418 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1949 -momIVt1, K.gRI'mHKE v;are BUTirWr WASTE time with ) I 0, " Jea RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. III i it (Chapter i4 THE THUNDEKBIKDg Santa, Mr. Dllly ana Henry sat on the magic rope in the middle ol the sky and wondered what to dc next. "There are only three more days until Christmas," said Santa. "II we cannot win Santa Land back from the Wiggle Waggles very quick ly there just won't be any Christ mas.' "Nor any Easter," said Henry "Nor Hallowe'en. Because the Eas ter Rabbit and the Hallowe'en witches are gum drops! Just then there was a crashing sound and three great big black biros swooped out ot the clouds They flew round and round thun dering furious noLses. Henry ducked his head behind tsania ana put his lingers in his ears. ' Are tnose wiggle waggiesv he cried. "No," shouted Santa. He had to shout above the noise. "These are Thunderbirds. They carry storms to the earth. They are friends of mine." "If they are friends," suggested Mr. ijiny in a shout. "Do you sup' fiose you could ask them to be a lttle quieter. I can't think with all this noise." Before Santa could reply the Thunderbirds recognized Santa and stopped their noi.se without being asked. "What in the world are you ooing up nere in the sky?" they asked in surprise. Santa told them the sad story of how the Wiggle Waggles had come to the party and caused all their friends to be turned Into gum drops even Mrs. Claus and Serena. "There's nothing I can do until I can get back my wand," finished Santa. "This is dreadful!" moaned the Thunderbirds. "Would It help if we made a big storm In Santa Land? Of course all we can do is thunder but we can thunder aw fully loud." "Let us try it," said Santa. "Per haps we can scare them off. Could you carry us on your backs?" Yes, Indeed. The Thunderbirds are strong as well as loud. It was no trouble to them to carry Santa Mr. Dilly and Henry astride their backs. When all were aboard Mr Dllly rolled up his magic rope and put It in his pocket. Then down swooped the three Thunderbirds and their passengers straight to Santa Land. The Wiggle Waggles looked up hi i.eiiur wnen uiey neard the rumbling, crashing, reverberatino thunder rolling down upon them. They ran In circles looking for cover from the storm. After a while they discovered there was no real storm, only thun der. But thunder so awful that it Beemed the whole sky must be breaking up and ready to fall on their hearts. "Do something!" screamed the frightened Wiggle Waggles to their leader. "What can I do?" roared Zczop. "Do you think I can roll up the thunder and put It In mv pocket?" "You have a magic wand," scream ed Humphrey. "Put a curse on the Bky." "Not with Santa's wand." retorted ..Jezop. "it works only for good " 'Then he thought, if Santa's wand an do good things it can certainly top a storm. "I'll trv it anyway." So he pulled out the wand and wild, "Let there be a rainbow!" " Scarcely had he finished speaking Jfhen a rainbow actually arched across the sky. The Thunderbirds rooming over the land suddenly lost Jhelr thunderous voices. 5 "We must fly away," groaned the iJhunderbirds. "When a rainbow (pmes we must leave." l"Dron us off first." snM Knntn wThe giant birds, quiet now, darted low Denind Santa's cottage and wmwm on rneir passengers, i. now,' said Santa. "We mint. figure out a way to get close to the .wiggie wnggics without their see. jiig us. mars tne only way we u"We need a smoke screen," said em.y. At once Mr nniv hjr.n i flng boxes and bottles from his pocKeus. a smoke screen Is t ta.y ,-, Uie rope hick lor a nine Wan, he smiled. He opened Ills )iaus nmi oomra ann dumped the! ymiviua mm nis nat. Jiem ana stirred tnem and blew on them and whispered strange words to them. In a few moments a wisp of moke sprang from the mixture. It grew stronger and thicker each second until