grl-u v -'lyoHi 'What's Going on Here?' Maureen and Jimmy Radigan, 2V4 years and four months old, respectively, double up for their bath at their home in Elmhurst, N. Y., as the water saving campaign hits high gear in New York state. Maureen keeps her composure, but Jimmy, not used to having ladies in the tub, wants to know, "What's going on here?" Their water-conscious mom, Mrs. Dorothy Radigan, shows no sign of letting up on scrubbing. (Acme Telephoto) Four Corners Homes Opened - y i iwiiuuy jcuauii t-Vera I a TTnup Pnrnnfe Ton On ...... ru!i ji - " .u xviatiy ijic-iuiaimaa suciai aiiairs are being held. Mrs. John Emmons was hostess to the North Elma Sewing club. At one o'clock a three-course luncheon featuring German dishes was served with a social hour following. Mrs. Victor Loucks was a guest. Members were Mrs. Henry Dillard, Mrs. J. B. Harrelson, Mrs. Er- vin Pankratz, Mrs. C. O. Gilm- 18-Year-Old Girl Found Hiding For Past Two Years in Attic Greenville, Tenn., Dec. 20 U. Authorities were mystified today over what made an apparently normal 18-year-old girl live for two years like a hermit in the dark, foul attic of her own home. Joyce Conduff was terrified when officers acting on an anonymous telephone tip founds her cowering behind the chim ney under the eaves in the filthy attic. They had to drag her from the garret. Below, in tne rest of the drab, one-story frame house, lived Joyce's father, stepmother, sis ter, two half-brothers and a half-sister. They said they knew she was in the attic and showed little concern. Ernie Conduff, 56, the girl's father and a milk company em ploye, said that "Joyce stayed in the attic because she didn't like her stepmother." But after questioning the girl at police headquarters, county officers said they thought there might be more to it than that "We're going to investigate and watch this case closely,' said Deputy Sheriff Fox Line- burger. "We will see first how things work out at the house. "I think there is something behind all of this that we don't know about." No charges were placed be cause Joyce's existence appeared to be by her own choice. - Police found Joyce Saturday night. She had slept on a few planks laid across the unfloored attic. Decaying orange and grapefruit littered the cubicle. She had used a paper bag for sanitation. The girl was badly under nourished and said she hadn't eaten a hot meal in two years. Her tousled, crudely-cropped brunette hair was matted. She wore blue dungarees and a blouse "so tight it looked like she had grown into them," po lice said. Joyce sobbed continuously at police headquarters and stared at the floor. The bright lights hurt her eyes and appeared to stun her. Police took her home again after they had questioned her, and she spent Saturday night sleeping on the floor, Portland's City Budget Faces Cut Portland, Ore., Dec. 20 (U.R). Finance Commissioner Ormandl R. Bean today said he will ask the city council to cut all de partments 10 per cent to save taxpayers an estimated $543,000 in the face of a budget deficit. Bean said the cuts should be made "across the board" if the city is to end the fiscal year with black ink. He said predicted revenue from license foes would be short about $1,000,000 and if his pro posed budget cut is delayed until March, a 14 per cent re duction would be necessary then. Divorce Suit Reinstated Los Angeles, Dec. 20 VP) Gloria De Haven, wife of actor Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1949 19 John Payne, says their trial rec onciliation has not worked out. She has reinstated her divorce suit. & Tha r-i mica r4 Din mnnri c scientific lighting Floor Lamps ing, Mrs. Cecil Snook. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales featured a holiday party with tree and gift exchange for the Krazy Kard Klub. Decorations were in keeping with the sea son. Pinochle was in play with honors going to Mrs. Chrisman and Jess Mcllnay. Others pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cable, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Os born, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker, Ross Chrisman and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay. The Friendly Neighbors club held its Christmas meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shrake as hosts. Pinochle was in play and late refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sunder lin, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McLain, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gilming, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Shrake. Honors went to Mrs. Sunderlin and Harold Snook. The Four Corners Baptist church Sunday school will hold Its Christmas program Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'clock. All persons interested are welcome. Bill Walker, J. D. Rickman and Allen Bachelor went ski ing Saturday on Mount Hood with the Leslie Junior Hi Y group. Mr. and Mrs. William Bales have as their house guest tnrougn the holidays Mrs. Bales' mother, Mrs. Gaines Hampton of Barryville, Ark. Mrs. Hamp ton will also visit her twin sis ter and family while here, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis on North Lancaster drive. Asa Nomer Elected Mayor Scotts Mills, Dec. 20 Asa No mer was elected mayor at the city election Monday. He was unopposed and succeeds E. W. Coulson who was not a candidate for le-election. Others elected also without opposition, were A, J. Ettlin, recorder: Mrs. Ray mond Kellis, treasurer: Arthur Rich, Oren Main, Walter