Capital A Journal An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also news published therein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weekly, 25c; Monthly, $1.00; One Tear, $12.00. By Mail In Oregon: Monthly, 15c; 6 Mos., $4.00; One Year, $8.00. U. S. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mos.. $6.00; Year, $12. BY BECK Only Human 4 Salem, Oregon, Friday, December 16, 194!) The Hike in Steel Prices The United States Steel Corporation has announced an increase in the prices of its products an average of $4 a ton, and other steel producers are expected to raise their prices along the pattern set by Big Steel before the end of the year. This is an expected aftermath of increased wages and $100 a month company financed pensions forced on the steel industries by the Truman administration and the CIO unions. It is probably the only way the steel makers can meet labor demands, make a profit for stockholders, and remain solvent. All wage raises are passed on to consum ers eventually because of high taxation. Congressional economic experts express fear of a new '&&L JtJ TK'S IS THE LASTLjf ffS film igfl IHf TIME I'M GOINffl TO WARkAI fej&kifflf A3" ABOUT DAV-DBEAMING. It g SSHfa MERTON. YOU'RE NOT VyiJ flf""XI !Vifc-,Ff APPLVINS "TOURSELF. THERE'S 'I X WO EXCUSE FOR YOU NOT J jrj JgPIKI6 M3UR MIOMit-JaJ? WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND , Nation's Worst Scandal Today Is in Income-Tax Fraud By DREW PEARSON Washington One of the 'vorst scandals in (he nation today is income-tax fraud and the way certain politicos or friends of politi cos are able to get away with it. With the country facing almost certain lax increases next year, it remains a fact that every man who dodges his taxes sends the tax BY CLARE BARNES. JR. higher other bill up for the fellow. Recently this column cited various tax cases where the little guy got prosecuted, but the big guy able to hire po litical influence got off. This Drew Pearion SIPS FOR SUPPER He Did It nflomnow amVal aimilni- tn thnA that fnllnwprl thp Roy Harland on plans he'd laid for a presidential party he was two other general wage boosts, which are largely respon- giving at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday as retiring presi oiWo f, inr.ron.orf nnt nf livmr, rfno tn tho inprMsorl rnst dent f 'hat organization, and in particular complimenting him i,t;n s f f livi .Inn,, vuith w,. r hls outlining a program of food and entertainment with defi and never catches up. The public is always the goat. his brother-in-law, Sam Ripps, with doing. In selling jewelry to army PX's, checks would come in to them from all over the country. For instance, Camp Shelby, Miss., bought $15,000 worth of jewelry on July 18, 1942, an other $4,000 on July 23, 1942; and another $3,453 on Dec, 4, 1942. In handling this money, Mit chell and RiDDs followed a uvs- is far more frequent than the lem of letting their small checks public realizes, and this column and cash accumulate. Then, herewith begins a scries to show when a large check came in, how income-tax fraud is put they deposited the accumulated across. small checks and cash to the same amount as the big check. For instance, in Mobile, Ala., in order to make it appear that Joe Mitchell and his brother- the big check had been cashed, in-law, Sam Ripps, organized the" Actually the big check was con Gulf Coast Tobacco Co. during verted into a cashier's check, the war and sold millions of then sent by a roundabout way dollars worth of jewelry to army through the Jefferson Invest post exchanges. The boys in the mcnt Co., of St. Louis, control army camps would buy almost led by Mitchell, to the Para- anything those days and Ripps mount Check Cashing Service in New York. White Collar Zoo V f - 2 n i t e 1 y no speeches. While Chairman Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D., Wyo.), announced ror -ls good jp. that his house-senate economic committee will investigate tent we were Big Steel's price boost sometime after Christmas and that jUst a wee bit corporation officials will be asked to explain the increase doubtful wheth- at a public hearing. "The price boosts are completely un- er he could justified," O'Mahoney said, because the industry is operat- really pull off a inir "nn an extraordinarily hich nrof it level." U.S. Steel. Chamber of he said, is doing more to "injure the whole free enterprise system than a:! the crackpots have ever done." Public officials who know nothing about industry or business always assume an infallible knowledge of it. U.S. Steel lives in a glass house and perhaps knows more about Commerce with no speeches. It was a laudable project in the extreme but whether alert treasury agents caught them keeping two sets of books, and after long investigation, rec ommended criminal prosecution. The two men who were so Don Cpiohn And helps the common man. But Father won't there come a time When they run out of cash; And we have left them not a dime When things will