I MANY Salem frienfe will be in Corvallis Sunday afternoon for the wedding of Miss Madeleine Glee Kcene and JamerC. Swarbrick o( B-' iters "ield, Calif., thf ceremony to be snlemniz'-'d in St. Mar's Catholic church """al ' o'clocl'. Miss Kent is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Roy S. Keene for many years resident of Salem and now i?' Corvallis. Seveal from here are in t. e weddinc part- and assisting at the reception. Mr Swarbrick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. CM. Swarbrick of Twin Falls, Idaho. Dean Melvin JSeist of Willamette uni versity college of music is to be soloist for the servio'. Miss Mariann Croisan of Salem is to be the honor attendant, Miss Marcia Maple of Salem and Miss Jeri Keene, Younger sister of the bride elect, the iinior bridesmaids. Misses Mary Louiie Guilfillan and Carolyn Coleman cf Corvallis are the brides maids, i At the recept:on to be given in the Kappa Aipha Theta house, sorority of the hride-elect, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd of Salem if to serve the biide's cake and Mrs. Piul B. Wallace of Salem and Mrs. A L. Strand of Corvallis will be at the ceffee urns, Mrs. John H. Carson and Mrs. John Wagner at the punch bowl: Mrs. Douglas AlcKay is to invite guests into the dining room and Miss Donthca Slcusloff will assist in the din ing room. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Climbers of Salem will assist ir roceiv ) in guests. Mrs. Howard Maple is to be in charge of the living room. Among ti:ose assisting will bo Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr , and among those serving will be Miss Suzanne Small, Miss Charlotte Alexander, Mrs. Budd Coons and Mrs ' James Struck, all of Salem. ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED From Eugene comes word of the en . gagement of Miss Patricia Sue Arrow ; smith of Portland lo John Massey Fitz maurice of Salem. The news was told recently at the home of the bride-elect in Portland, also to friends at the University of Oregon. Miss Arrowsmith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas Arrow smith of Portland and Mr. Fitzmaurice is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Massey Fitzmaurice of Salom. Both young people are students at University of Oregon where Miss Arrow smith is a member of Pi Beta Phi and Mr. Fitzmaurice is a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. No date has been set for the wedding. New officers are announced for the Laurel Social Hour club as follows: Mrs. Irl Folsom, president; Mrs. Axel Jabobsen, vice president; Mrs. Norris Zinn, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. F. X. Hoereth has served the club as president for the past two years and was pre sented a gift in appreciation for her service with the group. The club held its Christmas party this past week at the Jacobsen home. This was the annual Christmas dinner- for V the group followed by the exchange of 4 gifts, Mrs. Folsom, Mrs. H. J. Clements f and Mrs. R. M. Amrine assisting Mrs. Jacobsen at the party. Attending the affair were: Mesdames Glen Adams, B. Benson, A. J. Beckman and daughter, Leall, Arnold Coffel, D. K. Crenshaw and daughter, Delores, L. H. Dalken berg, H. L. DeArmond, E. W. Emmett, Edward Fandrich, J. Edwards, C. J. Jackson, Monte Jones, C. L. Morrison, P. Petersen, W. H. Zimmerman, Norris Zinn, P. C. Knapp, C. W. Stuller. A. Jacobsen, R. M. Amrine, Irl Folsom, F. X. Hoereth, and H. J. Clements. The' January meeting will be at the D. K. Crenshaw home with Mrs. A. J. Beck man, assisting. LEGION GROUPS SET PARTY Annual Christmas party for Capital post No. 9, American Legion, and its auxiliary, Capital unit No. 9, will be tin event of Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Legion club. Donald Madison, general chairman, sks all Legion and auxiliary members to turn out in force for an evening of entertainment by outstanding talent. Violin selections will be given by Phillip Blankenship. Mrs. Paul Hale will play the piano,, and Mrs. David Cameron will sing a number of Christmas songs. A Christmas reading will be given by Miss Margaret Burroughs. Following the pro gram there will be group singing of rt Christmas carols. Refreshments will he served bv the committee. Charles A. Barclay is acting as master of cere monies. As in past years ail members arc asked to bring some contribution that can be y used in making up ChrHn-s baskets for some of the lccs fortunate. Credit Women's Breakfast club has plrnned a special Christmas time break fast for its meeting next Tuesday morn ing in Nohlgren's restaurant. Yomarco class meet for its Christmas prrty last evening, a dinner being giv en for members and husbands at the Senator hotel. 