Fight Over 'Fair Deal' May Bring Top Battle in Congress By FRANCIS M. LE MAY Washington. Dec. 21 OP! Republican cries of "socialism" in Washington, while President Truman Hexed his program at Key West, are heralding what may be the most interesting strug gle in the new session of congress. The reconvening of congress two weeks hence will signal the nt trim fnf till in congress ine i&sue is uuunu to be cut clear for the congres sional elections next year and for the presidential campaign in 1952. k The struggle with the pub lic a sideline spectator until bal loting time rolls around may be fought on at least five fronts. These sectors are Mr. Truman's proposals for: 1. A vast expansion of the federal social security program. 2. A federal plan of health in surance that the opposition dubs "socialized medicine." 3. An expansion of the gov ernments housing program. Ostrich Egg Omelette Gets Try-out; Harry Non-Committal By WILMAM LESLIE St. Augustine, Fla., Dec. 21 u.R President Truman may or Vmay not have eaten ostr'ch egg omelette during his Key West vacation. He wouldn't say. But if he didn't, he missed something. Tt xnnil T Irnniu T dId cnm. Ever since Mr. Truman received four of the cantaloup-sized eggs from St. Augustine ostrich man Jim Casper, the world has waited for report on how the huge henfruit tastes in an ome lette. The president was reticent. He would say only through an administrative assistant that the eggs were "very much enjoyed" at K e y West. But newsmen couldn't find out if he had fun eating them or just looking at them. So, wanting to fill the void left by the president's non-comment on ostrich eggs, we asked Chef Pete Lovell of the Alham bra hotel here to whip up a spe cial "ostrich egg omelette a la Truman" for me and 12 other guests of Casper, the ostrich man. First Lovell knocked the huge egg against the side of the table It took quite a healthy whack to break It. Ostrich egg shells are strong. But it broke, and the contents tumbled out. The msides sembled a giant chicken egg. The yolk was about the size of a baseball Using a three-quart pan, the chef added a little beer and some Alhambra sauce, made with his secret recipe. The Pan soon overflowed. So Lovell transferred the mixture to three hotel-sized fry ing pans and cooked it for eight minutes. The result was fluffy, light, golden and inviting-looking. It made three omelettes which measured a yard long (end to end) and six inches wide. It was good, much the same as a regular omelette. If anything it was a little sweeter and creamier and not the slightest bit "gamey." Ostrich egg omelette would be a nice dish when you have 13 guests for breakfast sometime. If you can afford it, that is. When you can get them, ostrich eggs come at $120 a dozen. Hill Cadet Home Hubbard Larry Brentano, the son of Mrs. Janell D. Gillock of Hubbard, is enjoying the Christmas vacation with his mother. Young Bretano attends Hill Military academy in Port land during the year. To Make Drive Chicago, Dec. 21 u.R The mother of Patty Owens, 4, who died of a rare disease Dec. 7 after she was returned from California to spend her "last Christmas" here, says she will campaign for years if necessary to set up a fund to aid children suffering from the same ailment. Mrs. Marguerite Owens, 30,1 said today she was disappointed by a telephone report from her husband, Robert, that he could find no interest in the "Patty Owens Memorial Fund' when he returned to Sunnyvale. They had understood from news reports, she said, that spon sors of the fund intended an all-out campaign to finance re search into the fibrocystic dis ease of the lungs and pancreas which killed Patty. They also believed, she said marshalling conflict. The house and senate face decisions on what Mr. Tru man calls the "fair deal" and the opposition assails as the blueprint for a "welfare slate" or "poor house state." that funds would be raised to aid families who otherwise could not afford expensive medical care needed in such cases. "We don't want any of the money," she said. "We just want to see that the fund gets started in earnest so it can help people. "But now that Pattys dead," she said, "they'll probably do nothing." 4. A new farm program. 5. Federal aid to education. 1 Perhaps the biggest fight of all will settle on taxes, when con gress gets to considering how the government is going to pay for the things it is being called upon to do. The administration opposition already is booming for slashes in spending, to thwart any tax boosts. There may be actual cuts in excises. It is expected that Mr. Tru man will start a new drive for his controversial domestic pro gram in the state of the union message to congress January 4 or 5. The program attained only limited objectives in the first session of the democrat-controlled 81st congress. Mr, Tru man, ending his -Florida vaca tion, returns to Washington to. day. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Tier. 21, 194913 i m NEW, STREAMLINED WINFIELD BALL POINT PE WITH A U YfAft WftfTTIN It VIC I POLICY WRITiS TO 1 YEAJtS WITHOUT RfFIUINO Thai eouimn and oaj &f nttftka brr to tbc famotM aa tiona I Ir-adwrtlaao' WINFIKLD nw ball point pea Urnrljr mU at S.M), Precision -deticned In beautiful told-coLor mUl eap and bodr. Trnlr remarkable value I Com pare wit expensive paa. No leak, no ikip. Instant drying. Makes 1 carbon copies. Inexpensive refilh available. 1 year written service agreement. Mail ortftre Riled 1 eartra. Hurrr 1 Supply limited Ask lor WINFIELD pea at PERRY'S DRUG STORE 129 S. Commercial, Salem Taste it and see why THOUSANDS AGREE m It's smart to switch to Calvert oalvkrT Reserve Blended Wnlaknr -86. B Proof -65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Calvert DUUUeni Corp.. New York City Although the leopard never changes his spots the leopard frog does. SANTA COULD STAND SOME HELP! Exacto Carving TOOLS 50c and up Carlson Steel Tapes, Clark Sander and -Rules Polisher 8', 8' and 10' Etched Blade, 11.352.30 29.50 VQl New ed oMat Electric Moto-Saw 5.85 Una oa AC cawaa Sofa and Ontr 3 svsi park Electric Moto-Sander 14.85 Trojan Scroll Saw throat Electric Soldering IRONS Lenk 88 watts 2.70 Gen. Electric 85-watts 2.25 Drake 100 warti .4.15 Hexaeon 90 wotti . . 7.00 TOOL CHESTS 2.65 t0 4.75 CLARK DRILL 516" CHUCK Reg.' 51.00 SQ Q5 SPECIAL Darra-James 8" Floor Model Saw 11995 (Less motor) Reg. 139.50 SPECIAL l Maybe, if you're real nice and Note tO WlVeS. get him the tools, he'll build that shelf and cuphoard. Hmm? The tools, you know, are at that convenient location. Ti C I I H kpnu LUMBER ,,yin Q PttONE Ml tW t SPmTP IS HIS HOBBY... ROBES S v . rsk &a i - : , v nil v . mi I I I I A&Jl 'llftWx I j j YES 'FOLKS RATHER THAN CARRY . ! ANY ROBES OVER WE ARE GOING (ffiw- " ' : I I TO SELL OUR REMAINING ROBES AT j1m'MV tt -ra rrn HALF PRICE WOfXROBES ' Not oil sizes in every style but all sizes ore represented in the group. I' f I If I ft ' , .VsP fdUO Immi 80RRY AV.K CANNOT QUOTE THE BRAND TN THE A I) HIT YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM AT ONCE .... UflOUP OF ODD SIZES TO 00 at HALF PRICE BEAUTIFUL QUALITY RAYONS LINED OR UNLINED ALL FIRST QUALITY WONDERFULLY TAILORED GUARANTEED BY BISHOPS AND JUST HALF PRICE It