Leahy Lauds Wilkinson in Tossing Coaching Orchids By FRANK LEAHY , Head Football Coach, University of Notre Dame Prior to taking a look at any of the post-season games for this year, I should like to take the opportunity to review some of the outstanding coaching per formances that were turned in during the 1949 season. Certainly no more noteworthy job was done than the one ac complished by Bud Wilkinson at the University of Oklahoma. The personable Wilkinson guided the Sooners through one of their toughest schedules ending up as one of the four major undefeat ed teams in the country. Having worked under such capable men as Bernie Bierman, Don Faurot, and Larry Mullins, it is easy to see that Bud picked up all of the experience these men possessed and combined them with his own brilliance to present a 1949 team which made Oklahoma the number one rep resentative of the split "T" in America. My own personal opinion is that Bud Wilkinson is one of . the finest coaches in the pro V fession, and in view of his youthfulness I feel that in years to come he will go down r as one of football's all time greats. Once again in the forefront in the coaching business were Lynn Waldorf and Earl Blaik. These two men who have the ability of coordinating amazing foot ball knowledge with sound teaching methods will always be among the high ranking men in college football. Coach Waldorf has again turned in the leading coach ing performance on the West coast, while Coach Blaik's Ar my team registered one of the season's biggest upsets by downing defending Nation al Champion Michigan, and then went through the year un defeated to prove they were definitely the power of the East. In the South it was Carl Snaveley who annexed the Southern Conference title and a subsequent Cotton Bowl bid, despite Charlie Justice being in jured during much of the year. Kentucky's Paul Bryant guid ed the Wildcats into the Orange Bowl, and the fact that many of his key men were underclass men bodes ill for future Ken tucky opponents. Another fine job was done by Art Guepe whose Virginia "Cavaliers" displayed much power in winning their first seven games before being sidetracked by Tulane and North Carolina. Surprise in the Southeast was the manner in which Louisiana State fought back after losing two early season encounters. Holding victories over the win ners of the Southern, Southeast ern, and Southwestern conferen- SCORES in the ALLEYS u.'ompleu Retold) University Alleys 850 CLASSIC Luti Florist 14) Silke 464, Upston BIO, Lutz 554, Coins took 468, Duncan 507. May flower Milk (0 Meyers 490, Straw 522, Brennan 472, Bud Straw 497, Mocabee 460. Tliriftway Cleaners (3) Parley 517, Mc Daniels 520, Creasy 432, Hart 545, Delan ey 503. Universal Pumps (1) W. Valdes 21, B. Owen 501, Stettler 501, Powell 471, B. Valdez 463. Highland Market ) Owen SCO, Mabry 484. Causey 479, Johnson 423, Llndsey 4B7. Nobles Tavern (2 Nagley 48J, Butte 469, Holmes 535, McMullon 514, Bcal 524. Salem Light Inr & Appl. (1 Spease 471, Bolton 542, Gustafson 477, Sub 417, Sub 417. R in elands Pet Shop (3 L. Braden 451. LeTourneax 595, Pease 452, Clark 479. Trailways Cafe (1) Reinhard 546, Cur tis 412, Cress 4C1, McClary 510, McNall 08, Stratton Plumbing (3) W. Stratton 4fi2, OIney Jr. 479, Pearl 516, Haugen 553. Salem Hardware (2) Thede 495, Oar Tlson 533, Keenan 479, West 454, H. Pane 21. Good Housekeeping (2) Simons 472, Jones 490, Cady 469, Irons 517, OIney Sr. 643. High individual game: LeTourneax of Rineland's Pet Shop, 236. High individual series: LeTourneax of Rlngland's