GOOD TAKE SIE TO I T ! W CapMai JouTTial, Salem, Ovcgon, Dec. 19MU CHOKER" THEY'LL SEARCH THE I I'LL THINK -YOU'RE ABOUT TO HIRE BARC-E INN FROM OUNWALES TO OF VSOMEHSLP; RADIO PROGRAMS GALLEY.'-- AN I DONT WANTA 1 S0METH1N6 HAVE TO EXPLAIN THAT WHEN (555 SATURDAY P. M. ROPER U. TIP OFF THE COPS. T SHUT UP NO.'j i j rHEv fiimo it vuarncanrmzziii si. livf i KGW 'mm xex (Chapter 12) THE AWF11L CURSE Thp Wieele Waggles burst into Sanki Land screeching and honking heir blue noses and wiggling and waggling their tremendous saucer rs Jn Uio mvoi bciiuymx way, Thev surrounded Santa's yard vhere all the story book guests had jeen having such a lovely party Kith the Santa Land folk. Break up the party I" bellowed hp Wieele Wa (tines. "Grab the nndi Burst open the shops) Steal the Christmas loyal Tie Santa in mots!" As tney snoucea wiey reauy sec hnuc aoms an vnvsc leiiiuie uiiiiks. m uclv Wiggle Waggle grabbed little Bo Peep by the hair and sicked furiously at her poor sheep. Another chased the Oingerbread Man around and around the house. hp iinauv QiQ eaten mm ana one oil a chunk of the boy's shoulder. Another snatcxiea tsoy times norn and smashed it to pieces. Henrv saw ziezop, uie icaaer 01 Khps wicked creatures. "Why have you come here like this?" cried Henry. "Don't you know Santa can destroy you with a wave ol his magic wand?" "Let's see him do it," retorted 7.ezoo. Now Santa had gone In the house to get his magic wand lrom the little black box. At this very moment he came out on tne porcn, "Save us! Save usl" cried all the frightened guests. "Change the wicked ones into gum dropsl" shout pd his own little folk. : Santa nodded. Slowly he waved his wand from side to side. "Let all the Wiggle Waggles turn to gum jtovrasr' he wriisoered. Hardly were the words out of tils mouth then the magic began to work. But heavens Instead of the curse falling on the wicked Wiggle Waggles, his own Santa Land workers and all their guests be can turnlne into gum dropsl 1 Santa cried out in surprise. He waved the wand again. It did no cood. His people were gum drops The Wiggle Waggles were free and more powerrui man ever. ! "Well," said Zezop to Henry. "Whai qo you mint oi sania's mag lc wand now?" "I I don't understand," mum bled Henrv. Zezop pulled a magic wand lrom his coat. "Perhaps Santa would prefer this wandi" Henry looked and suddenly he knew what had happened. Zezop naa given nenry nis own wicsea wand and kept Santa's for himself. With the Wiggle Waggle's wand Santa could work no magic for good and could never destroy the Wiggle Waggles. Now the Wiggle Waggles began running about the yard