16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVKKTISI.NOi Pr Una 15c Par Lint t time .40c - Pr Udi e time 60c Pm Lin 1 month 12 00 Outside of Salem lie oer line per day Uln. SOct 1 times mm. We I times mln il.20 No Refund UADEB8 In Loral News Col Only: JOc per lint To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES OWNER WILL SELL st sacrifice 2 BR Insulated house In Kelzer d!st. acre. At If In strawberries. Immediate noss. Make an offer! Ph. 3-8111. 30l t BD. KM. house. 11600 down. bal. 13.200. Low monthly payments. 93 Park ave. a301 OWNER LEAVING CITY Someona can set a real bargain In this beautiful 2 bdrm. home. Built 9 years ago. Large landscaped lot with a view of the city, valley and mountains. In side needs decorating but we have reduced the price to SB0OO to take care of this work. Call Bon Cleary Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edge water. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-0919 a301 BY OWNER Will trade our equity In cute 1 B.R. home for a good '49 or '50 car. All-elec. home, corner lot, land scaped on city bus line. Eve. only, 3-0418. a304 BY OWNER: S rm. hount. Unfinished up stairs. Hardwood floor. V. blinds thru- out. Fireplace, Lot eixies. labs tnnn a year old. Very low down payment or will consider lute model car as down payment. Ph. 25839. 3735 June Ave. off nsner na. McKillop Real Estate REALTORS "Don't Cry Joe" If you're living In cramp 1 qunrter and want plenty of room where the view Is tha best, see us about a spacious brand new S-bedroom home that has evehythlng to Insure your comfort for many years to come. To see it Is to want It. and you can have It now for 118. 100. It's worth the money. Doubt If you ould build It yourself for any less. COME IN OR CALL Daytime Ph. 3-5131. Evening Prr. 2-8406 or 3-5514. McKillop Real Estate 493 CENTER AT HIGH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS a30i Something Different? A little added to the purchase price nf $1750 will make a most unusual home of this attractive house at 19B5 North 23rd street. Triers is a fireplace. Have Mr. and Mrs. Nation tell you more about this. Salem Realty Co. REALTOR 141 N. High Ph- a-ifino Eve. phone 2-0020. a30l FOE SALE or trade ltr Bond trailer house, equity In 3 Bd, Rm. home. Ph. '-"J; BY OWNER: Well constructed 5 room house. Pecan flooring, all electric. In side utility. Extra lot for garden ft fruit. Terms can be arranged. Ph. 2-5512. 2385 Clnilde St. B30fi Highland School District Modern, 3 BR home. LR. DR. fireplace, huement. oil hem. lull price. (82011. Close in East Modern I BR home. Ire I.R. DR. fireplace, double plumbltiK, basement, oil hett. 2 lota, nice lawn & shrubs. H. E. Corey Real Estate Phone 5-05S2 Tap. 2-0101. 3-3R1. aWl' FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN"!! lift per month. Lots with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Eve. Sz Sun.. 3-5005. 4-2874, 2-1327, 2-373B, 2-2532 aa304 IB DOWN, fin MONTlTwUh water St el ectricity. Close to school ft bus. Nice location. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3289. an303 WOODED LOT on pared street. 625 Rat elirf Dr. Cleared and leveled. FHA. City water, bus line Ph. 3-4284. a- FOR SALE FARMS riTDDING RIVER FARM, 83 acres, claw In. on pavm't.. yr. stream for Irrla. (Part of this farm Is near Beaver Dam soil). Upland Is rolling Willamette silt with some timber and brush. nidus, consist of attractive mod. 3 B.R. home, hdwd. fireplace, bnsm't. ft furnace. 2 pltry. blrtgs. ft n-sinnchlon bnrn. ON LY A FEW THOUSAND down will move you Into one of the best deals we have ever listed. INVESTIGATE THIS NOW. P.B. Open for trade on flnlem home, mvrn PA KM EQUIPPED. 30 Acres. DEEP, RICH CHEHAMB and Wil. slit loam, irrlg. from niu Yii.nntr.nm. Ideal for dairying, truck Sz berry crops. 4 A. now In 3 yr. boysens). fl room house, basm't. ft furnnce, 2 enr garotte, bnrn. alio, other bldgs. Tractor, tools and milking roach, nre np-to-di.tr. YOUR FAMILY WILL LIKE tills location. YOU WILL BUY at tills price. 113,500 for everything. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 8. Com'l. St. Phone 3-83H9 b102 REAL ESTATh BEST BUYS $1000 Down Suburban 2 bdrm. home. Approx 800 sc. ft. floor apace. Some finish work to be done. Total price only 14950. Eve. ph. x-7014 or 3 Bedrooms Older type home In excellent condition, rull basement, fireplare. pnrt hardwotm floor. Very close to schools. Select lo. cation. An excellent buy for S92M1. F. H. A. terms available. Eve. ph. 2-7874 or 3- 3S58. North East $1500 Down Very cute ft nenl 1 tKirm. dining room, attached gnrane, brick front, fireplace, pert hardwood floors. Nice yard ft shrubs. Approx. two years old. Immedi ate posesslon. Total price only 19500. Bve. ph. 2-7814 or 3-3S58. Money Maker If you are Interested In going In your own business ft want lo make good mon ey with practically no overhead ft not many worries call us at once. AH equip ment, building almost new. Choice loca tion. Total price 111.900. Very aood terms arranged Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 8-3&SB Trade Romn for business. If you have an WO home eV want to trade It for a busi ness making 1550 per month with prac tically no overhead call us for further Information. Owner forced to sell be cause of 111 health. Eve. Ph. 2-7874 or 1-3558. $1250 Full Price 1 acre with liveable 2-rm. house, 5 miles from Salem. Priced for quick sale. Eve Ph. 1-4735 or 3.3558. 