n Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Dec. 21, 191911 hi r ii V ' ' , P ft ti ) Give Mother a .Foundation $10.00 Don't forget Mother's foundation this Christmas. A girdle . . . all-in-one ... or a fine bra will please her if it's a well known brand. Prices range from $1.00 up on bras to $3.95 up on girdles . . . foun dations $10 and up. Subject to expert fitting after Christmas. Women's Tee Shirts $2.29 Regular $2.95! Duo-striped tee-shirts in this sale from well known manufacturer. Red-while, navy-red, blue-yellow, red chartreuse, plain white, gold. All sizes. Sports shop, 2nd floor. Turtle-Neck Sweaters . .$2.79 Reg. $3.25! ' Made by Shepard of select cotton knitted in smart shades of red, blue, rose, brown, peacock and gold. All sizes. 2nd floor. Women's Gabardine Skirts $2.00 Women's Chenille Robes, special $3.95 Regular $3.00! Brown, black, green and grey rayon gabs in pencil-slim fashions. Sizes 10 to 18. 2nd floor. White Stag Ski Sweaters .$10.95 to $12.95 What a fine Christmas gift for the outdoor girl! Big, heavy cableknits in plain or patterned style she'd wear smartly on the ski-way or at ease near the big fireplace. 2nd floor. White Stag and J antzen Jackets $12.95 to $17.95 Here are two truly famous style names in sportswear who contribute to the success of your Christmas gift giving. These jack ets are the handsomest on the mountain by any standard. Poplins . . . whipcords . . . nylons . . . wools . . . her favorite style k here. 2nd floor. Regular $6.95! Downstairs apparel de partment offers this special purchase chenille robes (delayed shipment) for al most half price! Fine quality narrow wale chenille in' pink, white and blue. Sizes 12 to 20. Only 240 in this group . . . hurry! Downstairs. Nylon Stockings, spec. 79c pr. Just received 300 pairs of Cannon first quality full fashioned nylons in 30 denier utility sheers. Sizes 9 to 11. Shades of smoke pearl, bronze twilight and bamboo. Gift wrapped. Downstairs. Girls' Corduroy Robes ..$6.95 Reg. to $12.95! A smart, cozy robe for her Christmas! Bright reds, copen blues, etc. Sizes 7 to 14 years. Downstairs, girls' dept. .$4.95 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs .75c to $3.50 Never too many hankies for Christmas! These are handmades . . . delicate sheers with embroidery and lace to important tailored ones for utility. Gift wrapped, of course! Men's All Wool. Slippers $4.95 Reg. $5.95! Popular styles in this all-wool slipper are indeed gi f ty ! Sizes 6 to 12. Also women's and children's popular scuff style slippers, reg. $2.95 now $1.95. Little Girls' Robes Reg. to $8.95! For little girls from 4 to 6 years these corduroy robes are very ac ceptable gifts. Reds, blues. Downstairs. Men Take Note! Our salesladies know her favorite brand of perfume and her favorite scent, too. It may be . . . DANGER . . . SURRENDER . . . APRIL VIOLETS . . . NEW HORIZONS . . . QUELQUES FLEUERS . . . REFLEX IONS . . . CIRO . . . CHANTILLY . . . IDEAL . . . BOND STREET . . . PLATINE ... 