BY BECK Things to Worry About Capital A Journal An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also news published therein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weekly, 25c; Monthly, S1.00; One Year, $12.00. By Mall in Oregon: Monthly, 15c; 6 Mos., $4.00; One Year, S8.00. V. S. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mos., $6.00; Year, $12. 4 Salem. Oregon, Tuesday, Deeember 20, 1949 Apotheosis of Stalin Dispatches describe the elaborate and fantastic prepara tions for the 70th birthday of Stalin on December 21 as "the greatest give-away jackpot program in history, with the Russian overlord of world communism on the receiving end," the satellite states behind the iron curtain being forced to outdo the Russians. Tons and tons of gifts have descended on Moscow from the communist world. An Associated Press dispatch states : Reports reaching London through the Soviet monitor and other channels indicate that here will be more than 1,000,000 narcels bearina the tae: "Hannv Birthday Dear Comrade." Besides, there is a veritable flood of big crates containing the Salem (Chamber of Commerce figures) who woke this morning more unwieldly gifts all the way from motorcycles to air- without finding snow on the ground were surprised, for there Dlanes. Even whole factories are among the many carloads A , , , , , ,. converging on the Kremlin from satellite states and far terri- were nearly that many told us personally yesterday they were tories of the USSR. sure it was going to snow during the night and a lot of them With the gifts come all sorts of honors, pledges of special went home last night and put ski grease or something on the run work, affirmation of loyalty and devotion, endearing greetings ners of the sleds in the familiar communist pattern. Long freight trains hauled which have been ? gifts into Moscow. There were 70 cars One for each birthday ..: i h i num cummiuum east wei many, rx licigiu nam ui i va.n ments Others left Warsaw with presents from Poland. The locomotive of hll(j -rnn,i the train was almost hidden by the huge portrait of Stalin it , " bore as it pulled out. basements or at- t t t t , tics to find their 3tid a few Numerous cities have held public displays of Stalin's 3f triem had the presents. In impoverished Warsaw, six halls were needed snow shovels to hold all the gifts, eight in unwilling Latvia, probably ready on the compulsory donations. Poets and playwrights have turned ,ney CouA sho out special birthday works in many languages. Paintings Vel their way NO WONDER YOU HATE pjjffiBi lji WftMffl NOTTELLVOUR FOLKS J ' I'y! l!WW ABOUT THE RUSSIAN ?5r Wlhlm J fu WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND ' Treasury Agents Stumble on Petroleum Tax Fraud Case (Ed. Note This Is the third in Drew Pearson's series of columns on tax evasion a question of importance to every taxpayer who has to pay more as a result of deficiencies by others.) By DREW PEARSON Washington It is not often that treasury agents turn up a tax fraud case against a big corporation. This is partly because most big corporations have their books audited by reputable firms, but also because it is almost impossible for the T-men to scrutinize carefully the complicated books of the big corporations. The internal BY CLARE BARNES, JR. White Collar Zoo te?) -4 "V.M I I 7 J SIPS FOR SUPPER Still Time By DON UPJOHN revenue bureau is so understaff ed thanks largely to the recent GOP 80th congress that it is impos s i b 1 e for its agents to take enough time to go through all i Drew Pearson neu i: 11 1 1 ; , - however, treasury agents stum- Mid-Continent is headed by bled into what they considered Jacob Francei republican com an airtight tax fraud case against mitteeman from Maryland, and the Mid-Cont i n e n t Petroleum chairman of the Equitable Trust corporation in Tulsa, Okla. Co o Baltimore, a director of The case was considered so Maryland Title Guarantee Co., airtight that there was not the and of tne Commercial Nation slightest doubt, they thought, al bank of New York. about criminal prosecution. .. was former head of internal re venue intelligence in New York, at which time he was close to many Tammany leaders. He was sent to his present key spot in Washington by Joe Nunan, an other Tammany man, who once served as commissioner of inter nal revenue. Since resigning, Nunan has been one of the most prosperous tax lawyers in the country. In the neighborhood of the 62,847 or thereabouts residents of V V , ."'J V & secretary is E. McClure Rou- busy and the crimi the Mid-Continent case are now on ice. zer, who is France's law part ner, and' a director of various 4 Kin - c o nnn nnn. tors include Russell Faris, (chair man of the Ward Baking Co., ., . ,. .... Maurice Newton, . a partner of MdCKtNZIE 5 COLUMN 1 i CWm "Can anybody let me have five bucks