5 Acres 4- room modern home. Almost new. Am ity soil. 10 mites from Salrm. Total price only 18500. Electric range, refria.. ft chrome breakfast set ft oil heater Included. All new. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or t-3558. North Howell 4 acrea 1 room very modern. Willamette aoll Very good equipment. Start milk ing cowa ft gathering eggs upon pawes Ion. Everything noes for 135.000. Eve. Ph. 1-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 1035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1830 or 2-4596 c301 on YOUR ffAYTttifih itivestment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem St vlclntty. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to levcral thousand dol lars, net Investors 5. We maka all col lections for you It desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 S High C Phone 2-2406 ! To Place Classified Ads, Orepon, Monday, Dec. 19, 1949IREAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Home & Income, $14,750 2 houses on one lot. One bdrm. home, living rm, kitchen and dinette com bined, utility rm., in house, hardwood floors, attached garage, electric heat, and bath. Rear house has 1 lie. bdrm., living rm.. St large kitchen, bath and attached garage. Also electric heat. Rear house rented at J60 a month. Very good loca tion, 2 biles, to school and bus by door. House Is 2 years old. Act. now, this Is going to sell fast. 4 Bdrm., Special, $8,950 Near Leslie school. 4 bdrm., living rm., dining rm., kjtchen and nook. Double plumbing, full basement. Automatic heat. A REAL BUY. Call Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. 2-ns. crw WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good houses to net) In or near Salem If you wlib to list your property for sale see GRAIIENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 s. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. Wc have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 B. High fit. eV WF NEED a few good 3 or 4 bdrm. homes. We will appreciate L.sttnit your home. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5103 ca303' Wanted Farm Listings We earnestly solicit listings of Mf supporting farm.1!. For PERSONAL atten t noaclll ERIC R. NELTE with Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court. Ph. 2-3639. Eve. Ph. 3-7047. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES up" anddown "duplex 1! mo. old, partly turn., each apt. with two bdrms. Auto, heat, large windows. Close to State House. $135 Income. 111, 800. Terms. R. E. MEREDITH OR B. M. MA BON 176 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-8B41 cd303 MUST S." meat market Immed. 4 lease Inc. all new equip. Fast growing volume. Call 2-fia40 after 8:30 p.m. only. cd303 SERVICE STATION on ME for lease. t600.no buys tnv. 2085 N. Capitol St.. Salem. cd304 FOR SALE: Complete beauty ihop equip ment, almost new. Box 71. Hubbard. cd302 Investment Buy Key Industrial or commercial properly. l.S acres on main highway, V mile from downtown. 109 ft. frontage, 2 val uable corners. Service station ft 2 bldits. on property. Full price 120,000. Call Walter Musgrave Realtor ins jMinewaier in. .i-.nuu. co.iu HAVEKVILLE Store". Rt. 7. box 145. Ph. Cd3 2-4310. .1 STOltY BRICK APT. HI.DG., furnished, excellent location, construction, condi tion ft mve.stment. 182,000. 10 UNIT COURT close to Capital St Shop ping Center. 155,000. NEW BUSINESS building leased for 10 yenrs. 142,000. BUSINESS BLIlG. North, I good rentals. 1.10.500. S ni Pl.KXES with 10 rentals. West Salem. 135,000. NEW APT. RI.DG. West Salem, excellent const. 112.500. CLOSE IN business bldg. with lease. 125.- 000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 B. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-82H0. Eve. 3-QfiHO cd.104 FURNITURE FOR SALE 2 lilt HOUSE, ge. LR, wall to wall carpet, Ige. kltriion. ljulltlri.s, bath with show er. Lot 05x105. Dcop2wel1 pump. Flint, enn go wltli hoiiNe: 1 claveno A chair Kroeh Irr), 1 pliitlnrm rocker, I occas, chair, 1 0x5 all-wool (Allen Smith) rug, 2 Imiifis, 1 Admlrul radio (comb.), break fast set '4 chairs!, 1 Leonard Ideluxe) electric range, Leonard rrfrlK., Coition Wnsher. 8 throw rugs, 3 folding chairs. 50' garden hose, some garden tools. 100 RoberLs Ave. d.196 AUCTIONS FUltN. AND APPLIANCE AUCTION Tiies.. Dec. 20, 7:30 p.m.. Glenn Wood ballroom. 