10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Dee. 16, 1949 Campus Clippings WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY By GERI BOWLES Willamette university is homeward bound en masse this after noon as students and faculty begin the long-awaited 16-day holi day vacation. This past week has been one ol last minute plans, packing, and the spreading ol Yuletidt cheer. The YMCA held its annual party for the girls at Hillcrest, Monday night. The evening's entertainment Included group singing of Christmas carols, a solo by Lorna Wallace, and Ella Lou Ball's interpretation of the "Littlest Angel." The strains of popular carols filled the Salem area during the week as various campus groups combined in serenading univer sity living units and state insti tutions. Monday evening was reserved for Alpha Chi Omega and Beta Theta Pi, Bishop Hall and town students, with the Chi Omegas and Sigma Chis, Laus anne and Baxter Halls perform ing Tuesday; Delta Gamma and Phi Delta Theta, Pi Beta Phi and Eigma Alpha Epsilon on Wednes day. The evening ended with parties at the womens' houses. "Miss Pajama Top of 1949" was selected by a board of Judges last night at the annual ASWU Christmas party spon sored by the senior class. Dress for the affair included pajama tops, Jeans, and stocking feet. Even Santa was on deck to cele brate the holiday season midst holly, sparkling stars, and giant greeting cards, Members and pledges of Phi Delta Theta entertained 20 chil dren from needy families in the county Tuesday evening with a dinner and party, complete with gifts, in honor of their guests. The Sigma Chis held their sec and annual affair of this nature Thursday. Twenty-five children Were feted with a turkey din ner, gifts, and apples, oranges, and nuts. After an evening of playing games and witnessing the arrival of Santa Claus (alias Ray Loter), the children were escorted home by the fraternity men. To some 15 students on cam pus from Hawaii, theirs will nec essarily be a Christmas away from home. And so arrange ments for a 30-minute radio broadcast to Honolulu have been made. The "hello" to the island will Include interviews with the students and songs by the uni versity a capella choir. In most cases, this program will be their only contact with friends and family for the Christmas sea son. Amid all the hustle and bustle of the approaching vacation, the first eliminations for the 1950 national intercollegiate bridge tournament are nevertheless be ing organized by Harley Hoppe, campus chairman, Willamette is one of the 300 colleges invited to compete In the duplicate con tract bridge contest. Finalists in the regional sections will be awarded an all-expense trip to Chicago in the spring to person ally compete. Word was just received that Diane Proctor, a junior major- ng In art and literature and a member of Pi Beta Phi, has been selected as one of Mademoiselle Magazine's 650 College Board Members from a field of 3,000 applicants. In her application, Diane wrote on the Baxter Hall living organization as an unique feature of the campus. She will complete various assignments during the year and may be one of the lucky girls chosen next June as a guest editor for the college issue of the publication, with an all-expense trip to New York paid for her. Here's wish ing Diane good luckl WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. John Ramage have returned from a trip to John Day where they attended the wedding of their son, Herbert Ramage and Miss Joan Edwards. The wedding was in the John Day Methodist church. AT ITS BESTkfe WORLD'S LARGESTI Vik.-? SELLER I Va grain tab lets eliminate need for cut ting. Orango flavored, so easy to take. Miss Walker Is Wed Recently Woodburn A wedding of interest to Woodburn folk took place at Leavenworth, Wash., recently when Miss Beryl Lee Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gale Walker, formerly of Woodburn, was wed to Donald Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. E S. Arehart of Roseburg, Oregon The Rev. J. W. Alcorn officiat ed at the double ring ceremony An archway entwined with reenery, flowers and satin :trcamers formed the setting for the service. The nuptial music was played by Mr. Truman Youngberg and Mrs. T. King was vocalist. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a white slipper satin wedding gown, fashioned with fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline, full skirt and semi-train. Her veil of fin gertip length was held in place by a tiara and she carried a colonial bouquet of roses and carnations. Maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Lois Walker, gown ed in blue taffeta, and the bridesmaid was Miss Eva Vande Graft in a pink net formal. Miss Lois Fortner seated the guests and Miss Arlene King was can-dlclighter. The bridegroom was attended by Arthur Brown and Leon Putnam. A reception followed the cer emony. The couple will make their home in Springfield. The bride attended Woodburn high school. She was graduated from Leav enworth high school with high honors and choosing baton twir ling teaching as her career she laught with the American Le gion Drum and Bugle Corps, Cashmere, three months last year. She was with the Leav enworth school band as a ma jorette in the Wenatchce blos som festival and at Springfield she will commute to Eugene and Roseburg where she has classes. HOLLYWOOD Lions club auxiliary was entertained Wed-. nesday evening at the home of Mrs. G. M. Slenlz, 20 members attending. A no-host supper was followed by a program and ex change of gifts. Mrs. B. Koh was guest speaker, telling about women in Korea and discussing conditions in Korea. Mrs. Bacon Visits Woodburn Auxiliary Woodburn Mrs. I. N. Bacon of Salem, district president of the American Legion auxiliary, was a guest at the regular meet ing of Woodburn auxiliary, Wed nesday night, at the Legion hall and gave a talk on membership She also complimented the local unit for the excellent work they are doing. Mrs. Madge Ostrom presided. Plans were completed for the state "40 et 8" banquet which the auxiliary will serve Satur day night, Dec. 17. The kitchen committee for this event includes Mrs. Catherine Vandehey, chair man; Mrs. Irene Rheinholdt, Mrs. Clara Stange, Mrs. Elizabeth DeHaan, Mrs. Tillie Lang, Mrs. Nettie Johnson, Mrs. Minnie Le- Febvre, Mrs. Rose Bonacker, Mrs. Gladys Freeberg, Mrs. Myrtle Smith, Mrs. Virginia Austin and Mrs. Maude Hicks. Miss Mavis Rickert is in charge of the serving committee. Mrs. Frences Green, Mrs. Eli zabeth DeHaan and Mrs. Vera Boje visited the Veterans' hos pital Thursday to work in the gift shop. Following the meeting the members joined the Legion for entertainment of moving pictures and refreshments which were served by a committee from the Legion. jyince's Ehctric Vacuum Cleaner SALES REPAIRS SERVICE RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Dial 38555 1085 Broadway fbr free Heating Estim find out how little it will cost to modernize your heating system with economical, dependable Delco-Hcat ... the complete line fnr ii ntk .11 types of fuel for all sizes and types ot homes. Auxiliary Plans Christmas Work Silverton The spirit of giv ing dominated the week's meet ing of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, American Legion auxiliary. The second regular meeting of the month is set forward from December 29 to December 19, Monday, for an early evening children's program, tree, Santa Claus, treats, and above all, the remembrance of those families and children not so fortunate this season including all veteran families in the area. This change in dates is because of the second meeting falling on the day after Christmas. For family giving, Mrs. Har ry Kuch as welfare chairman, will receive donations for food at her home in 312 East Main, and will appreciate early gifts of non-perishable and canned food, with meats and vegetables preferably brought to her home in order that she may leave them at the home not later than Saturday forenoon, December 24. The special charge of the unit is a family that includes two adults and several small children. An infant's layette will be gratefully received. The unit voted favorably on sending defense stamps to the unit president, Mrs. Sadie Gra ham, for her gift tree. The stamps are to be sent by the unit president, Mrs. C. E. Higin- botham to headquarters of the auxiliary in Portland by De cember 15. Committee reports were given on the hospital by Mrs. A. J. Mc Cannel, sewing by Mrs. Robert Allen, the Marion county assem bly by Mrs. Magda Frank, legis lation by Mrs. F. M. Powell. The six unit members plan ning to serve on Monday as hostesses in the Portland facil ity gift