Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 17, 1949, Page 16, Image 16

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    16 Capital Journal, Salem,
F? T
'Show Your Face' Hiding his features behind a handwer
chief, Herman Bernstein reaches for his hat sent sailing by
his 76-year-old accuser, Mrs. Ella Gall (left), who challenged
him to "Show you face, so other women will know wna.
a cheap chisler you arc'" Mrs. Gall, who hasn't forgotten
what Bernstein looked like, came to a Hollywood jail to
identify him as the man she says wooed her confidence
then beat her and robbed her of $3800 in cash and $1200
in jewels three years ago. Bernstein has served a series of
stretches on similar convictions. (Acme Tclcphoto.)
German Version of Jane, Betty
Replies to Marriage Proposals
Hamburg, Germany, Dec. 17 (IP) A blue-eyed German girl,
who says she is blessed with "A bosom like Jane Russell and
legs like Betty Grable" has received more than 400 marriage
proposals from Americans.
The offers have been flooding the mails ever since Use Dcr
Ingowski, buxom H a m b u r g
school teacher, wrote to Mayor
Walter Sundegaard of Gettys
burg. S. D., outlining her phys
ical endowments and saying she
wants a "good American hus
She said she had replied to
three of the letters and was
giving the rest to other Ger-
iran girls.
Use told reporters today there
Is one detail to be cleared up
before she accepts any of the
rjrorjosals. She snid she is
wailing a final divorce decree
from her present hushana a
Pole now in the United States.
When she decided her next
husband would be an American
Use said she shut her eyes and
jabbed her finger at a map of
the United states, sue nil uci
tvsbure. She then wrote Sunde
gaard, asking for a good Ameri
can husband, and decribing her
Ilse declined today to prove
her assertions by posing for
photographs in a bathing suit,
but she gave her measurements
Height, five feet four Inches;
weight, 118 pounds; bust, 37
Inches; waist, 30 inches; hips,
39 inches; thigh, 19 inches; calf,
12 inches, and ankle, eight in
ches. For purposes of compari
son, the figures show:
Russell: Bust 37'4 inches; hips
39 Inches; waist, 27 inches;
height, 57 V4 inches; weight, 137
Grable: Thigh, 19 inches;
calf, 13 inches; and ankle, 7
Inches. .
Use said she has received let
ters from all over the U. S.
mostly from the west.
Schindlcr Flies East
Unionvale Albert Schind
ler of Unionvale left Portland
by air for Alincna, Wis., to Join
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Schindlcr, for a holiday vacation
with their two sons-in-law and
daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Schindlcr left here more than
one month ago by train. He will
take delivery of a new automo
bile there and bring his parents
home with him overland.
Bus leaves Court and Commercial Every Half Hour
From 10:15 to 3:45
ISazc jfiaia rAP
Oregon, Saturday) Dee. "17; 1949
KeizerChurch Yule Program
Will Be Given Sunday Night
Keizer, Dec. 17 The Keizcr Community church will hold its
Sunday School Christmas program Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock
at the Church parlors? The children's choir will sing and the
young peoples' choir (high school) will present several numbers.
Two instrumental numbers will be presented, a trumpet solo and
violin solo. There will be eighth-
numbers in all by the Sunday
school classes.
With a seating capacity of
2S0, an overflow crowd is ex
pectcd so those interested should
come early to secure seating ac
commodations. Lee Wiens is pastor or the
church and Hugh Adams is Sun
day school superintendent.
Sewing Club Meets
Keizer Ladies Sewing club
met at the Nick Lerud home
Thursday for an all-day meeting
and Christmas party. A covered
dish luncheon was served at
noon by the hostess, Mrs. Le-
Rud and the day was spent work
ing on three quilts. The Christ
mas season was celebrated with
an exchange oi gins oy me
The next meeting will be held
at the J. A. Braunberger home,
on January 5.
Present at the meeting were:
Mrs. H. M. Broadbent, Mrs.
John Derrick, Mrs. Onas S. Ol
scn, Mrs. Oscar Noren, Mrs. Roy
Melson, Mrs. J. A. Gardner; Mrs.
Fred Rose, Mrs Otto Yunker,
Mrs. Elmer Ideen, Mrs. Sam
Richards, Mrs. A. L.' Mason, Mrs.
Ben Claggett, Mrs. J. A. Braun
berger, Mrs. Joseph Bartruff,
Mrs. A. Goldsby, Mrs. Mary
Sloan, Mrs. L. E. Gilkcy, Mrs.