4'a ml. N of Snlrm on 09E. Living room, dining, bedroom turn., ap pliances. Rift Hrmst See Tiles, paper for list. GLENN WOODRY, Auctioneer. Ph. 3-MM. ddlOl FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GENTLE PALOMINO colt A sorrel colt coming 2 yrs. old. Sale or trade tor cat tle. L. C. Edwards. Ph. 2-4172. rSnS LIVESTOCK WANTED KONOElVINn LICENSED livestock biivcr E. C. McCandllsh 1127 S 25th. Ph 3H147 en :)!) PETS ('HOICK canary birds, 260 N. 18th. ec6 FUEL rfl,,RI.Ai.r2ds7$10r"ph. 3145B. ee" liltTKN OAK A dry prune wood. Ph. 2212a after 5 p.m. re304 nilY.-,Nll CHOWTH "fir. "stove- length Reasonable. Pli. 3-3943-8445. ee!6 IHIY SI.AIl wood with few edgings. $12 two unit load. Drv 2nd Growth 113 cord In 2-rord loads. Ph. 24216. ee.103 Orepon Fuel Co. Dr Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging 15.50 loud Double 110 00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4 Phone 35533 EE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE A HEATER er30: CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends A Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shells tor sale Klorfeln Packlne Co. 460 N. Front. ee' West" Salem" Fuel Co. DRY PLANKR KNDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL A STOVE OIL Ph Salem 3-4031 Pick UP wood at 1515 Edgewater West Salem PHILLIPS DUOS Old fir. oak, ash Sz maple f ftr IS' slab and cdKlntis Ph 3MS8 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 9-7443 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fre.sli Cut Scrernrd Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SArH OHKEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY j Y017N(1 ItOASTlNfl hens. Oven ready.. 1,1- beriy Poultry Farms. Ph. 33873. 1.103 NEW HAMPSHIRE chirks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every lues Foi Hatchary. 3830 State St Ph. S-49R9 PRODUCE EASTERN alfalfa by ton or truckload. Ad- rcss 865 S 13tll. Ph. 2-9933 U3U5- , t.RADE Spttienberga ft Drllcious. Ph. 3-6981. II JIM- Journal Want Ads Pay OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS' JUST RIGHT FOR TWO A neat home on N. Commercial St. Large lot, T. blinds, hard wood floors. ITS ONLY 14800. B7 ABRAMS AVENUE tlOOO down moves you In. It's a good 2 bedroom home with ntt. garase and large lot iBendix and range Included). Full price JUST 15800. NEED MORE BEDROOMS? Here's a well constructed 5 bedroom home located at 508 North 19'h St, Large corner lot, plenty of (pace for the kiddies to play. $7500. ON EAST LEFELLE A good 2 bedroom home with extra bedroom In basement, double garage, patio. 11800. 4 BEDROOM HOME IN MANBRIN GARDENS OH heat, fireplace, extra large lot. JUST THINK less than 12000 moves you in. About 2 years old and a real buy for 19500. NEW HOME ON PEARL STREET A cut and attractive 2 bedroom home, good district, large lot. Hardwood floors, fireplace. Just reduced to 110.250. 2 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME Yes. all on one floor and brand new. About 1300 arj. It. floor space. Move rliht in. it's just finished. ONLY 12250 down balance on easy FHA terms. DON'T FORGET WE WRITE ALL TYPES OP INSURANCE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS GRABENHORST SPECIALS RESIDENTIAL COURTS We have an excellent selection of investment properties. Come in and let u, ducuss with you any of the following: 4 mills 2 years old. very clean. Income 1250 per month 4 unitsNew, Income 1200 per month. Price $18,000. 4 units Fireplaces, hdwd. floors, garaues, 1 and 2 bedrms. J24.000. 4 units 3 bedrm. each. Income J275 per month. FOR THESE AND OTHERS CALL PETER OEISER CANDALARIA VIEW HOME l large bedrms., all rms. off entry hall. Beautiful kitchen with lot of built-ins. brkdr. nooH, lge. llv. rm. fz din. rm.. lull da light ba-smt. with party rm. Bz fireplace, auto, oil heat, ceiled 2 car garage. TO SEE THIS HOME CALL EARL WEST INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 EvemnTS and Sundays call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Geiser 3-9968 C301 HELP WANTED DEMONSTRATING the latest in Plastic items in the home has educated the housewife to Its many advantages, wc i n..nnnu.i fnr d limited number of demon-strators In this territory. Car necessary, training provided, earnings begin immediately, wruc nal, Box 305. Ko02 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Batay Bitter by mo. 2145 Chem ekcta after 3:30. Bb30il (lilt!. OR WOMAN to assist with general housework and care of two children. No cooking, private room, all modern conveniences. Write Box 303 co Capital Journal. MIDDLE aged lady or widow to live in our home, care lor naoy. wmie hiuui er works. Write Box 304 Capital Journ aj gb305 WANTEI' women nut snei.era. All 'nf wnrk. 400 N ironi n.ioriein r is Company. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3h0 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN TIME FOR A CHANCE." Well known company lias terriiory mien. home, factory, .store a prospect. Low price. Long profit. Fine outfit. No deposit. Write Red Comet, Inc., Dept. 2li. Littleton, Colo. KB30 1 BOOK BINDING Have vour National Geographies, Sci ence journals and other magazines bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We also rebind antique bnoka. Hand and machine sewed. Capital City nindery, 1925 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-8176. gh!4 WANTED POSITIONS YOUMO VET, independent, stubborn and too much pride, not less man a wuek. Many qualifications and ret. 3-8090. "34 BIU. RM. for little girls In nice large home In Monmouth, wuici street. ian. trees, pleasant playmates. 145 mth. For into., call Salem 3-3585. h308' rilll.n CAKE. 1117 6th. Ph. 33611. hll GROCERY CLERK, meat cutter or man ager. Exp. Good ret. uan ureannni after 5:30 p.m. Write Rte, 2, box 3. Bor ing. Oreg. "305 TYPING Rates reasonable. Will call for and deliver. Ph. j-i;mn. IIAHY SITTING. Phone 2-0580, h2 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. tn a-auj. CHILD CAKE by hour, day or week. 91S Jefferson St. IJU- TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar w. h. mcaihs- ler a4Q .,Trn(l'- p1 2-MSfi !12-" Mimeopcraphinff-Typinpr POE'S 865 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h3U ;'HII.Dr.RE by day or hour. 1090 N. 18th h308 WOMAN WANTS houre cleaning and Iron ing hoc nr. i-n. t.jvv. Mrs. linn Miv.ui. hJOl HOI' Rl.Y child care"" Ph7 2-0403. h310' INTERIOR PAINTINO. EXP Ph. 3-6196 IRONING In my home. 2-7496. h306 IIAHY "SITTING." Ph 2-6822. h302' CAHPEN'iTH work, any kind Hens. 1 1 i Union. Ph. 2-1481. iw 'EMEvT WORK minted Ph 2-4HSO FOR RENT ROOMS GRAND HOTEL SALEM CLEAN WARM CONVENIENT WEEKLY RATES Hiph & Court Sts. Ph. 3-3751 JK.101 H'.HT housekeeping room. 315 Division. Jk303- WAKM RMS. Ph. 3553B. 795 N. Winter. LGE. SLEEPING room for couple or emp. lady. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3B459. JKJU4- lirsiNESS DIST. Sleeping rm. with elec tric plate, heat, hot ft cold water. Center. Jk301 WEI.I. FI'RN. sleeping room close In. Emp, man. HA-C water. 737 Center. JK30I WARM, ATTRACTIVE, reasonably pnord rooms lor employed gentlemen, rn. 3-4248. Jk305 t'l.ltSE IN sleeping room. HArC water. 4BI N. Huh. jkjiw PLEASANT sleeping room lor man. 1050 Norwny. Ph. 34547. JKJU' I'RIV. bed rms.. single or double, with or without board. Reasonable rates, r.lci erly people welcome. Home atmosphere. 385 N. Summer. Ph. 2-1740. jk301 MALL, clean, warm room. Close In. Cook ing priv., $3 per week. 740 Chemeketa Jk304 SI, P. A LIGHT hskpg. rm. 3-4335. k301 FOR RENT APARTMENTS V eITy DESIRABLE apt for 3 glrUa!I mod ern. 2 b'.tvks from city center state bldis. 468 N. Whiter. JP303 ROOM APT., part furn . elec. range. o:l heat Redecorated. 365 Taylor St.. or 335 Oreson Bldg. jp3(13 KIRN. APT. $45. Ulllltlea fur. 725 B nth JP30J' IREAL ESTATE FOR RENT APARTMENTS MJRN.jrRAH.EKT 1068 N. Com'l Jp303 3 KM? COt'RT AptTl262 S."l5th."P"h7"20035 alter 6 p.m. Jp303' 3 RMS. 6i bath. Unfurn. except range. $J5. Ph. 24342. Jp30l i AI'TS. Hollywood dist.. $28 St $47.50. Ph. 3-8058 or 3-1586. Jp302 SPARKLING NEW 1 ONE IIDRM. apw. in modern brick court. Available Jan. 1. 380 S. 17th. J 1)302 2 RM. FUHN. apt. 1 or 2 people. 2nd ftr. Utilities furn. 135. 2030 N. Conn. jp30$ ONE ROOM furn. basement apt. $25. Ph. 2-50M. jp302' i RM. FURN. upstairs aptCl05lTln. Ph. 2-0745.j jp304 1 RM. A kitchenette furn. for" hoping. Priv. ent. Near State House A: Univ. Adults only. 30. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 34419. jpMi- FIIKN. COIIRT Apt. A blksTfroni State House. Ph. 20714. jp;ioi' iRfLinh-ulltN2nBRrt7inWc.sl Sa lem. Call 3-6308. jpilOl' CLEAN FUltN. 2 bdrm. apt. Priv." bath. Adults. 1505 S. Com'l. Jp:i01 .1 RM, Fl'IIN. Apt. with private hath. itrouna noor. ztiOO N. Front. jplioi NEW 2 large rms. ft bath, partly furn. x-u. inunt. jpMS FUltN., redec. 2 ,t 3 room aits.Also furiK garage. 624 'a N. Capital St. ji302 FllltN. AIT. Private bath." Bus by door. 1 mi ny iiini. uiu iviRciison . Jp.101 i! FURN. AITs!rV"threrroomA7l "two rooms. AdulLs. Ph. 3-7176. Jp302 YOU CAN afford the best! Ambassador apLs. JfiO Jo S75. Ph. 3-1)805. Ji321 APT. CLOSE IN Beautifully furn. 444 N. uonagc. i'n. NICELY furn. apt. Private bath. Ph. 3-5838 or CVC. 3-4814. Jp. FURNISHED 2-RM. COTTAGES. Ph 25769. JP307 FOR RENT HOUSES i II D R M. HOI'SE. Furn. with wood ramie, heater and 1 bed. J35. 2252 Simpson. JHI301 5 RM. A n.TII. wired for range, elec. water heater, laundry trays, attached garage on A., l' mi. E. on paved rd. Rent $55. Burt Picha. Realtors, 379 N. High St. Phone 2-3649 or 2-.VJ40. Jm30t FOR RENT: 4 room hou.se. wired for range Partly furnished . Adults pref. J45. No phone calls. Henncssy, 55 Hiway Ave. Jm303 I H. H. HOUSE for sah! or "' reTit. Ph. 2-4033.1380 N.JUi. Jm301 MODERN 3 bdrm. house. $15 per mo. Ph. auuo nriore a a.m. jmjoi NEW 3-rm, mod. furn. Elec. heat, laun dry. 2 adults. No pets. 3845 Portland H(t. JinHOO 2 1IIMIM. molern home, Clo.se In. Fireplace, automatic heat, basement. Range in ciuded. JR5 per month. Ph. 2-3539. jin303 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HO USE T R A 1 L i: It "with space. Ph. 2-5323.' j:i06 V DRIVE Trucks Rn ,lnson Shrll Service Center at Cottage. Ph 2ai03 ) ULiMNKSS KM. rent H L Slifl OR RENT Larce room Ferry Street, suitable for OtLce or Store Also 2 story alley warelioue with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters State Finance Co., R'Rors 153 S- lllgh St. Tel. 3-4121. J FlilOR SANDERS to) rent Montgomrrv Ward J I'HAII.EK-S FJ.oo per dy Howler Urw 141u & i2th. West SalPm t OOD l:SEDnpLNOS. It L Stiff 1 VO DO (niHi loi -rni a coo,1 foot sanfl er. We sell everything to complete the HOWSEH BKoa pn. J -3010 SINGER ELECTRIC portable tewing ma ch'nes Reasonable rates Free Pick up M delivery singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com 1 Ph 33513 ) WANTED TO RENT FM PLOYED I. AD V needs furnished 1 or2 bedroom apt. close tn. Occupy Feb lt Hox 306 Capital Journal. Ja.tOA GAKGi: near Portland Rd. fc Hlahway Ave. Ph. 3-4815. ;a;i0J LOST & FOUND LOST; Gold kev chain. 3 kes attached. In. "S1' St VMS on chain. Ph. 3-9211. P.B.E. k3ll OST: Man's billfold Sunday. Possibility at Silver Creek park. Reivara. Ralph Wyckott. Ph. 3-9340. kiioj' LOST: DROWN Cocker mile, mo. old. Near KSl.M on KliiKWond Dr. fluids pet. Ph. 25582. k.103" LOST: SAT. 1 blHik kid R.-vr at corner of Rush , Com 1. Kinder p;;':.e return to ParflOi.ii, 1051 StiKliiaw St. k:i(U FOl'ND! A rosary at Government Camp on Mt. Hood. Sunday, Dev. 11. Owner may have same by Identifying at 1206 Chemeketa and paying for this add. KJ03 LOST: FEMALE wire hatred terrier. Wear ing harness. Anders to Rags. If found please phone 38358 or 3P680. k.101 FOl'ND! A really good place to eat. FoJd selling Is t lie art of providing foods that won't come buck to customer who will AUMSV1IJ.E COFFEE SHOP Aunvs ll.e Ores on Truck Parte. n K310 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 ' REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFULLY located on orner lot In Englewood Dlst. Th!a ry attraetlva I B.R. home, lge. living rm., dining rm., nook & fireplace, finished dry base ment, automatic heat, sprinkling system In lawn. First time on the market and the price la right. RAMBLING ranch style S B.R. all on one floor, living rm. has nice flreplac and entrance hall, dining rm., nook, big utility rm.. oil piped furnace, attach, gar., driveway wide enough that even your wife can't mLis, lot 63x150, lo cated In Hollywood Dlst., lotta home for $12,600. ' LOCATED close to Englewood Sch. on corner lot. bdl. plumbed, 3 B.R. and den, dining rm., fireplace, and nook. Full dry basm. Oil furnace, all for $11,500. lo acres and excellent complete mdn. I B.R. home, located I ml. out, north, this la tops. OVER 100 acres under cultivation, part Irrigated, good buildings, can be had with or without stock and equipment. Trade for town property will be con aldered. Ph. 2-6680. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate, 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 2-a104 - 2-7769 . 4-2320 . 3-5413 C304 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IBUsTnESS OPPORTUNITIES OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR POLICY TO OFFER ONLY SAFE, BTEADY INCOME-PRODUCINO PROPERTIES. WE HAVE SELECTED THE FOLLOW ING TWO AS OUTSTANDING AND DESERVING OF YOUR INVESTIGA TION: POULTRY HATCHERY AND BROODER PLANT Located close in. this plant has been run successfully by present owner for many years, showing a steady profit created by a never lacking demand. Well equipped, easily run, and showing a net profit of around $10,000 per year, this place Includes a truly remarkable home, which alone Is worth the present reduced sales price. About $13,000 will handle very little cash re quired for running expense. OF A SIMILAR NATURE IS ONE OF THE FINEST TURKEY HATCHERIES T't this territory. The physical setup a beautifully landscaped view home, modern incubators, hot water heated brooder houses, henhouses and ten ant's house as well as the commercial background of this enterprise, are exceptionally attractive. Earning possibilities are outstanding reported by owner as amounting to around $13,000 per year. Little cash is needed to run this place successfully, Considering opportunities, the down payment of about $15,000 is Indeed small. WE INVITE CONTACTS BY PRINCIPALS ONLY AND SHALL BE GLAD TO DISCUSS DETAILS WITH QUALIFIED PROSPECTS. FOR APPOINT MENT PLEASE CALL ERIC R. NELTE WITH Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court Phone 2-3629 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. mil' DENTAL PLATE R CP AIR HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRT SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bid. State St ComnrntUI 6ts SALEM Phone 2-3311 rn' BUILDING MATERIAL CONVERT your furnace. Motor driven oil burner for furnace In good shape. House being wrecked at 1109 Union. See Chris on the Job. rna304 RED CEDAR shingles ero 1 2x3'a any amount delivered .oweat market prices. 