there was a dense white cloud. "Surely you are the world's finest magician," gasped Santa. "If only I could get a rabbit from my hat," Mr. Dilly reminded Santa lor the twentieth time as the three of them wrapped themselves in the smoke screen and started off for the Wiggle Waggles. Next: Santa Is Caught Christening Rirua Held at Mt. Angel Mt. Angel William Joseph, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frey was baptized at St. Mary's church with the Rev. Damian Jentges officiating. Sponsors wore Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kohlus of Humphrey, Neb., who are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frey. Open house was held af ter the christening ceremony at the home of the infant's uncle and aunt, the Edward Schacch ers. The Richard Frey family re cently moved to Albany to reside. Cahi p 0 r6858 NMEnEWrTEWkT'W'r'S W 'FRfilD I'VE GOT ToH IT WONT BB D F ' REfiUY HM-M...WELL, WE'LL BOOrT B but SHE'S HfiD LOTS5"p f CHILDREN M I o INtoTpStTY TOO rf.r H 8 5i?rT!5! B I R EXPEWENCE-EXCELLENT f LIKE HER M I uSST H5E ."SPSS?" U r uuv-.uK-oui n m,wr-i found cook-housekeeper- I clreodv- m I here annie- whebe to bS-in- fi .' E H p lgTw- nurseI lli'l I. ' Jrl$??nt?JSi fT AM T"""I 1 WAVE MV PAPER. fOH.JUWIORJ -AMDTMEMODELTOWM Tj ib ML 11 i T VCAMETOMELPwe IJ STOMPEQ-I KMOWj J ALL PLAUNED,BUT-t vbo'RE I MUST HAVE PARKIMG METERS HHa iTn .ji-l ' Kffl?F--f J l MV, H0ME" RSKK nothims about cSMJ voocan USE ITAMD )DARLIMG NUMERCXJS PLAYGROUNDS AklD I 4ll I I ' P rMSSSI I Wl Ml (r3ilH i OWE y dMOT) jMin ' MUST BE DOKJE AWAV r iif"S) f4 (-" HIM MP A BOLT O' UGHTNIIS.'T -AN' SO, AH V2T ' HAPPeNEDrf. RELIEVE VORE EMOSHI1WS ' f --rr W -rr- -H I t! DO C-f5Sd tC0)) BU" "I", A LANDSLIPS.?- -AO', LI'L WiliPOlt ( KtOMV-;'- IT'S ALL DREED ?N0t with Santa, wand." retorted K t SS ? t&Sgg ) Patterns rcaily to fill orders im- JaSKV' ' mediately. For speciui hundling of x ,C' C" u v WWW I If ! 1 - i rallies we milfiC IORVe vm mm ui.itij. llliUI inciUtlC -MMBMnMiiMiijj,,, MMMmMKMaiaao: Mm J V. ! : i 1 - M V i t "nrnrv hl- nft ft....!- n ..u Iin extrn fin npr niitiWn " " . rttaaM" uieinuLTH oi me mmuy irom tiny T 1'ZL , .rT.ZTn "-"'L KW wuunrLincn imkv r y i s IT thatwulwbe f COMPLIMENTS : i " J""""" f 1,7"" " ' ' I i ir s esiSv u wwwut v ui iv-iruinwi ir.y mncr ; , KllKl mt.K.KPN mntlll'O ntiH In rrro.cl! I Vi uJt jlJ Dl IAACkItAOWW A M It f I IkIMO. (kitCLt-A rtv I fcS&XW I A QC . 1 vT womenv JTOt taclud7W'.ALi: " T rl I Vl '"""waiMWARV) V -yi NO, TO J every home sewer. Price "per copy WBB '3L uM a7 iT' DM& W'T iJ!f7 T--!. Ustato .l desired E 1 l Flfc7 TO H 1 RBfcS . CSSJJi dumped Miolrl Address CapllalJournal. 214 Mis- F Kfffmm aFTiW Biiliiiili lull WffTftH 9 H' JK fflfCHI I jR2883 pramp ! ! J H To ol),n pnuern. send 20c . " " ISTIJOXA vour'nanfe 5ddVcPiVdlU.mmr BACK TO HAIRPIN HAU.T WOT W ICEN5E IN ' THI5 14 AN IMPRE55Tvt Ek Avt , m C WAIT, DARLING! t HAD A, ) SS I rS . Vlf j our na,,,e, ndd.ess nnd r.onc nuin- HANNIBAL! LET'S PICK UP IU ri?? OOCUMENTl--ANDA FINE FfS JI'mottfn TOF SUDDEN UP6URSL OF SANITY! JJr l A Clf I b" 10 Pc!tKy RObPr,i CPltn' J""-" MM. WORTH AND SOME ??t?J, JAJ,E BUSINESS WOMAN I TURNED .Fpo oVl MMAN MARTY!- .DON'T YOU SEE?- IT J Sn" ' V t . KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C3 020 NBC 70 CBS 1190 ABC 1390 MBC 1490 Kc "ff 5-00 The 8 of lit Feito ire's lory- Grien Hornet Siralsht Arrow Bund of Day 5'15 New J.iltlc Show Grten Hornet Straight Arrow Band of Day W0 ' Fanny BHct New Sky Klnr B-Bar-B Ranch B.ns Crosb.i 5:45 Fanny Brice News Sky Klnr B-Hnr-B Ranrsh Bugnes Ncwi I icWm Dop Hope uTe Wlth Lulcl Firefichteri Gabriel Heater Candlel'r ft siu ! 6-15 Bop Hope Lite With Ulid Home Edition Northw'st News Cnndlel't A Sll. I fi:3n Mcfiee A Molly Meditation Mod. Romances Tello Tea News 6:45 McCcc tt Molly It'i My Belief Mod. Romancei Serenade Twlllrht Sony I 700 Maisle Hit the Jarkpol Counterepy Drama of Med. I'at O'Brien ! 