go to smash. My faith in you is shrinking son, You nosey little brat. You do too damn much thinking son. To be a Democrat. Mother Love In the Sty (Mt. Angel News) Usually when a barn burns ,ried , nire Joseph Nunan, for. POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER By DON UPJOHN The other evening this column took occasion to congratulate and MHcnell made a kming Then, a couple of years later, " This devious method of casti ng checks was aimed to throw T-men off the track and cover up large amounts of income. When this financial juggling eager to sell jewelry to G.I.'s was detected on one set of Mit- had not been so eager to pay chell-Ripps books, however, the their taxes and treasury agents books mysteriously disappeared, claimed they owed a minimum T-men had got out a subpoena of $700,000; perhaps as much as for them, but when they came $1,200,000. back with the subpoena, no Ripps and Mitchell immedi- books could be found, alely began to pull every politi- Mitchell, himself a former cal wire south or north of the revenue agent, know how in- Mason-Dixon line. First they criminating books could be. The Mitchell-Ripps defense is vnu irive the hnnk to. mer commissioner o: internal inai mey naa to ouy jewciry on revenue. Then they negotiated me DiacK marnet, naa to pay in ml Recent Yale graduate's first day in the office down that is the headline, but it could a fire Monday afternoon has , , , " , ,i " , , tftiumi.y uc put uv waa mi- mine iii mi es tills iim. iviuuuciy wfih Martin Swpahnr ifa niicppssf irr mnnnirpmpnr than nnvnnp p sp. nnrl pun L .... .... , wnn ividriin oweautr. , a. ' " omcr maiicr. ennH cash. anH at hieh nrices. It was finr rpnnrt nnu oftnrnnnn noiohhnre 4firinrt nocf . . n. i n. , probably State evincing reasons for its policy The more says that the party went off as the Fred' Lucht farm, east of gained WiS "Nicholson" 7t by h forme," awVrtner.Ta It makes, the more taxes the government gets to squander s c h e d u 1 e d and with no town, saw a small hog house charlotte, N.C ..former law part- U.S. Attorney Hill opposed pros And if production Costs more the price will be more and speeches. No wonder Roy Har- completely engulfed in flames, npr of Lamar Caudle assistant ecution Christmas Book Titles That Fit Newsworthy National Names By HAL BOYLE New York VP) Thinking of giving someone a book for Christ mas? It is a problem, isn't it? So much depends on the choica you make. For in the task of selection you are judging the ona and you are judging yourself. Every year Santa Claus gets in a blue funk over what books to autos, refrigerators, new building construction and other steel-consuming fields. complishmcnt we suggest they set up in his honor a special Steel and other private industries must operate at a award as se"i11r. citizen No profit or be liquidated. Industry cannot follow the govern- or some sucn thlng ment's policy of deficit spending. Congress should put its o,)e to Welfare Stale own house in order for it runs nothing economically or in (Exchange) business-like shape. Bureaucracy is always bound with Pathcr, must I go to work? red tape that kills efficiency. No, my lucky son. The Hoover report showed very clearly how our govern- w' "vJ1Kf now VP Aeet ment is run, waste, extravagance, duplication, stupidity we've" leh itrup toljncie Sam and deficit in full control. Britain is demonstrating just so don't Ret exercised as clearly the inability of ideological socialism, nationaliza- wveyanabceT subsidized"1" tion of industry to make a profit on anything, supplanting But it Sam treats as an so well private enterprise which paid taxes, with hugh deficits in A"d fePts " milk and honey everything it operates and kept functioning only by the ""S & SseTomoney6 hKlc loan and gratuities of the United States and Canada. And Don't worry Bub there's not a hitch socialism leads to communism which ends in the corrupt JP tllls , rc T";,11"!1 r Ho timnlu ennlr Ilia fi tyranny and slavery of a totalitarian police state. 1 junior citizen. After this ac- alcly. Her first thought was the tax division. steel price niKts, as in me past, win increase tne cost 01 iana was at one time namea no. ana notmea Mrs. L,ucnt lmmeai- attorney general in charge of However, treasury and justice department tax men in Washing- ton, when questioned by this Scrupulous Caudle, a consci- columnist, said they had decid entious public servant, phoned fd to reopen the case and hoped, his former partner, asked him "le e"u. 10 prosecute. about the safety of the sow and her eight little pigs, which were her son Freddy's 4-H project. Running to the scene she saw thai the sow had safely led the little fellows to safety. That's the story here are the fire facts: The pigs were in to withdraw from the case. He did so. Finally, however, Mitchell and Ripps approached Will Walter tiny barn in which a brooder Bankhead of Albama's political- lamp had been placed to keep ly powerful family, and through the little pigs warm. The lamp him