Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry will be among those away for the holidays. They and their daughter, Miss Shirlee Newbry, freshman at Ore gon State college, will leave nexl Fri day for Ashland to spend Christmas at their home there. While in Ashland, Miss Newbry will be installing officer for the Job's Daughters bethel there. Mr. and Mrs Newbry will then go on south to San Francisco to be among those iaking in the annual East-West football game New Year's day. Miss Newbry will remain in southern Ore gon to visit, during the holidays. Miss Roberta Meyer, who Is doing graduate work at University of Wash ington, is expected home tomorrow to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer. their son, David Getzendaner, and the latter's fiancee, Miss Betty Lou Ed wards, the young couple lo be married Wednesday evening in St Mark Luther an church. The supper at 7 o'clock will precede the rehearsal for the Getzcndaner-Ed-wards wedding, the 20 guests to include members of the wedding party and the families. Mrs. C. B. Spencer is to entertain for her drama group on Tuesday for a lunch eon and Christmas party. The Rev and Mrs. M. A. Getzendaner are to entertain Tuesday evening at a buffet supper at their home to honor Sojourners club is not meeting next week, the next party for tile group to be the second Thursday of January. K II 'Sill SPINSTERS C'M'B MEMBERS 11 nrkinrr in pHns f r Hip an mini rhnrify hall in bp given the night nf nrceinbir 25 include these three, cft to right : Mrs. Ito-r .cliiirll, vo :li iMiiiian for the event; Miss Suannc Small and Miss Sally Ann Ban. By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER i 1TH the big holiday but one week away, the Christmas spir it really takes hold from this week-end on . . . For many there's still the tree to go up and other holiday dec orations to be arranged, numerous jaunts lor the last minute gifts and pur chases, gift wrapping to do, and plan ning done for the numerous family ga therings marking Christmas eve and Christmas day not to mention some 101 other odd little jobs that make the sea son the crazy, dizzy but very enjoyable one it is each year. Young folk coming home from col leges and universities begin arriving this week-end, and many affairs will be given in their honor during their vaca tion. Throughout the next two weeks there )f much informal and gay entertaining open houses, teas and other impromp tu holiday gatherings dotting the cal endar. Tea Planned Mrs Fred B. Moxley has invitations out for a lea to be given the afternoon of Tuesday, December 27, the affair to honor her daughter, Mrs. John A. Miller (Edith Moxley), who is here from Co lumbus, Ohio, to spend the holidays. Guests are invited to call at the Mis sion street residence of the taoxlcys be tween 3 and 6 o'clock that date. Neighborhood Affairs Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. Ttoy Scragg and Mrs. Howard Sargent are to enter tain at a Christmas time coffee next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Mogan residence as a .neighborhood ga thering in the Fair Oaks way "horse shoe." Twenty-one have been invited and Christmas gilts will be exchanged. Mrs. Albert C. Gragg is to entertain for her annual neighborhood holiday time tea Tuesday afternoon, about 30 being invited at 4 o'clock. " r X " .... s i V HK..P . "' Bus M "rVr'D LAST SUNDAY evening In the First Conr-rcgalinnal church were .Mr. and Mr. Robert Fallon Charlton (Vivian Ij-vernl, pictured here in a candid nl the reception. The bride Is the daughtrr nt Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Laven of Berkeley, Calif.. Sir. Charlton tht ton of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Charlton of Salem. Rainbow Christmas Formal Big Event for Pre-Holiday Week A big holiday season social event for the high school and college group will be the annual Christmas formal of Chad wick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, next Thursday evening, Decem ber 22, at Crystal Gardens. A gala evening is anticipated in the newly remodeled and decorated ball room. Dancing will be oetween 9 and 12 o'clock with Glen Williams orches tra playing. Revolving lights will be used, and a holiday decorated table will be set up for punch and cookies. Miss Marilyn Power is worthy adviser for the Rainbow chapter and heads the directorate in charge, the other line of ficers on the committee Including Misses Dorothy Pcderson, Shirley Jones. Nor ma Hamilton and Donna Phelps. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Patrons for the dance will include Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Eby, Mr and Mrs. Jason Frizzell, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. DeSart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Gail H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W G. Burres, Mrs. Carl Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry, Dr. and Mrs. F. Kenneth Power, Mr. and Mrs. A B. Pcderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Phelps. Parties Before Dance Miss Edna Marie Hill, daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. E. T. B. Hill, and Miss Joyce Armstrong, daughter of the Ed win P. Armstrongs, are to entertain at a coke party preceding the dance, the party lo be at the Fairmounl Hill resi dence of the Hills between 8 and B o'clock. Seventy couples have been invited to Mt-Rwftn studio picture Je.t en-Miller studio picture the affair. Miss Palsy Snider has invited a group of friends from Leslie school ninth grade for a coke party to be given at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Snider, preceding the dance. Among those planning to be away for the holidays are Mr. and Mrs. Gale Besse. They left today for Quebec, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rene Besse, formerly of Salem. After New Year's Mr. and Mrs. Besse will go to Albany, N.Y. to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leahy, Altogether, they plan to be gone a month. Mrs. John P. Maulding (Margaret Jane Cooley) will arrive Tuesday from Eugene to be here for the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph II. Cooley, Mr. Maulding to come the latter part of the week for Christmas. Among Salem folk heading south for the holidays and a vacation trip are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, who will leave Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Myrtle Ponsford of McMinnville, sis ter of Mr. Harris. The Harrises will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Harris at Red wood City and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harris at Los Angeles. Mrs. Ponsford is to visit at the Russell Harris home in San Francisco. The trio plan lo be gone a month. Arriving at Ihe home of the Rev. and Mrs George H. Swift next week will be their son, George Swift, who is doing graduate work at University of Oregon, and their daughter. Miss Jean Claire Swat .from San Frencisco, both to spend Christmas at home. The son arrives on Monday, Miss Swift on Christmas eve. Ted Baum. student at Stanford, ar rived this week-end to spend the Christ mas holidays with his parents. Dr. and Mrs V". W, Eaum. MWs Frances Eaum . will arrive ;'t the mid-week from the Univcr. ity of Orcon to be hrre with her p;'r:Mits fc:r the holidays also. Hostess to her bridge club on Wednes day evening will be Mrs. Maynard Shi f fer. Late refreshments will follow the bridge games and this is the Christmas party for the group. Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae will be entertained for their annual Christmas ' party on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the heme of Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson, 164a South Summer. A holiday week bride will be Miss Jean Fidler. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Fidler, who is to be wed Decem ber 27 to James Hosey. son of Mr. and Mrs. Char'es H. Hosey of Oak Grove. Miss Fidler has announced members of her wedding party. The ceremony will be an evening one that date at 8 o'clock in St. Paul's Episcopal church, Ihe Rev George H, Swift officiating. Miss Jean Claire Swift, who is to be here from San Francisco for the holidays, will he honor attendant. Mrs. Wayne Struhle of Eugene is to be bridesmaid. Wayne Struble is to be best man and ushering will be two brothers of Mr. Hosey, Charles and David Hosey. For the mu sic. Mrs. Scott Adams of Portland is to sing and Miss Ruth Bedford will be at the organ. The reception following will be in the church parish house. .';M '- 'ilU ST : I - r tlip I iti ""SM ;. r'J'& , -t W x, if Inn mm tm lift . i 'r',,,S,mmm'mrlitmitm iii nun i mm Ik fS imi aaaaaaaa OTHERS ON COMMITTER for Mrs. Travis Cross. In back are o-Aimc ballroom. MONG holiday affairs honoring the ' home from school" group - will be the Christmas tea for which Miss Barbara Zumwalt will enter tain next Saturday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Zumwalt, more than 100 school friends being invited to call between 2 and 5 o'clock. . Mrs. Zumwalt will greet the guests with her daughter. Assisting about the living room will be Misses Sue McEl hinny, Sally Donkin, Margy Acton, Lois Archibald, Lorraine Welling, Jody Hcn drie, Katie Siegmund. Pouring during the different hours will be Miss Lillian Davis, Mrs. Leah Hogue, Mrs. Clayton Foreman, Mrs. Lu ther Jensen, Mrs. Charles S. McElhinny, Mrs. P. Dixon VanAusdell, Jr. Miss Mary Lou Zumwalt, younger sister of the hostess, Miss Judy Fore man and Miss Shirley Bier are to assist in serving. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Riches will be hosts Friday evening for a pre-holiday family gathering at their Tillman ave nue home, a no-host buffet supper to be served. In the group will be Mrs. J. H Farley, Mrs. Frank Mogan, Mrs. L. M. Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Farley Mogan and daughter, Martha; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindbeck, Eugene Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Riches and sons, Robert and David. Sigma Kappa Mothers club will be entertained by Mrs. G. A. Keener for a 1:30 o'clock luncheon and Christmas IP arty Tuesday. There will be a gift ex change. All Sigma Kappa mothers are invited. Among hostesses of the new week will be Mrs. Maynard Shifter and Mrs. Hor ace McGcc, the two planning a lunch con and bridge party at the home nf the fnrm.r Monday afternoon. Twelve puc t-i hnve been invited for the holiday ovn!t the p.'i'ty bring one of a fcpcs pl"uned by the two hotsscs. Mr and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones and so.1, Ronald. Jr.. will be among those to be out of town over Christmas. They will spend the holiday with Mr. Jones' two sisters, Mrs. Anderson Cannon and Mrs. John Withycombe, at Carmel, Calif. Mrs. Jones will leave by train Wednesday, planning to spend two days in San Francisco. Mr. Jones and son will fly south on Friday, joining Mrs. Jonrs at Carmel. The family will return the first of the week following Christ mas. Miss Sara Ann Ohling. student at University of Washington, and Miss Alice Louise Ohling. who is a freshman at University of Oregon, arc expected to arrive Monday evening to be here for the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. Arriving this week-end for a holi day visit will be Mrs. A. C. Parsons and sons, G rover Parsons and William Parsons, of Salinas, Calif. The Parsons, former Salem residents, will visit here at the M. M. Magee home and at Wood burn with Mrs. Parsons' father. Misses Jane and Ann Carson will be home the first of the week from Uni versity of Oregon to spend the holi days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carson.' . f J Ihe Spinslrrs ball Inchltle these four. Scaled at Miss Patricia Larson at left and Mrs. Peter M. Winter Formal Set Among holiday week festivities inter esting a large group of the high school crowd will be the annual winter formal of the Salem Junior Catholic Daughters of America on the evening of Tuesday, December 27, in the No-Name bsllroom. Chet Mulkcy's band is to play. The ball room is to be arranged into a real Santa Claus toyland, "Toyland Frolic" being the theme for the decorations. Invited as patrons for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Corey, Mr. and Mrs. John Pryzibilla, Mr. and Mrs. Monte Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. White, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. Lade Koutney, Mr. and Mrs. John Branson, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lovcik, Mr. and Mrs. T. Ro guski, Mrs. Margaret Brown. All former Salem Junior CDA mem bers have been extended invitation to attend the annual affair. Some 150 cou ples are expected to attend the party. The members of Our Lady of Fatima troop of the Junior CDA are to be host esses. Misses Nancy Brown and Doris Rohland are co-chairmen for the party. Miss Peggy Day is chairman for invita tions. Miss Betty Stadler is in charge of the program, Miss Barbara VanClecf is chairman for refreshments. All mem bers of the Iroop arc serving on various committees for the dance. Mrs. Loyd Lemmon is counselor for the troop. Leaving next Thursday for Jackson, Miss., will be Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mai son and their granddaughter. Carolyn Zoe Lowery. to spend the Christmas holidays with Ihe Maisons' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kelton Lowery. The granddaughter has been in Salem since the summer. MISS CLELIA Tl'hlN. above, recently o date is set for the wedding. She is Mt. Angel, Mr. Clark the ion fit Mr. and Jcuen-MUler sturtln picture Irrt, Miss Evelyn Johnson and at right, Gunnar. The (lance is to be Biven at SPINSTERS club is to be entertained Monday evening at the E, H. Bur rell home with Miss Patricia Bur rell, Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst and Mrs. Robert Burrell as the hostesses. At this time final plans will be out lined for the club's annual Christmas night charity ball, and several members away at college are expected to be at the meeting. Members are asked to take their arti cles of food for the Christmas basket the club is arranging for a needy family at the holiday time. The Christmas night ball will be at No-Name ballroom, all proceeds going to the club's project of assisting the YWCA building fund. Visitors expected to arrive Christmas week-end are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nel son of Lexington, Ore., who will be guests for a few days at the home of Mrs. Nelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McElhinny. No at home day is planned next week by Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, the weekly day to be called off until January 17. ' Richard Page arrived Saturday from Palo Alto, Calif, to spend the holidays with his parents, Justice and Mrs. E. M. Page. He is in the graduate school at Stanford. i Spending the holidays in Berkeley, Calif., will be Lt. and Mrs. bianley Fal lander. The Fallandcrs plan to leave via motor the evening of December 23 and will be the guests of Mrs. Fallander's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall G. Pettis during their stay in California. Jutc-i-M'Uer atudlo ptctura announced her engagement to Glen Clark. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bain Turin of Mrs. Myrl Clark of Salem.