Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 16, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Edited bv MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem,
Party for
Thursday Eve
Fifty-five members and
guests attended the Salem Lions
club auxiliary's annual Christ
mas party last evening at the
beautiful country home of Mrs.
Saul Janz out Turner way. A
Christmas tree, varied arrange
ments of greens and candles
made the home festive in a holi
day setting.
Early dessert was served, Mrs.
Jacob Fuhrer and Mrs. Stanley
S. Smith pouring. The tabic
was also decorated in a holiday
Mrs. E. Burr Miller, Mrs. Les
lie Beard. Mrs. Joseph Tomp
kins, Mrs. R. W. PicKell and
Mrs. Lillian Ramage were the
hostesses for the evening.
Aid Two Families
At the business meeting, pre
sided over by Mrs. Wayne
Doughton as president, Mrs
Harry L. Miller, philanthropic
chairman, announced two fami
lies will be remembered at
Christmas time, a Christmas din
ner and clothing to be provided
for one, clothing for the other.
Gifts also are being given pa
tients at the state tuberculosis
Members brought contribu
tions of food and clothing to the
meeting, also gifts for the Che
mawa Indian school.
Mrs. Edward Majck, chair
man of special activities, report
ed the recent apron sale a very
successful one, more than 100
aprons being sold, the proceeds
to go to the group s philan
thropic fund.
The group voted to buy some
of the Christmas seals from the
tuberculosis association.
Mrs, Earle P. Dclaney and
Mrs. Ray Nichols were intro
duced as new members.
Following the meeting, Mrs.
L. J. Stewart led the group in
singing Christmas carols, Mrs.
Victor Palmason playing the or
gan. Later, Mrs. Reginald Wil
liams sang solos, playing her
own accompaniment on the
piano and Mrs. Palmason play
ing the organ. Mrs. Bruce Van
Wyngarden was program chair
man, Attain Ranks
The Camp Fire Girls com
mittee of awards held its De
cember meeting Wednesday at
the Salvation Army citadel.
Mrs. W. E. Gardner, chairman,
announces that the following
girls have passed ranks this
month: Wanda Coe, Ton! Do
Sart, Palsy Earlywine, Shelia
Frey, Janice Groff, Joyce John
ston, Joan Magusen, Gladys No
wals, Beverly Ready, Janice
Roberts, Ann Robinson, Mary
Ann Robison. Judv Spamctpn
Pat Sexton, Sharie Kae Shepard,
anaron strong, Sharon Volk,
Carolyn Webb, Joan Winter
mute, Janice Wood, Colleen
Zamzou, Leona Todd,
6 to 9 o'clock
with Chimney
Reg. 19.95
Look I More
Hurricane Lamps fi93
Were 14.95, now
Everhot Roasters OA95
Were S9.95, now..
- n n, ,
Lasy-Llte Pln-Up 193
Plastic Table Lamp
Shades, Chinese
Modern C23
Were 8.95, now
Salem Lighting
236 North High
Oregon, Friday, Dec. 16, 1941
Birthday Event
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. de Weese
are entertaining Sunday after
noon in honor of their son, Har-
tcr, who is celebrating his
fourth birthday that day. Guests
have been invited at 3 o'clock.
About a dozen young friends
of Harter have been invited, and
some of the parents also will call.
Greens Show
Starts Saturday
Opening Saturday will be the
three - day Christmas greens
show sponsored by the Salem
Garden club, at the Valley
Motor company building, the
event to be open between 12
noon and 9 p.m. each day
through Saturday, Sunday and
Monday. Mrs. Kern Mills is
general chairman.
Also on display will be gift
packages and madonnas. Tea
will be served each day in the
Ralph Johnson Appliance com
pany nearby.
Varied interesting arrange
mcnts, including wreaths, gar
lands, swags and other deco
rative items for Christmas time
will be included in the show
ing. Other organizations co
operating in displays at the
show include the Gaiety Hill
Garden club, the Salem Heights
Garden club, the Salem Ca
mcllia society and the Salem
Rose society.
