10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec, . 20, 1949 Catholic Holy Year Opens Saturday With Door Opening Vatican City. Dec. 20 W) Saturday on Christmas eve Pope Pius XII will open the holy door at St. Peter's basilica, starting the Catholic holy year. Through that door, during the 1950 holy year, will pass per haps the greatest pilgrimage in the holy year history of the Catholic church. m. & V Opening the Holy Door- -This is a picture of the 1925 ceremony by Pope Puis XI. Temple Assists Needy Families Silverton Home Temple No 21, Pythian Sisters met in regu lar session with M. E. C. Mrs. Victor Hadley presiding. A suc cessful rummage sale was re ported. Also told of was a needy family lo be remembered with a Christmas basket. Donations of food, fresh vegetables, fruits, or meats, toys for boys from 4 to 11 years of age, or other gifts are to fcp left at the Ralph Ad ams home, Fir.s-t and Main streets, not later than Thursday noon. Officers of the . lodge com plimented the most excellent chief, Mrs. Hadley, with a gift shower, Mrs. Helen Burrier, making the presentation and also expressing appreciation of the work done for the organization by the honor-guest during the past year. Mrs. Albert Grinde and Mrs Burrier were the entertainment committee personnel providing contest games. Mrs. Al Down, installing of ficer, is asking her team and all elective officers to be present Thursday, December 29, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Pythian hall for rehearsal. In stallation of the new officers will be at the January 5, meeting. To correct an unintentional er ror, the trustees are Mrs. Myrtle Eastman, Mrs. Emma Kaufman and Mrs. Mtirion Zahler. To serve on the social commit tee for the January 6 meeting are Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman, Mrs. Harry Kuch and Mrs. L. O. Had ley. Following the close of the " v ifj m ? j Basilica of St. Peter in Rome where many of the Holy Year cereinuiiiiils will be ceiiluieu. meeting in ritualistic order, re freshments were served by Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham, Mrs. Henriet ta Loe and Mrs. Lena Hamilton. The December officers' lunch- con and instructional meeting was held at the country home of the Victor Hadleys. During the social hour, secret pals of the year were revealed. Mrs. Had ley gave her assisting officers of the past year each a hand made organdy tea apron. Willamina The Community Chorus will begin rehearsals for 1950 on January 4 at 8 o'clock at the high school band room. The group is planning an Easter recital. Silverton Library Will Close Earlier Silverton At a meeting of the Silverton Public Library board presided over by Mrs. Glenn Briedwell, a motion was carried to close the library Saturday nights, December 24 and Janu ary 1 at 5 p. m. Usually the li brary is open until 9 p. m. Sat urday nights. The story hour which has been conducted in the library since early fall by the Silverton Jun ior Women's club declared a va cation until January 7 when It will resume again in the library at 1 p. m. The hour has proved very successful with around 20 youngsters in attendance. It is the 25th holy year re corded since Pope Boniface VIII announced the first jubilee in 1300. C Called by Pope Pius "year of the great return and the great pardon," the jubilee is expected to bring some 6,000,000 pilgrims from all over the world. Through radio and television its message and ancient ritual will be carried to millions more as never before in history. The year-long program of in tricate ceremonies and giant re ligious demonstrations includ ing 28 canonizations and beauti fications will increase the bur den on the frail shoulders of the pope, for ten years the spiritual leader of 400,000,000 Catholics. He will be 74 March 2, 1950. The church-communism strug gle for men's allegiance will be a dominant, if less apparent, factor of holy year. The cominform has declared a boycott on it. No reservations for attendance have been re ceived from iron curtain countries. 