retained Ben Leader, for- ignited the straw and before the mer law partner of the U.S. at- Mt. Angel fire department could torney in Birmingham, John reach the scene the small build- Hill. Significantly it was Hill ing was completely destroyed, who was to try the case. The loss of the building was That case, however, has never much less than the loss of the been tried. (Ed. Note Another Pearson column on tax frauds will fol low soon.) (Copyright 1949) Bal Bo;l pictures and not miss anything really important. To help Saint Nick out of his annual quandary, we compile s tentative list of books to giv to the big and little folks on his Christmas rollcall. Here'i the 1040 list anH mavho If ha. t.. ...... . . The Passionate Journey Vict President Barkley. This War Weapon Smelled He simply sonks the filthy rich project hogs would have been. Pearson Wants a Power System Now the suggestion is made that Oregon go into the power line tranmission business. The suggestion comes from none other than State Treas urer Pearson, who is supposed to watch the dimes and dol lars of the state. But he wants to figure the possibility of spending an amount that could easily be $350,000 to put up a power line to tap Bonneville power. That would be for the line alone. Then there would be charges for the power itselt on top ot that tigure, MacKENZIE'S COLUMN What Happens to Jerusalem Concerns All Civilized World By DeWITT MacKENZIE UT) Forel.n Mltlra Analyst) My office window in Rockefeller Center looks out on the great Christmas tree, covered with myriad lights and topped by the The man who is responsible for the state's finances, and ?.lowinft s'a(r, Bethlc!,om' .Each time my eyes wandes from . , , ... . 1 , . , , . , ' , their work they encounter this emblem of peace and goodwill. Maybe that's why, as I look out by window while mulling It was sent by the justice de partment to Hill for prosecu tion, but that was as far as it got. U.S. Attorney Hill held a conference with justice and treasury men in Birmingham at which he contended he did not Q)f FORUM end, with their concurrence, the prosecution of jewelry profit eers Ripps and Mitchell was sent back to Washington as closed. Tampa, Fla., Dec. 16 (P) The navy today described an at tempted weapon of the Pacific war which didn't pan out garlic. Capt. A. R. Behnke, a naval doctor, said Garlic was fed to certain gobs in "large quantities" as a possible repellent for mosquitoes which plagued the navy's fighters. But Behnke said the 'skceters showed "complete Indiffer ence" to the aroma and kept right on boring in. He offered no comment on how the garlicy guinea-pig sailors got along with the rest of the fleet. Salem's Christmas Tree Too Tall? (Editor's Note: Letters to the Open Forum must be limited to 300 words and must be signed by the writer.) give famous people. The truth is the old fellow's eyesight isn't what it once was. About the only things he reads anymore is a few back numbers of the old Police Ga zette, because ne nas iouna ne a r..;j- - - :j t t can skip the fine print under the Harry s Truman. 1 The Mature Mind Westbrook Pegler. A Graveyard To Let Guy George Gabrielson, chairman ol the Republican National commit tee. The Shaggy Man of Oz John, L. Lewis. Effective Talking in Confer ence Ditto. The Man with the Golden Arm John D. Rockfeller, Jr.' South Carolina Bird Life Former Secretary of State Jamei F. Byrnes. Growing Roses "Cactui Stars in My Crown Sam Goldwyn. It's Fun to Retire Herbert Hoover. What Every One Should Know about the Law ex-Rep. Andrew is boasts about it in dodgers designed to educate the people, hasn't explained how this big power lino would do any think but mean more money out of the pockets of those people. In fairness to him, it must be acknowledged, how ever, that no real cost figures are available yet. Bonne ville officials will appear before the board of control on ization ot Jeru- December 27 to present estimates of cost of such service, salem, it's diffi This proposal, nevertheless, raises the question of why the state should go into the power-line transmission busi ness. What provision would be made for maintenance of the lines? How much would be the cost for eventual re placement? Would there be any real gain financially to the state in burdening itself with a transmission line system duplicat ign one already in existence and apparently offering satis factory service ? This suggestion of Pearson's is too much like the New pens to this holy city is a mat Deal flings into operations that compete with private busi- for of concern to the whole civil ncss and thus discourage individual enterprise of the pri- izccl world. t . t vate citizens. . s;ijon is ti,is- If the present power arrangement isnt satisfactory, no Tn? Nsatlon's assembly one has complained publicly about the line recently. a fcw davs a(!0 voteci to nterna- Instend of sinking hundreds of thousands of dollars into tionalize Jerusalem. A minority. a line mat would duplicate an existing system, the state