7'lSMalsle Hit the Jackpot Counlerspr Songa of Times Musical J'ckpot 7:30 l'ea are Funny Escape Solo A Bolllo. Riders In Sky Evelyn Knlrbt 1 7:45 Peo. are Funny Escape Solo Si Bolllo. nidcra In Sky Mldcourt irVOO Sinatra, kTrstT UThnniai Defense Time Count M. Cristo Track 1490 8:15 Xewa of World lack Smith Defense Time Connt M Carlo Track 1400 8:30 "avalcade Mr.. Mrs. North Town Meetina I-ean Back Track 14ftO 8:45 SaTalcadt Mr., Mrs. North Town Mcetlnr Trio Track 14!K) 9:00 Ronald Colem'n Mystery Thea. Town Meeting Glen Hardy Track 1490 0:15 !onald Colem'n Mystery Thea. Town Meetlnr McKay Speaka Track 1490 9:30 Blr Town Beulah News Favorite Story Newa 9:45 Bir Town Club IB We Care Favorite Story Army Greetlnji loToO Sam Hayes 1-Rtar Filial Richfield Reptr Fulton Lewla Nlrht Rons 10:15 Mort. Downey You A World Intermenso Sel. Loe. News Nlfht Sonr 10:3(1 Sports Pare Alrflo Concert Hour News Mus. you Want 10:45 Dance Orch. Orchestra Concert Hrur Music Mus. you Want 11:00 Newa Serennde Concert nour I Love Mystery Noctnrne 111 :15 Wax Museum Or (ran Mnsle Concert Houi Here's To Vets Noctnrne 111:30 Wax Museum Treasury Band Metros John Wolohan Nocturne 11 :45 Wax Museum News Memos John Wolohan Nocturne l2:0QSkn Off 'silent lxtraliour (sign "off iSlgn Off WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 'lodge Podre News Farm Newt Morn. News 6:15 News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Music. Tlmk'pr. 6:30 "arm Tlrm KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Klock R;45 -arm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Hemmlngway KOCO Klock 7 :00 Early Bfrd KOIN Klock News News' Trx Rltter 7:15 ld Songs News Agronsky "'kfasi Gang KOCO Kloofc 7:30 News News Bob Haiten Rise A Shine News 7:45 'am Hayes Fred Beck Zcke Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock 8:00 Eddie Albert Cnnsutncr News Breakfast Club Barg Counter King's Crnsadra 8:15Kddir Albert News Breakfast Club Family Alter King's Crnsadrs 8:30 ack Rerrh Grand Slam Breakfast Club Kihle Institute West. Melodies 8:45 Sage Ririera Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Fiesta Time 9;00 eeond Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Northw'st News Time for Melod 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today's Stars '"uMr Memories Time (or Mel'dy 9:30 'loin et owners Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Pastor's Call Stars Slnr 9:45 Stwi Our Gal Sund'y AM Linkletter Walts Tme J. Ch. Thomas 10:00 Marriage forS Big Sister Sage Riders Glen Hardy N. W. News 10:15 '.ora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Mem'rable Mn. 10:30 lostess House Vg. Dr Malone My True Story Concert Tune Time 10:45 lostess House Guiding Light My True Story Russ Morgan KH Keys 11 :00 double or Noth. 2nd Mrs. Burt'n itetty Crocker Ladles First Musle Mart 11 ;15 Double nr Noth. Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladies First Musle Mart H:30T'day's Chlldon Norah Drake N'westerne rs Queen for Day Ian Garber 11:45 Mght of World Brighter Day N'westernerg Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Daukhage Top Trades Hollyw'd Mnsle 12:15 Road of Life Come A Get It News News Hollyw'd Musle 12:30 Pepper .tins Bright A Light Jack Norman Gay 90'i News 12:45 Happiness Art Baker Meet Menjous B. Eberly Show Dave Dennis 1:00 lackstage Wife Barny'd Follies Breakfast In Tell Neighbor Mae's Melodies" 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moor Hollywood Harvey Harding Mac's Melodies 1 :30 l.orenso Jones Garry Moore Kay West Organ Reveries Mac's Melodies 1:45 Wldder Brown Newspaper Kay West Bng Sln Mae's Melodies 2:00 Girl Marries Newspaper Jay Stewart Bob Foole Mae's Melodies ' 2:15 Por. Faces LifciSteve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mae's Melodies 2:30 fust Plain Bill Steve Alien Bride A Groom Musle for Wed. Mao's Melodies 