picking ur gum drops and stuffing them in their pocKets. only Banta, Mr. Dilly and Henry remained. I ex pect they, too, would soon have turned into gum drops if Santa had not Just then called, "Quickly iouow mes He began running towards, the barn where his reindeer were kept. "Well get away on the reindeer," cried Santa as he led Henry and Mr. Dilly across the snow. The Wiggle Waggles were too busy to follow. They picked up all the gum drops and lapped up the party lood and crashed through all the Christmas toys. They pulled the arms off teddy bears, punched out doll baby eyes. v stuck holes in balloons, smashed K V blackboards. f- 0 Breaking up things was their ii-Jf idea, of fun but soon they grew If tired even of this and began squabs wing among xnemseives. rne wig gle Wastries, vou know, are the world's most quarrelsome folk. They are not happy unless they are squab bling. That is why no one else want ed to nave tnem arouna. ! "Let's go after Santa now," said $ezop. . "But." said Humphrey. 'I heard them say they would escape on the reindeer. Zezou snorted. "'Don't worrv. We win caicn vnem. Then the Wienie Waggles began to quarrel. "What shall we do with Santa? Turn b;im into a worm? No, stupid, a tvratlc. No. no, a Ilyl Why. not turn him into a base ball bat?" Zezop put an end to the fuss. '1 can't turn him Into anything with this wand," he said, looking at Santa's wand.. "It works only for good. We'll Just have to catch Santa and his bwo friends and de stroy them witnout magic. wrni. a wnooD ot delight the Wiggle Wagg leu charged towards the barn, honking their blue noses and tripping ocer one another in tneir eagerness. "After this," screamed Zezop. "We will be the onli' magic folk left in tne wnoie woisid. Think or how much tun we dsn have frightening little chlldrent And think how aw ful they will feel when Santa never comes to tneirj homes againl" NtxU Mr. Dilly Tries Some Tricks, Sew-Easy, Set For that jumper must" in every school girl's ward- bode . . . ta smooth. swooDine v neck style with a versatile casual coiiarecie Mouse au us own. Ana, best of. alU, a very easy style to make I No. 2531 s cut in sizes 2, 4, 6, and Size 4 lumner. lVi yds. 54-in, blouse, IV4' yds. 35-in. Patterns readv to fill orders lm mediately. For special handling ol order via .first class mail include an extra 9c per pattern. Would vera like to see a collection of more Unan 150 other pattern styles that, includes designs for all members or the tamiiy from tiny tuts and growing girls to Juniors and misses, mature and large-size women? Just include the FALL-i WINTER FASHION BOOK In your, pattern