18 In. No 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller Salem-Indep road. Call 2-119S Salem. ma DOOKS Bedroom, bathroom ft closet doors, stan dard sizes, sincle panel. The quantity la limited at $7.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front Se Court Balem ma oAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you comp;et IN STALLED price on yout roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman tor fret estimate Phone 3-3131 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM. OREGON WINDOWS As much as 'A off regular prices on larce assortment of single ft multlpane standard and-offsize windows St frames. KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem SIDING "C" ORADE CEDAR SIDING ,V'Xfl". Choice and limited lot. Regularly B0 M, now 0 M V SI1EETROCK tile board. Regularly (05 M, now $30 M KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem ma DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con tractor and carpenter using me nnesi old growth vertical grain yellow flT finished iumDer In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 3ft Lana Ave Ph. 34939 Free parking ma' FLOORING l"x4" clear, end-matched fir flooring Limited quantity. Regularly 1100 M. now M KEITH BROWN Front ft Court Salem ma coMPOsrnoN roofing 45 lb. Smooth, mica surfaced roll ..1.98 90 lb. Slate granule surfaced roll ..3.11 15 lb. Asphalt saturated felt build ing paper 324 Sq. ft. per roll ... .2-59 168 lb. Hex shingles. Slate surfaced Sq. 220 lb. Square butt shingles. The finest, Sq "5 WATER N AUTO SUPPLY CO. Salem, Oregon ma311 CONTRACTORS!! YOU OWE IT To yourself, and your customer, to ob tain highest quality lumber, at lowest possible delivered prices. For large sav ing, write, phone, or see us, for our lat est price list. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. mal2 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NO WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n 1 DARK WOOL SL'IT, size 40, flO. 498 N. 13lh. Ph. 2-4886. n303 FOR YOI'R HOLIDAY dinners ft parties. Drink Ss enjoy pure apple cider. Made daily 'no preservative i Contains all the fruit vitamins. Puritan Cider Wks.. West Salem. n306' I'SICD It.MHOS tt record players. J9.95 up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n ATTENTION service station, used car lot fz equipment owners. Eastern oil 2 gal. .sealed cans, 47'.-c per gal. Grease cup, chassis, water pump, all purpose gear liu tv 140. 5 lb to 500 lb containers, 9c lb. Rfbuitt batteries, group 16 mo. guarantee S4.46 exchnnse. H. C. Han son. 320 S. Lancaster. Ph. 2-O0l0. nla OIL "CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n' OWNER LEAVING, must sell household Bonds. Elec. mixer, rerrlg.. chest, sil ver chest, fruit and many other things. 437 Tryon Ave.. Maplcton addition. n303 RF.W'TIFl'L little bungalow piano In ex cellent condition. 1690 So. Cottage. n303" TADl.E TOP elec. ranee, good condition J25. Girls bicycle, needs tires, 15. Ph. 37067. n303 t'SED ELECTRIC WASHERS 19.95 UP. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n EI.DRinOE sewing machine, treadle type. GtHKl. f25. Call 3-3335 after 5 p.m. n303- MONAKCH elec. ranse. Prac. new. 1350 Marion. Phone 2-7666. n303 1'SFD Electric RcfrlKcrators. $49.95 ft up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n t'SFO OlL circulators. Reconditioned. 130 and up. Judsoii29 N. Com'l. n303 PACKARD-BELL record Player, (8.00. New Quaker lace tablecloth, J8.00. New three-piece Elsin American dresser set, M0. Ph. 3-4587. 3185 Sllverton Road. n303 ITl.L SIE boy's bicycle. In good condi tion. 1163 Ruae St. n302 i'SV.D Electric ranees. $19 95 ft tip. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n AN'TIQl'E hantlnr lamps, hand lamps. alnut bed stead A etc. on Sllverton nvul 4:h house from Middle Grove sch. on ft. n301 SlIOTC.rX: 20 za. dbl. barrel, 6 box shells. (45. Ph. J -53! 4, D302 IREAL ESTATE Evenings Phone 2-7D4T fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MATCHING Sch win touring model bicy cles. Girl's has stand, light fz basket. Boy's has stand, hand basket ft gear shift. Also boy's CCM winter club fig ure skates. Size 8. Like new. Ph. 2-4662. D302 19S7 FORD IVi ton stake or flatbed. Over load springs, vacuum brakes, quick sale, also 8 mo. old Santtlzer vacuum clean er. Ph. 4-2806. n305 NEARLY new Fanclnl accordian. Cost J375 new. Will sacrifice lor (175. Ph. 4-2935, 2605 S. Hulsey alter 3 p.m. n301 LIMOGES Haviland china, floral gilt band. Reasonable. 607 N. Capitol, Apt. 2. n301" GAS RANGES, apt. size, t only, reduced (50. Yeater Appliance Co, 375 Chemeketa n8 Save 20 to 50 PIANOS Spinets fz Grands. GUITARS Standard ft Electric. ACCORDIANSAll Sizes ft Prices. BAND INSTRUMENTS New St Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph. 3-4641 Jaquith Music Co. STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings In stock St made to order. 1145 N. Liber ty. n3 MISSION ELEC. hot water heater. 