.1,, ' -:iv!y A' 0 New Gullet Made for Baby Sheryl Wade, 15-day-old in fant who was born with an incomplete gullet (esophagus) and underwent an apparently successful operation to give her a new gullet, is watched by special nurse Mary Gafrey as she lies in her humidcrib at Providence hospital in Portland, Ore. Doctors say the child is progressing "satisfactorily," She was fed through a tube in her side before the surgery was performed. (Acme Telephoto) Sympathetic Nation Showers Little Dean, 2, With Presents Seattle, Dec. 17 W.fi) A sympathetic nation was beating a path to the home of two-year-old Dean Ault today, showering the lad, who faces blindness or death, with Christmas presents and good wishes. The ault phone was ringing constantly. One call came from New York City where a doctor's-- son waited to hear first-hand the account of the cancerous growth which has claimed one of the curly-haired boy's eyes, and is eating away on the other. Dean's newly-acquired dog, Lucky Lady, the gift of a Can adian mother of five, followed the boy's heels as he romped around the house. Brooks Church Plans Program Brooks The Assembly of God Sunday school will present Us Christmas program Wednes day night in the church in Brooks. The following program will be presented: Welcome, by Delbert Brown; A Shy Little Boy," Leroy Doyle; "Little Ladies," Joann Lyons, Joyce Doyle, Mary Lou Carr and Shirley Coble; "Christ mas Gifts, Lonme Jackson; 'Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me," by the beginners class; "A Candle," Charlene Wy more; "When I Have a Birth day," Carolyn Blackwell; "Gifts for the King," Maxine Fitzger ald, Mary Jackson, Betty Jack son, and Buell Hadley; "Silent Night," by the whole school. "Dolly's Bedtime" by April File; "A Star in My Heart," Ed die Anderson, Arvid Dodd, Katherine Fitzgerald, Lorene Jackson, Dennis Fitzgerald; "The Wonderful Saviour of Men," Maxine Fitzgerald, Mi neeta Dodd; "The Garden of Cheerful Giving," Anita Davis, Treman Dodd, Katherine Fitz gerald, Donald Jensen. Eddie Anderson; "Softly the Night Is Sleeping," Stanley acd Alden Dodd; "Christmas Pnyer," Mi neeta Dodd; "One Holy Night," June Davis, Stanley Dodd, Al den Dodd, Anita Pavis, Dennis Fitzgerald, Eddie Anderson, Ar vid Dodd, Treman Dodd, Donald Jensen, Buell Hadley, Kather ine Fitzgerald, and Lorene Jack son; "The Snaw Prayer," Erma Sandford, and Eileen Hanner; benediction. Miss Dorma Lee Bunn and Miss Eveiyn Austin are pastors of the Brooks church. Sees First Christmas Tree Two-year-old Suzanne Bish, who was born blind, climaxes a breathless moment with a thrilled squeal of delight as she views her first Christmas tree at her home in Pico, Calif. Born with cataracts over both eyes, Suzanne has undergone four operations and needs one more. The operations were paid for by her father's Amer ican Legion buddies, who launched a "Sight for Suzanne" campaign to raise money for the surgery. (Acme Telephoto) Woodburn Will View Pageant Woodburn A pageant, "The Message of the Christmas An gel," will be presented by the junior and senior Sunday school departments of the Woodburn Presbyterian church Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock as the feature of the Christmas pro gram. The cast for the pageant will include: Patricia Withers as "Spirit of Christmas"; Dale Mor rison as Isaiah; Loris Larson as the prophetic angel; Barbara Baumann as "Mary"; Robert Baumann as "Joseph"; Ramon Rogers, Richard Guthrie, and Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Dec. 17, 1919 7 Allen Wantz as the three shep herds; Patty Lou McLaughlin and Nina Rice as. two Hebrew women and Sally Walling as "Mary Magdalene." There will also be music by the "angel choir" of 12 mem bers and the youth choir of 12 members, the girls' quartet, Patsy Shook, Karen Magnuson, Dorothy Rice and Jeanette Bau mann, and the boys' quartette, Sam Van Arsdale, Bob Bau mann, Bob Withers and Dwaine Rogers. Soloists, Ramon Rogers and Barbara Baumann. There will also be recitations and songs by the primary de partment and a rhythm band number. Mrs. Howard Magnu son will play the processional for the choirs and accompany the singing. Mrs, E. K. Fenton is directing the pageant, and Mrs. Lillian Shancr is in charge of the primary program. Open Bible Standard Church New Permanent Location 1232 N. Commercial Sunday School: IB a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Subject: "Power" Overcomers Y. P. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:45 p.m. Subject: "Life More Abundant ly." Christmas program Monday, Dec. 19, 7:45 p.m. Rev. A. C. Grimes, pastor SALEM'S New Modern uk'Mi' Funeral fjj IfPy.jd Home BEAUTY REVERENCE WITHIN YOUR MEANS V. T. GOLDEN CO. MORTUARY V. T. GOLDEN BELLE NILES BROWN 605 S. Commercial Ph. 42257 The mailman's sack was bul ging. A little stuffed elephant from Eerkley, Calif.; a train from a local department store; sympa thetic letters from such places as Chicago, Kansas City, Oma ha and Philadelphia. "The mailman brought a shop ping bag full of mail yesterday," Ault said. As Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ault fondly watched their son play ing with his new pet, A black cocker spaniel pup, temporar ily forgotten was the spectre of death or blindness which hangs over the lad. "I see no sense in going to the Elks' eye clinic in Portland (Ore.)' Ault said, "if we're go ing to get the same answer." Eminent eye specialists in Seattle and San Francisco have told him the only chance for life for the