Pet Shop, 595. High team same: Stratton Plumbing, 8538. Barnes 306, Tom Holoubek 298. Dyer Inaurannn (4) P. H1p1i oar w Phillips 310, Cleo Hicks 444, Clayton Dyer -iuu, Anaerson 336, Honesteele's (0) Ralph Dumrey 386, Kenneth Vaughn 363, Harold Biles 356, Vern McKee 400, Cletus Boe dlRliefmer 340. Blue Lake (2) Ray Gunn 430, Paul Puhrer 353, Jim Wenger 366, Royal Paw Jey 472, Paul Fuhrer Sr. 349. Dr. Pepper (2) Don Schur 403, Marvin Harksen 351, Bill Bar rows 381, Bob Lorena 428, Joe For mlck 403. High team series: Blue Lake, 2048. High team game: Dr. Popper, 733. High Individual series: Royal Pawley (Blue Lake) 472. High Individual game: Joe Formick (Dr, Pepper) 185. ces, the L.S.U. Tigers, coached by Gaynell Tinsley, will prove a most worthy foe for Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl. In winning the Southwestern conference crown Jess Neely of Rice completed one of the stand out achievements of the entire season. Being given little eon sidcration in the pre-season picks, the Owls fooled the ex perts as they displayed amazing spirit and determination in de feating such formidable foes as S.M.U., Texas, T.C.U., and Bay lor. We could never think of the Southwest without remember ing the remarkable manner in which Matty Bell prepared his W alker-less-Mustangs " for the season s finale with, Notre Dame. Elsewhere in the country mar velous coaching jobs were exe cuted by such capable mentors as Lefty James at Cornell, whose Big Red annexed another Ivy League title; Jim Tatum, whose Maryland Terps were runners- up m the Southern Conference, and Len Casanova, whose Santa Clara Broncos will provide much difficulty for Kentucky in the Orange Bowl. Other men who did exception al rebuilding work, and who will be heard from in the near future! were Ivy Williamson at Wiscon sin, George Sauer of Navy, Bob Nayland at Tennessee, Marchie Schwarz of Stanford, Red San ders, at U.C.L.A. and Wes Fesler of Ohio State. We definitely realize that many others carried on yeoman work in the face of difficult odds, and it is our hope that next fall will allow their plans to reach fruition. Looking over the names of such capable gen tlemen causes me to be thank ful that I am fortunate enough to be a member of the same pro fession. Reminiscing? ; Two major league baseball managers, De troit Tigers' manager Red Rolfe (left) and Cleveland Indians' manager Lou Boudreau, wbo were bas ketball stars In their college days, seem thoroughly absorbed at a recent pro game at Madison Square Garden, New York. Red starred while at Dartmouth and Lou was a court luminary at Illinois. Second Half of Migratory Bird Season to Open The second half of the migra tory waterfowl season will open Monday and continue through January 7. Prospects for duck and geese hunting are much bet ter than was the case for the first half of the season This is due to the presence of much Capital Journalalem, Oregon, Saturday, Dec. 17, 194913 MARION COUNTY, OREGON " TREASURER'g ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOB 1048-40 Honorable Judge and Commissioners County Court of Marlon County Salem, Oreton. Oentlemen: As provided by Chapter 27-518. Oregon Code 1930. the following Annual Statement of Marion County's standing Is submitted for the year 1948-49, from July 1 to June 30, inclusive: showing a detail list of receipts for the last half of year, the amount of money paid out on warrants, the fund balances and investments, and bank and cash balances as of June 90, 1949. Fund Accounts Balances Disbursements General Fund I 307. 