Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 19, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    I75., v. 'J 'rail
Chinese Reds Race to Build
Rule Before Opposition Starts
(Editor's note: Fred Ilampson, chief of the Associated
Press staff in China, got out of communist Shanghai on
Dec. 9 after four years in the great city. This dispatch, writ
ten as he sails for Hong Kong by way of Japan, tells of
mounting opposition to communist rule.)
Aboard the Sir John Franklin off Shanghai, Dec. 10 (Delayed)
(P) Chinese communists are racing with time as the chill blasts
of their first winter in power sweep over China.
They are racing to get their police state type of control con
solidated and to end the civil war before Internal opposition to
their regime stiffens.
Their huge armies, their grow
ing bureaucracy, costs of war
and reorganization have impos
ed upon them the same burdens
that crushed their Kuomintang
(Nationalist party) enemies.
Burled Alive Under Debris but Escapes Firemen work
the debris rapidly to free John A. Asher, II, 25, whose auto
mobile hurtled into a two-story brick building at 4046-48
Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Asher's car was buried beneath
tons of debris from the front of the building. Conscious
throughout the ordeal he talked with rescue workers. Arrow
points to his head. He received only fractured ribs, cuts and
bruises. Damage to the building was estimated at between
$10,000 and $20,000. (AP Wirephoto)
Navy Gets Order to Give
Salute to Top Civilian Brass
Washington, Dec. 19 (U.R) The navy has orders today to be
more careful about saluting top civilian officials of the gov
ernment. Adm. Forrest P. Sherman, chief of naval operations, told navy
men here that "failure of naval personnel to recognize, and to
render proper military cour-
I tesies to, officials of the govern'
Police Halt Elopement
Of Duke's Daughter
Madrid, Dec. 19 (U.B Police
broke up the elopement of a
duke's daughter and a bullfight
er Saturday.
Angelina, pretty daughter of
the Duke of Pino Hermoso, slid
down a rope of knotted bed
sheets from her balcony into the
arms of Luis Miquel Dominguin,
one of Spain's leading bullfight
ers, Friday night.
They ran to a waiting auto
mobile and sped away. But they
were spotted by a watchman on
the estate and the duke asked
police to intercept them.
Police later found the miss
ing lovers, Angelina at the home
of socially - prominent friends
and Dominguin at the home of
bullfighter friends.
The duke took Angelina home
and told Dominguin to keep
away from his door. Police re
leased Dominguin, and he vowed
he would win Angelina yet.
He has been trying for two
years. The duke has forbiden
the marriage on the grounds
Dominguin is a commoner.
Formosa Commander
Asks U.S. Arms Aid
Taipeh, Formosa, Dec. 19 (U.PJ
Gen. Chen Cheng, military
commander of Formosa, predict
ed today the Chinese commu
nists would launch an amphi
bious assault on Formosa next
The attack on Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-shek's island for
tress cannot be made before then
because of unfavorable weather,
Chen said In an interview.
The general accompanied his
prediction with a plea for mill
tary aid from the United States.
"If Taiwan (Formosa) falls to
the communists, it will be im
possible to defend the Philip
pines or Southeast Asia," he
"The entire American defense
strategy based on the Pacific
islands will crumble and become
worthless. The American peo
ple should recognize this and
they should hope and insist that
the U.S. government studies tne
situation in the face of the cold
facts. It Is a serious mistake
to permit sentiment to affect
their judgment."
Pratum WSCS Guest
Pratum Mrs. William de
Vries was hostess to Pratum
WSCS at her home for the
Christmas meeting. Mrs. Adam
Hersch lead devotion. Mrs. Har
vey Meyer was in charge of
business meeting. Mrs. deVries
served refreshments tc 22 wom
en and several children.
ment entitled thereto, has been
commented upon unfavorably
To avoid further comment.
he said, responsible navy offi
cers in the Washington area
should "indoctrinate" all per
sonnel in "the necessity for
keeping their eyes open and for
meticulous observance of the
rules of military etiquette.'