till payday?" and found: 108 pieces of chicken XHTp the difference. to pay a tax bill of $8,000,000 plus 50 percent penalty, as re- . , U.. 4U T , T stead honest taxpayers will have HallSarten and Co., and a di t Lll ZfZZl r Adams Express, Ana- wire, some three inches long; piece of copper wire, bits of against Mid-Continent was con conda Copper, Paramount Pic- The reason the treasury's case ,,, ' . ai,t MiH.fntint J ?ures, Gotham Hosiery and the chewed up wood, grass, leaves sidered so airtight .was that a tock head o ,h'e Fjrst NationaJ and pupply worms. "I've been lTL" bank and trust of Tulsa and di- practicing 22 years and I've for 'the government rector 'he Frisco RR. never seen anything like this," while workine for the com- Mid-Continent owns or loas- Dr. Hawley said. pany, he had caught it making es fi5.427 acres of oil and gas capital expenditures for plant Winter Months Will Go Far Toward Settling China's Fate By DeWITT MacKENZIE ((PJ ForclBn AUalra Analyst) The winter months which now have most of China in their leases' in Oklahoma, Kansas, icy SriP are liko'y to g0 ar toward determining whether the Don Upjohn We note in foregoing para- vDansion durine the war veari Texas, Arkansas and New Mexi- Chinese communists can consolidate their sweeping military vio graph that the dog in question and then charging them lip as e0' on which it operates a total tory over the nationalist regime. is of the English type. That stub- "repairs." ot 1830 oil wells and 50 gas The Droblem has ceased to be primarily a military one. thoueh Have come from communists in Britain, f'rance and Swe- oui 01 me nouse ana 10 xne ga- Dorn sireaK wnicn ieis mem Though the lower offices of , V,X., ' c -"""y Chiang Kai den. Czech communists have besides thousands of Rifts "!""""?' """,y ",uutue "U"UB" ",UI" Mid-Continent showed the real " Shek is prepar- folks were surprised, but we attempted to secure 9,000,000 signatures on a birthday doubt very much if a darned Lights on the courthouse there improvement 1592 tank cars, and operates 1.- mlla war orrjaofinir nnrl nro iinvpilinar t.wn hucrft stHtiifps in him nnd one of them was disanDointeri Phristmas Irpp will shinp ayain j i t: ,i i 36 miles of pipelines through ,.... u w 0 o . . D Cu iu JlCCIt ICfdllS, WIlCll LUC ifr ei h ' rl ' TliT'ri f t- laI" 11I1ULIK1I- renamed its highest mountain, Geolachova, "Mount Stalin." when they found i the weather tonight putting to shame all of books went up to the top office. "? V ' " ' ' Mld'Contlnent out the length j-""s "'" muse ram wuu j iu uicii repairs, ol course, are tax de- . : , ing to continue ter. kids there's no Santa Claus. From what reports we could deductible, 'i.,. J!4: refmery i Vest Tulsa Okla f" TZ " :hiefly politico- Z,ilalinVeStmentandn0t th a storage facility of lTssI,- It is the same story all along behind the iron curtain clear to Red China. And the day is consecrated as a holi- j n : ,:, ,. 4 i .. : . -j ..... . :,. . . ... ... UHV, V,U1III11UI1JSI11, UUbaiUC Ul ilLCVLCiaill, IIU LUIIUIILIIIISI, iron in MIS aySiem xiwill wuck h-huik, v kuu.u ucuumuic. u 1 t 1 .nn terminology has become czarism and its old program of Portland, Ore. m Dr. R. L. Saljer today there were more Mid-Continent officials gave percent of the Great Lakes Pipe- s c o n o m 1 c world conquest, inaugurated by Ivan the Terrible and Hawley and two assistants today rL'thTn goTshot bu"t it SlJm tor'tt." iml "Zr'TtT d'ecidedonThe1 Peter the Great, with a new aristocracy, a caste system said they operated on an Eng- i.( was th. norismpn did "f f L I L. aso""? to Kansas City, Omaha. ;"f and alaver nrl 5?tnlm t.h. o-lnrified anH deified czar n.h , "i t yV : .""yl"l""1 Moln. Minneapolis and "r. UeWltl Uackenala and slavery and Stalin the glorified and deified czar. As the New York Times remarks : The celebration marki the communist apotheosis of Stalin as all-around genius and demigod, in a manner alien to western thought and feeling. Already hailed by the head of the sub jugated Russian Orthodox church as the leader who is piloting Russia "along the ancient, sanctified road of power, greatness and glory," Stalin is now being celebrated as the "father and teacher, the eagle's glory of the centuries" as the "military genius of our time," the "theoretician and initiator of the trans formation of nature," the author of great vicorieir in all branches of the national economy, science and culture, the "coryphaeus of world science," the "inexhaustible source of creative inspira tion in all the arts," the "inspired leader of the world proletar iat" and the "genius-creator of the friendship of the Soviet peoples," before whom the world bows down (or should). Of course all this has nothing to do with communism except as a means to an end, but a recrudescence of the "little father" oriental concept of the czars and their