8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon,' Monday, Dec. 19,. 1949 5 r mi -1 vvv SMIjJ Trapped by Lies Otis C. Hulett, president of the Burling ton, Wis., liars club, says he's trapped at his desk judging the thousands of lies entered in the club's annual contest and sits with his leg in a bear trap to prove it. The club's "World Champion Liar of 1948" will be named New Year's eve. (AP Wircphoto) Adopted Daughter Accused Of Stealing Couple's Savings New York, Dec. 1!) VP) Milkman Charles McKcnna is out his $7,749 life savings, and a 26-year-old daughter he and his wife adopted when she was two months old is accused of tak ing the money and blowing most of it on horse races. The daughter, Marlon, said in court yesterday she would Gmake restitution, vowing she I would "get two jobs to pay the money back all the faster." The girl, who had worked as a clerk, was arraigned on a forg ery charge. Accused of with drawing the money from her foster father's bank account, she was held in $1,000 bail. Police, who brought the daughter back from Fort Pierce, Fla., said she admitted taking the money for "a whirl at the ponies" in Florida. She had only $3 when arrested. Paper Put Out Despite Strike Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 19 (VP) A strike of more than 20 news men and photographers over half the staff failed to affect publication of today's Arkansas Gazette. The first edition rolled off the presses at 10:47 p.m Sunday, seven minutes ahead of sched ule. A skeleton staff of supervis ory employes, editorial writers and three reporters are getting out the paper. The Gazette em ploys 30 on its news and pho tographic staff. Publisher High B. Patterson said the 131-year-old Gazette will continue its daily morning editions "as long as we are phy sically able; we believe that will be quite awhile." Pickets continued their walk in front of the Gazette building today. The picket line went up about four hours after the strike was called at noon Saturday. They went on an around-the-clock schedule this morning. Strikers are members of the American Newspaper Guild (CIO). WILL' HER HAND BE SAVED? Have Prayers of Thousands For Betty Been Answered? Brownsville, Tenn., Dec. 19 'Pi Maybe the prayers of thou sands for little Betty Marbury have been answered. At least. Betty may find out this week. A wealthy New York man announced Saturday he will put up whatever money is needed to help her save her hand from a surgeon's knife. Betty and her father, Liay Marbury, will fly to Boston Wednesday to see a famous spe cialist. The New Yorker, who asked that he not be named, will finance everything. The Boston doctor, who also asked to be anonymous, will ex amine her Thursday and make a final analysis. Several weeks ago doctors in Memphis told Betty. 10, her hand may have to be cut on snoruy after Christmas if a malignant lesion does not respond to treatment. Betty asked people every where to pray that she may keep her hand. In a letter to the Memphis Commercial Appeal. she said: "My doctor says he fears that he will have to amputate my hand. I want those who read this letter, if it is published, to pray that I may completely re cover. I believe the Lord will answer their players." News services carried her plea over the nation. The response was tremendous. More than 7,000 letters and packages swamped the modest Marbury farm house near here. Prayers were said in churches and homes throughout the country. Overwhelmed and happy, Bet ty said she was convinced the prayers would be answered. Leave for Holidays Dayton Mrs. Electa Demarav left for Eltora, Calif., where she will spend the holidays with her son and family, Lt. and Mrs. Milton Demaray. After the holi days she will be with some friends. Plans are now to return i about February. There's a Good Deal for. YOU at DODGE STAN BAKER MOTORS High and Chemeketa Veterans Are Invited For Christmas Party Aurora All U.S. veterans of any war with their families, are to be welcomed at a Christmas party planned for the night of December 23 at Rock Creek IOOF hall at Needy. Sponsors of the party are the Aurora Col ony post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the VFW auxiliary unit and members of the Aurora post, American Legion andd aux iliary, are cooperating. Italian Film Picked As Best New York, Dec. 19 W A postwar Italian film is the best picture of 1949, says the Nation al Board of Review of Motion Pictures. Choice of the film, "The Bi cycle Thief," was announced yesterday by the board's Com mittee on Exceptional Films. The movie's director, Vittorlo do Sica, was named the year's best director. Also listed among the year's best films were "The Quiet One," "Intruder in the Dust," "The Heiress," "Devil in the Each adult has been requested to bring a small gift for an adult and another one for a child. The agreed-upon cost limit was 50 cents for adult gifts and 25 cents for children's Christmas gadgets. Journal Want Ads Pay Lions Flan Parts Aurora Elaborate plans were completed for the Christmas party to be given by the Aurora Lions club, December 19, in the Knights of Pythias hall. Mem bers, their families and guests will take part in