Miles and E. A. Doolittle, councilmen. It started with this Pi fjr"' I Petri 1 nil cM.'f0RH,k 1 ' '-1'Sauterne 1 It went over big with this ! Petri Any turkey dinner Is bound to be more festive when you icrve fine wine like Petri Wine. Enjoy its richer, more satisfying tiite the result of three generation! of wine-making skill! PETRI WINE CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. A J U 4 1 1 v(X, . y y m i w i 1 ?m ? f Shown ' jffR- C 29.95 5 x , Like true love, the sparkle of a diamond endures for ever. Come in today and see our wonderful values in enduring gifts for her , , for him. MASTER t&e&e 'pcaCuict Gorge out Styling Six-war 3 c sad It Scientific Lighting Original Shade designs created to match each base. Wide range of styles and finishes, includ ing matching double swing bridge lamps ... all at exception ally interesting prices. Otoe w ALL ARE THE GENUINE HAMILTON Furniture Co. 230 Chemeketa Open Nights 'Til Christmas Time to Buy that Give a diamond and you give someone a memorable Christmas! Come in today and select your diamond gift while our stocks are most plentiful. A small de posit holds your gift, and weekly pay ments can be extended into next year at no extra cost! Open Every Night 'til Chrlstmai 390 STATE PHONE 4-2223 Mull Order. HIM ... We DeHvn- . . . Trimij Term.. No F.xtr Chirf BARGAINS ON PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR j SPECIALI WOMEN'S HATS All the latest styles in the most popular wo men's hats. This is one of Penney s biggest millinery events of the year don't miss these values. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 2-3 WOMEN'S CHENILLE ROBES Thickly-tufted, luxurious chenille In those lovely pastel shades that are so much in demand now. Flowered patterns all sizes. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 4.98 SPECIAL GROUP - WOMEN'S DRESSES Here is an amazing group of better-quality dresses for your Christmas shopping con venience. All styles, sizes. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR Women's All-Woo I Flannel Robes Lovely shades of red, blue, wine. With pip ing on collar, cuffs, pocket. Tasselled full belt. Sizes 12 to 20, $8.90. Extra sizes, $9.90. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR g9o & g IMPORTED CASHMERE SWEATERS Either , ie soft, luxurious imported Chinese cashmere or pure angora wool, is a top sweater value Small, medium, and large in slipover styles. Lovely shades. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S CORUROY JACKETS Here is a value that ought not to be missed! Stylish, smart corduroy in the popular boxy styles! Beautiful shades, too. Most sizes. Hurry! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 388 WOMEN'S BETTER SKIRTS Fashion-right styles at a little budget price! Smart hut'on treatments. Crease-resistant fabrics that you'll really appreciate. Sizes 24 to 30. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 2.99 REDUCED PRICES WOMEN'S SUITS Two hin frm me 4nr ni ir fl-ii-icf rwne rJoiei iro From Penney's higher-priced lines Every ft n J mar one a bargain and a saving for you. Hurry! in Women's Winter IN V VI ITS' ALL BRANS 3E ALL THE MOST WANTED STYLES TWO VALUE-PACKED GROUPS! GROUP 1 All-wool coverts deep tones of wine, forest green,' grey, black all big bar gains. Most sizes, but hurryl GROUP II All wool gabar dines, sharkskins; every one drastic ally reduced! These coats are limited In quantity, so come in tonight for yours! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 17 WOMEN'S RAINCOATS Heavy rayon satin and fine cotton gab ardine raincoats in this group! Worth much more! Belted and hooded styles. See these! 88 & 9 88 PENNEY'S 8ECOND FLOOR PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 5 ! M BARGAINS ON PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON PENNEY'S SECOND ELOOR WOMEN'S SHORT COATS The smartest styles we have seen all wool coverts and in the new longer length. Savings-priced. 14 75 TWO GROUPS! GIRL'S COATS Warmly lined and interlined girls' coats in this group. Some reversible coat values. Every one a bargain! Two big groups! See these! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 7.88 13.88 GIRL'S CARDIGAN SWEATERS So soft and warm and in a selection of sev eral of the most wanted shades. The cardi gan styles that are tops in casual wear this year. 8 to 16. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 2.98 TEEN-AGE GIRL'S SLIP SPECIAL Sizes lu to 16. Special in girls' fine quality cotton slips. Fine, practical gift items! Also pretty, lace-trimmed slips in sizes 6 to 14. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 98c GIRL'S RAYON PANTIES-VALUES! Sleek, sheer, and so dainty. Small, medium, and large sizes in a wide selection of lovely shades. Elastic waist-leg bands. See these! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR TODDLER'S SNOWSUITS- Two Groups 5.88 7.88 Two groups of higher priced Snow suits. Re duced to clear. Not all sizes in every style Hurry! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR TODDLER'S CHENILLE ROBES Pin-poi-t cotton chenille robes made just like a grown-up's with colored borders and spiced with toy animals. In pastels. 1-3. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR TODDLER'S SWEATER VALUES! Toddler's sweaters in the popular cardigan styles. Styled with knit bottoms and collars. In a variety of lovely pastel shades. Hurry! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS ON PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 4