I 22 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED AOVKBTISJNQt Per Line 156 Per Una I times 40c Per Lin 6 time 60e Pei Line 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem 15c per Una per day Mln. 80ci t times mln. 80e 6 times mln. 11.20 No Refund READERS In Loral News CoL Only. 30c per Una To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Englewood Dist. 4 good homes In the Englewood dlst. 18,350 to 812,500. Terms arranged. Call v Willis Brown. Eve. Ph. 3-4937. Joe L. Bourne Realtor ' 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8216. a299 OWN EH WILL SELL at sacrifice 2 BR insulated nouse m rteizer cisi. acre, half In strawberries. Immediate poss. Make an offer! Ph. 3-8117. 301 - 813,780. NEW modern 3 bdrm. home all on one floor. Close In. Auto, oil furnace. Close to school and bus. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with , State Finance Co., Rltrs. - lMSHlfch Phone 3-4121. a293 A HOMEFOR CHRISTMAS - 16500 ( Very mod. 2 bdrm.. Cape Cod style. F.H.A. approved, reasonable dn. pay ment, bal. easy terms. See at 1362 Frank lin St., W. Salem, or Phone 3-6169. a300 , ft BD. KM. house. UflOlTdown, bal. $3,200. Low monthly payments. 05 Park ave. a30I i BY OWNER: Priced to sell. $6500. Reason able down payment. Modern 2 bdrm. home In northeast dist. on Shelley Ave. Ph. 36834. B300' OWNER LEAVING CITY Someone can get a real bargain In this beautiful 2 bdrm. home. Built 8 years ago. Large landscaped lot with a view of the city, valley and mountains. In side needs decorating but we have reduced the price to 18000 to take care of this work. Call Bod Clear? Walter Musgrave, Realtor $7050 NEW modem 2 bdrm. home north Hardwood floors. Frlcplace. oil furnace, attached garage, close to school and bus, . $950 down, balance J51 per month. Call Stanley Brown with i State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. a209 Two Acres Hew 9 bedroom house. Good place for chickens. Located north, Just off Pa cific highway. Price 16800. Realtors Salem Realty Co. 149 N High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. phones: 1-4591 - 2-6605 a209 WELL BUILT, modern 3 B.R. home with full basement, on North Cottage. Call Mr. Johnson or Mr. Hudson. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court St. Ph. 2-3629 Eves. 3-6378 or 3-6762 a2E9 LRG. COR. LOT, Frnshd. home. Alex. Smith carpets In ivg. rm., dining rm., hall, 2 bd. rms. downstairs. 2 up. Bsmt., dbl. gar. Piped oil furnace. Elec. stove. Rcfrg. W. H. Bendlx. Ideal location. 216 S. James St., Sllvcrton, Oregon. a2DD $10,000 1 ACRE on Lnncnstcr. Good 5-rm. home with fireplace, floor furnace, un fin. upstairs. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. a299- East Just listed, nearly new 8 rm. hse. Nice lawn, fenced, nrwiy painted Si insulat ed. Priced to sell at 16000. C. W. Reeve Realtor NEW 2-BEDUOOM house. Living room, kitchen, lots of bullt-Ins, nook, utility room, double laundry trays, 42-gai. elec. water heater, attached garage. Lurge level lot Just outside city Hints. Never been lived in. 15000. Inquire at 1507 BY OWNER Will trade our equity In car. All-eloc home, comer lot, land scaped on city bus line. Eve. only, 2-0416. a304 $500 DOWN, $30.00 A A MONTH TOTAL PRICE $2,950 4 room house on 4 acre. Well, and an electric pump. House In very good con dition. No bath. 10 miles out. Eve. 2-0473 5 RM. HOME, 4 CORNERS $7,000 Will bo Oregon G.T. 9 large bedrms.. ltr- Ing rm., and dinette, kitchen, bath and uiinty rm. iinrtte ioi. eve. a-uvfj 3 BDRM. HOME, $23,500 This has everything you would find in a good home, 1st floor: Living rm.. dining rm., kitchen, brkfst. nook, fireplace, all hardwood floors, and a full bath. 2nd floor: 3 large bedrms., with large closets, drn, and full bath. Has full bnnement with automatic oil heat. Close to school. walking distance to evcryttiint. Bus by door. Eve. 2-0473 CALL MR. LECLERC J. F. Ulrich, Realtors 317 Court St. Ph: 2-7756 a299 WHAT HAVE YOU? for down payment on this 2-brdrnom home with aulo, oil heat and room for a 3-rd. brdroom. Close to McKlnley School. Take car, cash, lot, house as down pay ment. Nn. S14 DELUXE 2 BEDROOM all hardwoM floors. Lame bedrooms. Nice bath with separate shower room. Very large k lichen. Auto, dish washer goes. Lame detached gnrnse. 19,600 1IA0O down. No. 315 CAR, LOT, OR CASH for down payment on npw 2-bcdroom home with view. All hardwood floors, auto, oil heal. Only S7.i0 down. 140 on per month. Rt Uvm todnv; No. 202 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South HUh Street Ph. 3-9203 Eve. Jfc Sun.. 4-3B74. 