i Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWEI FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1949 Spinsters Charity Ball , Next Sunday Interests Final plan for their annual charity ball to be given Christ mas night, next Sunday, were outlined by member of the Spln aters club when they met last evening. The dance is to be given between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. In the No-Name ballroom and will be one of the big events of the holiday week here. Many &pin-- atera members home from school will be attending the dance as well as a large group of friends. All proceeds go to the Spinster project of assisting the YWCA's building fund this year. Patrons for the ball will be Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Duffy, Mrs. John S. Beakey, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schnell and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar I. Pierce. Tickets will not be sold at the door, It is announced. Those wishing to make reservations are asked to call either Mrs. Robert Burrell or Mrs. Charles A. Barclay. Reservations In Among those making reserva tions so far are: Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wilson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Gwynn, Mr. and Mrs. John Steelhammer, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Drye, Miss Jean Weger and Robert L. Elfstrom, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mennis, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelty, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Miss Pa tricia Viesko, Dick Gahlsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mr and Mrs. Rollin Haag, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schnell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gorm aen, Miss Virginia Parr, Ray Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strebig, Miss Cynthia Needham, Gill Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ling, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ogdahl, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dixon Van Aus dell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Gilliam, Mr. and Mrs. James Sheldon, Miss Maxine Smith, Fred Bynon. Miss Clelia Turin, Glen Clark, Miss Suzanne Small, William Close, Miss Patricia Ray, Evan Boise, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phillips, Miss Harriet Huston, Dick Laird, Miss Virginia Hus ton, Bud Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitzslmons, Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gentzkow, Mr. and Mrs. William Gentzkow, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woodfleld, Mr. and Mrs. George Schroeher, Miss Graoe Shields, Bill Merri am, Miss Patricia Larson, Mark Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crumme, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Wicks, Miss Margaret Lovell, Brie Schuberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tlernan, Miss Marjoric Becke, Robert Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Maulding, Miss Patricia Burrell, John Slanchik Miss Luella Campbell, Ernest Miller, Miss Wanda Hathaway, Dick Barber, Miss Joyce Smith, Richard Eckley, Mr. and Mrs, William R. Shinn, Mr. and Mrs Robert Elgin. The meeting last evening was at the E. H. Burrell home with Miss Patricia Burrell, Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst and Mrs. Robert Burrell as hostesses. Haags Are Hosts Among those entertaining be fore the dance are Mr. and Mrs. Rollin A. Haag, who have in vited friends for an Informal open house and buffet between 9 and 11 o'clock. Twelve cou ples have been bidden for the event. Kincs mm To Mexico Among Salem folk planning interesting jaunts during the holiday period are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Berg and son. Jerry. They will leave December 27 by plane for Mazatlan resort on the Pacific side of Mexico to spend a week In the tropics sec tion there. S;7ver Wedding Anniversary Feted Ballston Mr. and Mrs. A. W Lux celebrated their silver wed ding anniversary Sunday at their home In Ballston with large number of relatives and friends calling to extend best wishes and congratulations. Visitors -were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phillips, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley and son, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiebke, Carlton; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Barnes, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs, Paul Dunsworth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Aneth and family, Molalla; Mrs Myron Kadell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles Laterman, Sheri dan; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Black well, Willamina; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coffelt and Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wann, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Jones, Mrs. Opal Lux, Mr. and Mrs. George Lux, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Molvln McKibbens, Otto Lux and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coffelt. Mr. and Mrs. Lux were mar ried December 23, 1924, In Dal las and have lived In the Wil lamette valley with the excep tion of nine years spent in Can ada. Mr. Lux owns and oper ates the Ballston blacksmith shop, recently purchased from the William Fudge heirs, and also has a farm near Sheridan. SOCIAL CLUB of Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is meeting Wednesday for a no host luncheon at noon In the Masonic temple, the Christmas party following the luncheon, Holiday Entertaining The pre-holiday week brings a number of Informal at homes. Dr. and Mrs. Brace Knapp will be among those entertain ing at open house affairs this week, inviting friends to call be tween 8 and 10 o'clock Friday evening. The affair also honors Dr. Knapp's sister, Dr. Eliza beth Knapp of Iowa City, Iowa, who is arriving Wednesday eve ning to spend the holidays at the Knapp home. Thursday Event On Thursday evening, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad and Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles are to be hosts at the Hammer stad home for a holiday open house affair. About 40 eouples have been invited between 7 and 9 o'clock. Honor Family Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Nel son are to entertain at an open house Friday evening to honor members of their family home for the holidays. Friends are in vited to call after 8 o'clock At the Nelson home for the holidays will be their son and daughter-in-law, Lt. and Mrs Stuart Nelson and their daugh ters, Genevieve and Lauren, of: Alameda, Calif.; their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs William Ean of Portland; and their sons, Reed Nelson, to be here from Coos Bay, and Jack Nelson, at home. For Newcomer Among those entertaining on Friday evening will be Mrs. John H. Johnson and her sis ter, Mrs. James R. Phillips, the two honoring Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts, Jr. (Nancy Knight), who with Mr. Roberts will move to Salem in the near future, Guests have been invited to call between 8 and 10 o'clock. Mrs. William R. Shinn and Miss Barbara Sundet are to assist the hostesses. Sing Carols Troops from Salem court, Jun ior Catholic Daughters of Amer ica, are singing Christmas carols each evening this week between 5 and 5:15 o'clock over KOCO. For this evening's program, St. Rose of Lima and Joan of Arc troops are giving the pro gram. Last evening, St. Chris tine's and St. Theresa of the Little Flower troop were in charge. On Wednesday, St. Agnes and Our Lady of Fatlma troops will give the carols; on Thursday, Star of the Sea troop; and on Friday, the Mystical Rose and Our Lady of Snows troops. HOSTESSES Tuesday eve ning will be Misses Elizabeth Johnson and Gwen Fry, the two to entertain at the John H. John son home at a Christmas party for a group of high school friends. There will be a tree and a dessert supper. Guests will in clude Misses Bernice Imlah, Sharon Plunkett, Pebble De Sart, Betty Cooley, Alice Girod, Norman Canfield, Susan Perry and Dorothy Cannon. Vm -'If" fa ? ' t I Ar ' " ' J ha "t"liA 4 " I :C .V XT . - r"-' ' Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Nils Jorgenson observed their 50th wedding anniversary, November 27, and an at home was given in their honor at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Williams. (McEwan studio picture) Musical Event Tuesday Evening Mrs. Ronald Craven Is spon soring a program ana pariy lor her piano pupils this evening at the Woman's club building on North Cottage street. A feature of the evening will be a one-act playlet with music, entitled "Under the Christmas Tree," in which the pupils will participate. There will be piano solos and duets, after which there will be a gift exchange and a treat for the young people. The par ents and friends are invited. Those taking part are: Judy Barry, Gail and Toni DeSart, Natalie Cunningham, Sandra Johnson, Arja, Vija and Kija Lieutavitus, Gary and Jary Neal, Shirley Brantner, Linda Schir, Carol Ann Hudson, Ann Bag- ley, Karen Covert, Barbara Bennett, Jerry Hunsaker, Bev erly Frye, Mary Jane Riches, Allen and Wayne Simmons, Celia Weaver, Maxine King, Helen Booth, Nancy Weeks, Dennis and Larry Zuver, Keith Lucas, Maryls Clark, Barbara Calloway, Mac Baker, Mary January, Carol and Maryln Har land, Sue and Gary Zwicker, Janice Fagg, Barbara Smith, Carol Stettler, Susan Borders, Kay Coffman, Carlyle Haas, Valdene Aebi, Sharon Kester, Caroline Haworth, Daryl Jen sen, Barbara Garner, Elizabeth Tate, JoAnn McCoy, Mary Ditchen and Freddie Tweedie. Party for Club Members of Mrs. Ted Woelk's club entertained their husbands with a Christmas party Satur day evening at the Woelk coun try home. Pinochle was played. an exchange of gifts hold and a late supper served. Attending the affair were Mr and Mrs. W. C. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker, Mr and Mrs Arthur Andresen, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Andresen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, George Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Woelk. AMONG STUDENTS home from Oregon State college is Miss Patricia Wilson, who ar rived Monday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson. Wedding Wednesday A wedding of the mid-week will be that of Miss Jean Eliza beth King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. King, and John Nathan High, son of Mr. and Mrs. Finley High of Spray, Ore., the young couple to exchange their vows at a ceremony in the First Methodist church Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock, the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. The reception following is to be in the Carrier room of the church. Attendants for the wedding are Miss Beverly Karsten, a cou sin of the bride-elect, as maia of honor; Misses Joyce Edgell and Glenys Barge as the brides maids; Warren Reed High as best man for his brother; Rob ert Zeller, William Sorenson, Donald Mace and Richard Dag- eett as the ushers. Taper light ers will be Miss Aleene Cray croft and Miss Viona Haugen, the latter of Corvallis. Phillip Hamp is to be soloist, Miss Edna Marie Hill to play the wedding marches. P.E.O. Party Is Event at Woodburn Woodburn The annual B.I.L. dinner and Christmas party of the P.E.O. Sisterhood was held Fridav at St. Mary's Episcopal hall in honor of the husbands of the members. A turkey din ner was served, followed by : program of Christmas carols and "initiation" of two new members into the B.I.L. Those "initiated" were Carl Magnuson and Harry VanArsdale. In charge of the initiation were O. L. Withers, Kenneth Thomp son and N. F. Tyler. A lighted Christmas tree and exchange of gifts were features of the evening. Forty-one members and guests attended, including Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanArsdale. Supt. and Mrs. Frank P. Doer fler, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Huber of Hillsboro, Mrs. Wilson and son of Salem, Miss Gladys Adams, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fikan, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Landon, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McGrath, Mrs. Es tella Kerns, Mrs. Nellie Mulr, Mrs. Clair Nibler, Mrs. J. Mel- vin Ringo, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scarborough, Sr., Mrs. Cyril McNary, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Withers, Mrs. Florence Goulet, Glenn Goulet, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Magnuson and Frank W. Settlemier. Holiday Party For Group Christmas party for the Jay- cee-Ettes was an event of last evening at the home of Mrs. Milan Boniface, 20 attending. Mrs. Robert Upson, Mrs. War ren Cooley and Mrs. Wayne Corey were guests. Mrs. Ken Frad, who is moving to Portland, was presented a gift. Members brought articles of food to go to the Junior Cham ber of Commerce boxes of food for two needy families this Christmas. A gift exchange was held and cards played. Mrs. Donald Judson presided at the meeting. Installation event for the group comes in January. Mrs. Maurice Cohn, Mrs. Al Morris and Mrs. Lawrence E. Moore assisted Mrs. Boniface at last evening's meeting and with the buffet supper served. Club Entertained The Past President's club of the Veterans of Foreign Wars met at Mrs. Willie Boone's home for their regular meeting and annual Christmas party. Plans were discussed for the VFW convention in 1950. Mrs. Joe Hopkins and Mrs. Lloyd Grim were initiated into the club. Games were played, Mrs. Dale Monk won first prize and Mrs. Dayson low prize. Those present were Mrs. Wil liam Boone, Mrs. Arthur Davis Mrs. William Dayson, Mrs. Gen ieve Olson, Mrs. Lloyd Grim Mrs. Ivel Haley, Mrs. George Lewis, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs, Russell Mudd, Mrs. Ed Van San ten, Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. Clarence Forbls, Mrs. Roy Simpson, Mrs. Eva Rush. Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mrs Charlie Hunt, Mrs. Dale Monk, Mrs. Henry Sim. There was an exchange of Christmas gifts and refresh ments were served. Next meet ing will be at Mrs. Loyal At kinson's home, 1915 North 24th street. HERE FROM Seattle to spend the holidays is Miss Sylvia Kjeldstad, student at the Univer sity of Washington. She is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Arneson For HIS Christmas T Pk.VXEI S... WOMEN'S AINCOATS TWO GROUPS! AT Smaller than tbt $5.00 Gold and $2.50 Crystal pn tamers, yes but ik tarn Mjuitit design. Sparkling crystal flugora crowned with the matching Kings VO' Knighuhead. The same famous fragrances responsible (or Kings Men being heralded "Amtnca't fmM Hnt of mint toilttritsl" Ooiookk, Ama-SnvtHO Lonow and ottw ttMnfiali now from $ I -00, M itched mi from 1 -8 to $7.90. nHlmM io Cold" from 19.00. I ..THIS FINE yk P AMERICA'S I INI WATCH STV ! I W 17 JEWEl 1 X CLINTON 9.50 Down 10.00 Monthly Thoroughly One craftemanablp, precise Hamilton timekeeping performance : 1 : now at a new, great low price. Smartly atyled, beautifully polished, durable ttainleaa steel case. f miiiiiiimgs- Hondtome, Dependable BOULTON $71.50 14K natural old-Rlled cue. Fint 19 lewel movement. 1 gj All Prim Iiuludt Flfl Tu. Luncheon On Monday Women of Rotary enjoyed a festive Christmas luncheon par ty Monday afternoon at tlieW Golden Pheasant. Holly, greens and red candles featured the decorations, given by Mrs. Frank Crawford. Featuring the program was music presented by 20 Salem high school students, Howard Miller directing them in carols. Mrs. Marcus Seole, Mrs. D. R. Peterson and Mrs. J. P. Hunt were guests. Members attending included: Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. William McGil christ, Jr., Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Robert D. Lesher, Mrs. Paul Bale, Mrs. Harley L. Bossier, Mrs. Howard Maple, Mrs. Howard Wlcklund, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. El lis Von Eschen, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. C. A. Kells, Mrs. Ho mer H. Smith, Mrs. J. L. Fran zen, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs. Leon W. Gleason, Mrs. Frank Burlingham, Mrs. Harry B. i Johnson, Mrs. Preston Dough- ton, Mrs. N. S. Rogers, Mrs. Thomas Roen, Mrs. Frank Craw ford, Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mrs. Ar nold Davis, Mrs. Arthur D. Hay, Mrs. Russell Kelley, Mrs. Floyd Bressler, Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. George H. Graben horst, Mrs. George L. Arbuckle and Mrs. Robert Hutcheon. Store Staff Party The annual party for the staff of Miller's store was an event of last week in the Mirror room of the Marion hotel. Hosts for the evening were John Adlon, store manager, and Mrs. Adlon, Wayne Harris, assistant mana ger, and Mrs. Harris. A buffet supper was served. Tht room was festive in Christ mas decorations, including red tapers, holly and poinsettias. Honor guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Brown Sis son of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Malecki were guests also, and Mr. Malecki told of his re cent trip to Turkey. Miss Betty Lou Edwards was chairman for entertainment. GROUP I Something new in styling for raincoats. Plaid taffeta hoods and clever cuff trim. Weatherized gabardine and rayon satin finish fabric. Belted models and swing backs. 12 to 18. 5.88 GROUP II Here is something that we are proud to offer. A quality raincoat of weather-treated rayon satin twill. Hood mod els with belts, three-way (they're practical) back style. Pretty shades of grey, black and green. Come in tonight. 9.88 Make Penney's Second Floor Your Winter Fashion Headquarters TfT mm For LAST MINUTE SHOPPING IDEAS GIVE RCA VICTOR 'The Gift That Keeps on Giving' For the Children I The Little Engine Thot Could Narrated by Paul Wing WY 384 3.68 Y 384 5.57 I Lore of The West Roy Rogers WY 388 2.68 Y 388 3.57 I Peter and the Wolf Sterling Halloway Y 386 3.57 WY 388 2.68 I Little Black Sambo Paul Wing WY 383 2.68 Y 383 3.57 I Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Dennis Day WY 33 2.68 Y 33 3.57 I Why the Chimes Rang Ted Malone and Dick Liebert at the Organ WY 357 1.84 Y357 2.31 Johnny Apple Seed Dennis Day WY 390 1.84 Y 390 4.04 ) Dumbo Shirley Temple WY 382 1.84 Y 382 4.04 ) Bomb! Shirley Temple WY 391 1.84 Y 391 4.04 For the Grownups ) Brahms Walties for Dancing Wayne King and Orchestra WP 208 2.42 P 208 4.00 S) Music America Loves Best Russ Case and Orch. WP 210 2.42 P 210 4.00 Oh You Beautiful Doll Tony Martin , WP 252 2.42 P 3.25 Heart of the Islands Sammy Kaye & Orch. WP 258 2.42 P 258 3.25 Eddy Arnold Sings Eddy Arnold WP 260 2.42 P 260 3.25 Silver Lining Songs Vaughn Monroe & Orch. WP 248 2.42 P 246 3.25 Cowboy Hymns and Spirituals Sons of the Pioneers WP 229 2.42 P 229 4.00 Rudolf Friml Melodies Al Goodman & Orch. WP 165 2.42 P 165 4.00 Supper Club Favorites Perry Como WP 237 2.42 P 237 3.25 You don't have to buy albums! We have thousands of single records from which to choose your gifts! OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 Downstairs Oregon Bldg. 3-8632 tptrati m cm' - -t mrflMi -ife in) tun i .urn m aSaattattaatnall