12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dee. 21, 1949 Cop He Thought He Killed Still Lives; Man Is Held Kansas City, Dec. 21 W) An itinerant horseshoer has learned that a policeman he thought he Killed 30 years ago is still alive. "It's sure a load off my conscience to know that policeman didn't die," said 54-year-old Paul F. Lovey. Lovey was brought here for questioning after he told Las Vegas, Nev., officers he had killed af Kansas City policeman January 24, 1914. In checking Lovey's story po lice took him to the Kansas City Star's library to read some 1014 newspaper clipping of a shoot' ing. One of the clippings men tioned a patrolman J. B. Mer ritt. "That's the man I shot," Lov ey exclaimed. Richland Gets New Charter Richland, Dec. 21 (P) A new charter for Richland was unan imously accepted by the com munity council and approved by the top representatives of the atomic energy commission and the General Electric company at a meeting Monday night. The charter will be voted on by the people of Richland at February 4 election, but will re main in effect temporarily whether they approve or re ject it. Changes In the new charier include changing the title from "mayor" to "president of the council." Well, you didn't kill anybody then," said Police Lt. Harry Nesbitt. Merntt recovered." Merritt now lives near Gales- burg, 111. An 18-year-old youth, Eugene R. Jacobs, was sentenced to four years at the state training school after being identified as Mer ritts assailant, files on the Mer ritt case show. Police said they knew nothing of Jacobs' where about now. "That's what I've been afraid of all along," Lovey said. "That someone else had taken my rap." Lovey has been charged with assault with intent to kill. He is being held without bond pend ing a preliminary hearing Jan. 12. $$ MONEY $$ , FHA W VA Real Estate Loam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. 8-216 M 222 Itevlon' "Star Performer" Set 3.8.? Top billing for this well-slocked Revlon hcadliner! A Revlon "Luscious" lipstick, nail enamel, Adheron, Cuticle Remover, Velvety Non-Smear Remover, file, pusher, emery boards, and orangewood stick. Choice ot red saddle-grained leatherette, blue faille lining; or black patent plastic lined in red. v ' Capital Drug Store State & Liberty "On the Corner" Lct'i imagine this gnrgeoui Youngitown Kilrhco it yours I You'll need no garbage pail, for the 48" twin-bowl Kitchen aider cabinet link hown ii equipped with a Mullinaider electric garbage disposer. Ask us about the low monthly payments. New low-cost magic for your dream kitchen Bevel in this thought: When you have your lovely You ngslown Kitchen, you'll be free forever of the garbage pail and all its messiness. I For the Mullinaider electric garbage ilisjxjeee j Voungslown'a newest kitchen magic grinds away your food scraps before they can accumulate, and whisks them safely down the drain. And that's only mtt endearing quality of these gleaming, while-enameled steel kitchens, made by the leader in the field. There's storage space galore, with everything right where you need it for fixing meals, washing dishes and clearing up. And best of all, there's a low, down-to-earth price, mad possible by high-volume production. ' Come in add see us! ' " BY MULLINJ m mm PL LIMBING -HE A TING 2 79 N. COMMERCIA L PHONt 3- 44 0 rs -Wishing You o a CkristmaS with these- PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DEL MONTE No. 2Vi can Large Can For Salads For Cocktail For Dessert FRUIT COCKTAIL Large Can For Salads For Cocktai ORANGE JUICE MIRACLE WHIP SWEET PICKLES (Libby's Sweet Midget Pickles, 8 ox SWEET PEAS (Walla Wall Small Fancy Peas, Nc FRESH EGGS OLD SOUTH Large 46-oz. can . , KRAFT'S Salad Dressing (Nalley's Champion, Quart Jar, 39c' r'n ' 29c Quart Jar DEL MONTE 12 oz. Jar (Libby's Sweet Midget Pickles, 8 oz. Jar, 29c' SWEET PICKINS No. 2's (Walla Wall Small Fancy Peas, No. 303, 2 cans 3 c) 3 29c 29c 49c 19c 29c GRADE AA, LARGE Grade AA means Finest Local Fresh. 