Francis Huffman, Mrs. Nettie
Morris, Mrs. N. F. Bliven. Mrs.
G. N. Thompson, Mrs. Irma Bun
nell, Mrs. A. E. Cummings, Miss
Alta Hall, Miss Ethel Hall. Miss
Ruth Rulifson, Miss Lois Kecfer.
Honor Court Held
Keizer Boy Scout troop 41
held their winter Court of Honor
at Keizer school auditorium with
large crowd of friends and
parents attending. Investiture
service was held for 14 Tender
foot Scouts: Fred Gast, Jr., Frank
Vallereaux, Orin Gilbcrtson,
Robert Reeves, Donald Johansc,
Larry Bcvins, Robert Yunker,
Director of Marine Reserve
Will Be Here Officially
Col. W. O. Thompson, USMC, director of the 13th Marine
corps reserve district, will pay Salem a visit over the week-end.
The colonel, whose office is in Seattle, with Lt. Col. J. L.
Winecoff, inspector-instructor for the Fourth 105-mm Howitzer
battalion, USMCR (0) Portland is slated to arrive in Salem Sun-
Admitted Commie
Fired by Regents
Los Angeles, Dec. 17
After admitting he was "a com
munist to all intents and pur
poses" while working in 1943
n the University of California
radiation laboratory which help
ed make the atom bomb, Irving
David Fox was fired yesterday
by the school's board of regents.
Fox, 29, physics instructor on
the Berkeley campus, appeared
last September before the house
un-American activities commit
tee but at that time declined to
answer most questions.
After today's hearing, the re
gents issued a statement saying
Fox "docs not meet the mini
mum requiremets for member
ship on the faculty."
Coburns Start Tour
Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Keith
F. Coburn left by car for San
Francisco, Calif, where they will
set sail December 20 on the P&T
Seafarer, on an extended trip
to South America. They plan to
fly over into Mexico and back
to San Francisco. They plan to
be away two months or more.
Richard Bilyear, Jan Shidler,
Ronald Magee, Robert Barnwell,
Robert Kieper, Patrick Hall and
Howard Lilligh.
Receiving their second class
nins were: Robert Barnwell, Jan
Shidler, Donald Johansen, Ern
est Johansen, Teddy Snook,
Robert Yunker, Larry Powell,
Art Lewis, Howard Lilligh, and
Richard Gettis. Merit badges
earned by members of the troop
and presented them were: five
badges, Merrit Linn; three
badges, Gary Messing; and
badges each to Jimmy Gilmore,
Richard Greenwood and Dale
Perfect attendance pins were
earned by Gary Messing, John
Rchfuss, Richard Schmidt and
Jimmy Gilmore. Year pins: Gary
Messing, John Rehfuss, Tommy
Frigaard, Charles McClenny,
Jimmy Gilmore, Richard
Schmidt, Richard Greenwood,
Donald Stcttler, Ralph Sipprell,
Dwayne Snook, Teddy Snook
and Norman Bowman.
Gary Messing, Eagle Scout, re
ceived a gold palm.
Den Chief Richard Gettis re
ceived his den chief card.
After the closing ceremony
the Scout Mother's club sold
pie, cake, candy, popcorn and
iiitlicrans Organize
A meeting was called at the
Keizer Grange hall for all those
in and near Keizer who are in
terested in starting a Lutheran
church at Keizer. The church
was organized at this meeting
witli services to start in January, i
The Rev. George L. Holmquist, '
pastor Dr. Steinhoff of Seattle,
Wash, president of the Pacific
Synod of the United Lutheran
church in America spoke to the
group. At the close of the meet
ing refreshments were served by
Mrs. Carl Langeland and Mrs.
C. A. Mollet.
PHONE 3-9191
'iay morning.
Sunday he will inspect the fa
cilities at the Naval and Marine
Corps Reserve training center
and confer with the commander
of the Salem organized Marine
Corps unit, Maj. Leonard G.
Thompson and Winecoff plan
to remain in Salem through
Monday and will attend the
Monday night drill of the Sa
lem unit.
Col. Thompson, a native of
Fargo, N.D., recently returned
from duty as commanding offi
cer of the Fifth Service depot at
Guam, where he was stationed
from August, 1947 until August,
1949. Following his graduation
from North Dakota State college
with honors Thompson was com
missioned a second lieutenant in
the Marine Corps July 20, 1926.