a Christmas program, with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and gifts for everybody. .T GREEN STAMPS ARE EXTRA SAVINGS FOR YOU BUSICKS MARION STREET MARKET Commercial and Marian Sti. Start Saving today for a Lovely Gift. Ski-Tested If I ' . t m M IMJtfW , i Snow-Proofed I In magic Nyloni water-repellent Poplin and the bright new Tie Polternil Kay s SAY "GOODBYE" TO BIG HOSIERY BILLS try It's Automatic! O Easy to Operate! Guaranteed! Uses No Thread! Use the Needle of Professionals MASTER HOSIERY MENDER! NOW ON SALE AT FRED MEYER Fol Get Yours Now wlA fnr Drill 148 North Liberty or 1 V I A MAILTHIS COUPON k lj todayi iSr I y Mailing and 'tvs!W '! Fred Meyer B'SJ H 148 North Llberty wh Immcdiore ml Salem, Oregon Sff DIIVOry 8 1 ( 2 ( ) 3 ( ) B Print your Ml Name O noma and X J Address address JJ c"y State M plainly. f ( ) Cheek Enclos,fl COD. M Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical . . Fres-to-logs" use CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE , SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 1 "Quartet," "Germany i Is headed by Qulncy Howe, au-thtor and editor. Zero," "Home of the : Flesh Year Brave," "Letter to Three Wives," and "Fallen Idol." The committee chose Ralph Richardson's acting in "The Heiress" and "Fallen Idol" as ! the best in 1949. Meritorious performance hon-! ors went to Gerard Philippe in "Devil in the Flesh," Lambetto Maggiorani and Enzo Staiola in "The Bicycle Thief," and Pierre Fresnay in "Monsieur Vincent." The best script nomination was Graham Greene's "Fallen Idol." The board, founded in 1909 is a non-profit organization whose aim is to represent the motion picture public. The group M f exanders 'eueerif GIVES GREEN STAMPS FOR OFFICE, SCHOOL OR HOME SPECIAL-Wednesday and Thursday Only Ikti Certificate Worth $431 69 Thii certificate and 69c entitle! (he bearer la one ot sur Genuine Indestructible S5.00 VACUUM FILLER SACELESS FOUNTAIN PENS. Viiible Ink Supply. You SEE the Ink. A Lifetime guarantee with each pen (uniTereal eiie) ior ladiei, men, boye. and girle. THE PEN WITH A LIFETIME GUARANTEE 69 THE NEW PLUNGER FILLER VACUUM ZIP ONLY ONE PULL AND ITS FULL This pen holds 200 more ink than any ordinary fountain pen on the market! You can write for three monthi on one lilling! No repair biilil No Lerer (liter! No Preaeure bar! Erery pen teited and guaranteed to be unbreakable lor life. Get yours NOW! THIS PEN GIVEN FREE If you buy one in the city lor leu than FIVE DOLLARS. This certificate good only while advertising lale is on. SALEM DRUG CO. G. W. NELSON PRESCRIPTIONS 333 State St Salem, Oregon Phone 3-901 1 MoMMM BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! eassssssssHssssl LIMIT 3 Pens to Each Certificate This Pen Will Be $5.00 Alter Sale 1. On old wives' tale that bobs up periodi cally is the story that American oil companies protect the sale of their established products by keeping new developments off the market. An example of how far this fairy tale misses the truth is the case of Union Oil's remarkable purple motor oil. 2. Shortly after the war, we introduced our new post-war motor oil, Triton. By all standards, Triton was unexcelled. In fact, it was so g-ootl we told people they could safely drive it 6 months between drains if they chose. Consequently, we thought our oil program was set for several years. But 12 months later our research engineers came up with a purple motor oil for passenger can which they said was even better. All or. lotted 1 4. That posed a question. Should we hold this new purple oil off the market for a few years and protect Triton, or put it on sale immediately? The answer was that we had no choice. For we were In competifion. If we didn't put this purple oil oh the market as soon as possible, some of our com petitors might develop a comparable product and beat us to the punch. 5e Al a result we introduced our purple oil to the motorists of the Pacific Coast under the brand name of Royal Triton. Royal Triton was not only an overnight success with our own Western custo mers; visitors from the East even took it home with them and continued buying it by mail. Conse quently, we've had to expand our manufacturing; facilities and lay plans for marketing It through out the country. Moral: Next time anyone tells you oil companies hold improved products off the market, please tell him to see us. 3. Just to prove their claims, they sealed It in the crankcases of four new automobiles and drove them continuously np and down the Pacific Coast for 30,000 milesl At the end of the test they opened up the motors and showed us the results: The engine parts were as good as new and the oil by every analysis showed no more deteriora tion than ordinary motor oils exhibit after 1,000 miles. VNION Oil COMPANY OF CAIUORNU IWCOIPORAIID IN CAMrOKNIA, OCIOlli 17, 10 77ii rt', sponsored by the people of Union Oil Company, is dedicated to discussion of how and why American business functions. We hope you'll feel free to send in any suggestions or criticisms you have to offer. Write: Th4 PretidiO, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building, Lot Angela U, California. 1 Y 460 STATE