42 gal. New Crated. $79. Ph. 3-4284. n' HEAT your home clectrlcalry with West- lnghouse or Wcsln automatic electric heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n' GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson and Montag Appliances at Gevurtz. n PHILLIPS BROS Fertilisers, well rotted or rresh. any kind, By yard or sack Flagstone for all rod: work Crdm tence posts iclcplioiu and e'.ec poles An? lancth Shi pair.. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. fi. Box 118. n USED OIL burners, blowers Ss sawdust burners. Ph. 2-8662. n5 DISH GARDEN plants .nd planters Beau tiful floral work. Pcmberton f lowei Shop, 1980 S. 12th, Ph. 2-9946. n307 SALEM SAND 6. u RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental lb Rit yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-B Cat fi Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by tlx ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-826 or 2-4400 Salem OregOD n LAST CALL TALLMAN'S XMAS PIANO SALE New spinet piano, (494 up. Full 88 notes. All are regular makes are on sale at laree savings: Knabe, Fischer. Loushead, Mehlin A: Lester Betsy Ross Spinets, A few with da ma i?ed cases at extra re duction. (50 down, 24 months on bal. UPRIGHT PIANO BARGAINS Used (85 up. Reconditioned (125 up. Re built (225 up. (25 down, (10 to (15 a mo. GRAND PIANOS GREATLY REDUCED TALLMAN'S PIANO STORE 375-395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. Open Wednesday & Friday evenings. Open Wed. Sz Frl. evenings. n302' DIAMOND, half karat, perfect, reason able. 677 M, cnurcn. nju SKIS, 7 FT., shoes ft poles. Practically new. Bargain. Call 3-73b8. nam- MINK DYED northern muskrat, size 18. In good cond. Ph. 3-7189. n30l VIOLIN for sale. Ph. 4-2387. Rt. 9. Box 334. Rosedaie dlst. n302" FOR SALE General Electric ranee and Cold Spot refrigerator, both In good condition. Also other household furni ture. Call between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. 440 Water St.. Ph. 3-7196. n301 RUUD gas water heater. Good used lum ber. New noils, misc. household items. Solid oak buffet. Ph. 2-4039. 1380 N. 5th. n301 CONVERT your furnace. Motor driven oil burner tor furnace in Rood shape. House being wrecked at 1109 Union. See Chris on the iob. n30t WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveways cement ready mix concrete garden and Bulldozing, drainage and dlt chine K-JC. hoval and drag Una Ph 3-9249 H.P. ELEC. motor. 110 St 220. I"x5' shaft. 6 pulleys. Ph. 3-9409. n5 RUMMAGE sale. 360 State upstairs. n311 3 SQ. white cedar shakes. 1200 ft. 2x4 & shlplap. Goes lor fdo.oo. sa raric Ave. n301 XMAS PIANOS TODAY'S GREAT PIANOS! BALDWIN - CABLE - HADDORFP WURLITZER NEW SPINETS FROM S395 Best Values on New and Used Grands. Spinets. Uprights. Open evenings till 9 p.m. except Saturday. Stone Piano Co. THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Salem. Ore. n303 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: GOOD piano, standard make. Will pay cash. pn. 2B7Z5. najuj- USED belt sander. Ph. 3-5110. na301' FIR STVMPAGE and fir logs wanted Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber Manufac turing Company. Inc.. Independence. Oreson. Phone 42. na SEWING machine. Ph. 3-5110. na30l PAINT "sprayjoutfit. Ph. 3-5110. na301 WANTED 6- to 10-ton walk-In locker. L. E. Younlt, Lyons. Rt. 1. na3i)i WANTED BARKIE Doug I ft fir poles or stumpage. Phone 1.87 Albany or write Standard Pole ft Piling Co.. Inc. na5 I'SED piano. Ph. 3-5110. na301 epati Lei -h tool NURSERY STOCK GIVE GIFTS ROSE BUSHES, 90c TREE ROSES, $3.00 CAMELLIAS, $1.50 up RHODODENDRONS, $4.00 Gift Certificates The easy way to shop. Mail in your check and we will send certificate which permits recipient to select shrub he wishes when he wants It. Knight Pearcy Nursery 3S7 South Liberty (3 blocks south of State) P. O. Box 12 Phone J-S21J Open Dally, 9 'til 5 Sunday 12 'til 4 AUTOMOBILES . NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY en these sound, serviceable low priced on Its ar anotttftilr Payments: 1940 DeSoto Coup 49f 1939 Studebaker Champion Sedan 1371 1937 Chevrolet Master Sedan 1350 1937 Chrysler Royal Sedan 1350 19.18 Ford Sedan 1300 1934 Chevrolet 2 -door tl3l For fehM nd other bargains, B Loder Bros. 495 Center St. PERSONAL HAVE YOU had troubla getting a sup port to wear with Blacs&l Spencer can be designed for this purpose. Ph. 3-5072, eye-ieig. p301 MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corse tier. Let a Spencer solve your figure problem. All calls given special attention. Ph. 35072. p308 AVON COSMETICS. Ph. 3-4888. MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and paychlo reader. Madame solve your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally. 173 S. Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 29285. p303 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 724 Ph 3-5234. P333 ATTENTION The house-dust allergy problem can be solved by phoning 2-4517 or call at 757 Center. p30l AUTOMOBILES 1949 Chev. Areo (RADIO & HEATER) Save $300 ON THIS NEARLY NEW CAR $1695 Eisner Motor Co. 352 N. Wall, Salem q303 MODEL A, excellent condition. Ph.2-7035. (1300 MIA CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Above average. Radio it heater. Will finance. 