, Mrs. Henry Mailing and Michael, Mrs. Wallace Scguin and Judy, all members and guests, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Ethel Huntley former neighbors. Following a work hour in which members of the Middle Grove sewing club completed the gifts they were making for their mothers a Christmas par ty was enjoyed by the girls at the home of Mrs. Mildren Ham mer on Saturday. They have now completed two of their re quired projects, needle cases and table mats, and will start on pin cushions at the next meet ing, January 14. They exchang ed gifts and leaders Mrs. Lewis Patterson and Mrs. Harry Phil lips presented each member with a gift. Refreshments In keep ing with the holiday season were served to Yvonne Goode, Susan Anglln, Deana Lou Kleen, Doris Reynolds, Karen Patterson, Marie Hammer, the leaders and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schafer of Swegle community Garden road ''i I'A v'jc Sentenced Nazi Field Mar shal Erich Von Mannstcin (above), last German to face an allied war crimes court, was found guilty of 9 of 17 war crimes charges at Ham burg, Germany. The 62-year-old commander of nazi forces on the southern Russian front was sentenced to 18 years im prisonment by a British mili tary tribunal. (Acme Tele-photo) Critics Ax Debut Of Margaret New York, Dec. 21 U.R The nation's top music critics took their hatchets today to Margaret Truman, the first president's daughter ever to sing in Carne gie hall. It was a brilliant social occa sion for the audience of 2,500 distinguished guests admitted by invitation only last night to hear the 25-year-old soprano But to Manhattan's debut weary critics Miss Truman was just another beginner linisning up her first concert tour on the stage that has been the goal of all young stars for four decades. They said she had a lot of "personal distinction but little musical talent. Several million other music lovers had a chance to make up their own minds about Miss Tru man by tuning her in on the American Broadcasting com pany's National hookup. They included President Truman, who listened from Washington, and Mrs. Truman, who tuned in at Independence, Mo. Her selections were "O Mio Babbino Caro" from Puccini's opera "Gianni Schicchi" and two simple carols which she selected as the nation's favorites "O Little Town of Bethlehem and "Silent Night." She had a symphony orchestra and a malej chorus to back her up. I At the end of the program she ! received four curtain calls and 1 an armful of yellow roses and white gardenias. The critics said it was a great show, but Margaret Truman's Love ' Is Music-and New York New York, Dec. 21 W Margaret Truman is in love but with music. And with New York City, too. "At this point, my entire romance is with music," she said on the eve of her first concert here last night. Later, she modified this by' saying she loves New York and is mighty pleased to be singing in the city where she has lived and studied voice for the past nine months. . The President's daughter, holding a news conference, treated lightly all questions about personal romance. She said last night s concert was a terrilic high point" in her singing career but that she wasn t nervous. "I don't get nervous in the sense of being tied up in a knot," she explained. "It's an anxiousness for the program to go well and to get it over. "My only superstition is nev er letting anyone hand me the salt. If they pass it, I make them put it down before I take it." ence, Mo., on Christmas ve. Her next concert tour will start February 2 at Richmond, Va., and end March 30 at Bowl ing Green, Ohio. School Closes Friday Wheatland The Wheatland school will close Friday evening, December 23, for holiday vaca tion and convene Monday, Jan uary 2, Mrs. Denzil Wilson, clerk of the board, announces. Miss Truman plans to sing as a member of the choir at Trinity Episcopal church in Independ JVnce's Electric Vacuum Cleaner SKRVICE RENTALS SALES REPAIRS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLS GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 were made grandparents for the second time Thursday with the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyer (Bernice Schafer) at the Salem General hospital. He weighed seven pounds and two ounces and has been named Terry Allen. Firemen Plan Shoot Aumsville The AumsVille Volunteer Firemen are