301. B0 Court H. Con ujo.oju.m Public A wit Market Road 55,488.49 Oeneral Road 695,723. S3 Do License 4,777.04 Fair 31.72ft.Si Indemnity 1.606.61 Law Llhrary 5,049.77 C J. Fees 260.00 D. A. Fees '40.00 L. Law Enf 1.343.60 Co. School 5,883.64 Co. 5ch. Lib 2.718.74 Trcas. Trust 45,760.57 Tax Adv Other Trust 10,518.80 Sp. Tax War 4.267.30 Trust & Ag 108.813.78 38,847.55 106.81 14,110.45 267.894 70 666.770.05 9.900.06 11.308.30 3,119.23 83,176.48 204.475.52 235.447.98 2,263.15 170.527.40 2.450.000 .00 262.825.24 2,462.986.05 919,733.63 TOTALS ...$1,758,009.67 $4,407,320.15 186,076.85 3,461.335.03 744,209.50 17,859.260.63 $4,407,329.15 Receipt $ 752. 688 .93 266.756.73 13,484.77 131.281.77 499.997.00 10.909.50 10,387.78 25.00 2,484.90 3,556.00 1.690.00 800.00 230.934.83 4.043.32 164,064.61 3,450,000.00 74.573.47 "b, 126, 179.03 Balances June 30 1940 $ 485.613.88 753.280.60 2.484.55 2,052.04 fl33.426.00 5,686.58 30,695.03 1,631.61 6.105.07 294.00 155.00 3,143.60 1,550.49 4,498.90 38,853.78 3.662'. 70 2.616.28 1,667.837.58 water in the streams, ponds and sloughs. The bag limits are identical with those of the first half the season and hunting hours are from one half hour before sun rise to one hour before sunset. This means that firing must cease on the opening day no later 'than 3:27 p.m. I. S. J. Butler, do hereby certify that the following la a true and correct state ment of the amounts received, paid, and remaining on hand In the County Treasury of Marion County, Orciton for the annual period ending June 30, 1949. 8. J. BUTLER, County Treasurer( Marlon County, Oregon. Duckpin Bowling COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 3 Ore. Telephone Union (0) Tom Batch elder 396, Bud Tribble 317, Howard Love 330, Don Rollofson 383, Buz Sawyer 388. Unique Cleaner's (4) Howard Branch 353, George Shelly 353, Wally Doss 381, Har vey Alexander 439, J. R. Brooks 449. Ramaee'i (0) Carroll Harlow 335, ' George Stelner 357, Chuck Collins 285, Curley Monner 276, Cal Chambers 217. State Tire Service (4) Rodney Petty 415, Jim Llnhart 396, Sam Carpenter 311, Don Predict Hot Game For Pro Grid's League Crown Los Angeles, Dec. 17 (U.R) The Los Angeles Rams today prom ied football "such , as you've never seen before," when they meet the Philadelphia Eagles for the National league champion ship Sunday in a game expected to draw nearly 80,000 people to the Memorial coliseum. The Eagles were 7 'A point favorites, but a lot of people, in cluding Ram Coach Clark may be primed for an upset. The SQl6iTl rllQn SODflS tion wizard has equipped the Rams with some new sleight-of-hand this week, probably involv- 'Intf Kratharlcs Elrnv fCrazv .Legs) Hirsch, Tommy (Cricket) Coach Ken Brophy's Salem Kalmanir and Vitamin T. Smith high sophomore basketball on the end of Bob Waterfield's squads downed Detroit in two ipasse3 l games played on the Detroit f "Shaughnessy wouldn't say Cougars court, Friday evening, he could beat Podunk Tech.", By We counts of ana Recreation Group Reports Few Boys Enter Hoop Loop Silverton Bob Edgerton, rec reational association public re lations chairman, reports a shortage in turn-out of boys at announced meeting for forming six teams and subs for the com ing basketball season. Girls met Monday evening and were successful in their begin ning program. Edgerton told of a necessary change being made in the first plans with the girls' meeting day changed to Wednesday evenings and the boys to meet on Monday nights, the boys to continue meeting each week, and the girls not meeting again until after the first of the year