tyranny which deifies its rulers and forces their subjects to seek safety in flattery, servicity and sycophancy "to blend the pregnant hinges of the knee where thrift may follow fawning." lish bull terrier pup for worms not try, Poker Game Proves Costly San Pedro, Calif., Dec. 20 VP) You never know what a friendly little poker game may lead to. George Waters told police yesterday that: He won $1,600 from one Frank Billings in an impromtpu poker session. Billings paid him with a $2,400 check, for which Waters forked over $400 in cash and a $400 check. But Billings' check bounced. Waters went looking for Billings, found him on a street and asked what he was going to do about the check. Said Billings: "Why, there's nothing wrong with that check. Lemme borrow your car and I'll go to the bank right now and get your money." Reported Waters to police: He'd now like to find his $400, the $400 check, his new automobile and Billings. POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER one of its bookkeepers just as Chicapn carefully retained them and (Copyright 194s) turned them over to the treas- BP.f . . ury. As a result the case was OPEN FORUM considered ironclad. Communist Leader Mao Tze- umental task of providing the sinews of life for approximately one-fourth of the world's popu lation. These millions are scat tered over a land which is one third greater than continental United States; a vast area that has been impoverished by long years of war. . Many parts of China are hun gry and ill equipped to meet the winds of winter. And the Chi nese, like tlie rest of humanity, think with their bellies when Tung now is faced with the mon- hunger overtakes them. The Chinese communists have led the horse to water, and now have to make it drink. They realize what they are Set of 'Do's' for Babv-Sittina The agent who first handled mis case was iranK w. uotm, . ,."":u" ' ,' S ... . J (h,h"t up against, for the Red new Chi- cnier 01 intelligence ior tne "'w"5 "cw.ihow " - na news aeencv in a HUratph sas City district. He recommend- was worth printing for the benefit of others in Salem, like my- rom a lspatn" ed criminal prosecution and sent self, who may not have seen just this concise set of "do s con- communis re , sedous ecQ. trie case on to mute oenzer, ,6. 1 " " """" nomic and financial difficulties. cniei 01 tne penal Division 01 ""j ouuu, u u vm . ,u the Kansas City office. give this letter space in your But while the case was still daily, pending in Kansas City, Daniel These instructions on "What Bolich, deputy commissioner of to do in case of fire" came from internal revenue in Washington, the welfare division of the State requested a conference at Okla- of Minnesota, homa City. This was held, and Bolich. for reasons best known or tne oaDy-sitter. d. the fire department tele- s mes quoted General phone number Ma0 as sa '"S: e. where the nearest neigh- 'ur situation can be gener bor is alized as follows: There are dif- f. where the parents can be Acuities, but there are ways and reached means, and there is hope." (2) Forbid smoking or han- Fred Hampson, veteran AP dling of fire or doing any un- correspondent in China, reports: City Life Doesn't Interest King of Jr. Vegetable Growers By HAL BOYLE New York W) When the good earth will pay a fellow $10 an hour, should he leave the farm for a career in the city? The new king of the nation's junior vegetable growers has de cided there is only one answer to that one: "I'm staying on the farm." Passing the 50,000 Mark Salem is feeling quite chesty over the prospects of the census figure return expected next year. All estimates have suggested the population count should show over 50, 000 persons in the city. That would put Salem in the met ropolitan center class. Besides indicating that Salem will have entered the medium-sized city category, what would the 50,000 figure mean otherwise? With a population of that extent, Salem will assume the responsibilities that go with size. Ihe city has experienced an almost steady, vigorous holds no atlrac growth since the first of the century. Only during the lions for 20 depression years did Salem show but a small percent age year-old Russel increase. But there comes a time when an expanding L- Sears, Jr., of population more than uses up the tacilities and program of -""iiiiin g i o n, the basic community. That is the time when the prcvi- Mass- wl, was ously-considered plans for the city have reached their 3of the n" limit in scope, under the circumstances. It is then that (jonai j u n adjustments take place. Vegetable t'or instance, in the case or the downtown business Growers' asso section, the effect is obvious now, regardless of what the ciation in Wash census takers find out next year. The city's population ing ton last has increased to the point where parking facilities and week. traffic