Following a tour of duty at
Quantico, Virginia, where he
played on the all-Marine foot
ball teams of 1926 and 1927, the
colonel sailed for China as a bat
tery officer with the 10th regi
ment in Peiping and Tientsin.
Ordered back to the states in
1930 with his station at the mar
ine barracks, San Diego, Calif.,
the colonel coached and played
on the all-marine football team
again in 1930 and 1931. Later he
was ordered to duty at Pearl
Harbor where he organized an
outstanding and extensive ath
letic program for the mid-Pacific
After several years of varied
assignments which included the
junior course at the Marine
Corps Schools, Quantico, Vir
ginia, he went aboard the USS
Astoria as Marine detachment
commander for a two-year tour
of sea duty.
In 1940 Col. Thompson was
assigned as commander of a
90mm anti-aircraft unit that la
ter participated in the Guadal
canal, New Georgia and Eniwe
tok campaigns. During the New
Georgia operation, the unit of
which Thompson was executive
officer set an unsurpassed anti
aircraft record by shooting down
14 Japanese bombers with 88
rounds of ammunition.
After graduation from Com
mand and General Staff School,
Fort Leavenworth, Kans., in
1947, the colonel was ordered to
headquarters, U. S. Marine
corps, Washington, D.C. to assist
in organizing and later became
chief of the special service
branch. From this assignment he
went to Guam.
Col. Thompson's medals and
citations include the Bronze Star
medal; Letter of Commendation
from Secretary of the Navy: and
Navy Unit Citation. I
il it I i
t -J " teJ?&
Convicted Mrs. Sophie Petrillo, 35, convicted of second
degree murder in the slaying of her husband, Pete Petrillo,
collapses as she is carried from the Riverside, Calfi., court
room after the verdict. She screamed and wept for 15
minutes after the verdict. The prosecution charged the
shooting was premeditated, brougnt about by jealousy over
another woman. ((IP) Wirephoto.)
A Girl to Be Glamorous
Must Have Long Hair
New York, Dec. 17 U.R) Girdles and short hair-dos take away
a girl's sex appeal, a beauty expert said today.
Joyce Slone, adviser to Broadway's beauteous Wally Wanger
showgirls, said women should "show a natural curve" if they ex
pect to "attract and hold their
As for short hair-dos," shc
said," they're definitely not fem -
mine. They create an air of
masculinity. A girl, to be glam
ourous, must have long hair."
She said girdles and other sup
ports made the figure "too con
fined." 'They hurt a girl's posture
and carriage," she said. "And
besides, a girl's natural curves
are more attractive to the men.
A showgirl's face and figure are
her fortune. Few wear girdles."
Miss Slone said the corps of
Wanger chorines, who perform
in New York's top night clubs,
supported her argument.
A girl's figure must not be
too thin or stout," Miss Slone
said. "It must be full enough
to show curves from every an
gle, if it be attractive."
Showgirls, she said, always
have "rounded figures and are
;ne most attractive oi women
iiuiii tt i lift ii s (j unit ui view.
She said the American girl's
The Right Way to Rebuild
Free of Weed Seeds
6 sacks $5.00
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FREE Delivery Anywhere
in Salem area
Phone 3-8127
Pearson Sues
For $1,200,000
New York, Dec. 17 (fl Col
umnist Drew Pearson, who orig
inally sued Columnist Westbrook
Pegler and others for $500,000 In
a libel action, now is suing for
Pearson obtained court per
mission yesterday to increase the
amount of the suit, after claim
ing that he and Pegler made an
agreement in 1946 not to criti
cize each other publicly.
Pearson alleged Pegler viola t
ed the agreement in his col
umns of last May 23 June 8 and
July 2. The libel action is bas
ed on statements made by Peg
ler in the three columns.
Pegler denies making any non-
criticism pact with Pearson.
Pearson's amended action is
seeking $300,000 from King
Features Syndicate and Pegler;
$200,000 from King Features
alone; $200,000 from Pelger
alone, and $500,000 from Hearst
Consolidated Publications, Inc.
Tea Towel Selected
Hubbard First assignment
of the Thimble 4-H club is a tea
towel as decided by the group
under the direction of Mrs. Al
Barendse at their Friday after
noon meeting. Ten members
were present.
torso was much more developed
tnan tne European.
"American girls mustn't hide
what they have," she advised.
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