because of the absence from town of their di rectors. All practice and organization al meetings are to be at the Eu gene Field gym. Organizations of town to spon sor teams are Jaycees, Chamber of Commerce, Rotarians, Lions American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. I Any junior high or senior high j boy or girl students will be ac ' cepted on the teams. Football Shows Increase in Nation in Attendance New York, Dec. 17 (De spite a marked decline in the at tendance figures of other major sports, college football crowds showed a surprising 1.3 per cent increase this year over the bum per turnouts of 1948. An Associated Press survey of 88 major schools disclosed that only in the east and far west did college football follow the downtrend of other sports. The east fell 2.5 and the far west 2.2 MARION COUNTY CLERK'S ANNUAL REPORT for year endlnc June 30, 1949 4,204,53 4,340.74 2,350.00 18.383.28 33.522.64 955.20 15,665.73 15,258.36 10,371.91 13,089.78 5,969.01 1,145.22 1.383.95 2,309.07 749.96 10.490.91 18,440.56 19.777.22 24,245.45 Defeat Detroit In Twin Games ,Ram sources said, "but privately .tye thinks they can take this Resorts Report ! Skiing Is Good Portland, Dec 17 The ;ski report as compiled from the Mount Hood national forest of fice and the weather bureau: ' Government Camp 22 Inches snow, 10 Inches new anow; powdery: roads clear, chains needed, ample parking; tempera ture at 8 a.m., 25 degrees; light west wind; overcast; snowing: skiing very food; r all tows will operate Saturday-Sunday. -Forecast: Cloudy with moderate anow Sat urday; changing to snow shower In af ternoon; Sunday considerable cloudiness with snow showers; wind over exposed ar eu west to northwest. 20-30 miles per hour ioday, southwest 25-35 Saturday; north ' west 15-25 Sunday; 5 degrees colder to day and Sunday; slightly warmer Sat 1 urday. J Tlmberllne Lodge 46 Inches mow, 13 finches new snow, powdery, drifted; roads clear, chains needed, ample parking; tem perature at 8 a.m., 17 degrees; light to moderate, southwest wind: overcast, enow line; skiing very good; Otto Lang and llt itle Betsy tows operating. Forecast: I Same as for Government Camp. Santlam Pass 30 inches snow, 8 Inches new snow; dry, powdery; temperature at 14 a.m., 21 degrees; snowing; skiing good: 4 tows will operate over week-end; roads ifiavo light snow, chains advisable. Fore geast: Moderate snow Saturday; snow show rs or flurries Sunday; west to northwest Swinda 20-30 miles per hour In exposed areas today, southwest 25-35 Saturday; Inorthwest 15-25 Sunday; colder today and rSunday; warmer Saturday; low Satur day morning 15, Sunday morning 20. ;Adds 22 More to ;New Point Record New York, Dec. 17 W Nate jDe Long isn't letting any grass grow under his ieet. jt The star of the River Falls The "B" string was never threatened and held a half time lead of 20 to 8. The "A" team held the lead throughout although Detroit threatened at the end of the per iod when they trailed by but two points, 27 to 25, Salem Snpha 42) GENERAL GOVERNMENT! County Assessor's Office $ County Assessor's Office New Maps County Assessor's New As-Assessment-Roll Auditing County Records Circuit Court County Clerk's Office County Coroner's Office County Court & Commis sioners Court House District Attorney's Office District Court District Court - Constable Breitenbush Justice Court Breltenbush Justice Court Con stable Jefferson Justice Court Jefferson Justice Court Con stable Mt Angel Justice Court Mt. Angel Justice Court Con stable Siiverton Justice Court Silverton Justice Court