order. It's a big aid to every homo sewer. Price per copy1 20c. 1 Send 2J5c for' PATTERN with. Name, Ahlress and Style Number: State size j desired. AddressACapltal Journal, 214 Mis-1 sion St.. faan Francisco 0, uanr. Crow-Stitch China Embroider Unadorned kitchen or gilt towelB with these familiar household ob jects in bright colors and simple ftltchery. Cross stitch is quickly fporked and very eifectlve. 1 Pattern Envelope No. R2T68 con tains hot-iron transfers for 6 de signs, aolor chart, stitch Illustrations and finishing directions. To Obtain chb pattern, send 20c la COINS, giving pattern number your nume, address nn0 zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 838 Mission Street. San Fran cisco .? Calif. llOOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern ' SAX AINT YUH LISTENIN'? NON-WIND1N' WATCH IDEA, AN' HE iin ncv ain't cwmiflH PULL IN DA MAGNETIC NORT' POLE TUH MAKE A Mte-n DA MAIN SPRING wuunu ur.( "YUH HtK. 'ilSO YES, QUITE OITUT . ft IM11D ... 1 I'M INCLINED TO J AGREE WITH VOU IT WON'T BE AS SEVERE A WINTER, AS LAST YtAHfq GAVE MBS ZSOr JOVE. I'M IN HIGH KKTUnzf fil PSXs . v 'MAOOtE IS THERE A PEEP-HOLE SURE! RISHT WHERE I CAN LOOK OVER THE AT THE TOP ) KSLM I 3M JWJBC j KOCO J49D Kc, WiTA f U. rS yWV ge cold ? WAM TPAMSPoP-TASM WHY NOT HELP OUT THAT POOR FAMUX tocs so woRWED'aourT? sotm CTtowceo- "ROUND HS?E NOW, (1MYWM! ROCKV hISQ LcNA COULD USE LITTLE MORE ROOM- C?? .iiM,rn,rmiin.m- y- GOtN' SO GOOD, THEY REPILLY W OON-T NEEO ME-THEY CO.H. I P3RSia)OMATV-ElCSHT3 (US60M1Q OUT OF ft JOB 8,4 E NEEO HELP-6E RErtOY ' IN A SECOND, DOC! Jffjii 2Q S8C 7& CB3 1M A TIC o:VI,HattdM 0 LanA'J&e MMstlt Hrmrmhr Ituw Morjn iKhjlhro Ranrh Soiifi fDanfr .bcd ifTarmnnfn Or3n Kcven'ei ge'eh Vtntart P'AKimtr i'rtrrson jrv jJfea lunes CtarUt. Hclfnca 'iFourtquarg fi:J0 DJilrUnd J lPhtllp Miriowr Rahe Ruth IQuirk VlajihfCanfflelleTo A tf.Yft'fcnrWii ttr t.ttrm. ta MtsticyTria IXickt Wy Jr B:45lUfnnl l7 j'c llymri IBert Andrtwi Kidfrt jVm V.W3uaj Canon jMn It Strtn mollywrtod " (T-opuVar Mti. Vthmt tin 7:ISIJudT Chot filn It Atain f BvUnu ll'npuljr Muilc Ffajhouw ..f ConHriifci . .Wonroe f.nnr (Tanner fance Orcft. lltattrittr Pxctr ISuprrman lMfft ihe I'reaa jnanc'inc "Party Vv4vwmi llt th.c Ptesi (Dancln Partr 9:flQ lilt (r.ariKlml Luick lccccn. News fOancfnit Tarr If.'lS Wt Prdr mtngbuaier ltick Jercfns Chrysia CarA, .lOanrlnr Party Aftl. ot TkMtj jlnViTiTi"? MaWn Navy Hour Wance tttrVi, S 8:4fiUU of Riter fJnftnny HofJar avy nour Banco Orch. i7anffa rttr i2:?2(Sm n"Jf (T-Nlar Ffnaf hitnn' 'wonfea tihifen l&xaetnc rsctr tH:nXrloton byrn Music llr BiUP Uobn ffohnhtn