Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 19, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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Self-Service When Smokey, deer mascot of the Lack
land air force base, near San Antonio, Texas, needs a drink
of water it tucks its mouth in the fountain and tries to Bet
the most of the limpid liquid. Nothing like helping one's
Shah Drops In on 'Ordinary'
American Family; Gets Pie
San Francisco, Dec. 19 U.n The Shah of Iran chatted with
a typical American family and ate homemade apple pie in
their living room.
His Royal Highness and the Americans were equally impressed
with one another.
The Shah, who often has ex
pressed his desire to visit an ord
inary American home, got his
chance Saturday.
Accompanied by State De
partment Special Agent William
Huskey of Washington, he
ducked out on the high brass
for a couple of hours and
dropped in on Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Ratto of Alameda, Calif.
Huskey, a friend of the Rat
to's, called them earlier and
told them he would be over
with a friend for a visit. He
didn't tell them who he was
The Ratios were astounded
when Huskey introduced bis
tall, athletic-looking friend, the
Shah but not too excited to
forget hospitality.
While the Shah sat on the
sofa and chatted with the young
er members of the family, teen
aged Martin, Jr., and Dickie,
Mrs. Ratto dashed to the kitchen
end cut an apple pie fresh from
the oven.
The pie was baked by Mrs.
Ratto's mother, Mrs. Richard
Osterberg of Alexandria, Minn.,
who is visiting for the holidays.
Sipping coffee with his pie
and a side dish of ice cream,
the Shah chatted amiably with
the Ratto family for almost an
Driving his blue convertible
back to San Francisco across the
San Francisco Bay bridge, he
told Huskey he was very much
impressed with "the complete,
sincere friendliness" of the
"I would have considered my
trip to the United States in
complete if I had not met an
ordinary American family," he
The Shah is scheduled to leave
for New York Sunday after a
week in San Francisco.
starred for
with two bottles of
glamorous fragrances
The legs of this sturdy Santa are bottles of memorable
Command Performance Eau de Parfum . . , always the
hit of the Christmas season . , . and divine Heaven-Sent
Eau de Toilette . . . sweet tribute to your esrthbound
ingel ! Makes merry toy bank when bottles are removed 1
3.50 plus las
Stare & Liberty "On the Corner"
No Lasting II! Effects
Of Arthritis Treatment
Chicago, Dec. 19 VP) Arthritis
patients will ' suffer no lasting
ill effects from treatment with
the new hormones Corisone or
Acth, says the arthritis and
rheumatism foundation.
The foundation's medical ad
visory committee, in answer to
what it said were "recent re
ports of unfavorable and even
dangerous results from use of
the drugs," said in a statement:
Once the new drugs become
available in sufficient amounts,
there is no known reason for
withholding them from any
arthritis patient because of
dangers associated with their
The foundation's conclusions
were reached, the statement said
from "published and verbal re
ports and unpublished observa
tion of the qualified medical and
research scientists who have
worked extensively with the
new drugs in recognized re
search centers in Chicago."
Insured Savings
Current Dividend 2Vi
st Federal Savings
and Loan Ass'n.
142 South Liberty
Portland's Biggest Christmas
Tree Is Not So Big After All
Portland. Dec. 19 VP) A professional surveyor pulled the
roots out from under Portland's "biggest Christmas tree" today.
The Junior Chamber of Commerce lit up the Doufilas fir last
night and proudly announced
stripped Belhngham s as the country's largest.
Denmark Fears
Copenhagen, Dec. 19 UP)
Danish Foreign Minister Gustav
Rasmussen said today Denmark,
as well as Norway, is opposed to
a large American military mis
sion being sent to his country
under the U. S arms bill, be
cause of possible communist crit
Commenting on reports that
Norway has complained that a
large military mission to that
country might cause criticism
from the Soviet Union and east
ern European countries, Rasmus
sen said Denmark has stressed
the same point during negotia
tions in Washington.
Under the U. S. arms bill
providing the basis for bilateral
agreements between the U S.
and other members of the At
lantic union U. S. military mis
sions are to be sent to each At
lantic pact country which re
ceives American arms to in
struct military authorities
their use.
Nifze to Succeed
Director Kennan
Washington, Dec. 19 VP) Dil
rector George Kennan of the
state department's policy plan
ning staff, who starts an extend
ed leave Jan. 1, will be succeeded
by his deputy, Paul Nitze.