41c GRADE A, LARGE 39 c doz. SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING n69c lb. ca Closed for Christmas Both SUNDAY and MONDAY We Close 6 P. M. Christmas Eve i Freestone Peaches Stardee, No. 2Vi can JJjj Truly Ripe, No. 2'i can 25 C Bartlett Pears Triumph, No. 300 2 can' 25 C Del Monte, No. 2Vi can 29c Boysenberries Hunt's Fancy, No. 2's, In Syrup. Fruit for Salad Hunt's, No. 300 can. Pineapple 2 cans 45 e 2ean,45e No. Z can Hills Dale Half Slices. Libby's Sliced, No. 2 can . 25c 29e f Golden Cream Style WOril No. 303 -ans Cottage, can lie Oregon Finest Fancy No. 303 2 cons 27c Del Monte, No. 303 2 can 29 C WHOLE O AA, KERNEL V-Om No. 303 can cans 7US Oregon Finest Fancy. Mm Cut Strinqless BEANS GREEN SPOT, No. 2's 2 25 C JACK 'N BEAN STALK, Fancy, No. 303 cans . . .2 cans 37c DEL MONTE, No. 2's 2 ean 43 C Whole Artichokes Princeton, No. 2 can 19c Fancy Mince Meat Nonesuch Moist Large 28-oz. Jar . . 39c LYONS Radiant Glaced Diced Mixed Fruit 39' 1 lb. pkg. Glaced Cherries LYONS 10- 8 07. II I MlXT' ck Fud9e oni JUIXVC I ing Mix-iChocot ueche Just heot with water and butter REG. PKG. . Amaizo Instant Dessert Chocolate, Butterscotch Delicious Dessert Instantly Mode. Just add e)"f Jm pkgs. Jf. I W milk and whip White K. Gran. Soap Lge. pkg. . . 27c Giant Pkg. . . 33c Scotch Cleanser pkg. 11c lib. 69c 2 lb.. 1.37 Pillsbury's Cake Flour White or Devil's Food aa Large pkg ZC Pillsbury's Pie Crust Reg. pkg. . . . 15c Special Weight Turkeys We have secured ior small families some 9 to 11 lb. Tom Turkeys. These are Grade A and will be sold at 59c lb. If you want one of these small Turkeys, come in today. They are now in stock. TURKEYS GRADE A Fancy Young JTAc Hens J 7 lb. Lots of them TURKEYS GRADE B Young Hens . . 54 lb. Young Toms . . 47j lb. Limited Supply TURKEYS GRADE C Young Hens . . 49 lb. Young Toms . . -39c lb. Limited Supply TURKEYS BY THE PIECE Breasts or Thighs Wings of Giblets Backs or Necks 69c " 49c " 31elb- DUCKS-CHICKENS CRABMEAT SHRIMP Ll NUTS and VEGETABLES Vj V HOLIDAY FRUITS 1 lii- ducious FLAvoRv) CI IkllflC-T ADAklACC jumbo 'zCas 2ol 9 2 39 Cast Large 176 Six Vi Case Case 136 SIZE 4.25 4.75 Cranberries O V. S. No. l's Large, Firm, Red Berries Mm Sweet Potatoes or Yams 0 Med. Size Fancy No. l's V i Grapes Red Emperors, Finest Quality lbs. 3 Carrots 0 Calif.. Green Tons W i lbs. Brussell Sprouts Green and Bright, the Vegetable for Christmas pkg. Celery Calif., garden fresh stalks . .1 Potatoes V. S. No. l's Deschutes , 10 lbs. Almonds 1XL Fancy Soft Shell , lb. Peanuts Fresh Roasted Direct from Hoody's lb. Paper Shell Pecans Fancy Large Funston lb. 29c 29c 29c 25c 15c 6c 45c 29c 25c 33c Mixed Nuts QQc Fancy Mix lb. Mm Mi FRESH OYSTERS Tillamook m t Pint JjC Willapai Pint 59c Hormel's, Armour's Cascade, Swift's Morrell's u 39c Cooked Picnics, Swift Premium . Lb. 39c The demand for these has been so great that we have bought more again this week. Remember, just heat through or slice cold. Tom & Jerry Batter Made with Fresh Eggs, 12-oz. carton. . 49c HOLIDAY CANDIES Christmas Stocking, Candy Filled 4 for 25c 19c MESH STOCKINGS Reg. 10c . . PLIOFILM STOCKING, Large Size with 8 oz. candy was 39c now .... Come in and shop from our wide selection of fine candies. We list below just a few of the many candy values. Jane Adair Chocolates 1 -lb. box 79 C By Societe A very fine assortment. Imperial Flower Chocolates 2'b- box, J ,49 By Societe A delicious vallety. Chocolate Cordial Cherries Chase .... 1 -lb. box, 49 C Thin Chocolate Mints Terry 1 -lb. box, 49 C Chocolates ... Lb. 22c Satin Mix . Lb.. 22c Christmas Assorted Chocolates 5 lb. box, 1.79 And Dozens of Other Candies These GROCERY SPECIALS Also Effective at Paramount Market 260 N. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2461 Salem's Quality Service Store Flus 2 I'pcharge for Delivery on These Specials Only. KITCHEN QUEEN FfcWUK p 3060 Portland Road Two Big Stores 3720 E. State mm I ltiIltlilUMliauMllMlllUIlUlS