Mrs. Ben Maxwell is presi
dent of the Garden club. Miss
Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith
Schryver are in charge of the
entries and placements.
Two Entertain
Mrs. James Armpricst was
honored at a party and shower
given this week by Mrs. Gale
Besse and Mrs. Frank Turner at
the home of the former. A late
supper followed the evening of
games. In the group were Mrs.
Armpricst, Mrs. Robert Morrow,
Mrs. Woodrow Puckctt, Mrs.
Robert Armpricst, Mrs. Lynnc
Armpricst, Mrs. Roy Ferris,
Mrs. Roy Edgerton, Mrs. Bur
dctte Owen, Miss Eleanor Bai
ley and the hostesses.
ARRIVING this evening'
aboard the Shasta Daylight will
be Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Co-
valt (Joan Hoerelh) to spend the
Christmas vacation and holidays
with their respective parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ferrcl Covalt and
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hoereth. The
couple both attend Santa Rosa
Junior college at Santa Rosa,
Store Party
Nearly 200 employes of
Montgomery Ward company
gathered recently for a party at
the American Legion club. En
lertainment followed the dinner
and then dancing.
The event was staged in cele
bration of the local store win
ning in the recent Ward Week
contest throughout the United
Great Values!
Torchler Lamps,
copper and brass. 1195
Were 17.95, now. .
pi.i. . .
Plastic Floor Lamp 100
Shades, were 4.95, now- "
Sunbeam Automatic O150
Coffeemastcrs J
Dormyer Mixers 1Q93
Were 26.95, now .. . ID
& Appliance Co.
Dial 3-9412
Two sorority alumnae clubs
held their Christmas parties last
Chi Omega alumnae were en
tertained at the chapter house
with Miss Margaret Allen, Mrs.
Jackson Hazelctt, Mrs. Dale
Pence and Miss Lorraine Poin-
dexter as the committee of host
esses. Others attending were
Mrs. Irving Brown, Mrs. George
Hill, Mrs. Robert Moe. Mrs.
Frank Turner, Mrs. Francis T.
Wade, Mrs. Carl W. Nelson, Mrs.
Earl Snell, Mrs. Clarence Web
ber, Jr., Mrs. Eldrid Hutchison,
Mrs. William Seiles. Reports
were given at the business meet
ing on the recent cooked food
sale of the group.
At Stacey Home
Sigma Kappa alumnae met
for their Christmas party at the
home of Mrs. B. W. Stacey.
There was a tree and exchange
of gifts. Attending the event
were Mrs. E. E. Beckman, Mrs.
Frank DeWitt, Mrs. Luther Jen
sen, Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs.
George Robinson, Mrs. Joseph
Franko, who is visiting from
Aberdeen, Mrs. Bert A. Walker
and little daughter, Judy, and
Mrs. Stacey. Mrs. DeWitt is to
entertain for the January meet
ing. m m m
PENNY Blue Birds of Rich
mond school, a group for sec
ond grade girls, met for their
Christmas party Thursday after
noon at the home of their lead
er, Mrs. Alfred Laue. Mrs Den
ton Bridges is co-leader for the
A Christmas tree was trim
med, carols sung and refresh
ments served. Last week, the
group made a trip to the fire
station to hear about the work
ings of the fire department, also
the first aid car.
nary, American Legion, are
sponsoring their Christmas par
ty this evening at the West Sa
lem Legion hall. There will be
a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock,
followed by treats and gifts for
the children. All members of
the post and auxiliary and fam
ilies are invited to attend.
THE PEP Teachers club held
its December meeting recently
in the Cherry room of the Sena
tor hotel. The members from
the county school office were
the hostesses and a gift exchange
was the entertainment.