The depar t m e n t announced
yesterday that the 45-y e a r-old
Kennan is taking a leave from
his job as top policy adviser to
Secretary of State Acheson "in
order to carry out a number of
important studies in the field of
foreign affairs."
Kennan, considered one of the
government's chief experts on
Russian affairs, is credited with
authorship of the western "pol
icy of containment against com
munism. The department did not
say specifically what his plans
are, but he is due to return to
the foreign service later.
Aurora Erects Tree
Aurora Members of the Au
rora Community club led by
Everett Hobbs, erected a huge
Christmas tree Sunday after
noon at the intersection, its per
ennial location. A social party
followed at the community hall.
Does o week's wash In less than
1 hourl
On tub washes while the other
rinses, damp-dries clothes
Gentle Splralalor washes more
clothes cleaner
3-mlnute Automatic Spin-rinse
double-rinse clothes brighter
Whirling bosket spins clothes 25
drier than a wringer
Has exclusive Built-in Water Filter,
Hondy Swing Faucets. It's today's
biggest washer valuel
Open Every
Night 'til
115 S.
that at 161 feet the tree out
' There was a slight eaten irom
the start: Portland's tree, grow
ing in Laurclhurst Park, lias its
roots on.
But the real blow fell today,
when Oregon Journal staffers,
out covering the tree, noticed it
was the same one which was
listed as 138 feet high last year.
Registered surveyor H. R.
Staats charged out with his in
truments and measured the
thing. It wasn't 161 feet high. As
a matter of fact it wasn't even
138 feet high.
The tree measured just 136
The junior chamber bowed,
vanquished, to Bellingham's 154-footer.
Filmland Has Big Year in
Hitching and Unhitching in '49
Hollywood, Dec. 19 VP) This was Hollywood's marrylngest
year. Also the divorcingest.
Never has there been such a terrific turnover in filmdom
matrimony as in 1949. The hitching and unhitching had re
porters scrambling for scoops.
Most sensational of the mar
riages came on May 27 when
Rita Hayworth and Aly Khan
exchanged gold rings in the
town hall of Vallauris, France.
This merger of Hollywood gla
mor and the riches of the cast
captured the world's interest.
Another European wedding
ranked with that one for ex
citement. While Italian mobs
screamed "Ty Ty Ty," erstwhile
Actress Linda Christian became
the bride of Tyrone Power in
Rome. The ceremony took place
on Jan. 27, just eight hours be
fore Annabella's California di
vorce from Power became legal.
Bachelorhood lost its long
time exponent when Jimmy
Stewart married Socialite Glo
ria Hatrick McLean on Aug. 9.
She confessed siie used to be his
fan and "cut out his pictures
when I was a kid."
Jennifer Jones married her
boss, David O. Sclznick, at Ge
noa, Italy, on July 13. Greer
Garson took another fling at
married life with Texan Buddy
Fogelson. Rudy Vallee, 48, wed
Eleanor Kathleen Norris, 21, a
psychology graduate.
Mickey Rooney began his
third marriage with Martha
Vickers. Angela Lansbury and
Peter Shaw found another par
son after the vicar of her family
church in London refused to
perform the ceremony, she being
a divorcee.
Other nuptials: Guy Madison-
:I1LJ L jUjl
Mod.l 30 SS f
fm It
-! LOO Per Week!
Portable Whirldry is small enough for tiniest apartment . . . easy
to store . . . easy to move. Use in kitchen or bathroom. Washes,
rinses, damp-dries all in one compact
tub. See it!. $59 95 Ea,y
Europe Plans'
Central Bank
Paris, Dec. 19 () Nations
getting Marshall plan money are
studying, a U. S. plan for a
central bank of Europe to sim
plify their financial problems, it
was learned today.
Plans for such a central bank
were given to the 18 participat
ing nations a week ago by the
economic cooperation adminis
tration (ECA). Since then indi
vidual governments have been
pondering the scheme and will
bring their ideas to a consulta
tive conference in Paris, prob
ably Tuesday.
Briefly, the plan would be a
currency pool, or clearing house,
in which European nations
could balance their books with
each other. Deficits and surplus
es resulting from trade between
the participating nations would
be settled periodically through
the bank instead of between in
dividual nations.
Gail Russell; George Sanders-Za-Za
Hilton; Viveca Lindfors-
Don Seigel; Jane Powell-Geary
Steffen; Sonja Henie-Winthrop
Gardiner. Even Lucille Ball got
into the spirit and went through
another ceremony with Desi Ar-
But the marital splits were
just as loud and numerous. Big
gest bombshell was the break
between Ingrid Bergman and Dr.
