14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dec. 19, 1949 T ABOUT THIS FIVE CLAWS I SOLD A ROLL OF SAIL CLOTHl T BACK DOWN THEM-"""""l I" I TOLD YA T'60 EASY STUPID Mil RADIO PROGRAMS IIWORTH Cr SCCTTCH GARGLE JTO A HERRING TUB ACROSS I STEPS CAREFUL" i 1 1 GET UR YfcINT HURT BAD j-mT7 V S MAS6IE WHAT IS IT I VtHE SIVER SMUD6E POT"- K- , , , j" Mrm I F --vii,!.. l.,ff1lt I . T I GOTTA DO TO COLLECT?JJtf YOU TAKE OVER IN MY RClWVri WSS. I tl" JS3fci'il f I 1 ' I T km,,..W.mm u TVrOWBOAT, THATS ALL TL SWWliV III Jgi CP&ff' 'J , JJ MB. DILLY TRIES SOME TRICKS t Santa, with Mr. Dilly and Henry ! close behind him, ran into the barns I where the flying reindeer were kept. I ' We'll fly away on the deer," said Saata puffing and panting. "Then w ran riprfrip what tn rio next." "Where are the deer?" cried Mr. Tlillv "It's iin Hark in hern I can't see them." "Henry light the lamps' ordered Santa. Quickly the boy obeyed. Santa J and Mr. Dilly and Henry each took ! a lantern to the stalls and peered J in. There were no reindeer. In- stead eight little gum drops, green I and orange and yellow, lay In the I straw. ! "Oh. mv!" gasped Santa. "I can't think what has happened. I can't j understand why my magic wand I caused this terrible thing." i Henrv dronoed his head. He had I to tell Santa what had happened. "It's all my fault," he whispered J so low Santa could scarcely hear 5 him. j ."Why boy?" exclaimed Santa in t surprise. J "No. no!" cried Mr. Dilly in a loud j voice. "It's all my fault!" 5 "Why, man?" cried Santa, more surnrised than cer. Then Mr. pilly and Henry told I Santa how they had taken his wand in the woods to learn how . to get a rabbit out of Mr. Dilly's hat. They told how they had lost j the wand and the Wiggle Waggles I found it and gave Henry their evil I wand in its place. I "And that's the wand you have jnow," finished Henry. "That's the reason it cursed our friends Instead of the Wiggle Waggles." I For a long time Santa sat thlnk- iing. Finally he said, "I do not dare use this wand again for who knows what evil it might cause. But, any .way. the Wiggle Waggles will never Jhave it again!" I With that he broke the stick over tand over across his knee until it Jwas in a dozen pieces and of no use Jto anyone. "Now," he said, "We must get jback my wand and all will be well." I "I'll go after It!" cried Henry. ("I'll get it some way. They won't 'fool me Renin." i "No," said Santa. "Next time they Iffet you will be the end of you for jthey mean to destroy us all." i At that very instant they heard (the whooping and howling of the 'Wiggle Waggles as the wicked crea 'tures raced to the barns. j For the first time Santa seemed .truly worried. "Only magic can .save us," he murmured, i Mr. Dilly flung up his hands. '"Merciful day! I had forgotten I 'was a magician. I have a thousand magic tricks 1 Come let's hurry out ;Bide." , They ran out behind the barn. ' "What trick could you possibly know that would save us?" asked Santa. "I must think," said Mr. Dilly. His chin sank on his chest as he thought and thousht. All the time the Wiggle Waggles came closer on the far side of the barn. You could almost hear them breathe as Mr. Dilly quietly thought over .every trick he'd known in all his life as a magician. Suddenly Zezon appeared around the corner of the barn, "Too late," whispered Santa sad ly. A hundred Wiggle Waggles Joined Zessop and pushed around the cor ner. "Too late I" they echoed glee fully. But