V Job's Daughters Hold Installation on Monday A colorful ceremony of Installation was conducted last eve ning in Beaver hall for bethel No. 35, Job's Daughters. Miss Jean Herrig, retiring nonor queen, was installing officer. Miss Ann Gibbens is the incomine honored aueen. The coronation ceremony was conducted by Chemeketa chap ter. Order of DeMolay for Boys Kobert Meaney, master councilor for DeMolays, was regent in the ast. Floyd Hamblin was regent in the south; Brad Nelson, regent In the west; Harold Hewitt, chap lain; Dick Lewis, senior deacon; Jim Stewart, marshal, Duaine Rankin, Richard Cornelius, Wayne Gibbens, Bob Hughes, Jim Darby, Kent Bradshaw, Paul Baker and Ed Eckersley, all iword bearers. While Miss Gibbens was at the altar following the corona tion ceremony, Miss June Mc- Collom sang "My Task." Miu Gibbens then introduced her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Gibbens and her brothers, Wayne and John; also her tnusi; teacher, Mrs. David Eason. Escorted and honored were the following: Miss ' Phyllis Part ridge, bethel 34, honored queen elect, Portland; Miss Edna Mae Manning, honored queen of Sa lem bethel, U. D.; the following past honored queens: Miss Mar garet Aynes and Miss Anne Baker of bethel, No. 34, Inde pendence; Miss Janice Hartzog of bethel No. 16, Portland; Misses Ehirlee Newbry, Carolyn Eck ersley, Marilyn Reay and Jean Herrig, all of the Salem bethel No. 35; Miss Clair Brown, sen ior princess-elect and Miss Jim my Lou Mitchell, Junior princess- elect, both of bethel No. 34, In dependence; Miss Helen Booth, junior princess of Salem bethel,1 U. D.; Mrs. Mix, guardian for bethel No. 34, Independence; Mrs. Charles B o y e r and Mr. Boyer, guardian and associate guardian for Salem bethel, U. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers, past guardians and associate guard ian for bethel No. 34; Mrs. James Darby, guardian secretary for Salem bethel, U. D.; Earl Wiper, worshipful master-elect of Pa cific lodge No. 50, A.F. & A.M.; J. Edgar Reay, worshipful mas ter-elect of Ainsworth lodge No. 201, A.F. & A.M.; James Darby, dad adviser for DeMolay Boys and worthy patron-elect for Salem chapter, Order of East ern Star; Robert Meaney, mas ter councilor of the DeMolay Boys; Mrs. Wayne Henry, moth er adviser for Rainbow Girls; Miss Marilyn Power, worthy ad viser for Chadwick assembly Order of Rainbow for Girls; Miss Jackie Jones, honored second messenger for the grand bethel For Young Sophisticates Demure as a rosebud is the Junior New York evening dress at left, the bodice of gold em broidered net over taffeta; more daring is the ankle length gown of red nylon tulle at right, with red ostrich bodice. To Assist Needy For their Christmas pfoject, members of Job's Daughters, U.D., will supply a Christmas tree, gifts and food for a needy family, It was decided at the meeting of the group Saturday afternoon. On Wednesday evening the group will meet at 7 o'clock at the Masonic temple to go carol ing down town. At the Saturday meeting, Miss Jean Herrig, honored queen of bethel No. 35, was a guest. Next meeting for the U. D group will be an evening meet ing on January 7. of Job's Daughters; Miss Doro thy Pederson, grand musician for Rainbow; Mr. Henry, grand ex ecutive board member, Order of Rainbow for Girls. Miss Gibbens presented the past honored queen's jewel to Miss Herrig, also a doll she had made. Miss Reay then invited Miss Herrig, also a doll for which she had made clothes matching the honored queen's robe. Miss Reay then Invited Miss Herrig to join the other ast honored aueens. Practice was announced ior 10:30 a.m., December 29, In May flower hall. Miss Partridge invited the group to the installation of her bethel In Portland on December 29. SPENDING the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Booth, are Mrs. Bruce Buell and children, Susan, Sandra and David, from San Pedro, Calif. V t V? If V-WWWJ (WW?1 '-Hl x IF t J , I I'M XV- .Ah K v EJ M far? J?i3.i t i i $ m m if w iff i , - , il Musicale at SHS Wednesday A program of Christmas mu sic Is planned at Salem high school auditorium Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The event is presented under direction of Victor Palmason of the orches tra and Howard Miller for the choir. All Interested friends are in vited. There is no admission charge. The program is as follows (first portion secular, second portion sacred): First Overture (Christmas Fantasy by Sopkin) (Theater orchestra); "Sopho more Melodettes" singing mod- Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Vernone Schervem (Mildred Lee Guthrie) were married Sunday, December 4, at the First Pres byterian church in Woodburn. They will reside in Salem. (Alyce studio picture) Today's Menu (By tb Auoeiftted Preu) - o-M STL viz slit ;i m z. Family Supper Hamburger and Mushroom Scramble Steamed Rice Chopped Spinach Sliced Beets Bread and Butter Apple Tarts Beverage Hamburger and Mushroom Scramble Ingredients: 2 tablespoons fat, 1 medium-sized onion finely diced, 1 pound chuck beef (ground), 1 teaspoon tarragon vinegar, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 three-ounce can broiled whole mushrooms, milk, H4 teaspoons salt (about), freshly ground pep per (to