including America and Britain, could certainly spend the money 111 more constructive ways over the unhap' py squabble about the inler- national cult to escape the feeling that this untimely problem is sus ceptible of solu tion by comp romise. Failing that we are heading for fortablc time, since DeWItt M.ekciui. an uncom what hap- 1VTnqr,i.,V.i1 (hi. nnl.imn n,nk. Tn IVia TTriUnf Thom ie talk that fh PHPI-Han ChristlTinK in the tax' fraud, unearthed emwinff too laree to be illuminated and that this is the last year. Jackson May of Kentucky. some interesting facts. What in the world is the matter with Salem? Why does it lay Some Problems in Federal Ben Leader, when questioned, down on a job like this? Taxation ex-Rep. J. Parnel admitted he was Hill's former Many cities in California, Washington, even Vancouver, B. C. Thomas of New Jersey. Jews and Arabs occupy their re- 'aw partner; also admitted he have been hauling large Christ- spective portions "by r 1 g h t of received a fee of $12,000, but mas trees to their civic centers too much. They illuminated the Beauty After Forty Clark conquest" an outgrowth of made a long speech about the and erecting them at great ex- smaller tree at the north west Gable. the lale war case having been decided on its pense, also, the expense of illu- corner of the courthouse. This Hypnotherapy of War Neu- Most of the holy places of the merits. mination. was in 1937. This woman was roses The U.S. Navy, city are in the more ancient por- This column also discovered, Salem already has a live in Sreat distress and the follow- The Show Must Go On In- tion held by the Arabs. In this however, that this is not the first Christmas tree only 67 Vi feet in8 is what she had to say to grid Bergman, zone is the Church of the Holv time Joe Mitchell has slithered in There it stands, live "V5 Chernans:' Men Who Make Your World his way out of trouble with the an(j growing. All Salem has to law. do is to illuminate it. Now it Graduating from New York costs too much? Tree too high? University in 1923. Mitchell be- what a shame! Sepulchre, the Mosque of Omar and the Jewish Wailing Wall. Nearby are the Garden of Geth semane and the Mount of Olives. The Arabs also hold Bethlehem to the south. Israel holds the Holy Cenacle came an internal revenue agent, but was permitted to resign in 1929 after a scandal over falsi- site of the last supper which fying expense accounts. is just outside the old walled In 1930 Mitchell was caught city. Israel also has Nazareth to tapping the city water main to No 7Mue Train for Santa Just Regular 'Yule Train Newark, O., Dec. 16 W No, little children, Santa Claus will not be coming by mule train this Christmas. But there were some who caught this rather fantastic idea when the familiar hit-parade melody, "Mule Tm.'n" was heard coming from loudspeakers atop the courthouse tower. It seemed some jokester who has a doubtful sense of humor lipped the "Mule Train" platter Into the yule season's organ carol records to give a juke-box atmosphere to New ark's community Christmas center The mechanism which operates the day-long broadcasts of carols is situated near the nrivate office of Common riras Judge Charles B. Holtsberry. No one could be found who knew who made the record iwitch or how it was done. Said the Newark Retail Merchant's association: "Little children and grownups too, don't let yesterday's specialty throw you. Santa will come by 'yule' train as al ways." No Scratch on This Scratch Mays Landing, N. J Dec. 16 U John Beckett, 54, Sea Isle City, scratched his shoulder with a fur-llncd glove while hunting near here yesterday. A friend, Cassimcro Canelll, saw the fur mnvlng by the side of a tree. He fired at the "raccoon." A local physlcan removed the bullet from Beckeh'i hand. opposed the plan as impractical, since the city is partitioned and occupied by armed forces of Is rael and of Hashcmite Jordan. Jordan and Israel officially are still at war a hangover from the Arab-Jewish warfare of 1947-48. Both have served firm notice that they won't give up their respective parts of the city, and Just now Israel is rush ing the transfer of her capital to her portion of Jerusalem. Of Israel's action the British foreign office has said: "The move of the Israeli gov ernment docs not surprise his majesty's government. At the same time wc regret that Israel, which is a member of the U.N., should have thought fit to flout its authority." At Lake Success some U.N. diplomats predict that Israel's action will wreck the general as sembly plan to put the city un der international rule. ... In any event, the partition of Jerusalem Into two parts, one Jewish and the other Arab, is an accomplished fact. And it's go ing to take more than words be they spoken cither in peace or in anger to alter that situa tion. All other things apart, both the north of Jerusalem, and Cana of Galillce, where Christ performed his first miracle. . . . ' The way things now stand the trusteeship council of the U.N., will go