control as heretofore practiced are inadequate. He won the $500 first prize the soil by checking erosion. lhat is why the RaldoCk traffic plan was essential not only by raising and marketing $1,300 to the downiown section but to the entire metropolitan worth of vegetables on a two- times you can gross $10,000 or who expertly handled the in City life KT.nuawM ferred to Washington When the case reached Wash ington, a conference was held on Bolich's office, at which General Counsel Charles Oli phant was not represented. This is highly unusual. For, ordinar- our freezer and about 300 jars of i'y, a criminal case must go to canned vegetables." the hl counsel's office for dis- . . . posal. It does not go to the of- . , ., , fice of a deputy commissioner. His father wants him to take However, Bolich ordered it to over the family farm in time, his office, and although the gen and the youth has agreed. He is eral counsel was not represent already employing scientific ed- ,he defaulting oil company farming techniques learned in was "presented by Benjamin school. Saun, dors of the law firm of Charley Hamel. I had to twist dad s arm a Hamel, former head of the little at first," he grinned, "but board of tax appeals, and for now he's all for them. mcrlv in the internal revenue "We've airphotoed the farm bureau, is a republican who to find the best way to conserve sometimes has been retained by leading democrats suffering By keeping up with the from tax troubles. It was Hamel to himself, came all the way to t1' 1,81 811 children out iirsi necessary cooking. "Inflation is rampant again, Oklahoma from Washington to oeiore aoing anyining eise. (3) prepare the heating sys- Price controls have broken participate in the conference. 2 Call the fire department, tern so that the sitter need not down. Discontent is widespread Lohn and Seltzer, who also, par- 3 Don't let children try touch it; otherwise give instruc- in both cities and countryside, ticipated, informed him that the to rescue toys, pets, clothing, or jions on how to tend it safely. Unemployment is at dangerously Mid-Continent case was fraud other property. (4) Remind sitter not to step high levels. Taxes are high and and should be prosecuted. For the parents: outside an automatically lock- getting higher. There are re- Despite this, Commissioner (1) Carefully instruct sitter ing door. ports already of food shortages Bolich ordered the investigation what to do in an emergency in- (5) Provide sitter with a in some districts. There still is stopped and had the case trans- eluding: flashlight. enough food in the cities." a. how many children and where they are sleeping b. where the exits are c. where the phone is MRS. R. R. BOARDMAN, Hampson says that 60 to 90 Chairman Public Safety percent of the Chinese he has Section, Education Dept. Polled who were opposed to Salem Woman's Club and one-half acre plot. Several more 'r n a New England me-i!,x cases of Boss Frank Sewage disposa . is another case in po nt. Leaving aside thousand farm youth competed tTtte"? Tn' $5 ?00 -X or Ed Kelfv of Chicago, both w " ?,;. LTlCt!T " t0 dw.P0""' "i'1?- th? nVC!r' in ,ne cont,st' Pon.ored by the hing vou need to eat ex! during the Hoover administra c.ty still fmdf hat the increase in population taxes fac.h- A and p. Food stores- J ufrnm tl e tore " Hon. These indications of erowth ar accompanying expansion of the city At the noint. however, when the itonnlHtion rmssps the K0.000.mark. new vistas nf Pxnnnsinn and Hnvelnnmenr. will e"use"- '"P'a'" " cows-they just take up be open. Salem will need the vision and determination grTt"V lLZPZl Zl m "' 1,m; to meet the challenge of that future. This Hunter's Good Luck Turned Out to Be Bad Luck Bound Brook, N. J., Dec. 20 VP) John Wojnar is a crest fallen hunter today. Wojnar has been hunting deer in season for more than five years. This year he bagged a nine-point buck, and en tered it in the 21st annual buck deer contest run by Frank Efinger, owner of a Bound Brook sporting goods store. Wojnar brought his kill in first. The buck, along with eight others, was hung on a rack outside Efinger's store to await the judging. During the night thieves made off with Wojnar's buck. The hunter still was indisputably eligible for the prize for bringing in the first buck of the season. That's just the trouble the prize for the first deer is a free mounting of the head. Red Tape Ties Up Phone Call Ask inn About Water Shortaae & s a full-time inh. hut it Wi-iMv San Francisco, Dec. 20 (U.R) The San Francisco Chronicle complicated by the fact that the Generalissimo C h i a n e Kai- Shek's Kuominlang are opposed also to the communists. What is the significance of that? . Well I should say it fits in with our idea that the masses think with their bellies when times are hard. The Chinese masses aren't po litically conscious, but they are economically conscious. They gauge a government by what life gives them in the way of neces;- sities under that regime, and by the amount of taxation sad dled onto them. Political designations don't mean much. You can't eat 'em or build a fire with 'em to stave off the cold. That's a rough outline of the problem the victorious Reds have to solve. This in itself is -e typical of a routine, ,ix tool 200 ..,., Young Sears wants to get rid s'"" Bolich finally decided to wanted to find out about New York dtys bathless Friday so a civii war will continue in guer- y services and facilities. , Sc!,rS', " .120 ,P" md of the farm's herd of, 36 dairy let Mid-Continent off for S3.