4 The silver hammer with which the pope will strike the holy door to open it is the gift of Catholic workers part of the 4,000,000 - member Catholic Action organization in Italy. Throughout the year the "cru sade of goodness", under the leadership of Jesuit Father Ric cardo Lombardi, will carry what he calls a "positive attack on Communism" through the gos pel and social reforms to many countries in the world. But for the vast majority of the millions who come to Rome for the holy year, the pilgrim age will be for prayer and visits to four patriarchal basilicas of the city to gain the full indul gence promised by the pope. Ten thousand pilgrims from some 20 countries will be here for the holy door ceremony on Christmas eve. Their numbers will increase steadily, probably reaching a peak of hundreds of thousands for Easter week, when the usually solemn and joyful ob servances will be intensified. For the holy door opening ceremony there will be repre sentatives from many countries of the world. The 73-year-old Queen Mother Elizabeth of Bel gium will be among the few hundreds including the world press, radio, and television broadcasters who will be given Say "MERRY CHRISTMAS' with GIFTS from OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL CHRISTMAS Sparkling! Gleaming! j DRESSES . 'W'i V r FOR THE HOLIDAYS mmw $12" y YM, Others $7.99 to $19.99 E I; Beautiful styles! TERRIFIC VALUES at the price. ' ''wf'A-Dressy styles and basic dresses, to meet every demand f ' vt v K ol tne bllsy noll(1"y smiinl season. Many trimmed S F rt' Vn'l''V wih sequins, bends or lnvi-shlv embroidered with me- 5 f fir-'V:t-' tallies. We advise early selection. ffc ft f THE GIFT SUPREME n 0UR NYL0NS s K l': I I ALL PERFECT s f ! V ti A FIRST QUALITY I 5 i Lf y i 15 Denier 51 Gauge I I J $119 I s J ReRular 51.65 Values W f. ! f f "' '''"'?,-'''',, ur n'lons are preferred be- 5 , V i, ..- '''' , , A cs use o( their luxurioun sheer- Vfi 5 r I ) -i- .if I nPSS aJUi their weai tUR qunl- v v. S ' 1' .1 ity. Try a few pairs today. W ? lJ- . -: v - J Clioose from our own exrlu- ? v w I OfjK OUR PRICES ARE LOWER! I r ' f Shop and Compare! IiMiiiiiiiiiitniiiimiiii.uKmnMiiii GIFT SUGGESTIONS BLOUSES $1.99 to $8.99 Rayon crepps and crisp cottons. Tailored, lace-trimmed. SKIRTS $1.99 to $7.99 Wools and rayons, solids and plaids. Many, many styles. SWEATERS $2.99 to $8.99 100 wools and 100 nylons. All colors. Wonderful values. places In the Vatican portico. But an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 mostly Romans who will throng St. Peter's great square will wait for the iirst note from the basilica's bronze bells to know that the holy door has been opened and the jubilee begun. At the same time that the holy door is opened by the pon tiff, three of his delegates Car dinals Eugene Tisserant, Cle mente Micara and Alessandro Verde will open holy doors at St. Mary Major, St. John La teran and St. Paul outside the walls. The ceremonies will be gin about 10 a.m., (4 a.m., EST) and end at about noon amidst the ringing of bells in Rome's nearly 500 churches. The culminating moment at St. Peter's will be when the pope, striking the marble cross in the center of the holy door tor the third time, intones Latin: "Open the gates, because the Lord is with us." The previously loosened door swings open and is carried away. The threshold is swept and washed with holy water. The pope prays briefly on the thresh old. Then, alone, he rises and en ters the basilica first of the millions who will pass through the holy door, symbol of Christ who said: "I am the door, who enters through Me shall be saved." To all who come lo Rome, confess their sins, receive com munion, visit the four patri archal basilicas and recite the required prayers, the pontiff has promised a full indulgence which according to Catholic teaching, is a pardon of temporal Gervais Lodges Install Officers Gervais Installation of offi cers of Gervais chapter No. 118, Order of the Eastern Star, was held jointly with Fidelity Lodge No. 54, A. F. & A. M., who served a. dinner preceding the ceremonies. Mrs. Ruth Evans will serve worthy matron and Oscar Evans, worthy patron; Mrs. Syl via Cummings, associate ma tron: Donald Cummings, associ ate patron; Mrs. Lucille Booster, secretary; Mrs. Pearl Stevens, treasurer; Mrs. Kathryn Mc Claughry, conductress; Mrs Florence Burr, associate con ductress; Mrs. Laura