iOancinK Party 1 S y- Wt4 '.Cm. C.v.Ueca o.o.clnx PattT Iff.W.i Qfchesfra (Teem. Hand fj.inre ffanrf Cxr. Carttter lanrinx Partr ii''i2l'VVww Urrvnadr M'a Itttnro ottrtt Hflifw jpajteinM Fartr J?"iniWm Mu,en Ornn Mulo J l.rl's Hants lllprn lousa nrirt VmW 11 "VI VV1 Muum ttcutv IUA ( VoVi Uiuce Open House Dnnrfnn Party Jj liYxttietua JTreaattrr Hand f'a iattrs jtpe ittusg Ijanelti.r Party 1Z:Q0i$in Otf huVnl iXtraiiiir ,-iijtnOII 'Sien Off 8:(1 HollTwopd Star IHene Aulry Chil Hpfieati ff:K, fl.W Sports K'tttb; rf.-fltf, trat 8;Ut London I.eiteti fl:3. Dinner Mrto- DIAL, LISTING, KOAC 559 dtea; 7:PO. Grand Optra Toniiht; 1:5 Basketball; 0:.1i, News and Weather; Tlanre Parade: W.Wt, in (Ml. SUNDAY T'.WV'i Pu.lwlA (Church of Atr Band Rox 7:Sfl J. Doe's Musis fchwri-h til Mi &m& Vw ?'.-tUJ. Doe's Musk ICdurofi of Atr iBanrf ttax 1 R'.OOU- Doe's WisteVewsma4ers liiertrat Hrur I -J7..Mrn, lSerenadcllloward Smith )ltrvl-n) Dour 1 Hlft VTattVi v. Vwm'SW l.nltt Revival llimr ( ft:4S foine ialt t.xke Talterwrfirat Hmty ( ftrflffiffrer Hrlne fTitritatlan lsicii)tlej-airea 9:15)silver Strinsi o l.earnlnt J.T.MV.ri'n-w'M ft'.Xft (t'ltua.t LtcUt Klrlver't Play (Messase of & ;4tEttrnal Uahi iSr-wa J Israel W;flft ShrUer- )leo. Platform 1 I II I.tll innraso nouna ir.iiiiiirri lltt Itsptht Cb lfhrnrt TiJ Baptist Vli.'Sm. IVnlce Prophecy If'effo'anfp Cofea JViiJi'e Proihrctil'rllnship'oico II II a. Bible Clais'Blhle Proeram Lattieran rVitorriltfv Maria ttr. Lutheran llourAve Maria 11 r. KXKS.BUTl WAS 1 I DETAfNEO STRtCTtV 1 PROM CHCjj r 1 WiLW:r, MivcV teT 1 SCHOOL AHO HGLPEO r WR.WOCVCR CAME all eareo eecA.c;se wgts to i rotarv cu8 werwEEk: Dowourogcouese. , Vfk KM0W6UT THERE WASSHF? THAT. NOTWNS I COULO jp POP? ADO ABOUT ITJ EL ! 1 1; DO N B C T h eVl r JIllr.W.VHC THratre 1 1 1 incaire 12:rih vttoat Barron I ;iirhuefc Foster tz:2ftw ra 1:W1A-Vt.i. WW I:fJtif''vfn f J .-.'jo'l America n 2;15Kitt)ia Vitr DOfT GO AWttV VAD.T AH'D OF V JEST AS SOON MARRIED VO'AS HCR. LfKE MAMMY SAYS, iTS A MATTER OF INDIFFERENCE IO ASKONK .WHO SKINS WOW THET VO' GOT TAB- ULOOS OONES, TAKE OFF THET a IOI An 01AA All' KBUfS IIC fl INSANE WIF YOat FA&ULOUS TAKE IT OFF -AN' Lt'S SEE. IVHUT W LOOKS LIKE NAOMS4rr. m asi iv- - ir 1 1 W JUUtfiV STORAH HAS SEEN WHUT SHE LOOKS iK IN REGULAR Ci.orHS-AWAHSW IT'S TOO DAHOCROUS FO MD AL1.T' f SEE., IN OHt. TIBEO At' EftH.eHE.O t. CONDISHUNI.T AH SAVS SHE KCCPS TW BAG ON-LWTIL AFTER TH' WEDEWIS OVER AW THEN, HEW1N HELP "tX WftH SON.'.'