ahead with the drafting of an internationalization plan. What fate this may encounter remains to be seen. On this point a message from Tel Aviv to Lake Success quoted Israeli Premier David Bcn-Gurion as saying: "It is to be hoped that the gen eral assembly will, in the course of time, correct this mistake which its majority has made, and will make no attempt what sovcre to impose a regime on the holy city against the will of Its people." Later Bcn-Gurion declared in Jerusalem: "We have entered upon the greatest political strug gle in the history of our people. ' supply a negro tenenment that he owned in Mobile. He was "You can move a stone Post Mae West. Office, why can't you illumi- Horses: Their Selection, Cars nate a Christmas tree? Can't and Handling U.S. Supreme the City fire department help Court Justice William O. Doug- visil? Vnll Pliorrianc An nni linnm inc Other cities in other states are what hav(J done Y()u do Twilight On the Floods-The, not know that that tree was the New York City Department ol first live one In the world to be Water Supply, Gas and Electric illuminated." ily. In order to prove it she wrote A Rage to Live George Ber to all forty-eight states in the nard Shaw. Redhead Aly to see tallest vieing with each other who can put up the Christmas tree. Bellingham, Washington, as the city's contribution to the Tallest Christmas lree aerby, United States and all our nnsses. I Married allowed to settle the water bill nrougni into me cny a "8 sions to make that research. Khan. out of court. In 1942, when rent llr measuring more man iu Well, the Cherrians did not And So ceilings were clamped on his Ieel- know it and the smaller tree was Kai-shek. Farewell Chiano property, he was caught fina- """B" ' " usea lor mat year. Alter this Way of a Fighter Humphrey gling rents above the ceiling double truck arrangement held episode, the Cherrians saw that Bogart. the base of the tree up, so as not the original tree was illuminated The Sinews of Peace Gypsy price And in 1943, when tires to break the branches. A Santa and each year after that until Rose Lee. were rationed, Mitchell was claus supervised the job from the war years. Yes, they called To Every Man A Penny The caught stealing two tires from a ms Psltlon on the tree trunk. on tr,e fjre department to help U.S. Bureau of Internal Reve- Tupelo, Miss., filling station. This tree, almost a hundred them, too. nue. When arrested for this theft, feet higher than our own Cher- Why does Salem want to Point of No Return Ditto, his pockets were found bulging rian Christmas tree. Bellingham abandon that beautiful tree, One On The House Conrad with $100 bills from which he citizens illuminated that lsu foot now? Hilton, who bought The Waldorf, nosted $1,000 bond. Coneress- tree and placed a star on its man Boykin of Mobile then topmost branch. Think of it! sought the intervention of Con- Seems like Bellingham citizens gressman Rankin of Mississippi, can do things Salem cannot and Mitchell escaped prosecu- do. . . . tion. He even got back $500 of If California had the Cher his $1,000 bond. rian Christmas tree they would In 1945, Mitchell was convict- see that the tree was illuminated, ed of violating the election laws, making no difference how tall and sentenced to 60 days hard it got or how much it cost, as Internationalization would be labor. However, the supreme long as that tree remained alive. MISS RENSKA 738 N. Front St. L. SWART I Hear You Calling Me Gen. , Salem Dwight Eisenhower. calculated to protect the holy places and keep them open to pilgrims from the outside world. Both Israel and Jordan have promised protection and access, and if the U.N. does change its mind, it presumably will be on the basis of these promises. Observers find it difficult to figure out any solution of the problem except a compromise. court threw out the case on the They would advertise it too, as ground of an improperly drawn the tree that STARTED the indictment. While the case was world's out-door decoration of up for appeal, two witnesses dis- Christmas trees and shrubs. It appeared, and, when picked up has already claimed having the in Pensacola, swore that Mitchell first tree but missed it by eight had paid them $100 a week to years. stay out of Mobile. A Salem woman is at work This is the man who. when writing a book about "Trees charged by the treasury with in- with a Story" and in it she wrote come-tax fraud to the tune of that the tree had been illumin- The consensus is that any idea of $700,000 minimum, managed to ated every year since Its first the U. N. using strong-arm me- squirm out of prosecution. illumination in 1913. thods to achieve its object is un- Here are some of the things Then came the first shock, thinkable. the T-men charged Mitchell and The Cherrians thought it cost Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical... use "Pres-to-logs" CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE . SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 aw. J