shop are Mrs. Harry Kuch, Mrs. Leslie Moen, Mrs Robert Allen, Mrs. Bill Miethke Mrs. Oscar Edlund, Mrs. Magda Frank and as special assistants, Mrs. George Towe and Mrs. A. J. McCannel. Mrs. Wesley Grogan, member ship chairman, headed the losing side for obtaining members, los ing by a single vote. Her com mittee entertained the post and unit members in a supper and special program with Rev. Ben F. Browning showing colored pictures; Merl Grogan, singing and yodeling, playing his own guitar accompaniment; Miss Detty DePeel appearing as imi- tationist from musical record ings; and vocal numbers by the Wesley Grogans and the Leslie Moens, Mrs. A. J. McCannel at the piano. Bob Allen announced the program. WOODBURN The woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church mot Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harold Sargent with about 35 members present. After the business meeting, Mrs. A. E. Austin led devotions and Mrs. Lowell Moore was in charge of the Christmas program. An ex change of gifts was enjoyed. Mrs. Austin- and Mrs. James Livesay" presided at the tea table. Assistant hostesses were: Mrs. C. F. Cook, Mrs. James Bright, Mrs. Bertha Baldwin, Mrs. Geo. Landon, Mrs. Tom Engle. ' " ' " ' ' . FOR Insured Savings s:f First MWs Federal ?m$mf$ Sav'n9s gkjjfflga First Current Dividend 214 1st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty SWITCH TO CALVERT'S BETTER TASTE You'll find that CALVERT is a better buy! CALVERT RESERVE Blended Whiskey B6.8 Proof 65 GralnNeutral Spirits. Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City NOW OPEN The Uptown Drive-In RESTAURANT at 860 North High Featuring Southern Barbequed Meat With That Smoky Tang Direct from our special Barbecue oven. Try our Spare Ribs and Taste The Difference. We grind our own hamburger from U.S. inspected Meats. Hours: 12 Noon to 1 A.M. Closed All Day Thursday Operated by: Roland and Evelyn Nohlgren FORMERLY OF SILVER FALLS LODGE Sriw FIND THEM TONITE 26 Santas With Prizes Worth $12.00 up ond Mrs. Santa . . . with $100 Cash For You ! STILL MORE SANTAS WHO WILL BE EVERYWHERE IN DOWNTOWN SALEM 7 TIL 9 TONIGHT Ronrecentina the Followina Stores Who Will Be Ooen for Your ShoDDinq Convenience Woodry Furniture j PENNEY'S Company "4 Blocks South of the Ladd & Bush Bank" TAG OUR SANTA AND RECEIVE FLOOR LAMP OR 2 TABLE LAMPS Our Sonta It ust on overage American guy . . . not toll, not short, not handsome, not homely. He smokes a pipe, cigarette ond occasionally a cigar and he has a mole! 160 North Liberty St. WILL GIVE A BLANKET prize will be a Deautitui j2-id. an-wooi The best of the best in blankets. Just say to Penney's blanket! our Santa (when you spot him, of course) "Tag, you are Santa" and it's yours!. He is tall and handsome ond youthful in appearance and should be EASY to find! MILLER'S R.L. Elf strom Co. Will Give Year's Supply ' BELLE-SHARMEER NYLONS . . . be the first to tap our Santa on the shoulder and say the magic words . . . "Tag, you're Santa Clous," and you'll receive 12 pairs of fine Belle-Sharmeer nylon stockings. A year's supply! Your favorite shades, weights and your correct proportioned size. ; . . You will easily recognize our Sonta. He looks thrifty . . . that satisfied look that comes from his Is he handsome? We are sure his mother thinks so. And, while you are busy togging him . . . don't forget to tag Mrs. Santa Claus for that $100 cash! Good hunting! See you ot Miller's tonight. "Tag, You're 'Santa Claus'!" Yes, if you identify Elfstrpm's "Santa" he'll escort you to our store for a UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC Coffee Maker A 24.95 Value ! Lamberts Antiques 220 North Liberty OUR "SANTA" IS TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME. FIND HIM AND HE WILL BRING YOU IN TO OUR STORE FOR A LOVELY Tag Our Santa and We Will Give You Your Choice of any $12.00 Item In the store or credit of the same amount on any other item. Our Santa Is "God's Gift to the Ladies" U AMERICAN DRESDEN FIGURINE if Jackson Jewelers Let's Go to MARILYN SHOE STORE for a perfect Christmas gift! PAIR OF WOMEN'S SHOES Be sure you tag Marilyn's "Santa"! MARILYN TOASTER $18.75 Value Will Be Given by Salem Hardware COMPANY SHOE STORE 387 Court Street 120 North Commercial This beautiful tooster is chrome plated, fully automatle ond adjustable to dark or light toast.