- J IVictoria Corey iNews WWrcYi In Vittik. .iiUiuAiuce. (Soncs l'()rtan r,nft fSuttdxr fprra.e3 iSarrrd J J ear IJark Carson jSunday S espera Toiab1tiSay QTttVi'iWfcS'h Kktm Victor UnaiaTnT'iMirViaB-t frrt RiwrtviA. "'rank St fc'rnst .tfi'fiaus (first KxptM tiaiirrr Dmtaip izo In avid Kosi First Baptist ews Vvayhwtw Cp.te Mtil Ungtut NV VWVim. Wmu t F.Ub. IVcwi, (Serenade for (SY Pfiharm. ittnar at faith rt.ov Star i String J.NV rhitharm, IX ma Seals puvenlla Jury pew "WAlv.m. uawt A UUiiJu.veu.tla Jurt 11 iiiicd Nations Vo.Uta.cwL. Week's. World II lie. of Mystery iHorut & Sfusfo r Pltitnarm. Week's ffwM JJIw. J JUjr.tiw.1 Words A Musis (e:s (Pro I'luilbnlf MartCn Kane l7aircam rtfns. (Pro f'notfiaff JPrn l-.H.thall 'I'm Itlieumnlhm FffiiwjJaliDO 5:tnilVves at 1arsiSTTn-pVnmrt ;4u(llvcit of SUrsh'ympfioiiette (fro 3;a0fThe ffardy (Famffy ffctar rt-ro Fattttxtt 3;ir Family lFamlly Hour JPro Foottiall -ftlKH'i4 UUckU tt'eo fotlall Caitlaa 'ttaston Maekle Trtt Ftwit)J Brsrareb frfto hnfow Hfo-itlc tfrnrm The Shadow IMiimIc Koom 'ttut UvUctUe. Uh.awc4.1e Ba.nd True IMrctlre kitrairejijc Hand ftrntt Steel )sum$ar rrr, linn Mr el (SutiAay m. Nick Carter niuMe Sunday .Sir Cartrr Wujle Sunday 4'.0iN,ttrw'd CalltngUark Itrnn? I'HtlUrcU-Fu-a I 4 ;45iiarr)i-ra7B , $:fi(Sam &Pd !:ll(Pnca(re iutiit 5 ." 45)ThcalraC u II d G;D0 Theatra Guild Xh.U (iuUd. I fff,?ff I'tihum Familiar, it : 4 ft .11 us to laclt Kenny Amos 'n' Andy lAmoa j' Andy Be.-M'C'rthy .Rttn.-M'C'tth? 'Kiicary Jordan Rocky Jordan iNews iDonald Mewarl ft.'iTinThm 'Atwld S.v:&tl 'airst niory 'itivaiinu nrraj innara aicwmrt Greatest Story )alvatlim Army IDonald Stewarl Stop the MuslclAlexander's (Dallas Ml nisi. KU bA MusUl 4UdL Uoard (llrte's to Veta 'Stoe the Jtttaicll.rnn Mtrray .tf'.M Ssmunfo jStop the MuslcjLynn Murray YTM 'gerenafia Contented ffr. The Wlihller last 7;,?flJljob Crosby ft'fVvlU M' ,kUy(HUi Brook K:fit mans ratmiri.ntxs tirmma 1 Symphony 11ourBeric.-MlC'rlrtr o'.vt- u-op-t ttaueuerc.-ai riny fl'.ftOtSYmphonT Hour Red Sketlon B;t!i)!j'tnphBy HwuyJBeri JrJlon 9 ;45(nance Orcft. (Jaefc ffennr Tfve Star fni Nisht Kdltor LTh Mes-klab. The XetMiah I OF THINGS. HITTING I THAT TREE WITH - L TUC VAC3f . DeTHAT TREE fHER6 ARE WEtMaafctoiS'wwse WPSf'S5? r fSStl ipi .skew I ww?jnE'R6,sA S crflBg WOT?HnjH) know M&SgPl WSy tewrrrCEME.TARV!I Uitw&iTT O0HT KHOW.I SEEWHOSe IT- HIM tfflr S L 2i5V5 F LOOKED rfr?SS Jt31 rw-uucR - , TM BUT HE LWEDTO WKLV'Jpm ZIYZ-Zc tbflStV- v lSX( VfLIPI FLIP! COMB J f TSX.' I PONY WPECSTANP , about h.1p.1 he kan Away 1 over to woolly smith's farm and he WOULDNT PHY ANT ATTENTION TO ME J T ( 1 WELL, WW, BYC8ACXV, THAT StlPE AIMT LIKE HIMICWEON'.WE SOTTA 6ET HIM BACK-! gyi ov ttooiiy sums mew r THUNDER, IF I FIND A DOS dWUW MY SHEEP. I'LL 6IYB HIM BOTH BARBELS ON SI6HT-AND 1 WONT kMSS ! 