The order came on the heels
of a published report that an
unidentified navy lieutenant
rudely turned his back when
President Truman gave him
friendly "hello" during a morn
ing stroll.
Navy officials said they know
of no such incident. They de
nied that there was any con
nection betwene the report and
the directive.
It was believed, however, the
order is designed to prevent any
public display of navy bitter
ness over the stand of many
administration officials in the
recent unification row.
An official navy spokesman
said that the directive means
that navy men are to "render
proper hand salutes to all sec
retaries of the military establishment."
Under military regulations,
Mr. Truman rates a salute be
cause of his position as com
mander-in-chief of the armed
forces. Others entitled to
salute include Defense Secretary
Louis Johnson and the secre
taries of army, navy and air
945 S. Commercial St.
Ph. 3-4590 Salem, Ore.
Hov'd You Like to Take
Bike Ride in the Air?
Lakchurst, N. J., Dec. 19 W) How'd you like to take a bi
cycle ride in the air?
A Woodbridge attorney did it.
He flew through the air with the greatest of ease inside the
big hangar of the naval air station in a foot-operated bicycle
type device suspended from a'
Sixty to B0 percent of the
Chinese I polled who were op
posed to the Kuomintang now
are opposed to the Reds.
Inflation is rampant again.
Price controls have broken
down. Discontent is widespread
both cities and countryside.
Unemployment is at dangerous
ly high levels Worried farmers
sell rice they ordinarily stock
pile against the off season be
cause they are afraid of more
commandeering by the Red mil
itary. Taxes are high and get
ting higher.
There are reports alread of
food shortages in some districts
But the controlled press and the
limitations on travel make it
impossible to get the facts. There
still is enough food in the cities
The communist New China
News agency in a dispatch from
Peiping on Dec. 4 admitted the
Reds were in serious economic
and financial difficulties. The
dispatch obviously came from
high quarters.
The dispatch concluded with
the statement of Red leader Mao
Tze-Tung: "Our situation can
be generalized as follows; there
are difficulties but there are
ways and means and there
In contrast to the Free-wheel
ing propaganda of the commun
ist press, which blithely insists
that all is well, Mao's statement
a startling warning.
Town Resents Remark
Made by Mrs. F.D.R.
Logan, W.Va., Dec. 19 (U.R)
A magazine article by Mrs.
Eleanor Roosevelt in which she
said the depression at the turn
of the last decade turned this
city into clumps of tent colonies
today left the Logan Chamber
of Commerce In an indignant
frame of mind.
Apologies were remanded by!
Fred Haislip, head of the civic
promotional body, from pub
lishers of her book "This I Rem
ember" and the magazine (Mc
Call's) which ran the volume
Logan is a coal mining region.
Burma Recognizes
Communist China
Rangoon, Burma, Dec. 19 (If)
Burma recognized communist
China today.
The Burmese foreign office
sent a telegram to the commun
ist foreign minister, Chou En
Lai, saying:
"Believing the central people's
government of China has the
support of the people of China
and bearing in mind the tradi
tion of friendship between the
Chinese and the Burmese peo
ples, the government of the
Union of Burma confirms the
recognition of China's people's
republic and looks forward to
establishment of diplomatic re
lations and an exchange of envoys."
5000 cubic foot helium bag.
Charles K. Paul, the invent
or, and the man who took the
ride, said the device, which he
calls a podalcopter, is "the saf
est flying machine imaginable."
The navy, in the person of
Capt. G. F. Watson, said it
"has no opinion pro or con as
to the present or potential value
of this device."
The demonstration was per
mitted as an accommodation to
Paul, a civilian employe of the
navy, Watson said. Paul is a
civilian attorney for the navy
and a lieutenant commander in
the U. S. coast guard reserve.
Paul pedalled away, swooping
around the hangar at a height
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 19, 1949 15
of 100 feet and made an easy
He made the machine out of
bicycle parts at a cost of about
$400 and said he used to about
$60 worth of helium in the bag
Paul started work on his ped-
alcoptcr last May.