Christmas Music
A group of 14 music students
of Miss Lena Belle Tartar will
appear in a recital of Christmas
music Saturday evening at Rob
erts studio at 8 o'clock. Friends
of the students presenting the
program have been invited to
"7 She's
f '
yn i? ji "!
IK f I tCVydL
1 1 i'
r j.r 'k-ws ' its
Wed Here Recently Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Wharton were
married December 3 in St. Paul's Episcopal church. The bride
is the former Louise Rawson. The couple will make their
home in Salem. (McEwan Studio picture).
ampus Clippings oregon
Another fall term has just about come to a close. It has been
one packed full of events for the Oregon student. Everyone is
looking forward to Christmas vacation, and the talk of the campus
is how students are going to spend it
Last week-end also brought
many house dances on the Ore
Eon campus. The SAE house
chose as the theme "The Night
Before Christmas" ... In order
to enter the house the guests
went through a large chimney.
The house was decorated with
big wreaths and Santa Clauses
against a black wall. They used
luminous lighting ... Pi Kappa
Alpha theme was "Dream Girl,"
and they honored their sweet
heart of the evening.
Phi Sig's theme was "Moon
light and Cocktail" ... it cen
tered around a night club scene.
Phi Psis chose "Idiot's Delight."
Their decorations centered
around a mystical type of at
mosphere. Their guests were in
costumes of all types.
The basketball games between
Blue and Gold Athletic club
Singing, Her Gift's From
- nwrr -
drew quite a crowd and both
games provided lots of excite
ment for the spectators.
Along the Christmas themes,
the houses have been holding
their annual Christmas parties.
Many of the houses entertained
orphans and gave them pres
"The Messiah" in McArthur
court turned out to be a great
success. There were many Salem
people participating in it: Ro
berta Tussing, Suzanne Huggins,
Katie Siegmund, Frances Baum,
Jack Dalk, Barbara Sundet, Jim
Gilbertson, Margorie Becke, Ann
Carson, Dick Barber, Irene Mc-
Leod, and Phil Welling.
SALEM bethel, U.D., Job's
Daughters, will meet for a busi
ness session at 1:30 p.m. Satur
day in the Masonic temple.
pretty as a picture painted
from the pastels right into
Worsted Wool Jersey for you.
Especially for the holidays ... for spring-to-come
. . . especially for onytime wear: that's the elegant
simplicity of Worsted Wool Jersey.
A girl who knows her scarf is cute . . .
for she has the "North or South"
idea ... the young idea. Red, white
or soft pastels enhance her. 22.95
& Store for Ladies
Camp Fire j
Group Elects
Mrs. E. A. Carleton was elec
ted chairman of the Salem Dis
trict Council of Camp Fire
Girls at the annual meeting held
Wednesday evening at the First
Methodist church in Salem.
Serving on the nominating com
mittee were Mrs. Richard Sev-
crin, Mrs. Marvin Helland, and
Mrs. William E. Healy.
Other members elected at the
meeting include Mrs. W. E. Gar
dner, vice chairman; Mrs. Marv-
Holland. secretary; Clair
Brown, chairman of the finance
committee; Mrs. Emmett Klein-
ke, chairman of adult member
ship; Mrs. Charles Ladd, chari
man of the extension commit
tee; Miss Dorathea Steusloff,
chairman of the social commit
tee; Mrs. A. E. Ullman. Mr.
Frank Kolsky, co-chairmen of
the camp committee; Lawrence
Osterman, civic chairman; Mrs.
Lewis Scott, chairman of public
relations; Mrs. Lyle Shepard,
chairman of leadership train
ing; Mrs. Granville Perkins,
chairman of the committee of
awards; Mrs. Frank Kolsky,
chairman of the Leaders' asso
ciation; Dayl Burres, area rep
resentative for a three year
term; and members at large, Mrs.
Irl McSherry, Mrs. Marvin Lew-
Mrs. E. E. Batterman, Mrs.
Robert Wilson and Mrs. Richard
Severin. Members remaining on
the board as area representa
tives are Mrs. Paul Morse and
Merrill D. Ohling.