lad was to have his other eye removed. "We'll spend Christmas at home," Mrs. Ault said, "and at least have a chance to shop." Ault, an unemployed one-armed construction cost accountant, said a job was developing for him after the first of the year at Everett, Wash. Dean's right eye was removed nearly two months ago when a cancerous infection set in, ap parently after a fall from a chair. Doctors said the tumor has attacked the other eye and is eating towards the child's brain. : Build Power to Scare Russia, Advises Urey Washington, Dec. 17 (U.B Dr. Harold C. Urey believes the only hope of preventing an atomic war is for the Western Democ racies to build up so much power that Russia will be afraid to start a conflict "it is sure to lose." And the only way for the de mocracies to build up such an "enormous unbalance of power," the famous atomia scientist said last night, is for the Democracies to form a federal union. Urey, who helped to develop the American atomic bombs, ad dressed the Atlantic Union com mittee, of which he is a lead ing member. The committee is supporting pending legislation calling on President Truman to invite North Atlantic pact na tions to a federal convention. The union he proposes would conduct military, foreign, and international trade affairs for the member states. Unif at Hayesville Hos Holiday Luncheon Hayesville Hayesville Ex tension unit held a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. R. M. Kelley at Chemawa. Enter tainment was in charge of Mrs. Wayne Powers consisting of con tests and carol singing. A des sert luncheon was served, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Mrs. Walter Nystrum, Mrs. Roy Green, and Miss Fern Morgan. Others present were Mrs. F. O. West, Mrs. Charles Andresen, Mrs. Virgil Perrine, Mrs. L. L. Beard, Mrs. A. F. Harvey, Mrs. William Kennedy, Mrs. V. D. Griffiths, Mrs. B. Reimann, Mrs. H. J. Robertson, Mrs. J. H. Barnes, Mrs. Galen Siddall, Mrs. Burns Christofferson, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. J. DeBoer, Mrs. C. W. Davis, Mrs. Edward Zahare, Mrs. William Hoffman and son and Jim and Patty Powers. Sublimity Raymond Hart man, Raymond McDonald, Charles Clarksen, Fred Ries, and Art Coats went to Freewa ter, to attend the North Pacific Canners and Packers meeting. icswswws'.ete'eipisK'wtiewieicir;, For Christmas jj Joy We Invite S You to Worship? With Us J 9:45 A.M. Church School j Identical Morning Services H 9:45 and 11:00 A.M. "At Bethlehem's Gate" 5 Sermon by the Minister Christmas Candlelight Musicale j 5:00 and 7:30 P.M. ; The Choir, directed by j Mr. Charles Stowell Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Organist ' SMr. Thomas Facey, Violinist A program of lovely Christmas music with Old English carol page antry, in a beautiful setting of candlelight. First Presbyterian Church ! Chemeketo at Winter c j Chester W. Hamblin, S 9:45 A.M. Sunday School Presents CHRISTMAS PROGRAM 10:50 A.M. "The Glory of Bethlehem" 6:15 P.M. Young People's 7:30 P.M. Annual Christmas music by Church Choir di rected by Prof. R. J. Lush Broadcast over KOCO First Church of the Nazarene 13th and Center Orville W. Jenkins, Pastor EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Assembly of God Market St. & Park Ave. Take Madison St. Bus Sunday, Dec. 18 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 S e r m o n, "ACHIEV ING REVERENCE" 6:15 P.M. 4 Youth Groups and Vesper Service 7:45 Evangelistic Rally con tinued from last week. "WE CHOSE BARABAS" Radio Program, KOCO, Satur day, 6:45 P.M. Christmas Program Friday, Dec. 23, 7:30 P.M. "THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS" 200 Children in the Cast EVERYONE WELCOME Walter S Frederick, Pastor Journal Want Ads Pav Clough-Barrick Company CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO LISTEN TO HYMNS OF THE WORLD BEAUTIFULLY SUNG FOR YOU BY tomai and The Kings Men Monday through Friday, 9:45 a.m. KOCO- 1490 KC. m i onm " 111 if 4 i' M That all-important letter to Santa; in it we told him the many things we wanted. We were children then . . . Now, as adults, we have discovered a new approach to Santa. Wherever possible, we drop little hints about the things we need, in the hope that we'll receive useful gifts. The first Christmas came while the world was still very young. The people of Bethlehem were looking for the kind of king who would live in a palace. That was the sort of Messiah they wanted. But God gave them a Child in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger ... a babe destined to become a spiritual King . . . the kind of Messiah the world needed. The mark of spiritual maturity is the realization that sacred needs are more important than secular wants. This is the Christ mas season. Come to your Church and receive GOD'S GIFT. IE CHURCH FOB ALL on " a Slorahn. , ' u"1 Oood rti; . . r nd read your Blbl. d,i 10 chuh rogll. Pulmi Clptir Votm. . Luk, 2 t-t Acu 14 M ium s.ii 'i.h . fulm, 4.,, ,,nJ. u.'-- Ju.Kl.y'.'.','"- U. B. B. MMmm. SuMtaff. Tt. Thil Seriet of Ad"i li Being Published Each Week Under the Auspices of the American Bible Society and the Solem Ministerial Association, and is Being Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Establishments: CAPITAL DRUG STORE Prescriptions, Drugs Sundries R. L. ELFSTROM CO. Furniture and Paint ROBERTS BROS. Department Store SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 550 N. Capitol SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 South Commercial Wimnnnrr i