Con stable Stayton Justice Court Stayton Justice Court Con stable Woodburn Justice Court Woodbum Justice Court Con stable Juvenile Court County Recorders' Office Registration and Elections .... Sheriff's Office, Tax Dept Sheriff's Office, Tax Dept. New Roll County Surveyor's Office County Treasurer's Office Veterans' Service Office PROTECTION TO PERSONS A PROPERTY Water Master Rodent Control Predatory Animal Control Scalp Bounty Sealer of Weights and Measure County Sheriff's Office Legal Cherry Fly Control Keep Oregon Green DEVELOPMENT OP NATURAL RESOURCES Advertising Willamette River Basin Comm.,. County Agent's Office HEALTH CONSERVATION: County Health Officer County Herd Inspector Indemnity for Slaughter of Dis eased Cattle Garbage Disposal Registrar of Vital Statistics ... CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Feebleminded Examination Ss Ex pense Indigent Soldier Relief Insane Examination County Jail Care of Poor Court Comm. Children Care of Poor Blind Care of Poor General Assist ance Car of Poor Aid to Depen't. Child Total Expenditures Total Available Appropriation Bal. June 1949 25,313.11 I 26,306.27 $ 26,396.27 S 4,204.52 4.240.74 2,350.00 18,554.92 34,198.09 955.20 15,671.98 18,600.24 10.379.35 13,123.85 5,989.01 1,145.22 350.00 1,500.77 120.00 8,546.67 20s.no 3,133.33 149.98 10,490.91 19.026.81 19.928.42 23,182.29 4,204.53 4.240.14 2,350.00 18.554.02 34,108.09 955.20 15,671.98 16,690.24 10,379.35 13,123.85 5,960.01 1,145.22 1,383.95 3.309.07 749.98 10,490.91 19,026.81 10,928.42 23,162.29 per cent from the figures of 1948. But 1948 was a good year, showing an increase of 4.3 per cent over 1947. All other sections of the country were up, paced by the south's 5.7 per cent climb. The midwest, with Michigan in the van, upped its crowds 4.9 per cent. The southwest, with Sou thern Methodist's weekly jam sessions lending a big hand, rose 2.1 per cent. The 88 institutions this year played 444 games, drawing a to tal of 12,398,157 customers. Last year, the same schools, in 443 home games, attracted 12,005, 625 fans. The average per game for 1949 was 27,924. For the 1948 it was 27,162. Eastern and far western athletic leaders are pointing their fingers at television for the losses in their sections of the country. On the west coast, U.C.L.A. had a slight drop and Southern Cal a small rise. But officials Salem, Oregon Gentlemen: As provided by Chapter 37-1715, Oregon Code 1930, this report Is eubmltted showing as of June 30, 1949, the cash on hand, cash In banks and collateral securing such bank deposits, Interest rate paid on bank deposits, cash Items, In vestments and fund balances. As at June 30. 1949, there were bo outstanding warrants endorsed "not paid for want of funds." fi. J. BUTLER. County Treasurer of Marlon County there blame T.V. for 20,000 less customers at the annual UCLA- USC game. Michigan, the national lead er in both total attendance and average per game, posted a nhenomenal attendance mark. The Wolverines, who tied with Ohio State for the Big Ten crown, lured a total of 563,500 fans for six games, an astound' ing average of 93,917 for their enlarged stadium. And, Michi gan televised its games. Stanford, with a young, Im proving team, more than dou bled its total attendance. The team attracted 359,800 fans to eight games as against 175,000 for six the year previous. The breakdown by individual schools in the far west: 1949 1948 G Att. G Att. Stanford ..8 359,800 6 175,000 So. Calif. .6 354,074 7 392,585 California 6 344,500 7 421,000 U.C.L.A. ..5 194,563 7 301,892 Wash. ....6 