holding an indoor turkey shoot in the city hall on December 18, start ing at 2:30 o'clock. CLOSING OUT SALE Just Rite For Christmas 8 Year Old GRAPE WINE At Low Price Also Walnuts and Filberts and Nut Meats Kapphahn's North on Portland Road HOGG BROS. NOW JUST an CEDAR CHESTS Many New Stylos to Choose From In walnut veneers, hand-rubbed and polished to a satin-smooth finish. Self-lifting automatic tray. Genuine cedar lining $49.95 $69.95 Designed in the Chippendale manner. Drawers are simulated. Exterior in &IQ Q rich veneers while interior has -li in. genuine cedar lining yJi7J A beautiful model In authentic Colonial style and done in antique maple. Equipped with automatic self-lifting tray. A value TABLES Excellent Construction Highly Polished Finish. Drum Tnhlp Fnd Tnklec Now as Low of Console Tables Tier Tables Lamp Tables Nested Tables 1975 SWING ROCKERS Many Reduced in Price 2995 A truly fine gift for every member of the family. See the many styles and many varieties of covers. Homespun, Velours, Tapestries and Friezes. As Low As HASSOCKS Wide selection of colors and styles to choose from! Shop curly! Hassocks in the C newest design, light weight, spring seat, multi-colored plastic covering. From t' SEWING CABINET Excellent construction. Durable mahogany finish. Ideal for the sewing room. tl7 Q A gift that will make her eyes sparkle with happiness! Some for "r ' ' ' MAGAZINE RACKS The Ideal Gift Choice of many styles and finishes and priced as low as $6 95 Porloctrtl CmnlrA Add a smoker lo his "rest corner" to really ffl QC rcuellul JITlUM,rj make him happy! Many designs to choose from fJ-'J BOOKCASES Add a new touch of beauty to your home! Smartly 95 With Glass Doors $49.50 Choice of styles and finishes. CHILDS TABLE & CHAIR SETS Table & 2 Chair.. $13. SO Special 7.50 CHILDS PLATFORM ROCKERS Crotone covers. $11.95 Special 6.95 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS EVE f WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE J HOME FURNISHERS I 5ALELM OREGON CITY 260 State Dial 3-9148 ! ti JJ. cohops Says: JVs Still lfol Joo oCate To Save Big Money on Your New Holiday Clothes You Can Still Save 20 On Suit or Topcoat While This Sale Lasts Here's a wonderful opportunity to buy His Christmat Gift at Great Savings. YOUR NEW FALL Not just odds and ends, broken lots, dead stock or closeouts. But, your unrestricted choice of the finest, most expensive fabrics and tailoring in a large and com plete stock of all new Fall colors, in every pattern, color and weave you want. Sizes to fit all regu lar, short, stout and tall. Every suit and topcoat in the store in cluded. Nothing reserved. Your choice of over 1000 garments all to go at 20 below our original, regular, plainly marked prices. OPEN EVERY NITE TILL 9 O'CLOCK TILL CHRISTMAS Before You Buy, Be Sure to See These Superfine Quality, 100 Wool Worsted SUITS Were $40, $45, $50, $55, $60, $65, $70, $75 Now $32, $36, $40, $44, $48, $52, $60 Fin sharkskins, tick weaves, diagonals, gabardines, stripes and solid colors in 1 and 2 pants suits all sizes. SEE THESE SUPER QUALITY 100 Wool Covert and Gabardine TOPCOATS Were $35, $40, $45 and $50 NOW $28, $32, $36 and $40 Wrinkle-resisting, practical match for your suit ward robe . . . cravenette rain proof. Tan, teals, browns! Single breasted models, fly front! Regulars, shorts and longs. STACKS OF Slacks & Pants Gabardines, coverts, wor steds, sharkskins and tweeds in the richest fall colors . sizes 28 to 44 . . . Were $12 to $22.00 . . . magic priced. Now $750to$1493 CHELSON FINE Fur Hats In new fall shapes and col ors. Exclusively hand made by union craftsmen. Former ly $7.50 and $10.00. New low prices now. $C00 $T50 Now to You'll Find It Pays All Ways to Buy Your Clothes at J. J.'s SALEM'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Open Every Night Till 9 o'Clock J J. Clothes Shop 387 STATE ST. ? doors west of Liberty SI., next to Hartman's Jewelry Store PRESENT -THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY A REAL CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FOR THE HOME A REGULAR 59.50 VALUE Nationally Know REMEMBER! CONVENIENT TERMS BETTER QUALITY, SPRING FILLED MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING 6950 Regular f . 4995 jjM brings O0 Wn 50.95 W OPEN TIL 9 P.M.-THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 340 Court St. Salem