I Capital Women I Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 19, 1949 Miss Jones Bride at Sunday Rites A holiday setting of holly and lighted tapers was aranged "in the First Methodist church for a wedding Sunday afternoon when Miss Feme Jones, daugh ter of Mrs. H. B. Jones, was mar ried to Cornelius R. Burghardt, son of Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Burg hardt of Seattle. The service took place at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. Corydon Blodgctt sang and at the piano was Miss Jessica Kin sey. The bride wore a navy blue wool softly tailored suit with white blouse and gloves, and with it a white nylon net hat with rhinestones. Her corsage was of white tube roses and she carried a prayer book with spray of white rosebuds. Mrs. R. J. Pinson was honor attendant for her sister. She wore a red dress designed with gored skirt and gold trim, and her flowers were a corsage of white chrysanthemums. Dr. R. J. Pinson gave the bride in marriage. Miss Marilyn Pinson, niece of the bride, was junior attendant. She wore a navy and red taf feta plaid frock and carried a nosegay of white rosebuds. James E. Burghardt was best man for his brother and usher ing were Milo II. Barker and A. D. Graham. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Jones wore a wine dress with pink trim and corsage of pink orchids. The reception following was In the Carrier room of the church. Mrs. W. J. Nolan cut the bride's cake and Mrs. Marie Robertson poured. Mrs. E. V. Kron and Mrs. Olive Zch assist ed at the reception. Holly, tap ers, red roses with red ribbons decorated the reception room and bride's table. Following a trip to the Ore gon beaches the couple will be at home in Seattle. Mr. Burg hardt, former student at Minne sota, is attending University of Washing; on. The bride attend ed local schools, the Emanuel hospital school of nursing, Wil lamette university and Western Reserve. Dance Gala Event The pre-Christmas dance for the Salem Women's Army and Navy league was a gala event of Friday evening at the Ameri can Legion club, 56 couples at tending. The club was festive with evergreen flags on the wall and large icicles, also a large dec orated tree near the orchestra. Center strips of holly with red and green candles alternating were arranged on the tables. A feature dance with lumin ous caps and flowers was a high light of the evening of dancing. Mrs. T. W. Hardisty headed the committee in charge of the par ty. PAST PRESIDENTS club of Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans, met last week at the home of Mrs. Joe Wood for the annual Christinas party and luncheon. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson was elected president at the short business meeting. Members attending were Mcsdamcs James Parker, Lee Wcthcrly, John Bertleson, Mark Baker, Lou Gordy, Clyde Mc Clung, W. Nelson, Fred Thomp son, Arthur Welsh, Gertrude Wilson, and the hostess. MIEN A VISTA Thirl y-lhree Buena Vista Woman's club mem bers enjoyed a luncheon at the club hall as the annual Christ mas party and revealing of "se cret pals." Hull call was an swered by a proverb. Mrs. Kl mer Busby installed the new 1950 club off'cers and present ed each with a corsage as fol lows: President, Mrs. Harold Withrow; vice president, Mrs. Harold Busby; second vice pres ident, Mrs. Fred Dotering; sec retary, Mrs. Howard Powers; Treasurer, Mrs. Perry Wells. Corsages were also presented to the past president, Mrs. Lind say Ward; Eldest member, Mrs. Miller; Mrs. John Sherman, a new member and Mrs. C. F. Wells, who has been ill so long Mrs. Withraw asked for an exc-1 cutive board meeting December 19 at 7:30 p.m. at her home to make out the new year books. The social program committee members were hostesses, includ ing Mrs. Jonas Graber, Mrs. Nol da Hoover, Mrs. W. Fickle, Mrs. Leo Drazdoff, Mrs. Chris John son, Mrs. Lula Fickle, Mrs. Har riet Busby. HOLIDAY visitors in Salem will include Mr. and Mrs. John Horton (Florence Duffy) of Baker, who will be guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Duffy. They are expected to ar rive Wednesday. . c-'' tv.iti-i t a - j ,- I i t iri ft, Legislature Topic Reorganization of the legis lature will be the topic for the meeting of League of Women Voters, Wednesday of this week, December 21, at the home of Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, 219 West Lincoln. Members are to take their sack lunch, coffee to be served. The event is from noon to 2 p.m. Mrs. Howard Morgan is to dis cuss the topic from the view point of a legislator's wife, and Mrs. Mark Astrup