The pilot sits in the fuselage
and operates with his feet a
bicycle-style sprocket which ro
tates the helium bag and two
flying rotors of the type used
on a helicopter.
The helium bag is above the
pilot's head, the rotor blades
are below his feet. The appar
atus on which Paul sat looked
like a baby carriage with
horizontal shaft in the center,
Now is the time to order that new roof before th
rainy winter season.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
Free estimates without obligation.
McGilchrist & Sons
255 No. Commercial Street
Phone 38478
. j. j. j- . a - -- --.-.. .a. j- j. j. j. jt. j. ,t. ,, ,f , A J. ,f , J, J, J, i
4 i . t tTtTT 'ttTtttttttTTttT tTTTT TTT
O'Dwyer's Romance Gives
Florida Town Big City 'Look!
Stuart, Fla., Dec. 19 (U.R) This Florida fishing town, drawn
closer to New York by romance than by U. S. Highway 1, is
experiencing a rush of metropolitan politicians and reporters.
More than a score of hotel reservations were made in the
first few hours after announcement that New York Mayor Wil
liam O'Dwyer and Model Sloan ; -
Simpson will marry here Tues
day morning.
Many reporters were on the
scene today. Hotel keepers de
clined to give out the names of
those making reservations, but
admitted that "some of them
are in politics."
The ceremony in St. Joseph s
Roman Catholic church is set for
8:30 a.m. Tuesday.
"The city may try to do some
thing for the occasion," said Mrs.
Veronica Hendrickson, manager
of the Flamingo hotel," but we
haven't had much time so far.
O'Dwyer met the 33-year-old
Miss Simpson two years ago
after she had taken part in a
fashion show at City hall. Their
romance had been reported fre
quently in recent months, but
O'Dwyer refused to confirm
rumors of a marriage.
He is a widower. Miss Sim
pson has been married and di
vorced, and recently the mar
riage was annulled by the Cath
olic church on grounds that her
first husband, Carroll Dewey
Hipp, was a non-Catholic.
Practical and Pretty
GIFT Suggestions
Half Slips
P. J.'s
Bed Jackets
Other GIFT Items
Coffee Coats
House Coats
Jersey Blouses
S.nart SL
Made in Portland
At Oregon's Lowest Prices
Installed in Your Home 5 ars' Guarantee Against Defects
B'4 cu. ft. Polaris Re
friRerntor S219. In
stalled in your home.
Sold Exclusively in Salem by
Elmer's Venetian Blinds and Shades
Ph. 3-7328 1453 Ruge
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C. R. Allen
To most folks who get a loan it's dollars and cents, it's the
where-with-all to do something with. To me it's something
different yes it's money all right . . . it's my only mer
chandise . . . but wrapped up in every loan is a lot of sat
isfaction. Doctor bills paid . . . cash for the new baby . . .
the old car repaired . . . that dream house a reality ... a
business trip it's all done with cash my merchandise, and
a sincere desire to be of service.
So, if a loan is to your advantage take my money, use it
where it will do the most good, and if you haven't the time
to come in and chat about it, pick up the phone and call me.
I'm known as the "Yes Man" because I like to say "Yes" to
loan requests in fact I say "Yes" to 4 out of 5 and I'd like
to say "Yes" to you and I'll try and arrange a loan the
same day.
The name is C. R. Allen, Mgr., the Phone No. is 224C4, and
I'm at Personal Finance Company, 518 State St.
Smart design, beautiful
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and heat galore at VERY
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Enjoy the cheer of an open fire and the Instant warmth of the
visible fan shaped flame.
Actually pay for your heater by being able to burn low cost furnace
oil including the new money saving catalytic oik
279 N. COMMERCIA L PHONt 3-4141
Use Capitil Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Need.
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less than 2 of
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Most luxuries are expensive. But here the
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housing, 19 on recreation and miscellaneous,
13 on clothing, 8 on transportation, 6 for
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Yet PGE customers use electricity abundantly
in fact they use 3 to 4 times as much as the
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Unlike many things, PGE electricity hat
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Yes, the luxury of PGE electricity represent
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PGE intends to keep it that way.