2:45 Fr. Tnge Farrell Tunefully Yo'rs Bride A Groom Music for Wed Mac's Melodies 3:00 Welcome Trav. News Quick as Flash Hoedown Part Mao's Melodies 3:15 Welcome Trav Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash wn Party Mae's Melodies 3:30 tunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodies 3:45 '.ove A Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Suns Mae's Melodies 4:00 'Vnman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Santa's Letters Fulton Lewis Mo vie time 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Friendly 4:30 Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Cut Behind Story B can be Beanl. 4:45 Paula Stone Ed R. Murrow Cinnamon Bear News B oan be Beaut, lAA" Tuesday A.M. 6:00 Chtdren't IWMl Theatres 5:16, On the Up beat) 8:00, S50 Sports Club) 6:00. Newsi 8MB Organ i 6:30, 'Round the Campflrei 7:15, Evenlnr Farm Hour) 7:55, Basketball; 9:80, News and Weather! 9:45, Evening Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 650 KHAf Wednesday A. M. 10:00, Newa IWMV md Weatheri 10:15, Espec ially for Women i 11:00, Concert Halh 12:00, News 12:15, Noon Farm Honr; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboyi 1:15, Review of lfttfti 1:45, This Day; 8:00, Freedom to Grow; 2: HO, Memory Book of Music; 8:00, Newst :IB, Music of the Masters; 4:00, Oregon Reporter; 4:15, Kern and Sloop; 4:30, Homes on the Land; 4:45, Defense Report. Monmouth Students Are On Honor Roll Monmouth Students making the honor roll for the second six-week period at Monmouth high school are Margaret Aynes, Helen Smith, Wanda Nelson, Joanne k Edwards, Kay Wysong, John Peoples, Patsy Perkins, Elizabeth Gunn, Jo Ann Rogers, Frank Rosenstock, Arlene Jordan, Ethel Burns, Patsy Partridge, Karleen Evans and Loren Reid. Second honor roll students are Don Edwards, Roland Rog ers, Phyllis Partridge, Evelyn Cook, Gary Reid, Don Bennett Earl Gregg, Marcus Partlow, Joanne Davis, Joan McCoy and Margaret McGonegal. Students making better than a 3.5 grade point average are placed on the first honor roll while those making a grade point average of 3.1 to 3.5 in clusive are placed on the sec ond honor roll, provided they have no grade below a "B minus" and have no unexcused absences. ACROSS 1. Dock 6. Asiatic rmttvv 9. Everybody 12. Poker Btiiket 13. Prepare fur printing 14. Turmeric 15. Bargain 16. Annoyed 18. Go up 20. Dry 21. Regular 24. Philippine) 26. Domesticates 27. Declares 30. Hi eh mountain SI. Small island 33. Indian mul berry 84. Commands 36. Sour: French 38. To a place Inside 39. Be present at 40. Mountain where Moses; died 42, Diminishes 44. Persons addicted to controversy 46. Gaelic . 50. By way of 61. Grafted: heraldry 52. Wild animal 63. Femlnino name 64. Culture medium 65. Affectionate DOWN 1. Fill out needlessly trt-it - ii xaW WW 3d p 3 mi 33 34 35 ' 15" 3T 3a S3? 4 ti' ip 40 "7 W ilpnnlgl M AP Newifeature Solution of Yesterday's Puzzls 6. Lukewarm 6. Poemi 7. Malady 8. Siamese coin 9. Overdue debt 10. Sidelons; frlance 11. Put cargo aboard ft vessel 17. Princely Itallas family 19. Oppose 21. Dagger wound 22. Story 23. Living on land or In water 26. Landed property 27. Danish Island 28. Mountain lake 29. Wheelless vehicle 32. Packing 35. Son of Soth 37. Pronoun 39. Genus of geese 40. Russian river 41. The Emerald Isle 48. Recorded pro ceedings 46. Afternoon affair 47. River: Spanish 43. Descendant 4y. '.terminate ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern I MEAB. VOU CAME INTO A FAT W &SQ GREAT SCOTT'-" g? WAD OF WAMPUM, AND. AH, THIS B,' YOU ASK FOR. IT AS 3 IS TH' TIME OF YEAR WHEW A PJ CASUALLY AS A REQUEST ? GUY FINDS TH' SCRATCHING ( TO PASS THE SALT J V PRETTY SCANT I TOOK TH' V. . ' A COUNT ON ONE KNEE AFTER. ) ME ASKS FOR fSO S PAYING MY INCOME TAXSO .' THE EXPECTATION ; H WILL YOU LEND ME $SO TO OF GETTiNS 25, HELP GET MY BUT ILL LEND 4 V FOOTING OUT OF J Hlwfl5 .. V " r