200,941 5 164,640 Oregon ...4 84,400 4 72,500 Assets Amounts Cash Account t 3.558.50 Ladd fc Bush Branch U.S. Nat'l. Bank 3,038.008.73 U.S. Nat'l. Bank of Portland, Mt. Angel 22.344.39 Coolldge & McClalne Bank, Gen. Acct... First Nat'l. of Portland, Salem, Gen. .. First Nat'l. o Portland, Stayton First Nat'l. of Portland, Woodburn .... Gervals State Bnnk, General Account Mill City State Bank. General Acct. ., State Bank of St. Paul, General Acct... National City Bank of New York Bond Investment Account Warrant Investment Account Certificate of Deposit Investments County Fair Fund Investment Account . Court House Const. Fund Inv'st. Acct. . General Road Fund Investment Account Indemnity Fund Investment Account .. School District No. 24 Inv'st, Account .. Claim Account Willamette Valley Bank Bank of Oregon 50,500.00 299.003.19 15,000.00 15,000.00 20,040.00 28.001. 66 23.350.00 3.821.35 125,000.00 ' '26,078.03 '610,178.63 200,000.00 1,000.00 50.253.88 116.76 88.343.76 25,000.00 70,000.00 30,000.00 110,000.00 Int. on Deposits VtOtl I8.087.0S TOTAL ASSETS , , 13,643.586,68 Fund Balances Oenernl Fund 485.813.88 Court House Construction Fund 153,280.60 Market Ronct Maintenance Fund 2.052,04 Genera Road Fund 633,428.00 Dog License Fund 5,686.58 Fall Fund 30,005.02 Indemnity Fund 1.631.61 Law Library Fund 6,105.07 Circuit Judge Fees Fund 294.00 District Attorney Fees Fund 155.00 Liquor Lnw Enforcement Fund 2,143.60 County School Fund 1,550.49 County School Library Fund 4,498.90 Trust, Atrency and Suspense Funds Treasurer's Trust Fund 38,852.78 Tax Advance Suspense Fund Other Trust Funds 3.862.70 Special Tax Warrant Control Account . 2,018.28 Trust Funds Due to Cities, Schools, etc. 1,867,837.58 Public Assistance Fund 2,484.55 TOTAL FUND BALANCES . , .$3,642,580.68 MARION COUNTY FINANCIAL STATEMENT JUNE 80, 1049 EDUCATION: School Superintendent's Office 4H Club Agent Home Demonstration Agent ... MISCELLANEOUS: Retirement Current Retirement Prior Years .... Microfilming State Industrial Accident Heston Burns 4 Bradle 11 Knop 6 Thomas 8 Salem reserves: cle and Bates, holster 4, Laymen and Thompson. (27) Detroit V 4 White F 4 Budlong C 12 Thornton' G 0 Lady G 3 Morgan Penner 7, Rains, Swln- Detrolt reserves: Over- Salem Soph B (51) Carson 2 F Jones 14 F Cohen 14 C Baker 3 G Snyder 3 (24) Detroit J.V. 0 Wallace 8 Tlmms 10 Bray 0 Manusow Lisle Ralem rfserves: Brown 10. Nelson Hill and Luther. Detroit reserves: Ben- net 4, White and Walsey. Cavemen Climb Uphill to Top Lebanon Cagers Grants Pass, Ore., Dec. 17 Held to the slim halftime margin of 23-21, the Grants Pass Cave men started to roll after the in termission to defeat Lebanon high's Warriors, 50 to 30 Friday night. Granti Pais (50) (80) Lebanon Hedeepcth 14 P 9 Klrklie Jacobson 4 F 13 Hinman Miller 8 C 2 Holsfuss 2raft 6 O 2 Baker imhirr 1 O 4 Beck Subs: Orants Pass Hackenbur 4. Yos- ten 2, Stanger 4, Oraham 2, Fenner Ford 1. collegiate basketball record as he sparked his team to a 66-44 win over Sioux Falls (SD) college. Sub Total ROADS & HIGHWAYS: 241 County Roads, Bridges 8,716.10 8.716.10 6.716.10 1.039.69 7.151.39 1.151.89 1,347.15 7.347.15 7.347.15 5.349.69 5,349.69 6,340.69 KOPERTY: 376.58 376.58 376.56 239.00 239.00 230.00 1,339.87 1,330.87 1,339.87 124.00 124.00 124.00 783.00 783.00 783.00 32,222.52 32,237.18 32,237.18 628.00 628.00 628.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ESOURCES: 20000 200.00 200.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 1,450.00 7,450.00 7,450.00 87.222.5fi BP, 001 ,54 89.n01.54 13,707.00 13,707.00 13,707.00 1,307.33 1,307,32 1.307.?2 4,983.42 4,983.42 4,083.?2 66.00 68.00 ' 68.