Ditmars, chaplain; Mrs. Florence White, marshal; Mrs. Florence Oddie. organist; Mrs. Ethel Russell, Adah; Mrs. Marjorie Van Cleave, Ruth; Mrs. Celia Mc- Claughrj Esther, Mrs. Dorothea Aspinwall. Martha, Mrs. June Varbel, Electa, Mrs. Luella Van Cleave, warder, and Fred Mc Claughry, sentinel. Mrs. Vera Harper, past ma tron of Gervais chapter, was in stalling officer and was assisted by Mrs. Merle Ramp, chaplain; Mrs. Adelaide Toomb, marshal, and Mrs. Evelyn Danielsen of Salem ehapter No. 182 al er- ganist. Mrs. Fern Foster, retiring ma tron, was presented a past ma trons jewel from the chapter and the presentation was made by her mother, Mrs. Lillie Wadsworth. Fidelity lodge No. 54, A. F. and A. M.( installation followed with the following: Robin A. White, worshipful master; El mer McClaughry, senior war den; Clyde Phillips, junior war den; Arthur Keene. treasurer; J. Pierre Aspinwall, secretary; W i 1 1 a r d McClaughry, senior deacon; Orren Sturgis, junior deacon; Jess Varbel, chaplain Fred McClaughry, marshal Donald Cummings, senior stew ard, and Oscar Evans, tyler. Ronald Jones, past master , of Fidelity lodge was installing of ficer and was assisted by Robert M. Harper as marshal. Presen tation of the past masters jewel was also made by Mr. Jones to Oscar Evans, retiring worship ful master. punishment due lo sin, which otherwise the soul must expiate in purgatory before it may enter heaven. CERTIFIED STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE JORY PACKING CO. 945 S. Commercial St. 3-4590 Salem, Ore. Ph, !''t'tiiicitiii!iinirait'tnniinniaianmta!WnnminnKnnnini'X S OPEN NIGHTS 'TIL i i i 9:00 THRU FRIDAY: I v - - " f's ATR fAern you think! One week to Christmas! . . . Many snooper! who have been so busy in their work have yet to do their gift buying. Miller's are amply prepared with adequate stocks of fine quality gifts and top quality service to offer these hurried people the best obtainable to facilitate their gift requirements. OPEN NIGHTS . CHENILLE ROBES $3.99 to $5.99 Choice of mnnv styles and colors. Perfectly made. QUILTED ROBES $7.99 to $12.99 Rich deep quilting on rayon sat in of fine quality. SLIPS $1.99 to $5.99 Rayon crepes and nylons. Tail ored or lflce-trimmed. GOWNS $1.99 to $5.99 Very pretty style of ftn fab rlc in wanted shadM. Mediator Chins Due Portland, Ore., Dec 20 U.R. Chief Federal Mediator Cyrus Ching will be in Portland Jan uary 23-24 for conferences wi'h labor and management, Com missioner George Walker sir'd todav. Walker said meetin: s would be arranged with Ching yf ior representatives oi tne aili, CIO and employers. The beaver sometimes attains a weight of 60 poonds. FOR Insured Savings SEE First Federal Savings First Current Dividend 2Vi 1st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty Samsonite Luggage In 7 beautiful finishes ADMIRAL BLUE BEIGE ClAY PhMK COPPER SADDU TAM NATURAL RAWHIDE CORDOVAN BROWN BERMUDA GREEN I be open 'til 9 during the week through Friday for your shopping convenience! CHARGE ACCOUNTS . . . It's easy to order by mail and phone with your charge account. All charge purchases billed January 1st. 3 11 GIFT CERTIFICATES . ; : y When in doubt . . . give a gift certificate . . . issued in S amounts of $1.00 or more. Always an appreciated gift. 'The Store of a Million Gifts" ' 'J 4!)0 NORTH CAPITOL iMuMiiUatiioMiitfciifcstfiiq 7MietA. There's a smart Christmas gift for every name on your list in our wonderful array of Samsonite luggage. Jast check them for beauty of design for their mar-proot dirt-proof, better than leather finish ! Check their rugged construction, then- handsome interiors, their solid brass streamlined locks. Best of all, check them for price! This year, you can give the thrill of luggage in matched sets at prices you'll hardly believe! Come in today, and choose from our complete stock of all the smart new Samsonite finishes. Ladies' Train Case... 17.50 ladies' Wardrobe 25.00 Ladies' Vanity O'Nite... 17.50 Men's Overnight 17.50 Ladies' O'Nite (Regular) 19.50 Men's Two-Suiter 25.00 ladies' O'Nite Pullman Case - 2730 (CMvertible) 22.50 Hand Wardrobe 3SM AN rrkw Mm Tax HAMILTON FURNITURE COT: 10 CHEMEKITA SALEM. OREtOI Open Nights Until Christmas