from the view point of a legislative secretary. Club Entertained Miss Florence Kieeman enter tained the Hollywood Merry Go-Round club at the annual Christmas party on Thursday evening at her home on Holly wood drive. The evening was spent socially with an exchange of gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Harold Hol ler, Mrs. Oscar Forgard. Mrs Walter Fisher, Mrs. Royal Wenig, who was a guest,; Mrs. V. M. LaDue, Mrs. Ed Curtis, Mrs. Gil Blankenship, Mrs. Jack Lindcman, Mrs. Russell Proud fit, Mrs. Paul Barham, Mrs Har old Bunn, Mrs. Sam Rehfeld, Miss Florence Kieeman. KINGWOOD post, American Legion, and its auxiliary spon sored their Christmas party on Friday evening. A no-host din ner was served first, the Christ mas party following. For the program, Patty St Clair played violin numbers Marian Coffcl played piano sel ections as did Sherryl Ann Boyd, and Cathy Cass gave a recitation Guest speaker was Mrs. B Koh, who told of Christmas in Korea. Mr. Koh also was a guest and sang Christmas songs in Korean as did Mrs. James Stires. Santa Claus called later to remember he children. COURT CAPITAL City, Cath olic Daughters of America held its regular meeting at the Sa lem Woman's club this past week. After a short business session conducted by the grand regent, Mrs. Margaret Brown, all members enjoyed their an nual Christmas parly. Each member gave a gift for the Christmas tree and donated con tributions of foodstuff for the Christmas baskets for the needy. These bakcts are filled every year by the court in conjunction with the local Catholic chari ties office. At the conclusion of the party refreshments were served by a committee including Mrs. Robert E. Meier, chair man, 'Mrs. Lcolta Jaskoski, Mrs. John E. Zcrzan, Mrs. Edmond Pagote and Mrs. L. W. Moores. UNIONVALE Miss Shirley Todd, who was married Sun day to Thomas Huffman, was honored at a shower given by Mrs. C. F. Schulenburg and her daughter, Miss Ruth Ann Schul enburg, at the Lutheran parson age at McMinnville. A group of 13 attended the party. I "Double Duty Gay as the Homecom ing dance Jackie Nimble's smart two piecer. An All Wool Worsted Jersey blouse with elbow length cuff ed sleeves, Peter Pan collar, and a Taffeta string-loop tie. T h beautiful Metal Striped Yarn Dye Taf feta skirt is fashion wise with a crushed cummer bund, inverted pleat and front fullness. the vogue of Saiem 445 STATE STREET Miss Keene Bride Sunday At Service in Corvallis Frosted Christmas greens and candlelight decorated St. Mary's Catholic church in Corvallis Sunday afternoon for the wedding of Miss Madeleine Glee Keene and James Castles Swarbrick of Bakersfield, Calif., the Rev. John Reedy reading the vows for the couple at 4 o'clock. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keene of Corvallis, for many years resi dents of Salem, and Mr. Swar brick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Swarbrick of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Many Salem friends were present for the wedding and the reception following in the Kappa Alpha Theta house, sorority of the bride. For the music at the wedding, Dean Melvin Gcist of Willamette university college of music was soloist, Mrs. William Langan of Corvallis playing the accompani ment, also the weding marches. Mr. Keene escorted his daugh ter to the church front and gave her in marriage. The wedding gown was of white satin. A band of lace was inset around the yoke and a panel of the lace extended down the center of the skirt. The bride wore a lace mantilla and for her flowers car ried a lace muff with spray of small white blooms. Miss Mariann Croisan of Sa lem was the maid of honor. Her gown was of emerald green satin designed with full skirt, and she wore a small white fur hat and carried a white fur muff with holly pinned on it. The two bridesmaids were Misses Mary Louise Guilfillan and Carolyn Coleman, both of Corvallis. Their dresses and ac cessories were the same as those worn by Miss Croisan. Miss Jeri Keene, younger sis ter of the bride, and Miss Marcia Maple were the junior brides maids and they were dressed in frocks which were in the same style and color as the other at tendants. Wilbur Judy was best man and ushering were Wally John son, Dick Wysong, Bob Adams and Jim McGce. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Keene wore a moss-green velvet gown with Juliet style headpiece and a corsage of brown baby orchids. Holiday greens and Christ mas decorations were arranged at the reception at the Theta house. Greeting guests at the door was Mrs, Ralph Coleman of Corvallis. Mrs. Howard Maple of Salem was in charge of the living room and assisting in greeting guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., all of Sa lem. Mrs. Douglas McKay invited guests into the dining room. Miss Dornthca SteuslofC of Salem as sisted in the dining room. Mrs. Prince W. Byrd of Sa lem cul the bride's cake and pouring were Mrs, A. L. Strand of Corvallis and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace of Salem. At the punch bowl were Mrs. John H. Carson of Salem and Mrs. John Wagner. Assisting with the serving were Miss Suzanne Small, Miss Char lotte Alexander, Mrs. Budd Coons and Mrs. James Struck, all of Salem. For going away the bride wore brown wool suit, belted and with raglan sleeves; mustard gold hat and gloves and dark brown accessories. With the costume she wore a corsage of green baby orchids. Following a few days in San Francisco the couple will be at : 1 . I lie lit ; Mil it 1 in hi life U m 1-1 MR. AND MRS. LOUIS Neuman were hosts for a Christ mas party at their North Eighth street home Thursday night. Honored guests were the members of the TPM club and their husbands. A 7 o'clock sup per was served to Mr. and Mrs. John Versteeg, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffcr, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Terrill, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. William Damery, Mr. and Mrs. William Hartley, Mrs. Charles Bottorff, Mrs. Laura Pajigle, Miss Helen Hiller and special guests Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hartaell of McMinn ville. The evening was spent in formally with humorous gifts exchanged. THE V1VCA house girls and staff were entertained at a Was sail Christmas party last week by Miss Gertrude Acheson, exe cutive director. The evening was spent exchanging family Christ mas customs and singing Christ mas carols. Those present in cluded the Misses Phyllis Ramey, Janet Rilea, June McCoy, Bev erly Butts, Gladys Arnold, Shir ley Arnold, Doris Bartholomy, Jacky Lamoreux, Thelma Au- man, Joyce Lamoreux, Norma Wallace and Mrs. Ruth Weir, Mrs. Spencer and Miss Acheson. home at 1212 Stockton- street, Bakersfield, Calif. Deep and Roomy Blue Enameled Oval Roaster For 18-lb. Roast Just the size, shape and style roaster you've needed for so long, and now at a thrifty price you can afford. Holds 8 to 10-lb. fowl or 12 to 14-lb. roast. Deep oval shape provides more room for high breast fowl, Well and tree for easier basting. Select yours at Sears! OvalShapeRoasler Holds 15-lb. Roost, 9-lb. Fowl 1 99 Aluminum . . 1 A beautiful 1 7'4x 1 0Hx7H-n. ipoc. aver deiignad to cook meat and fowl to perfection! Steel handles. Buy today! Handy Oven Roaster Res:. 1.19 QP- Now ' Long wearing, blue enam eled open roasting pan for tastv treats. The right size, 17 s x 12 316 x l's-in. Select yours! Shop '.til 9:00 P.M. Every Night Bus leaves comer of Court and Commercial every 14 hour from 10:15 to 3:45 l&a&ijwua f r inf 550 N CAPT0L ST. ft joui. m&uy AiM ' JfcHAJ Ph.3-9191 Rotana Club Gives Party Rotana club entertained with a turkey dinner for members, husbands and friends Saturday evening at the Four Corner community hall. Tables were decorated with holly, mistletoe and Christmas candles. Cards were played later in the evening with Santa Claus presenting Christmas packages. Mrs. Jack Auman was chairman for the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lvle Rains of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Auman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mittendorf, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Matthews, Mr! and Mrs. E. D. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Farris, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Greif, Mr. and Mrs. Mer ril Barber, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Al Laue, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Wasson, Mr. J. B. Crary, Miss Lorena Jack, Miss Vada Hill, Miss Ju ana Holmes, Miss Alice Mathey Mrs. Emma Drinnon, Mrs. Mil dred L. Snyder, Mrs. Rosemary Barker, and Mr. and Mrs, George Bagnah. MISS SUSAN FAHERTY leaves Tuesday evening for Phoenix, Ariz., to spend the hol idays with relatives there. She will be back New Year's. EXPECTED to arrive Thurs day from San Francisco is Miss Janet Kirk, who is to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr, land Mrs. Walter Kirk. Christmas 98c Reg. 1.39 Now Aluminum Roaster Holds 20-lb. Fowl, 25-lb. Roast 4 79 Priced at Only. . . lorgol7,,xl2Hx9,i.m.209oo0.olut. num roaster hat rutlproof drop wire haft, dies; removablerack. Holds 25-lb.roosri Here's extra convenience while