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 80.00 726.15 126.15 726.15 7,002.27 7.206.52 7,206.52 J, 05 5. 81 3,055.81 3.055.81 2,900.50 2,900.50 2,000.50 63,700.00 53,700.00 53,700.00 48,383,25 48,383.25 48.383.25 109,861.25 109.861.25 109.861.25 17,889.65 17.801.15 17.801.15 4.550.00 4,550.00 4,550.00 2,850.00 2,850.00 2,850.00 7,441.08 5,667.54 8,887.54 7.093.08 7,093.08 7,093.08 2,443.77 2,447.37 i.4i.'J7 1.379.84 1,379.84 1,379.84 , 680.453.27 687,787.84 687.787.64 Fund Casn Taxes Receivable Genera $ 450,839.67 t 74,087.57 Property Revolving 77.835.33 Photostat Revolving 5,353.33 Road & Highway , 165.591.38 618.53 Rond Sinking Fund 200.000.00 Road Revolving Fund 137,093.65 County School Fund 1,550.49 3,043.49 Cour.tj School Llbr. Fund 4,498.00 311.89 State School Fund 01 Miscellaneous 45.942.53 Court House Fund 753,280.60 36,024.54 Tax Suspense 1,709.996.57 383.B3B.44 Market Roads 89.904.23 18.836.10 j 13,642,566.68 I 517,560.36 Accounts Receivable t 34,631.30 Contracts Receivable $ 210.65 20,516.18 Money Advanced t 135.00 Road Bldgg. it Equipment I Total Assets t 687,067.77 08,351.51 5.353.33 308.774.10 200,000.00 241,273.65 4.403.98 4,810.59 .01 46.042.53 189,305.14 2.003.835.01 108,740.33 MARION COUNTY FINANCIAL STATEMENT JUNE 10, 1040 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Appropriation Accounts Payable Reserve for Uncollected Taxes Reserve for Unappropriated Uncollected Surplus and Contracts Fund Balance General Prcperiy Revolving Fund .... Photostat Revolving Fund ... Rond Ae Highway Fund Road Sinking Fund Road Revolving Fund Crunty School Fund Couutv School Library Fund . Sure School Fund Miscellaneous Courthouse Fund Tax Suspense Market Roads S 166.147.45 I 6.449.36 38.713.17 I 74,087.57 36,024.54 383.838.44 18,836.10 314,028.81 I... Surplus Invested In Permanent Property 127,354,58 39.122.16 Advances From Other Funds, etc. 39,904.23 Total Liabilities and Surplus t 687,967.77 98,351.51 5,353.33 308.774.10 200,000.00 241,273.55 4.493.98 4,810 50 .01 45.042.52 189,305.14 2.093,835.01 10B.740.33 Total 989,223.12 t 166,147.45 $1, 754, 159.10 i 517,500.36 I 30,516.18 t 643,138.01 I 58.377.16 362,183.27 167,564.19 $4,588,847.84 STATE OF OREGON Ferries General Roads Market Road Maintenance Market Road Improvement VARIOUS; 441 Count School Fund County School Library Fund State School Fund New Court House Courthouse Special Levy ... Liquor Law Fund Photostat Treasurer's Trust Fund . . Reserve for Replacement of Equipment Reserve for Replacement of Buildings Dog License Fund Fire Patrol Fund County Law Library Fund County Fair Fund Road Revolving Fund .... County Public Ass la Oeneral Fund Revenue ... Fees Due State Non High School Districts. Trust & Agency Accts. . . . Property Revolving Fund Accounts Receivable 162 Accounts Payable 121A Tax Refund 124 Contract Receivabl 442 444 649 650 643 103 768 278 611 646 122 112,303,04 127,738.86 127,738.86 84.928.78 278,187.63 278.187.63 45,733.92 164,516.02 184,516.02 48,437.61 110.510.37 110,510.31 235,447.68 335,447.08 2,263.15 2.263.15 15,187.13 15.187.13 104.70 104.70 376.401.13 376,024.17 300.00 300.00 2,143.60 3,387.37 2,387.37 7,740.70 185,876.39 324,729.17 34,850.33 17,43B.28 fl 837.68 9.301.98 10.133.56 15292.44 4,422.57 4.422.57 4,422.63 1,433.83 1,433.82 7,460.47 11.793.30 11.793.30 42.088,32 400.509 91 29. 