Mrs. Morse reported on the
area meeting at which the recent
Camp Fire mint sale was un
der discussion. It was decided
to make this an area project,
and to divide the proceeds
among National Camp Fire, the
individual girls or groups, and
camp. The sale was quite a
success this year.
The regular board meetings
have been changed to the third
Tuesday of the month.
GAIETY HILL Garden club
members met today at the home
of Mrs. W. W. Baum to work on
garlands for, the group's entry
in the Christmas greens show
of Salem Garden club through
Saturday, Sunday and Monday at
Valley Motor company building.
Today's meeting was an all-day
one with a luncheon at noon.
TOM BRAND, son of Justice
and Mrs. James T. Brand, was
to arrive home today from Stan
ford university, where he is a
senior, to spend the Christmas
holidays at home.
Joyce Giroux
Professional Manicurist
Larson's Beauty Studio
471 Court Ph. 35033
This smart little lady can salute
the occasion for she's wearing a
Paired-Off twosome. The
elasticized-waist Koretigan at 8.95,
and an Accordion Pleetskirt
Complete to bracelet she's chic , . .
and why not with Striped
Overblouse for 7.95. And the
Accordion Pleetskirt matching
White Shrine
s Entertained
Willamette shrine No. 2, Or
der of the White Shrine of Jeru
salem, held its social evening
Wednesday at the Masonic tem
ple with 95 members and friends
attending. There was a 6:30
o'clock no-host dinner, followed
by a Christmas party. The pro
gram consisted of several num
bers given by a girls sextet,
Misses Marilyn Power, Patricia
Elfstrom, Pebble DeSart, Bar
bara Calloway, Bonnie Stewart,
Luanne Wolfe, accompanied by
Miss Dorothy Pederson, a
piano solo by . Miss Dorothy
Pederson, vocal solos by Ron-
Id Craven, accompanied by
Mrs. Craven. Many numbers
were given by the Elks quartet,
which included Ralph Caley,
Boyd Babbitt, Lawrence Alley
and Norvall Edwards. Games
were also played and prizes
received by Mrs. Dorr Shreve,
Mrs Josephine Tillman, Wil
liam Neimyer. After the games
were played Santa Claus arrived
and distributed gifts to all.
Dorothy Gray
Nosegay Cologne
in j
Santa Box
Captivating fragrance, wit
lily packaged. Larger size,
$2.50. Othei Nosegay de
lights: Dusting Powder,
$1.75. Soap (3 cakes), $1.75.
Bubbling Bath Salts, S2. Per
fume, $7.50. Prices plus lax.
f.9 J items: uusunc rowaer,
m , u . i a v
State and Liberty
Still no decision about her gift?
Why not stop the worry ... try a
Visitors present from out-of-town
shrines were Mrs. Jose
pnine Tillman, Mrs. Mabel
Schumann from Vancouver,
Wash., Mrs. Lorraine Thompson
of Allentown, Pa., and Mrs. Ha
zel McCracken from Sharon,
Committees Included: Dinner,'
Mrs. James Booth, Mrs. W. P.
Lessard, Mrs. Robert Crawford,
Mrs. Charles S Morgan; deco
rated tree, Mrs. Wilbur Pintler;
table decorations, Mrs. W P.
Lessard; gifts, Miss Mary B.
Sayles, Mrs. Hetty Krieken
baum, Mrs. Louise Brown;
Christmas cheer committee,
Mrs. Mae Lamb, Mrs. Stanley
Brown, Stanley Brown, Mrs.
Nancy Peed and Mrs. James C.
Jones. The tables were deco
rated in holly with silver can
delabrums and red tapers.
The regular meeting will be
held Monday, December 19, at
8 p.m. at the Masonic temple.
VISITORS from Cutler City
to be here over the holidays are
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt,
who are guests of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Heath.
plus tat ,
"On the Corner"