Mr. Dilly raised his head. So quickly that no eye could follow his hand, he yanked a rope from his pocket and flung one end into the air. "It's the magic rope trick," he ihoutcd. "Follow me!" Santa looked and Henry looked and even the Wiggle Waggles stop ped to look. Mr. Dllly's rope was standing straight up on the ground and Mr. Dilly was climbing the rone. In an instant Santa and Henry followed and all three climbed steadily into the blue. In the next moment the Wiggle Waggles had recovered from their astonishment but when they raced to the rope It really wns too Into tills time ton late for them: Santa had pulled the end of the rope up after him never reach It. Meantime the other end of the rope rase as far as the eye could see. Mr. Diuv. Santa ana Henry climbed for hours. When they were too tired to go on Mr. Dilly tied the rope into rings and they all three sat down in miaair to resi. "Mr. Dilly." said Santa. "This is one of the finest tricks I've ever seen. You are a great magician.' "Well," Henry reminded them abruptly. "We got away that time but what do we do now? ' Next: The Thanderblrds SIZES I, 2, 3, YRS. TRANSFER FOR SMOCKING INCLUDED SS 3503 Sweet and Smoclicd This is a lit tie dress that will be pretty enough for young set parties . . . with its pouf puff sleeves, dainty smock ing to circle the neckline. (Trans fer for smocking Included in the pattern). no. 3oo;i is cut in sizes i, z, ana 3, Size 2, 1 yds. 35-in. Patterns ready to fill orders im mediately. For special handling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c pel pattern. Would vou like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles that includes designs for all members of the family from tiny vm ana growing gins to juniors and mteses, mature and large-size women? Just include the fall- WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. It's a big aid to every home sewer. Price per copy Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5, Calif I - . R2865 Snndman Nprriiil Precious chub by bears, rnublu. and kittens piled In tills "dreamland Special" to make a delightful design for baby's nurs ery bed linens. Embroidered in sim ple stitches and gay colors these motifs are fun and fast work. Pattern Envelope No. R28G5 con tains four hot-iron transfers, one measuring 11 by 2li inches and 3 measuring G'i by 2'v inches; color chart, stitch Illustrations and com plete embroidering directions. To obtain thia pntiern. send 20c In COINS, giving paitt-rn number your name, address wid zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. v xCSlRi Aloha Needle Club Has Holiday Party Pleasantdale The Aloha Nee dle club's annual Christmas gath ering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane. Mrs. Minnie Shepard, mother of Mrs. Adolph Schutz, was the guest. Mrs. Pratt Silton, one of the members who has not been pres ent for more than two years be cause of illness, was present and enjoyed the day. P 1 Vv V Zllm JtrfiS trVr J Irtd JUmtmJmUS? 'SafiUfe- Et&UPjlntl VSliV i'l 6:15 Mu.ic.l Solr ll.dlo Theater Home Edition New. Sllv.r f KtUi g. wWC f&Wxfflwf cLyw! jj M'," """ Tl""f K'"' s""'"' TwIILM on. I sis S 11 1 I I Pi i45 K.llr.d Hour T.lent Seoul. 8p.Hn, Son,. Th. B.l.t Truck 1W S I 'C '-O I I I Lq PJJ, o.nn Telephon. Hr. Inner S.netun. rthor Oaelb "'". "I X . . . II Xl? 9-15 Telephone nr. Inner Sanctum Trio lare Rom wui.nrtl. IJ. M n ALL THE LL THE II ALL THE -J g-sSnane. oreh. eu..h u.i.h 1"kVX u TW I 1 I '11 ICECREAM - i CREAM -l ICECREAM - 'J iJB "nlS- 5S5 "?L. h?r- r 1 J)P YOU CAN EAT L. CAN EAT I OU CAN EAT IS:?? C,"""., M"S!.d !Sl p- . R W J ftijj k yfJr ("-.... CV I fvH ,,:,,W.I Mu.eum Chleaaoana Concert Hour TSt, 2"!"" u .tw . xj. y wivx tzy r;..