taste). Method: Melt the fat In a 10- inch (approximately) skillet; add the onion and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes, stir ring frequently. Add the beef and crumble with a mixing fork or spoon over moderate heat until no redness remains. Sprin kle with vinegar and flour and remove from heat. Drain liquid from mushrooms into a measur ing cup and add enough milk to make 1 cup; add to skillet along with mushrooms. Cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens and bubbles; add salt and pep per to taste and allow to bubble for a few minutes. Makes 4 servings. Party Supper Hot Chicken Shortcake Green Peas Mashed Potatoes Stuffed Celery and Persimmon Salad Minature Rolls and Butter Almond Icebox Cookies Ice Cream Beverage Almond Icebox Cookies Ingredients: cup butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 '4 cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla, chopped laiicned almonds and extra sugar. Method: Cream the butter or margarine; add sugar and cream again. Add the flour and va nilla and mix thoroughly. Shape into a roll and wrap in waxed paper; chill thoroughly. Slice thin and place on cooky sheets. Sprinkle lightly with almonds and extra sugar. Bake in moder ate (350 F.) oven for 5 to 10 minutes. MR. AND MRS. J. P. Ross of Oregon City celebrated their golden wedding with a large re ception Sunday afternoon. Those motoring there from Salem were a brother of Mr. Ross, H. L. Ross and wife, and grandson, Jimmy Goodman. lllP EXTRA LONG EXTRA LOVELY FOR HOLIDAY DINING Just In time for holidays . . . "Polnseltio," a brilliant new design hand-icreen-prlnted on inowy whit Narco rayon and cotton. Ilk all California Hand Prints, th colors ar fasMo-woshlng. So, hav "Polntettia" . . girt ll for gifts. But moke your selections now while there's still a good supply. Sizei 54"xS4"-54"x72"-e3"x0"-63"xl 26". Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1949 T ern arrangement of White Christmas; "Swing chorus" sing ing Fred Waring's arrangement of '"Twas the Night Before Christmas." Second "The First Christmas," sung by choir, nar ated by Howard Wilson. CENTRALIA temple, Pythian Sisters lodge, is to meet Wed nesday at 8 p.m. In the KP hall. Following the meeting, there will be a Christmas party for members of the knights of Py thias and families, with a tree and treats for all attending. Re freshments will be served at a late hour. CONGRATULATIONS a r being extended to Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sullivan upon th birth of a son, Kenneth Duff, Sunday morning, December 18, at Salem General hospital. Also welcoming the new arrival is a brother, Robert. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Bell and Mrs. John McCarthy is the great grandmother. OREGON GRAPE camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the Veterans of Foreign War hall. This will be the annual Christmas party for juveniles. - cv Br-1 6 GIFTS FOR THE GARDENER GARDEN BOOKS garden MAKE SMART GIFTS HANDI-CART How to Grow Roses 2.00 Rubber tired Steel eon Sunset Garden Book 2.00 struction. A gift II If Garden Flowers they will like . in color 2.95 " Annuals for Your A vnlani Garden 1.50 ZQieaS Garden Blubs in HEXE-AMOENA Color 2 49 HINO I A Sunset Flower 10" to 12" Plant l,w v Arrangement . . . 1.50 Gladiolus Bulbs Cornelias GIFT WRAPPED Fine Budded Plant 60c doi.to 1.0Q doi. T.25 o 5.35 GARDEN TOOLS Rakes Shovels Hedge Shear Hoes Grati Shear Lawn Sweeper Edgers Hot Bed Hatr - Glove Lopping Shear Fertilizer Spreader Tank Sprayer and many other. All practical gift for the gardner. ROSEBUSHES TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Double Camelia Plootee No. 1 Jumbo Boxed Old Hanging Basket K'rietie, 99c 40c-4.00 Pox. HYBRID AMARYLLIS Easy Grown House CC Plant large bulb JJC PATENT ROSE BUSHES Copistrano 2.50 Mission Bell 2.50 Sutter Gold 2.50 Tally Ho . . . 2.00 D. A. WHITE & SONS 265 Stat We Deliver Phone 2-2478 TlfVl fSALE S TffS lifflll' fj I iff!! IlklF Hi f'8: "CANNON- TowoMfct. -'''O 1111 fr! ill II lUillli III' Ensemble,- which fadada 6 ZSk IHil K! Illi 1 IJlIN It !bMh towels, 6 hand towels, nd MM?ssefTa?l M J jgJjl 6 wash doths. Soil, cbntCKOt Fir I SPEED QUEENtWAsHER 'yirflW ftYmi V A genuine, full-size Speed Queen .... built by Speed Queen . . . and guaranteed by Speed Queen. It wit! wash your clothes clean and serve you tahbMly fori many, many yean. tFilihiin Citato type. CO Hwawood CMlMajilM "WASH DAY MAID" Ootaea Basket. Serves as a hamper, clothes basket and cartsct Light and duiabla. Table height. Saves stooping when baogtog viotbes. Solus uat. 2 ALL FIVE FOR ONLY If yon paid $99-95 for this Speed Queen washer ALONE yo wovld Kill be getting mo owwanding tsIm! Bat so get this ENXi&B lOatfic, imdmdmc ibe washes, far $99-95 . . . .j that is sofXKthing to get realty excited a boot.' So if yoa want to take adraotage of this money-saving opportunity come in or phone nut as sooq as possible, today or tomorrow. W am reserving the rsght to eejea ail pur. HUHHY BUY HOW AND SAVE Sea Thej and Our Many Othr Gift Open Evenings Til Christmas We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamps NO DOWN PAYMENT Y Ill north liberty 305 Court Street tlJJlltL0UlJltlltltllttlt.-1 t