- reporter called the information desk at Grand Central station rilla form. e nnnulation naP tho 3umor Un,verslt' of Mas" cattle because "I don' care for 000.000-instead of $6,000,000 "This is San Francisco Chronicle calling, the reporter said. . . . Fate Carves Own Penalty New York, Dec, 20 (U.n Fate carved Its own penally for two confessed holdup men. During a Brooklyn holdup in November, 1947, George Del Toro, 21, was shot in the spine by a policeman. Pedro Hernandez, 31, was shot in the groin after a holdup of a taxirab driver In September, 1048. Yesterday, Kings county Judge Carmine J. Marasco held temporary court in a hospital prison ward where both men are paralysed from the bullet wounds, and will be confined to wheel chairs for life. The Judge told them: "I am convinced that no matter how severe my sentence might be, it could not compare to the punishment that is already yours. You are facing a living death. My sentence is the time yo have served here, lew m day." I00 recommencico. oy tne r-men. He . now t jju u.u8 ........ ...... -p.... uniang Kai-Shek has set up also decided against any appre- "This is a railroad station. licj(y department .1 his government on the big island ciaoie iraua penalty. we con 1 give uul .lu....o..u.. ot Formosa, and proposes to di- Only after this was decided like that." , Look, we don t want any in- t guemll activitics from did Bolich send the case to "We know it's a railroad sta- lat'" P "Uroad. there. He also w 11 malntahE General Counsel Oliphant with tion. What we want to know is We want "PP so far as possible, a blockade to and I worked it during vaca- the tourists summer f!itives p , n,ow r".u. drink?" prevent me Keels from getting o.u w. uil bnE til u.llir. WWUJ, HlUllg ..- . drop criminal prosecution. age. Did you shave iriday Deputy Commissioner Bolich "You'd better talk to our pub- work on his fathers 3U0-acre His chief crops will be Dota farm. toes, chickens and tourists. He "My father gave me a small plans to modernize the 23-room plot to encourage me," he said, old family farm house to attract tion and on week-ends home from the city, from college. "I don't want to live in a city "My big crop was potatoes. I myself," he smiled. "I've seen hired what help I needed, and a city. I don't like the pace. sacked and sold the crop myself "There is more independence to grocery stores. I put in only on a farm. It's easier to be 4S hours of my own time alto- your own boss. gether. and the profit figures out " And VQU know you can t at better than $10 an hour. a ,ot more thinf,s done on g farnli In addition he won $100 in because you don't have to change prizes at three local fairs. your clothes every time you turn "I also got 3,000 servings for around. You can waste a lot of our table from my garden," said time getting in and out of a Sears, "and 150 pint boxes for dress suit." outsirip Kitnnlipc K.r Wslur "Who did you say this was?" The Nationalist n.,r.m..i 1. Maybe the Letter Would Turn Up Wichita, Kans., Dec. 20 (U PJ Wichita postal clerks smiled to day as they sorted 400,000 pieces ot letter mail. Maybe that letter would turn up. The cause of the merriment was a note pushed through a letter slot yesterday. The note writer explained that she had mailed two Christmas cards In sealed envelopes, but had put two-cent stamps on the envelopes Instead of three-centers. The one-cent stamps were attached to the note. Would the postal workers please put them on the letters? 'The San Francisco Chronicle authoritatively stated to be in San Francisco. Did you have readv to make sweeping reforms a bath or shower today?" on Formosa to win American "We're not allowed to give economic and diplomatic assist out information like that. We ance in defending the island just give out train information." against Red attacks. .Should the "Well, you live in New York, communists succeed in capturing don't you?" this strategic island it would, of "Yes." course, solve many of their in-N "Where?" mediate difficulties. Y "Brooklyn. But I'd better Comes next spring, and we turn you over to the station shall know a lot more about the manager." future of China. V