you're shopping! SfARS PURCHASE COUPONS-lho sandy way to make small purchase! en credit; use iust like cash. $20, 525, $50 books lor o imot town payment. Inquire today. Mrs. Libby Is Party Feted Lincoln Mrs. Paul Libby of Lincoln was complimented at a miscellaneous shower at the so cial afternoon for which Mrs. R. J. Meissner, Mrs. Phillip Brandt and Mrs. Harold Wash burn were hostesses at the Meiss ner home Friday. Mrs. L. I. Mickey and Mrs. H. W. Ashford assisted about the rooms. At tractive Christmas decorations were about the rooms. Preceding dessert luncheon Mrs-. Libby opened her gifts. Attending were the honor guest and Mrs. R. C. Shepard, Mrs. H. D. Burns, Mrs. Sarah Feller, Mrs. Lois Crawford, Mr3. T. L. Hicks, Mrs. W. M. Brog, Mrs. H. J. Neiger, Mrs. Avalt Miller and Norma and Verna, Mrs. Russell Hicks, Mrs. Sarah Hackett, Mrs. R. F. Yungen, Mrs. Robert Shepard, Mrs. W. J. Whitney, Mrs. Fannie Emel, Mrs. E. Schlegel, Mrs. Jeff Williams, Miss Jeannie Smith. e MRS. BLANCHE M. JONES, 606 South Church street, will be hostess to the Salem Writers' club Wednesday, December 21, at 7:30 p.m. V y 8 s y y I I I There's a Great Day Coming! Our Miss Kenney Is Betrothed The engagement of Miss Bev erly Kenney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Kenney, to Gerald E. Bull, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bull, all of Salem, was an nounced Saturday evening at an informal party for relatives and close friends at the Kenney home. The news had been re vealed earlier in the week at a party for friends of the bride elect. The weding is planned for next spring, probably in April. The bride-elect attended Wil lamette university and is a mem ber of Alpha Chi Omega soror ity on the campus. She is now with the Lamb scaling bureau. Mr. Bull was graduated from John Brown university in Ark ansas and is now with the Sa lem Concrete Pipe and Products company. Present for the Saturday an nouncement party were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guthner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hjort, Miss Rose anna McMeekin, Darrell Will- ecke. Miss Patricia Larson, Miss Smart Cjoina lit Smart oCuaaaae Pre'Holidayy Sale! For "HER" or for "HIM" . . . start a new set of luggage or add to their set a different piece this Christmas! Our annual pre Christmas sale of fine luggage comes just in time to make this possible at smaller cost. WOMEN'S WARDROBETTE CASES 21 INCH Reg. $19.50 now $15.95 WOMEN'S FORTNIGHTERS (Large wardrobe) Reg. $29.50 now $20.95 WOMEN'S OVERNIGHT CASE 21 INCH Reg. $14.95 now $ 9.95 WOMEN'S LARGE BUS CASE Reg. $21.50 now $13.95 WOMEN'S OVERNIGHT CASE 18 INCH Reg. $9.50 now $ 7.95 WOMEN'S COSMETIC CASE Reg. $17.00 now $10.50 (Plus Tax) (The above luggage is nationally advertised . . . guaranteed. Heavy brass fittings, plastic handles . . . satin linings, etc.) , Give a Camera or Development Equipment For Christmas! Add to their hobby "PICTURE AHEAD" by giving them something from our camera department. A new camera . . . movie . . . tripod . . . light meter . . . carryall case . . . development equipment . . . and many other items to be found in this section. SPARTUS PRESS FLASH CAMERA Reg. $14.95 now $10.95 SPARTUS REFLEX CAMERA Reg. $9.98 now $7.55 SPARTUS 127 FOLDING CAMERA Reg. $8.95 now $4.55 (One-third less on all paper) F. R. Home Developing Kits $7.95 Anico Home Developing Kits $7.95 Eastman Home Developing Kits $7.58 Academy Boys Home For Holiday Time Several boys from this area attending Hill Military academy in Portland are home for the Christmas holidays. Dean Dunz, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rosen, 1197 South High, Salem, is one of those home from the academy. Charles Lightfoot, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Lightfoot, 765 Edgewater street, and John Phil lip Ritchey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ritchey, 1577 6th street, are other young men home from the academy. e AMONG those coming to the capital for the holidays is Miss Jeanne Foster from San Fran cisco, who will arrive Christmas morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I. Foster. e e NEBRASKA club is to meet for a jumbo lunch and Christ mas gift exchange at the home of Mrs. Clara McDerby, 1945 South 12th, Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock. Lois Mulcahy, Miss Betty Lou Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Keeney, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bull, Gerald E. Bull and Miss Keeney. All luggage, if pre ferred, will be gift wrapped and placed in our hide-away lay away dept.