836,02 2MA7.81 16,604.00 16,604.00 16.804.00 14.00 13.027.75 14,014.25 !M.fin(U8 ?40.4?S Z9 4,958.71 4.235.40 444.10 269.59 155.35 3.703.852.80 376,358.43 376.924.17 1,843.60 5,353.33 38,852.78 17,422.05 0,827.68 6.158 .88 .06 6.026.85 30,295.02 63,023.83 086.50 1,516,240,38 COUNTY OF MARION ) I H. A. Judd, County Clerk of Marlon County, Oregon, do hereby certify that .h- foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the amount of claims allowed by the County Court of Marlon County, on what accounts allowed, and the amount of war rant.' drawn, for the year ending June 30, 1949, and of the amount of warrants out standing and unpaid and of the financial condition of Marlon County on J une jo, 194P, as the same appears upon the rocords of my office and In my official "ofly. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the County Court thla 31st day of octooer, l949' H. A. JUDD, County Clerk. SUMMARY OF SEMI-ANNUAL REPORTS TOR 1948-49 COMBINED Balance on hand July 1, 1943 1 30,048.63 COLLECTIONS: Current Taxes ,i Delinquent Taxes Yield Taxes Electric Corp Turned over to the County Treasurer, Marlon County Balance on hand June 30, 1949 100.545.48 8,768.49 3,124.36 13.647.671.72 99,795.16 TOTAL $3,741,486.88 13,747.468.88 SUMMARY OF SEMI-ANNUAL BE PORT , 1949 . Balance on hand January 1, COLLECTIONS: Current Taxes Delinquent Taxe Yield Taxes TurnEedCo Balance on hand June 30. 1949 1 TOTAL 1 12,182,935.72 203,204.34 32,650.26 4,8fl6.7l 1,757.68 ,..,,13,085,414.11 13,085,414.71 County Treasurer for 1948-49 and Honorable Judge and County Commissioners Marion County, Salem, Oregon . . . -t ....I., tnr mH amniinu turned over to the nrlor v..rx together with balance on hand for the period beginning January 1, 1940 and ending June 30, 1949. TURNED OVER TAX BOL-U DURING FIRST BALANCE ON SIX MONTHS nrtnu BALANCE ON HAND JUNE 30, 1949 COLLECTED DURINO FmST SIX MONTHS OF 1949 Cr. 1.428,470.50 5.818.397.51 6.220,554.90 3.404,157.39 SUMMARY Of EXPENDITURES 1948-49 .. 1847-48 .. 1946-47 .. 1045-46 .. 1944-45 .. 1043-44 .. 1912-43 .. 1942 1D41 1040 ,.12.644.440.23 77,820.96 13,538.27 3.938.21 ,, 3,658.51 34.42 io: 1938 ,., 1937 ... 1936 ,., 19351 ... 1031-34 1932 . ., 1931 .. 1330 .., 1929 .. 1923 .. 1927 .. flP-nml nnvernment 287.830.39 Protection of Persons St Property 35.827.61 yield Development of Natural Resources B.iw.po Health Conservation 109,067.18 Charities ft Corrections m.g. Education Miscellaneous . , . . Roads it Highways Turnovers to Other Subdivisions 25,391.15 16,587.83 850.952.88 352.838 36 Treasurer's Trust Funds ma.B.o.ja Miscellaneous Accounts and Revolving runds 4,018.883.39 203.204.34 22.654.87 4.887.27 2,215.56 673.46 fiW.ii 381.68 BB.56 98.10 11.15 74.41 60.24 30.65 61.59 468.30 68.62 44.40 46.01 51.59 22.01 15.41 4,886.71 1,757.68 OF 1049 12,844,083.35 95,374.30 17,478.91 5,534.95 4,331.97 34.43 844.32 331.34 61.05 71.15 58.69 45.36 42.33 38.81 9,757.75 30.73 10.90 23.01 15.47 4.993.21 1,767.68 January 1, 1949 92,661.22 5,101.53 936.63 618.82 50.44 26.61 26.95 12.46 29.05 17.91 20.65 61.69 60.30 37.90 44.40 48.01 40.69 09,795.19 Electric Corp TOTAL 13,152,935.13 STATE OF OREGON utDiriu rniiMTV ... . j ...hi. tw.t th frti-Mftin statement of I, Denvei Young, Sheriff " Co 1 u true I verily taxes' collected and the amounts turned over to the County Trea urer, $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4W Real Estate LoanJ Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Llo. 8-216 M 222 belle DENVER YOUNO, Shnttt nd Tti collator, Union Cottotr, Orwoa. CERTIFIED STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE JORY PACKING CO. 945 S. Commercial St. Ph. S-4590 Salem, Ore. &2 points last night to hU new )