Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Disabled Vet Counted $157
In Missing Wallet for Xmas
Somewhere In Salem today an unknown person is looking for
ward to Christmas with an extra ?157 in money or the equiva
lent of that sum in added luxuries.
And that amount of money could go a long way toward mak
ing it a merry Christmas for any Salem resident provided it
'had been honestly earned or
I had come as a legitimate gift.
But the $157 was found. It
was extracted from a wallet lost
near the Salem YMCA last
month. And that wallet con
tained a check for an additional
$20 which was worthless to its
But the tale of some person
who hasn't returned the wallet
isn't the full story.
If the finder wondered who
the Douglas D. Smalley was who
owned the billfold, he might be
interested in these facts:
Smalley is a 33-year-old vet
eran. He draws a total disabil
ity pension from the government
as the result of army service in
Germany. The cause of that dis
ability is tuberculosis, a dis
ease which, until only recently,
had hospitalized him.
His mother, in a letter to the
Capital Journal which followed
the insertion of a "lost" adver
tisement seeking the return of
the wallet, points out that her
boy was penniless all month.
She thanked the newspaper for
the sympathetic service she re
ceived from the advertising de
partment. Smalley, who lives at 445
Academy street with a sister,
has little hope of recovering his
lost property the money which
could have helped make a real
Christmas for him and his fam
ily. Sometimes, he must wonder,
and possibly hope, that some of
that "lost" money went for the
purchase of Christmas Seals.
Skill in Culinary
Line Brings Prizes
Unionvale Mrs. Clarence L.
Fowler of Unionvale received
a Christmas letter, card and clip
pine from her cousin, Mrs. Leota
Broadwell, Santa Barbara, Cal.,
who was awarded a $200 check
and an all-expense trip, accom
panied by her daughter, to New
York City. Mrs. Broadwell won
in a cooking contest. She also
will receive several valuable
gifts for her home kitchen. Mrs.
Broadwell and her husband visi
ted the Fowlers here In Au
gust 1937.
N Japanese Physicist Dr.
Fyukichi Sagane, professor of
' nuclear physics at Tokyo uni
versity, is shown on arrival in
San Francisco en route to Iowa
State college at Ames, la. Dr.
Sagane will teach for six
months at Iowa State and then
go to University of California
at Berkeley for study at the
radiation laboratory. (Acme
Golden Apples to Go
To Haver, Douglas
Hollywood, Dec. 20 VP) The
golden apples fall this year to
June Haver and Kirk Douglas.
The Hollywood Women's Press
club, which goes in for this sort
of thing annually, yesterday
tabbed Miss Haver and Douglas
as "most cooperative actress and
actor in Hollywood," They will
receive the Golden Apple award
tonight at a dinner.
At the other end of the limb,
Hedy LaMarr and Humphrey
Bogart were named most unco
operative. They get nothing
not even golden worms.
Neither was available for
" -S 4
t -"IK- t i 1 V ' ' "
Culture Interests Beauty Queen
Of Americas More Than Love
New York, Dec. 20 (UP.) The beauty queen of the Americas
said today that culture and an interesting social life were more
interesting to her than love.
"Love is strictly secondary, and so is money," said beauteous
Ana Maria Alvarez Chaldcron, heiress to a reported $32,000,000
fortune. She arrived here yes--
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1949 3
Guilty of Murder The Rev. George P. Hetenyi, town of
Amherst clergyman, leaves the Monroe county courthouse
at Rochester, N. Y,, after being pronounced guilty of the
second degree murder of his wife, Jean Gareis Hetenyi, 25.
Sheriff's deputy B. Haight is left. (AP Wirephoto)
Card Player Killed Trying
To Regain Losses With Gun
Lubbock, Tex., Dec. 20 U.R) A fast-shooting Lubbock man
said today that he killed an unlucky card game acquaintance
in self defense when the victim tried to regain his losses with
a gun. -
John Dayton Ritter, 43, signed a statement admitting he shot
Robert Stots Spence, 22, of Mor-1
ton, Tex., Saturday night.
terday from her home in Lima,
Peru, where she won the beauty
queen title for the western he
misphere. The 20-year-old brunette said
she would do some culture-cultivating
in Manhattan before
leaving for a six-month tour of
Europe with her family. She
said she planned to visit the mu
seums and hear plenty of mu
sic classics.
"Jazz and be-bop are mostly
for 15-year-olds," she said.
As for her other primary in
terest, social life, Miss Calderon
said she would cultivate that in
New York's night clubs. She
said her favorite dance steps
were the samba and rhumba.
"Love is just a complement as
far as I'm concerned," she said.
"I'm not even thinking of mar
rying, not at least until the
right man comes along. As fori
money, it's not important butl
it's no great handicap to a girl
these days."