41 attending Mrs. Henry Carl. Mrs. Herbert Ostlind and Mrs. A. L Lindbeck were on the committee for the event. Following the dinner the group went to the Roberts studio for a program, the evening concluding with singing of carols. Arriving December 27 for a visit in t1- capital will be Lt. and Mrs. Norman P. Hinfcs, who are driving west from Crnip Campbell, Kentucky. They will v:it with Lt. Hinges' mother Mrs H. G. Benson, and will be here two weeks bf'ore sailing for Panama whore Lt. Hinges is to be stationed. Tr. rnd Mrs. Charles E. Gray leave n: : Tuesday by train for Davenport, Iowa, to spend Christmas week with r Mrs. Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roddewig. They will then go on to DePere, Wis., to spend the New Year's week with Dr. Gray's brother-in-law and tister, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cass. Dr. Gray will then return to Salem, Mrs. Gray to remain in Iowa to visit until February. INSTALLATION OF NTW rfrirers for Snlem bethel. No. 35. .Teh's Dr.r.ghicrs, wi.l take place Monday eveum? in a formal ceremony. .Iiss Ann Glr.bens, left a hove, is to be installed as honored queen. At right is the senior princess, Miss Harriet Iliday. Installation Event Due. Monday Salem bethel, No. 35, Job's Daughters, has arranged its installation ceremonies lor Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Beaver hall. Members of Chemekela chapter, Or der of DeMolay for Boys, will conduct the crowning ceremony. Miss Jean Herrig of bethel No. 35, Salem, is to be the installing queen. She will be assisted by Miss Carolyn Eckers ley, bethel No. 35, as installing guide; Miss Margaret Aymes, bethel No. 34, In dependence, installing marshal; Miss Shirlee Newbry, bethel No. 35, Salem, installing chaplain; Miss Janice Hartzog, bethel No. 16, Portland, installing sec retary; Miss Ann Baker, bethel No. 34, Independence, senior custodian; Miss Edna Mae Manning, Salem bethel, U.D., junior custodian; Miss Dorothy Peder son, Salem bethel No. 35, installing pian ist; Miss Marilyn Reay, Salem bethel No. 35. In the choir will be Misses Shirleen Bacewich, Judy Bancroft, Margaret Barge, Gilberta Bates, Cynthia Bourne, Lynn Barrell, Nola Campbell, Barbara Cone, Sharon Fleming, JoAnn Gilbert, Sally Jo Grieg, Charlene Griffith, Ida Jo Henderson, Karen Morely, Beverly Mott, Beth Scharback, Marilyn Seeber, Marcia Seeber, Patricia Stark, Mary Lou Zumwalt. Miss Ann Gibbens is the incoming honored queen to be installed, and oth ers to bo installed with her include: Miss Harriet Hiday. senior princess; Miss Mary Campbell, junior princess; Miss Jackie Jones, guide; Mirs Shirley Bier, marshal: Miss Leona Todd, first messen ger; Miss Judy Foreman, second messen ger; Miss Patricia Todd, third messenger; Miss Carol Hewitt, fourth messenger; Miss Jean Hartwcll, fifth messenger; Mirs Patricia Snider, chaplain; Miss Les lyn 3urdelte, treasurer; Miss Marga ret Bown, recorder; Miss Mauryne Nichols, librarian; Miss Sally Rasmus sen, senior custodian; Miss Barbara An derson, junior custodian; Miss Anna Mae Lockcnour, musician; Miss Marilyn Fridc, inner guard; Miss Ann Fowler, outer guard; Miss Beverly Johns, lady of the lights; Miss Janet McDonald, as sistant recorder: Miss Shirley Booster, merit keeper; Miss Mary Schrunk, re porter; Misses Beverly Young and Dona Lange, pages. Snrnplimist club's Christmas parly will be an event of next Wednesday noon, a luncheon be ng planned at the ' Fcnatnr hotel. There is no program, this to he a social gathering for the member ship. j The Girls Letter club alumnae party at Salem high school will be held in the school gymnasium this coming Tues . day evening at 7:30 o'clock. One of the features of the program will be a contest between the alumnae and the members to see who can sing the loudest. Also different groups of girls will portray the different Christmas ci rols. All G. L. C. mothers are invited to attend this party. Miss Judy Wood is in charge of games, Miss Dorecn Cavendcr is in charge of refreshments. ' Miss Janet Kufncr is chairman for decorations, and Miss Joan Stcttlcr is in charge of invitations to the mothers. Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis was hostess for her bridge group on Thursday, enter taining the group for luncheon and a Christmas party. ' Jcs ton -Miller studio picture Members of Pi Beta Phi advisory board have planned their annual Christ mas lea for Thursday, December 29, at the home of Justice and Mrs. James T. Brand, hours to bo between 3 and 5 o'clock. Active members of Pi Beta Phi at Willamette, University of Oregon and Oregon State college, home for the holidays, and their mothers will be guests. The board members serving as host esses include: Mrs. John Hughes as pres ident; Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Ed war Roth, Mrs. Wayne Doughton, Mrs. Ervin W. Potter. Christmas party for the Jaycee-Ettcs is planned for Monday evening, a social and card party being planned at the home of Mrs. Milan Boniface at 8 o'clock. A late buffet supper will be served. Mrs. Maurice Cohn and Mrs. Al Morris are on the committee with Mrs. Boniface for the event. iL, 'i J ' if N IP 1 1111 ,1 '& i v f 1 jMttn.MIUer itudlo ptcturi BRIDE IN A ceremony solemnized last Sundar afternoon was Mrs. Richard Carl Plank, the former Audrev Ilene Merrick, shown at risht, talking to her honor attendant, Mrs. Cheslar Merrick. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence F, Merrick, Mr. Plank the app, of Mrs. A. A. Gecav H .v-.- i. Miss Cooper to Be A wedding during the holiday week will he that of Miss Catherine Elizabeth Cooper and Herbert Bauer, the cere mony lo be solemnized the afternoon of Thursday, December 29. at 3:30 o'clock in St. Joseph s Catholic church. The Rev. T. J. Bernards will officiate at the ceremony. Miss Alma Cooper is to be honor at tendant for her sister and Charles Cof fey will be best man. The reception following will be in the Salem Woman's club house. Among affairs honoring Miss Cooper preceding her marriage will be a party and shower for which Miss Frances Baum is to entertain on Thursday. THE OTHER THREE :ine officers Jackie Jones, Miss Mary Campbell crowning ceremony. December 20 marks the dale for the annual Christmas party for the auxiliary to the National Federation of Post Office Clerks at the home of Mrs. W. G. Ross, 990 Tamarack. Co-hoslesses with Mrs. Ross will be Mrs. H. J. Thomas and Mrs. Ted De Spieglei1. Plans will be com pleted for the filling of Christmas bas kets for two families.'A complete Christ mas dinner will include exchange of gifts and lunch will, be served by the hostesses. i American War Mothers are meeting for a social and tea .Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs: Clem Crane, 1655 South Liberty, Tuesday, at 2 o'clock. There will be an exchange of Christmas gifts, also members are bringing their gifts for their adopted ward in the vet erans hospital. i " ' CM HI , , t.1 ,V , 61 1 - tn -AM t ' $ 1 v It . 1$ j JIN!) Holiday Bride Miss Cooper is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cooper. Mr. Bauer the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bauer. The luncheon and annual Christmas party for the Women of Rotary will be events of Monday afternoon in the Gold en 'Pheasant, the luncheon to be at 1 o'clock. Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. L. O. Arens and Mrs. Arnold Davis. There will be an exchange of Christ mas gifts. Howard Miller of the high school fac ulty is presenting a mimher of students in a musical porgram for the afternoon. to be installed al the Job's DauBliters ceremonies Include these, left to right: Mist and Miss Shirley Bier. Members of tho Order of DeMolay for Boys will conduct tlw Invitations were received the latter part of the week for the Christmas week tea to be given by Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae at the home of Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis, Thursday, December 29, the af fair honoring active members of the sorority at University of Oregon and Oregon State college and their mothers. Additional guests will be two represen tatives from each of tho other Panhel lenic sororities. The tea will be between 4:30 and 5:30 o'clock. P.K.O. Sisterhood council announces a no-host luncheon event for Monday at 1 p.m. in the Golden Pheasant, invita tion being extended to all P.E.O. mem bers, and especially unaffiliated mem bers, to attend. Bush school faculty members arc meet ing for a dinner at the American Le gion club next Wednesday evening, later going to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Beck for their annual Christmas party. Holiday Month Calendar December 17 Monday Night Dance Club party, Marion hotel. Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. Christmas party for Rotana club, Four Corners Community hall. ' Cosmis club Christmas dance, Mayflower hall. December 1 8 Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club, Valley Motor company. Holiday al home for friends of Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr. Holiday at home for friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devcrs. Jr. Holiday at home for friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding. December 1 9 Jaycee-Ettcs Christmas party, home of Mrs. Milan Boniface. Christmas greens show, Salem Garden club. Valley Motor company. December 21 Wedding of MLis Belly Lou Edwards and David Gelzendancr, St. Mark Lu theran church. December 22 Christmas formal of Order of Rainbow for Girls, Crystal Gardens. December 23 Wedding of Miss Charlotte Best and Charles R. Johnson, Westminster House, Corvallis. Wedding of Miss Shirley Nave and Walter Bcall, First Presbyterian church. December 24 Christmas tea given by Miss Barbara Zumwalt. December 25 Spinsters club Christmas dance. No-Name ballroom. December 27 Holiday tea given by Mrs. Fred B. Moxley. Christmas formal dance of Junior Catholic Daughters of America, No-Name ballroom. Wedding of Miss Joan Fidler and James Hosey, St. Paul's Episcopal church. December 29 Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae Christmas tea, home of Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis. Pi Beta Phi advisory board tea, home of Mrs. James T. Brand. Wedding of Miss Catherine Elizabeth Cooper and Herbert Bauer, St. Joseph's Catholic church. December 31 New Year's dance of Subscription club, Marion hotel. New Year's dance of Carousel club, Mayflower hall. New Year's dance of Tillicum club, Glenwood ballroom. WESTMINSTER guild of First Presbyterian church announces its Christmas event for next Wednesday, a dessert to be served at 1 p.m. in the social hall to start the after noon's program. Miss Genowefa Krzywkowska, student from Poland at Willamette university, is to be guest speaker to tell of Christ mas in Poland. Mrs. Joseph Matujec is chairman for the program. J. J. Fitz simons is to be a guest to lead devotions. A girls' trio will sing, including Misses Grace Ashford, Glennis Allen and Ber nice Isham. The annual 'I Made It Myself" sale will be conducted at this meeting. Mem bers also are asked to bring their dona tions of food and clothing for a needy family. Mrs. Hal DcSart is chairman of the social committee for the afternoon. Jesten-MUler studio plct'jr. Hal Hibbard camp and auxiliary. United Spanish War Veterans, have ar ranged their annual Christmas party for Monday evening in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. There will be a no-host dinner at 6 o'clock, followed by an exchange of gifts. Birthdays for Oc tober, November and December will be observed. Past Presidents club of Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, will gather at the home of Mrs. Albert C. C. Gragg for the annual Christmas par ty on Thursday evening. Christmas luncheon for the Etoktn club will be an event of Tuesday, the no-host affair to be at 1 p.m. at God frey's. There will be an exchange of gifts, also members are to bring their gifts for the Chemawa school. Following the luncheon, the members will go to the home of Mrs. Donald Madison for the afternoon, Mrs. Madi son to talk on her travels. 13 )