Peter Lindstrom following her
Stromboli idyll with Roberto
Almost as thundering was the
split of Shirley Temple and John
Agar. The fable of their story
book marriage was shattered
when she aired her troubles in
a divorce court.
Ginger Rogers and Jack
Briggs called it a day, and Joan
Fontaine and William Dozier
ended their marriage, but not
their movie company. Other ac
tresses who shed their mates in
eluded Ann Sothern, Ellen
Drew, Judy Canova, Nancy
The Phil Silvers separated.
Other casualties: The Zachary
Scotts, John Payne-Gloria De
Haven. Separated this year, but rec
onciled as of this writing were:
Bette Davis and William Grant
Sherry, the Victor Matures, Au
die Murphy and Wanda Hen
drix, Betty Hutton and Ted Bris
kin. Tour Old
Washer Is
the Down
Santa Claus Finds
All Boys Want
New Jet Planes
Santa Claus, Ind., Dec. 19 VP)
If Santa Claus makes his
rounds in a Jet plane this Christ
mas, you can be sure he took a
hint from the youngsters.
'Almost all the boys want
jet planes this year," said Santa,
looking up from his big stack of
letters. They've been coming in
at the rate of 2,500 a day at San
ta Claus postoffice.
"A surprising number of girls
are asking for toy pianos," he
Last year Santa and his help
ers answered 30,000 letters, and
postmaster Elbert heinke thinks
the number will go higher this
Helpers are members of the
Santa Claus committee of the
American Legion post here, as
well as high school student
During the year, Santa some-
7f fancy
It's simple arithmetic! Salem's own Lighting En- I
gineering Service . . . The Salem Lighting & Ap-
pliance company gives me sound, scientific light- I
ing with ECONOMY! So, it means BIGGER PROF- j
ITS for my store! Quicker sales . . , happier, more 1
efficient salespeople. Dial 3-9412 today . . . ask I
for a survey of your present lighting, and layouts f
for IMPROVED, up-to-the-minute lighting without
cost or obligation. You'll be glad you did! I
Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 1
236 North High Dial 3-9412
A very top-hat gift is the SNOWMAN, carrying 1
4-oz. bottle Blue Grass Flower Mist . . . 2.25.
PERFUMAIR the perfect perfume carrier with
VA drams of Blue Grass, On Dit, Night and Day;
My Love, White Orchid, It's You Perfume... 2. 50.
BLUE GRASS BATH SET, with Dusting Powder
and Flower Mist . . . 3.00.
LACY LUXURY BOX of clear beauty filled with
Blue Grass or My Love Dusting Powder... . . 5.00.
BLUE GRASS CORNUCOPIA . . . Y oz. bottle of
the exquisite perfume to hang prettily from the
family tree . . . 1.75.
mi GunrTTfim com
w oiiai mm rum Mur
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 19, 1949 9
times calls himself Jim Yellig.
Rut in December he hasn't much
time for his restaurant business
in nearby Mariah Hill.
"When I put on my outfit I
live the part. I AM Santa," he
And sure enough, his beard is
as white as snow, and he's so
fat he shakes like a bowlful of
jelly when he laughs.
"No matter where I walk, the
little hands go up waving," he
$$ MONEY $$
4V Real Estate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Finance Co.
153 S. High St. Lie. S-216 1 222
tfe Foh&
When I
pric pint UM
operatt as out
Santa sez:
You can't go
wrong on these.
9 Sampson Card Tables
Carvel Steak Knives
9 Carving Sets
Serve-All Arm Chair
Trays All Colors
Bavarian Cups, Sauc
ers and Dessert Plates
to match with colored
0 Sunbeam Mixmasters
Hawkeye Clothes
Casco Ail-Metal
Kitchen Stool
Arvin All-Metal
Ironing Boards
Hall China Teapots
Mixing Bawls and
Hunting Knives
0 Binoculars
Shotguns and Rifles
Fly Rods
Sander Polish and
Drill Set
Pistol Grip
Soldering Iron
Burgess Vibro Sprayer
Automatic Drill
Block Planes
Vise-Grip Pliers
Baseball Gloves
9 Boxing Gloves
Ball Bats
9 Tricycles
9 Kiddie Cars
9 Wood Carving Sets
9 Pocket Knives
9 Pocket Watches
9 Scooters
9 Toy Wheelbarrows
For the gifts that are sure
to please "Her" or "Him"
or the kiddies, shop at . . .
DIAL 3-4906
12u N. Commercial