Miss Calderon, whose 120
pounds are moulded into a
shapely five-feet four, said she
is not worried about running in
to any fortune-hunting men. She
said she already had met a few
when she attended college in
San Francisco, Calif., in 1946
and 1947.
"Peruvian boys aren't like
that," she said. "So I don't ex
pect American boys are either."
S. E. Mellon, the only other
witness to the shooting, told
Justice of the Peace C. E. Lynn
that Spence had left a card
game 10 minutes previously to
"get more money."
When he returned, Melton
said, Spence had a gun in his
"He told me to stick 'em up,
and demanded the money. I
told him it was in the other
room and I would have to get
it," Ritter said.
Ritter said he walked through
a hallway and returned with
gun instead of the money Spence
was demanding. Spence im
mediately fired at him, he said.
"J fired several times three,
I think," Ritter's statement said.
Spence died seconds after the
shooting. Two bullets were in
his body.
Ballet Beauties Get Thanks
) Of Britain for Earning Dollars
' London, Dec. 20 W Britain's austere chancellor of the ex
chequer, Sir Stafford Cripps, welcomed home the triumphant
Salder'i Wells Ballet beauties last week and thanked them for
11 the pretty pirouettes they had turned into good U. S. dollars.
Cripps spoke at a party held for them at the Covent Garden
opera house, after their returr.'
from a successful tour in the
United States and Canada.
"Some people might imagine
our American cousins are only
interested in the almighty dol
lar," he remarked. "I know they
can be most discriminating and
enthusiastic about other matters,
But Sir Stafford was not bash
ful about the estimated $75,000
the troupe earned in the U.S.
"What has also pleased me as
ballet lover is that the ballet
should have turned out to have,
amongst all its other excellent
qualities, that of a first-class dol
lar earner," he said.
"You have no idea what pride
it has aroused in the fastnesses
of the treasury chambers. They
are much more civilized than
you would ever guess."
David Webster, general ad
ministrator of the Covent Gar
den Trust which runs the ballet,
said the company might make
another tour to America next
"Requests to go back have
been received," Webster declar
ed, "and maybe we shall be do
ing this next year."
and with every
purchase of $49.50 g
or more we are giving
a 3 lb. 3 oz. FRUIT CAKE
lL ' ' ' . . k jail
Franzen Not
To Quit at 65
City Manager J. L. Franzen
will not retire from the public
service at the age of 65.
The state public employes re
tirement board informed the
city Monday that he will be per
mitted to serve beyond retire
ment age, and Franzen said he
"hadn't given a thought to quit
ting." Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom re
quested the board to permit both
Franzen and Mrs. Myrtle A.
Hobson, bookmender a' the city
library, to remain in the service
of the city after age of retire
ment, and declared it would be
extremely difficult to replace
Franzen became Salem city
manager January 1, 1947, after
serving in the same capacity in
Oregon City for 21 years. Mrs.
Hobson has been in her present
position for three years.
Loses Fight Valentina I.
Gardner, (above), 28, wife of
Henry F. Gardner, an ex-GI,
has been denied entry to the
U. S. for a second time. An
immigration board of inquiry
voted to exclude the Russian
war bride who has been in de
tention in San Francisco, for
past 13 months. Her attorney,
Ernest Besig, said he would
carry decision to a higher
board of inquiry or into a fed
eral court. (AP Wirephoto)
Grandson of Marx Dies
Paris, Dec. 20 (P) Marcel
Longuet, 72, grandson of the
prophet of socialism and com
munism, Karl Marx, died yes
terday. A parliamentary report
er for the French National radio,
he was a left-wing socialist but
not sympathetic with the French
communist party.
Pupils at Jefferson
Presenting Program
Jefferson The Jefferson
grade school program will be
presented in the school gymnas.
ium Wednesday night with a
prelude of Christmas carols bv
the bands directed by C. R.
Watts. The program starts at
8 o'clock. Treats will be dis
tributed by the Jefferson PTA.
Program numbers include sel
ections by the rhythm band of
the first and second grades d
reeled by Mrs. Irvine Wright
and Mrs. Russell Daulton; num
ber by the third grade, directed
by Miss Evelyn Hill; carols by
the fourth grade tonette band
led by Watts; number by the
fifth grade, directed by Mrs
Ethel. Culvin and a play with
out words by pupils of the sixth,
seventh and eighth grades di
rected by Watts and Mrs. Ida
Becker and a vocal duet, Myrna
and Janice Page.
The girls' chorus of the high
rchool, directed by Watts, will
appear in intermission numbers.
Nations Given Study
Willamina A meeting of
the study group of the Willam
ina Civic club was held recently,
when the commissions of the
United Nations were formed in
to groups which will form the
theme of study for the group for
the next several months. The
flags of each country in the U.N.
on a globe made an effective dis
play on the president's desk.
One new member, Mrs. Delma
Block, joined the group.
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