-xn- u vvi eft'; ":u""" " : u ww; vw-.u. cpi um wKTrrcv..iS iiwsir" f.,..i.. ..u. vUt roluZ-S V j- life as gsa sa ps as ZCS II . n ..j frniN Ktoek tSmwm Newa Tax Bitter .,,., ASaSOM- 4:VS SS New. U.r.n.11, bt-klMt Ou WOOO Ktotk I 1 I 1 i-: : : 1 I i 5n Vewi CBS Nam pob Baton Br'kfael O.na g""" , Z-30 Jfl r.. n..t Zeka Manner. To. Trad.. KOCO Kteek n raBLi I III! Bill I llljjLf- 11 ITwELL, WHffT ARE AND JUST fiBOUTl ITS DOC! "1 HELLO, ORIS ! 1 8:00 Eddi. Albert Conanmer Now. Braaikraal OInb Bairx. Cogoteir ""."Sj,."- 0 rVES...THSB y i-ve seen worse 3 I we kjaitin" for? as cold inside, L liiSiS?0 II Where's vour papa? J si.- Si"""! club n."'.r "JLt "'"' R THE PLACE-NOT I HM-M-BUT I DON'T 1 9 ;i IT'S COLO I'M AFRAIO-BUT 7 MAMtfS It THeS,i 8:45 Saie Bidera Roeemarr Breakla.1 Club llaren .1 Boat """ p MUCH TO LOOK REMEMBER JUST J OUTSIDE HERE- YES-COME ON, J KITCHEN BY .(tUSCI ZJ -JT s.c,na CH Wend, Warren Ne.. N W New, Jj " "; 1 M MmWm flllL JHj ILarHrS; sHalBSI ' W PI I 'Ey IrlTitt ,LJ1 P . AA V3ImZ I I. I VY IT tte 10:SC. Cmlbr. Or. UIw Mr Trn. Storr J'" M Ker. i Ml "Slit B ; JIOStIt 12-19-1 L J TYm IT ( WV. - .. 10:45 H,l Richard. Gnldln. Ll.hl Mr Trn. Storr B" MoriM . I fBELIEVE ME I'M WA I VJUV. TTHE RHRK1WG PROBLEM IKI W"vJE NEED MORE PLAV tW MICE GOING, POP! YOU Ibjiims 2:00 . Glr, ,,,, New.paper 177.. Bob Pool. " Mejlodler. SOIKie TO BLAST Jf RUDYtWIS TOWN IS A DISGRACE. JgROUWDS AND WEALTU lf MAY NOT KNOW IT ) 8:15 Por. r L,(e Steve Allen IteZ.rt ".!! Md.5 S T THEM AT THE WHATsll'VE TOLD THEM REPEAT- CENTERS AND OUR. W EOT YOU OUST WROTE 2:3" lu.t Plain BUI ! Bride Groom MJ,J,'r , S I 1 I ROTARY MEETINS; THE eoU To PUT IN PARIONS VTeNEMENTS MUST 1 IfVW CIVIC PAPER OM ,jL r- r""" ' r M , , H S."TOMORROVif .MATTERS METERS BUT THEY WCm- -,B6 DOME AWAVJ -7--7 TOWN , ) IK J 5:?2 " T'"- ?!,?, rodir., Slct ' S"!: Sown ?Jr y M'. Me od e. r r m3r-TVJl aIISH in A 4?'&isW-i Xt( ' liW) TSOT(?5';SBW SbS. 11 4:00 Woman'e Secret Arthur Oodfrer Santa's Letera fulton Lewi. Mori. Tim. M fVA jP&KYiK 7r) SSMrV1, j Pftf A tf-Lr 'WjVrwSfBSSt i-MUtt Beautiful Arthur Godtrer Sculrrel laae Hemlntwar rhllosophcr VA.' ir&y' ,. ''11 Efl M'ra WaVyrl L fo V fV Y AS-. XvCVI vY rfyffl RhlS 4:30Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Case Behind Storr B can be Beani. E JnC Xl "Ciy Jl -Tffit V NvJvW ''arrl' " ''Si 4:45Paula Stone Kdw. Murrow cinnamon Bear Carm. Cavallero B C'n be Beam. . - Aini'.t-! r j: vr. o ' m i . "kjl y kual sk-". :;... s; .1.: unb.ati r wv- .nd w.ath.r I SBulMy ll S AilTK I fill jS-M DlTncMelo'dle., 6:80. Mu.l. ol Cccho- mMSm:MWj lilM lllkl 1 .feaLLl L UlFii . -;;:;-u-; j. ii iiniiii aiiTiii Basketballl 8:48, Evenlnr Medltationsl SUCf S'.-WE GOTTA YsEEIN' HEPJ OH, CUW THatT ) ITS TH' ONLY ' (v9 GOT rAm.V- l'i ABNER'S ""StWiffi 10:00, Sim Off . WAIT TILL AFTER FABULOUS FACE yNTIBraRINV ( MOOMANITUIUVI tSESTIhN S rttAKRY OP MF M .T fM iWSti TM' WEDDIW' AFORE ) AM' PIGGER WOULPBUHLAP S. THIM3 T'DO.1' ,HE CAItfT MARfW UP WIF rrmyM&HT Cz. tFyh. ltS f I I I" 1 J J I WE SF-ES WHUT OF MADE MEAN B A8.