690 Waldo Ave. q302 CLEANEST 1941 Chevrolet sedan in town. Radio St heater. Will finance. Ph. 3-3253. . q302 41 Buick SUPER SEDAN GOOD TIRES, EXCELLENT MOTOR. RADIO, HEATER, DEFROSTER. FOG LITES. MED. BLUE FINISH. INTERIOR VERY CLEAN. THIS IS A REAL VAL UE. CONVENIENT TERMS, FULL PRICE $695 Orval's 1950 PONTIACS ARE HERE '48 Pontlac Sedan 11195 42 Pontlac Sedan 745 '39 Pontlac Sedan 495 "42 Chevrolet Sedan 695 '37 Dodge Sedan 295 '37 Chevrolet Sedan 295 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '40 Plymouth Sedan 545 '39 Plymouth Sedan 395 '36 Oldsmoblle Coupe 145 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 660 N. LIBERTY PHONE 2-4113. q Eisner Motors to Sell 1946 Plymouth Spec. DeLuxe 4-dr. Sedan, dark green in beautiful condition. $1095 Eisner Motor Co. 3.2 N. High. Salem. 150 USED CAR LOT 150 Sz your old one 12th St. Junctloi Open till 10 p.m. qi Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES nru ft tubei at com price Flrt come ftm served na thL l a cloje-out sale Dealer. welcomed R D Woodrow Co.. 450 Center q Eisner Motors Fine Cars ZEEB'S USED CARS RPY SELL TRAD! TERMS 3 LOTS 3338 Faimround Rd. Ph. 2-6454 520 Hood St Ph 1-7714 l!:lrt CHEV. master 4-door sedan. Oood cond. Ph. 2-1129 between 5 p.m. 'St PONTIAC stA. Good shape. Be.it ca.h offer over 1200. See GrabeU Garace. 3579 Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-9351. q302 TRANSPORTATION n"RIVlNOtrTL! A. Thuri. Room for 3 r:d- ers. Ph. 2-7472. X3CJ GOING TO Vsllcjo A Sac. Calif. Dec. 24. Room for 1. Prefer driver. Ph. 2n5Jl after I p.m. xJ02 INURSERY STOCK THAT GROW! FLOWERING TREES, $2.00 DOGWOODS CLEMATIS, $1.25 DAFFODILS, $1.00 doz. AUTOMOBILES Pbon 1-41 tt. Nr I MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS "Heap Big Smoke & Lots of Fire" Make Xmas 1949 Practical, Useful & Lasting One! Low Cost Transportation BICYCLES WHIZZER BIKES SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED New Low Prices & Easy Terma, of Course VISIT INDIAN TERRITORY Shrock Motorcycle Sales JUST PASS THE UNDERPASS FINANCIAL DECEMBER CASH Extra cn.ih for shopping might make all the difference J50.00 for 2 weeks costs only 70c. Other amounts In proportion. Pay only for the time you use the cash, no co signers necessary . . . You choose the monthly payments . . . You choose the pay ment date. Don't borrow unneces sarily, but if a loan is the best solution remember we .say "Yes" to 4 out of 8 who apply. Come In, or phone first lor faster service. Open Saturday, 9 to I P.M. November 19 throuch December 17 Personal Finance Co. OP SALEM 518 State, Room 125 Phone 2-2464 O. R. Allen, Mtr. Lie. 8-122 - M-165 r303 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4&7, and 6 vour OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real EstaU Contract! and Second M or traces. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-3283. r PRIVATE HONEY Special Rates and TenM On Lareer Loam Lorn and Short Tlm Payment! ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phoua I-11B1 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTB CREDIT CO. 1S2 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-159 S-1M $ CASH $ , Hollywood Finance Co. 19RQ Fairground Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Llo N U3e90tl Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. f CHRISTMAS CASH $S0 to $1500 Investigate Our Plan PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. Liberty Ph. 4-2202 Ac rasa from Stevens ft Bom Jewelera r304 SE7& OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4T. OR 4& INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-3663 r IF VOUR PROPERTY Is for sala It will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan It will stand. This Information u obtainable with but very little troubla, o not hesitate to call on us for any Information you desire about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Tel. 1-4121. t GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and U-32B and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCb AND LOANS 138 S Commercial St. TeL 3-9161 INSURANCE INSURE AND BE SURB Save 20-, to 30 r, on Auto Insurant Complete Line of Insurance VAN M GREER AGENCY 965 Highland Ave. Ph 2-2451 r305 TRAILERS 18 FT., 1D1II aluminum Sliver Lodger. Electric rcfrlBcrator, Butane ttove, oil heat. Excellent condition, Jmt lived In snort time. Must sell this week. Inquire at Fairgrounds Cottases, 2597 Portland Road. t303 lodges'""" ' Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. ti 'vAM. Special meeting Wed., Dec. 21, 8 pm. Installation ot of ficers. 303 Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.P. j-'&A.M. Tues.. Dec. 20th. Special S. A. degree. 7 p.m. 302' (Continued on Page 17)