1 1. . 111:0(1 iVews 10;)5)Mary A. Mercer 10:45 CataaHa Itaac ll'.QQSewa U:irVvax Museum ll-.aa(Wa Muieura 1 1 Miimm J3.00'H Off hne MemlaVi rvhe .WessUh ITbe Mestiili Off MONDAY- lFamlly Thealrellleadline News UUU feu.w.d.s.T ia.Uo. Kanr of Times fSurtdar Satan JRoy R utters "(Naiareno t'h. Rai Ruceta IN ai are tie Ctu Cnapef Amaiinr MaAuoa. Utew Pearson (Twenty Q'stlonslNaiareno Ch. 'Heat))inr Jenty Q'tiirybiajarrir t'Jx JVi ler VJVnclnttt'jViaW. V.1tV.t ViTt-n tit. Vrt iniermexzo uoueua riKnit-ranK aevot (jrfKory rtoooj ewa Nirejcory Hood Jhdltnrially 'ifttthts's. tc!.v.i?.l'cvtl.i.ta , aicKar (Xewa 'Rtcht'td Xep'trlSUn Oft Geo. Soliolilty Orchestra I lOrrheaira . ire Pearson , I.Nocturne iVuncfay iTeverrt lSunday ttever'a Wa.Ua CUutcb. tHaa Church )imn Dreamt TV) nim Tl reams !oon Dreams .'Jnp Sir tarns -6 A.M. TO 4:45 ?M, 6;0fllHodt Porfse fi.J.?ws rj-.ft'iFMrn Ttm 6:45 f arm Ttme imfarlr Bird 7:15jOia Sonis IliSt-yam ilayea 8:0MrZi)diirAbrri R:?tl(fack Bereft ;4,?lSajiRldera 5):nfl)erond Cup ft'.lRfaMutvl. Co & ;3Qllvtnetewner ri:4SNews iVews KOIN Klork KOtS Kieek farm Ketra p Hmfllnir (iveew Swttlac (Keen Smiting jTlmekeeper 1 (Starch lima IKOPO Klork Sewa fKOCQ SJmM fXrjrs JTrx Rftler HOIS K)rk Xrw TDuncan M'l.tDdi!TomT.Viy fflnaWsiV GitnlHWO Bob Onrrrd IBh Uaren (Sfmie .Vews yrrd JUfi-k )ZcJib planners JXi!I'r,lci IK,,(; Klock Jponsumer News Break fait f.lub IBarealn fnuntrirrimoders Yvt VW LWWa.A i.taro.UT AlUc ICcumwIcts, endy ITarren Aunt Jenny I Our Gal Sxinfi'y1 ;T)T(Marr1aiii 1ot Yt VMrt 1 t15(l'nra f.awton (Ma Perkins ;,?fl.!BTsd Bevnolds )v. Dr. Malnna ;45h ri?1wnT U-uS4n UtAA ISi Nfithtag IPerrr &tartm 30 Children TodavNorah Dralie V&lUibA at World iBtlthtet Day 0Q.Nwa ID. titiitnaii ei jj ji; ftreitkfast Club hta.tle Brraktask Uub Mus'ie Mildred BediVi W V News ItVeal. Metedem (MeloAr lima Stars of Today Mus. MemorfeH.Mcfody Tlnta Jn Ujokl-itet raslor's mil JStara Sin Kt lSi Nti r;,ien WriVfti) iV.'irspcf rTirnmr .irerrrory iffarnf My True StnrT IConrcrt Mln. TI'imi Tim. .K Teuft XUtT fLu,i. Jtaccaa W Keva icur uroraer ii.aaies rtrii niuslo Hart lifter lAndiahr .t.adira J rJ iMuaie Mara rkternrrs towm tni Tiny 'ilan 'T.'rtieT lerners IDueen for Das IVncaf tarlefy ncan MT.endiB'haee Tafafncfrnp Traifcs ft'wood flfuifo 1j jii.ews i.