Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1949
Gaekwar Has
Labor Trouble
Open Every Nite Until Christmas Eve
Bombay, India, Dec. 20 W)
The lavish - spending Gaekwar
. of Earoda is having labor
;. trouble in his palace. His 250
J( servants have organized a
. union and are striking for high
i! er pay.
The Gaekwar, whose state le
gislature once accused him of
squandering $10,000,000 in
six-week spree, returned from
Europe last week to find his
' servants out on strike. About
100 have been arrested.
j Saturday 4000 municipal
workers in Baroda, a city of
more than 100,000 people, also
. went on strike in support of the
.-, Gaekwar's servants. The city
was in darkness for an hour.
The Bombay government,
which now administers the state
., of Baroda for India, would like
. io Intervene, but can't under
the law. When the Gaekwar
turned his princely state and its
8,500,000 persons over to the
Dominion of India last May he
' i became a private citizen. His
' servant troubles are outside the
government's jurisdiction now.
' Legislative charges that the
: Gaekwar misused $10,000,000 in
; state funds were dropped and
he bowed to the legislature s de-
, mand last May that he cede his
state to the central Indian gov
Ul ernment.
? In the shakeup, however, the
,c Gaekwar kept his personal for
tune, most of It in jewels, and
" got a pension from the Indian
government. He also kept his
-Young Shoplifters
'Grabbed by Police
Portland, Ore., Dec. 20 (U.B
Roundup of a gang of alleged
'teen-age shoplifters was an
nounced by police Monday fol
lowing a "tipoff" by two girl
members of the group.
Boys and girls In the gang
ranged in ages from 14 to 18,
police said.
The two girls told officers the
gang had stolen a number of
cars for joyrides and had en
gaged in shoplifting tours down
town. The girls said they had
orders to steal hand-painted silk
neckties, which they were told
J they could sell to their boy
4 friends $2.50 each. The girls
said their friends were to sell
I the ties for $5 each,
s Shopping bags full of costume
" Jewelry, women's clothing and
other objects were turned over
to police by the girls.
Wednesday Afternoon
Will Start Vacation
Albany Albany schools will
be dismissed Wednesday at 3:30
o'clock, to resume Tuesday,
January S, it was announced
Thursday by City School Super
intendent I. R. Halseth.
Resumption of classwork
. Tuesday instead of Monday, Jan
, uary 2, is due, the superintend
t nt explained, to the fact that
January 2 is a legal holiday.
r Acoused of Batter Stealing
L Oakland, Calif., Dec. 20 "
An 88-year-old partially deaf
; and blind widow was bailed out
, of jail Monday by her son after
f spending four days in a cell be
cause she was assused of steal
ing half a pound of butter.
Minister Praises
Kaiser Service
Kev. h. T. Anderson
"Our Impressions at Willow
Run were glimpses of great
output, mechanical efficien
cy and outstanding courtesy,
which we shall not soon for
get. "It was real fun to come
ocross country in our new
Kaiser Deluxe Sedan. Its
performance and comfort
were without peer. We are
well pleased."
Over 400,000 bia stvlish
Kaisers and Frazers have
been sold. Hundreds of Ore
gon families enjoy their
comfort, safety, perform
ance and economy.
league Motor and
Implements Company
355 North Liberty
Salem, Oregon
177 north liberty
tor uour
7 rr,rn vriTr
What They Want to Wear!
Slippers for CHILDREN
A. Zipper Boot-Red
or blue corduroy.
Foamtred sole.
Sizes 6-3. $2.99
B. Boys' Opera
Brown elk leather
like dad's. Sizes
I -6.
(Men's .. $3.98) 83.45
C. Boys' Wool Plaid
Zipper front,
Foamtread sole.
Sizes 2-6.
(Men's .. $3.98) 8Vi-ll'2.
D. Bunny Bell Boot
Red or blue shear
ling. For infants,
sizes 2-8. $2.95
E. Z i p p e r Boot
Shearling collar,
Foamtread sole.
Red, blue. Sizes
2-6 S1.99
F. Child's Faust
Side - gore style.
Red or blue. Sizes
Warm and Washable
41 U.-V- tr'St"
49 R ?k4
A Gift to Win Her Warmest Thanks!
Quilted rayon satin in a luxurious robe . . . with a
snug bodice that dips to a smart fishtail back and
wide swirl of a skirt.
f A, t ' i
Cotton Quilt Robes 6.90
These robes should (and usual
ly do) sell for $7.95! High
lighted with a splash of bright
colored flowers, they fit to
flatter, wash beautifully In
blue, aqua, white sizes 14-20.
Cannon's All Wool
Robes, second floor
She wants a
Special For
A blanket you'll want to call your own, too, in
soft, pure wool. The big 72 x 84 size and in
dividually boxed for Christmas gifting. Rose,
blue, green or cedar.
Not Just a Shirt but . . .
Cannon's 3-Pc.
If h
Most popular of all Cannon
towels, the handsome jacquard
weave Pinwheel pattern. (Priced
individually: Bath towel, $1.00
Hand towel, 50c Wash cloth,
Domestics, downstair
She's really sold on the New Home sewing machine; After
visiting a number of sewing machine centers, and actually
sewing on the various machines herself, she found that
New Home offered her the greatest number of outstanding
features for easier and better sewing. Confidentially, she
has her eye on a lovely mahogany console that serves a
dual purpose as a lamp stand or end table, and as a
thoroughly dependable sewing machine.
Budget-wise or otherwisa buy her a XB&?tasc3t
f J& ' V (JTA I I
the Name ' heAsks for
He knows what he wants in a shirt so when picking his present
ask for "Arrow!" Then, come Christmas, watch his bright smile
compete with the tree lights! Arrow features four collar styles
Par-French Cuff, Dart, Arden, Drew in these impeccable, immacu
late white shirts. Sanforized. 31-36 sleeves, sizes W'i-M.
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