-T -'f flSss fSEEIN' HER MOSOOV ELSE.rT SOAf7AVS iSVA T 4 f 110 1 rl f II I II 11131111 FABULOUS rf OLD MAN AFORE (OWMITJWIl-L DRIVE. jSj SOrTM HAPPENir-SOMETHIN' 7 ' v.' VMMSm JJ.I IU I U I JI 1 1 M iHIlHIUVU I 'ooNEs f:S! mah time, no , 'l --ir,tyo' idiots w SrsofCHotv ssoon S NST C.v vsSMsl L BiM. Club Boy Gardener ' JEFF, GIVE THE GOLDFISH V-JmUTT, fM THROUGH XjEFF-r CANT DOPE X. '. " " "tij 'J M F(?ESH WATER-THEV NEED IT BBN'ACHAMBERMAIDl)voLIOUT.' I ALWAYS rSS, 1 THE'' "'-'BM j? Tfl KL XrHEVriDNi aswkedmiREDVDuRKINd i C!t'cha i GOLDFISH) -V5r UV 4jwk wh .J-- P ( Slue T AWX"3 f rT M tlsT GOI-DFISH ONLY YESTERDAV I BREW M l , . BLUE B f 60T TO FIND FLIP BEFORE HE MI6HT SHOOT J1, 1" S.ke.l AW CUTTING O PARK R ( IVCOLiy SMITH 6ETS THE IP6A 1 FLIP IF HE CATCHES fgJ23 h I f S'-SV 4 La U ' iT. i7?,. " X yAicRTEAmt r KWIVE TONGUE. M ARTy 1 IL?fMi AYE'. - BUT WE'VE GOT YEAGRRRREEABLE mi AW U"9Q$U0DtNT. 1 I Ml R?'55TU5UALiT 0NLY ONE LIFETIME AHEAD- M 777 Thf i BUT l MU$TONFS$ A I 17 .fitT IT LVJatii I AN' WE'VE WASTED 50 MUCH ZZ M we ' 0:00, Newi 10:18, Espec ially for Women) 11:00. Concert Hull, 12:00, News t 12:15, Noon Farm Hour. 1:00, Rids 'cm Cowboy; 1:1B, Review of 1D49; 11:30, Melody Lane, 3 :ou, virrinia s loi ter to Santa Clnus: 11:30, Memory Book oi Muslci 3:00, News, 8:15, Muaie of the I Masters. Albany Jim Tapper, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tapper of Route 2, Albany, has been selected as recipient of a full scholarship to the 1950 4-H club summer school as a result of being selected as the winner of the 14th annual Mullen's I Garden contest, H. Joe Myers, Linn county extension agent (4-H) announces. A total of 24 club members competed in the contest. Jeane Mackie, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mackie, Route 1, Tangent, will receive a full scholarship to the summer school for 4-H'ers hav ing been selected winner in the Riverview Garden club's flow er garden contest. Miss Mackie won out over 16 other finalists. E;r r -, Tril f I BilA R OMAflDOE ACROSS Movable bed Herolo Snoop Swedish coin Helped Fish eggs Notice single th intra Accept Read ' metrically German otata Symliol of royal power Conjunction Vestige Bristle Gypsy Scotch cake Masculine name 35. Paradise 37. Lock 39. River In Italy 40. Blessing 42, Luster 44. Roman road 45. That from which any- thing sprinjn 46. - Blight 48. Wharf 61. Trouble 52. Contained in oil 64. English letter 55. So, American Indiana 56. Daughter of a brother or sister 57. Little child E L L AH SltalMlOiAltsjIClnl IpIaIyUeIrIaIsIeUbIlIhI Solution of Saturday'. Puult DOWN . DotB'a not . Sphara ' tTWC Y h I7 f My ' K " IS lb PP jtji s To 31 B53 "W1 si p"3 A? Ntwiftatvrm t. Trlalf 4. Sideshow solicitor K. Spilt t. American writer T. Brother of Odin I. Draw forth 9. Typographer 10, Decay 11. Affirmative 16. The Orient 18. Dozea 20. Public display of temper U. Biblical mountain IS. Wear away . 23. Disdain 24. Day's march 25. Synthetic fabric 28. Stage player 31. Servile persons 33. Nature 36. Insects' egga 38. Outbuilding 41. Writer of na ture stories 43. Decree 45. Mediterranean sailing vessel 48. Container 47. U.N. secretary 48. Shelter 49. Late: comb. form Kft a.f 53. Chinese meaaurs 01 distance 1 ROOM AND BOARD r By Gene Ahern YOU GET INTO DEALS WHERE THE OTHER. FELLA SPREAUS OUT TH' WHOLE HAV5TACK "BUT WHO PICKS UP TH' NEEDLE?- YUU DO ME t 250 FOR. RF SALUTE VtXJ- HI MY CONTRACT fOU HAVE THE 12 ON ALFV- V rare gift OF V HM-THESUrW U ALWAYS 5ITTINC W COULDNTHAVEM ON THE PARK BENCH U COME AT A nF 1 ice mpi ccdy 1 OPPORTUNE NOW AND THEN THE -U DO V TWE7 V LIVELY WIND OF uonESTLY r fgabLJ. LJ IV Milium, 1