-Ncws in wood Musis 'akeir (Iaiv Denata :VlXlW. Tf'a'a VrnHy'inTlTtVA St UiMh(k NiMWwa 'ttw KImU :4ffHfht to ffappf.ttr flafter pfj Wernjiiro-s- (.finnnr 'a Rackstaae mfcfffarny'if fofesWr. in Ilallnr'diTeil Nelahbvr Ietodlet l;iJStrlla Dallas Itiarry Moore Br. tn 11o)lywsd Hh. oT Com. (Mac's Melodies i'.XftWrfww. SiTiea kn Moce. Iat West ICh. of Cora. (Mac's Melodies ':45Widdrr Brawnkiirkhaai Xew.fHr Yei jlUng Sing Jae'MetnMr );ffl)tltrt Harriet )wa Ifay Sirwari Wb Pnole Jlar's Melodies" !:lS)Por. races l.lie,Meve Allen Vtat MrwaiV Yri Vvtftt Ww'i Mftw. Bin Billl Show IBrlrifl Si iiroomt.lfusic for tfnn.f.ifar s Sttetodtta yaTreUjTvnrl'iir J'iurajBlde Si Groom, Music for Mon. Mac's Melodies GRAND opening! iOOMALD OUCK'S SELF-SEQVB MARKET L-r7 I cr rtn w,eOfcT wjuZoL OPEMIN6." OOMALO OUCK'S I MARKET !QPEN SELI-9 3" YOU TWO ARt MIGHTY Q.U(ET BACK THERE.' BUT I KNOW HOW IT 15.' TAKE AN W OL W0MAN-WE5ITINT0A JAM LIK THIS-- EACH ONE BLAMES T0THER- SOMETIMES WE DOnT SPEW. FOR. DWS- JlST SE.T AN SWAP GLARES ! LIKE A COUPLE 0'. . r r COMNASW-'WtfeBtWt ) HANNIBAL 5TOPAT 43 OUCjUTAGO past "hairpin. (coSkTWGm?.7S HALL" AN TELL MRS.WORTW wup' . 51Poi 2-MMust Plain 2 -AhWr. Pgr. Yi a'OOhVrlt, Trayt tA;wi.t. Tuv. TrsvelerslArt Kirk. NewslOuirk as Flash irarm-llnmo (Mac's Melodies SWMtj. TlSStHAiWl ft4l? JUk fpalk. Time lilac's Stflnrtlrs tiJtfffAunt Mary Atr(. rtorfr"rr-y jf.xd-g be Sea ted Seinr jwae'a M)w J;45JI.oveA larn Art. (iodlre Ted tfaione 'Hawaiian liar. Mac's Meloalc i:0fl!Wnm. Secret JArthur CodtreyVetl-rs to SanlaWullon Lewis IVrn t-.tlUta BeauUtol Arthur Godf rej .Squlrrfl Case Frnk. Hem'way pfninsonfier :3flir. Paul it:itrt Matjr? iSvvirrr Vaxm 'VehJnd Slory Jlters Can i:4TtPaula Klona . Muttww kjiTinamTiTi Yti 'iSt-R-s ACROSS 1. I-Utla lie . Vto ETBTirS Feinalft d.t tZ. Brazitinn piirrnt 15. Moro Iftnolils H. Arl(!tn I. f'furhy 2), N olil r man 11. F,rVQt. Where withal 28. Paid public no Ilea J9. Saed covering? W. Mont pajAeity ntnta Tm'iTriTi fl. fiftout Cmm ambush JS, JCJlJnct bird Sft. Compilian'a Run I H. Child's tar baby d. Public cactlcrt ftbbr. 1. TgiimiiItio name near vVns . C'-mlnent irt. Sprit 64. Meana of fi"f. Cnntfnrf 67, Period ot rf?. ffwh out &!. Tree I Jwjuj BMNj"Gh R'lUIMIAj'ui vj i j"sJaS3 AisigM'j itc'iM lSg j e) n e j s d)aJ 23pif 0 .1 R ! N F. ! L fl 29 A Vm) A i V) e") Nl A L,'(L 'i A H' a"1 S gSR) E Rjg ot P)5BtTa) E.j"ftl A)T "j py E )Nj P) LsSsj DOWN 1. OlfJBBS a. Attest 3. Amerlrart humorist ,34- 0 4. Barcalaureato Faklfnf dish h. Simjiio sugar 7. Ancient J. Speak rhetorically merit it. Tlntnra )fi. Facta . XMrr -n-h.t W. Vi-Kamp tt. Trt' 23. SlfljjiJarrJ of 26. Urt-athft hiavlty ha. VI. Wa'iTVolft .W ifrrpft Island 3i, JJjl h) O BO ffnir ointmentt Si. ilannT o( ;.lki.tK .75. Ptti Utra Vi. Snlnworm 43. Artless fni'trntfv 4, TnJin Je.if VI.. Ut.;'. Twh'i pe-f M. Tpllow octir hi. Surrnaud. 55. ,V'-,V n! tilt sca'i A Nswirsotwrsa