20 CARATS ... OR ONE OF MANY OTHERS! All beautifully gift wrapped. Priced $2.00 to $1 7.50 plui tax AVomen's Playtex Girdles The girdle that moulds you into classic lines for the new pencil-slim fashions! Give her one as a gift subject to after Christmas fitting. Plastic Coat Hangers, special . .6 for $100 Beautiful plastic coat hangers with skirt hanger attached. In transparent colors. Red, green, white, blue, etc. Six assorted or all one color gift wrapped for a Christ mas gift. Notion dept. 9 J W A & f& ' A Robe for Christmas Wrap her in beauty this Christmas! A satin quilted . . . a velvet . . . rich crepe rayon or wool ... be sure the qual ity is good because it makes a lot of difference in the looks as well as the wearability of the garment. Our robes arc all nationally advertised qualities. Quilted robes in satin crepe and velvet in beautiful jewels priced from $16 95 to $32.95 Quilted satin and rayon crepe study robes or coats with lull swing back CIO QC style. f l.7J House coats in cotton and silks. CIO oc to flU-J $4.98 1 $16.95 SILK PAJAMAS For sleepwear or lounging . . . give her silk pajamas! These are famous brand good quality in A QQ "lI Qf T. X W to GIFTS FROM OUR CAMERA DEPT. Keystone fl. 9 Movie Camera . . . $124.50 Magazine 8. De Jur Fadematic Camera $135.00 Magazine 8 f2.5. Saddle leather trim. Federal Enlarger No. 315. f4.5 lens... $90.50 Takes 2'4X3'4 film or smaller. With condensers. Kodak Flash Bantam . . . $49.50 Keystone f2.5 Magazine 8mm Camera... $99.50 All cameras and camera equipment will be gift wrapped if designated as gift. Solve your gift problem at the camera department. the smartest pajama fashions. Priced GIFTS FOR THE HOME . . . BATH MAT SETS . . . -Reg. $4.98 now $3.98 Rug and cover, s CHENILLE BEDSPREADS... 20 less Your choice of entire stock. .$3.95, $4.95 BATH TOWELS . . . Reg. $2.50 now$l, Wanted bathroom colors. 50 BOXED BATH TOWEL SETS . . . special $7.95 Reg. $10.95! Six-piece with white chenille embroidery. PLACE MATS . . . special 50c Mats with looper clip. White, blue, tan, grey and brown. CSS) THE FINEST NYLONS IN TOWN THEME BELLE-SHARMEER SCHIAPARELLI THEME NYLONS .'. . Shades . . . Palomar, Phantom, Noc turne, Chin Chilla and Tru-black. 15 denier 51 gauge 1 .65 3 pr. 4.75 30 denier 51 gauge 1.50 3 pr. 4.30 40 denier 45 gauge 1.35 3 pr. 3.85 Belle-Sharmeer Nylons . . . Shades . . . Tower taupe, Skyline, Neu tone. 15 denier 51 gauge 1.95 3 pr 5.60 20 denier 51 gauge 1.85 3 pr. 5.30 30 denier 51 gauge 1.75 3 pr. 5.00 40 denier 45 gauge 1.50 3 pr. 4.30 Schiaparelli Nylons . . . Shades . . . Stunning blend, Sinner, Stunning Desire, Whirl. Extra sheers . . price 2.00 2 pr. 3.90 All gift stockings subject to ex change for size, color, etc. All nylons, whether one or half dozen pairs, will be Christmas gift wrap ped if desired. Consult our expert hosiery sales ladies for sizes, shades, weights, etc. v.i ? ijf& SALE in t i FREE! With Each Fur Coat Your Choice rnrri Of Any $40 or $45,Woman,s Suit rKtt! Our pre-Christmas sale of furs begins Thursday morning at 9:30! Be here when the doors open to get choice of best furs at a price plus an extra, extra gift bonus ... A $40.00 or $45.00 women's new winter suit . . . FREE! Whafa saving! There's positively no strings to this offer. Just choose your fur then pick any suit in the above price range and the suit is yours free. Our Entire Stock of Furs Reduced ! MANY NEW ONES ADDED SQUIRREL LOCKE ....... ? $j 29 BONDED NORTHERN SEAL $129 KIDSKIN $129 MOUTON $J49 MUSKRAT $279 RUSSIAN SQUIRREL CHEVRON $279 BROADTAIL $329 SABLE DYED SQUIRREL BACK $395 NATURAL GREY SQUIRREL $395 CHINA MINK $495 3 Days Only f 'VI I FREE SUIT WITH FUR COAT! 3 DAYS ONLY! Stunning f i Stunning fSS ATS? 1 : : Mi