2-3738, 2-1337, 3-MOS a3!l9 NORTH SALEM Late-built plastered home. L. R DR.. 2 B.R.'s. Cnlo-tyle tint-h, kit., full hUh b'smt,. all-elec, Insulated, H.W. fir., weather-stripped, slatrwny to unfinished attic ft materials to finish into 2 more rms., corner lot. a fine Laurel Avenue home fnr Jf20 Crawford. FAIRMOUNT HILL Well-constructed 3 B R. plastered home, full bsm't., auto oil lit., fireplace, wall- to-wall earpeled L R.. really a fine neighborhood. Just IMsO, on FHA terms. Consider home to 1500 In swap. Craw ford. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 371 N. HUh St. Office: 3-349 Eve: 3-5390 or 3-74M a399 BY "OWNER: 8 rm. house. Unfinished up stairs. Hardwood floor. V. blinds thru- out. Fireplace. Lot 64x185. Less thnn a year old. Very low down payment or will consiner irip monei car as nowi payment. Ph. 2583P. 3735 June Ave. of Fisher Rd. a30l McKillop Real Estate REALTORS "Don't Cry Joe" If you're living In cramped quarters and want plenty of room where the view Is the best, see us about a spacious brand new 3-bedroom home that has everything to Insure your comfort for many years to come. To see It is to want It, and you can have It now for 118. 500. It's worth the money. Doubt If you could build It yourself for any less. COME IN OR CALL Daytime Ph. 3-5131. Evenings Ph. 3-8406 McKillop Real Estate 193 CENTER AT HIOH WI UAKI REAL ESTATE LOANS .301 Oregon, Friday, Dec. 16, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSE $9400 WALKING distance to new Capitol Shop ping Center. 5 rm. pre-war home. Kdwd. floors throughout. Fireplace, V. Blinds. Full basement, garage, nice for working or retired couple. Quiet street. Clean. Move right In. General Real Estate 2S5 Center St. Ph. 33280 a299' FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! . 119 per month. Lots with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-S203 Eve. St Sun., 3-5905, 4-2874, 2-1327, 2-3738, 2-2532 aa30l FAIRMOUNT HILL Level lot 50x100 with two-car garage, north side of Washington St. between Fir and Falrmount St. Will take late model Pickup or Panel Del. Truck as part payment. Asking 12,000 Make offer. Dial 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. aa299 ZONE 3 5 blks. city library. 91x146. al ley on side. 14000. Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate, Ph. 3-8835. aa300 SI0 DOWN, SIS MONTH with water St el ectricity. Close to school at bus. Nice location. General Real Estate 2S5 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa302' CALL JOE nUTCIIISON for beautliul view lots on KlnKWood Heights. Priced (650.00 to 12000.00. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Eve. 2-4769 VIEW. Chance of lifetime. Beautiful city view, near bus, large, level, trees, se eluded, close to downtown, water, elec. 13500. Ph. 3-5051. aa299 WOODED LOT on paved street, 825 Rat cliff Dr. Cleared and leveled. FHA. City water, bus line. rn. 3-4284. aa FOR SALE FARMS Stkd. & Eqpt.Farm! 28 A. family type place. Ideal for ber ries, poultry! Charming location on fast, modern state hiway 16 miles NW oi Salem! Close to Amity! Dally mall, school buses, close neighbors. 13 A. cult.. 18 a. upland wooded entrancing hill pasture! Mammoth spring for Irrigation Old house St barn, atone cellar, fruit, FULL PRICE, 160001 C. W. Stuller, Sole Agt. Salem. Ore. WALLACE ROAD, ft M. No. of BRIDGE b300' 13ft ACRES located 10 miles NW from Salem. 35 acres In cultivation. About 35 more could be cultivated. Good plas ters dhome. Barn, some timber, year around stream. Price lfl.500. immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. b399 NORTHEAST 8 acres Bcaverdam, 18 acres Will. silt. 2 acres In strawberries, 3 bdrm. house unfinished, creek borders place, located In Hazel Orcen district. A real buy for 114,000. NORTH 34 acres north, very good buildings. 2 bdrm. home. Barn, 2 chicken houses, machine shed, Irrigation system, tractor, and all equipment to take care of this fine place Including 70 laying hens. If you are looking for a good small farm see this. 124,000 takes all. NORTH 140 acres, large home with 4 bdrms. all Plastered with full basement 30x60 barn with 21 stanchions, poultry house, nu merous sheds and outbuildings, silo, 130 acres In cultivation, family fruit, some timber, all fenced. Sale price Includes all hay In barn. $32,600, will take SO to 60 acre place In trade. Soil la all Will, silt. W. J. SULLIVAN REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE PH. 2-4479 b300 11H ACRES south with fruit and nut trees. 2 bdrm. home, 2-car garage, poultry house, close to school. Price (7950. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. b299 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $1000 Down Suburban 2 bdrm. home. Approx BOO sq. ft. floor space. Some finish work to be done. Total price only 14950. Eve. ph. 2- 7674 or 3-3558. 3 Bedrooms Older type home in excellent condition. Full basement, flreplnce, part hnrdwooa floors. Very close to schools. Select lo. cation. An excellent buy for 192flfl. F. H. A. terms avnllable. Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3- 3558. North East $1500 Down Very cute & neat 3 bdrm, dining room, attached garage, brick front, fireplace, part hardwood floors. Nice yard ft shrubs. Approx. two years old. Immedi ate posesslon. Total price only $9500. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Money Maker If you are Interested In going In your own business Ac want to mnke good mon ey with practlcnlly no overhead & not many worries call us at once. All equip ment, building almost new. Choice loca tion. Total price 117.900. Very good terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558 Trade Home for business, If you have an 16500 home want to trade It for a busi ness making 1SS0 per month with prac tlcnlly no overhead call us for further i ii form nt ion. Owner forced to sell be cause of 111 hcnRli. Eve, Ph. 2-7674 or -3558. $1250 Full Price I acre with liveable 2-rtn. house. 5 miles from Snlem. Priced for quick sale. Eve I'll. 3-4.35 or 3-3,1,18. 5 Acres 4-room modern home. Almost new. Am ity soil. ID miles from Sntrm. Total price only 16500. Electric range, rpfrli:.. & chrome breakfast set sr oil hPBter Included. All new. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. North Howell 84 acres 7 room very modem. Willamette soil Very good equipment. Start milk ing cows ft gathering esgs upon posses sion. Everything goes for 13500. Eve. Pli. 3-4735 or 3-3W8. 40 Acres t room modern home. 1 mile from small I own. Excellent farm for semi-retired man. Oood outbuildings. Full price 110, 500. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor ACTl'AM.Y PRICED below the appraised value (owner t rannf erred t this 2 bed room home near schools and business district. This property should go O.I., five yourself the best for the money. LOTS LOTS LOTS We have some very nice lots, large en ough for ranch type homes, some of these lots may be bought for 150 00 down and the balance easy monthly pay ments. 5 ACRES CLOSE IN One of the finest S Acres near the City limits, good new home, only 11300.00 down and the balance easy monthly pay ments, Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court. Eve. 3-4773 C300 FOR YOUR SAvmn tnrestment buy a i itrst mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors S", We make all col lections for you If desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 8. High f LOCATED ON Pac. Hwy. N. 5 Acres with a good nome. ineai tor Business location. Price 113,200 or will aell houses sepa rately. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 153 B. High rhon, 34U1 C39 Journal Want Ads Pay .FOR SALE HOUSES ' fr.m tf,i,r" i . ; ft? W 'it I JUST COMPLETED First house In nw suburban addition. 'A mile east of Four Corners on State St. 2 Bd Rm.. Hdwd. Firs., V. Blinds. Electric heat. Completely Ins. and wea thers tripped, ft blocks to new Lincoln School. FULL PRICE $7850 YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT. (We will have a 3 Bd. Rm. house ready for Xmas for only 18950.) 140 KENWOOD AVE. PH. 3-1125 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good houses to tell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property ror sale see filtAHENIIORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property Is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with us. We nave all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. ea' WILL PAY TO $5,000 CASH For 2 or 3 bd, home. Call my agent ALLEN C. JONES, REALTOR 331 N. High Ph. 3-5838; Eves. 3-4814 ca299 Wanted Farm Listings We earnestly solicit listings of self supporting farms. For PERSONAL atten t noaclll ERIC R. NELTE with Joe Hutchison Realtor 4S5 Court. Ph. 2-3829, Eve. Ph. 2-7947. ca' business oppoNrfiE SERVICE STATION on 99E for lease. 1600.00 buys lnv. 2085 N. Capitol St., Salem. cd304 Investment Buy Key Industrial or commercial property, 1.6 acres on main highway, lA mile from downtown. 199 ft. frontage, 2 val uable corners. Service station Si 2 bides, on property. Full price 120,000. Call Walt M use rave. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109. ed302 $8.10 PER MO. Income for 885,000 Invest ment. Leaving state, will sacrifice my Income property if taken at once. Call owner after 4 p.m., 2-5282. cd300 Home and Income, $14,750 2 HOUSES ON ONE LOT: One 2 bdrm. home, living rm., kitchen and dinette combined, utility rm., in house, hardwood floors, plastered, elec tric heat, bath, and attached garage. Rear house, has 1 large bdrm., living rm., and large kitchen, bath and at tached garage. Also electric heat. Rear house rented at 160.00 a month. Very good location, 2 blks. to school and bus by door. Houses are 2 years old. Act now. this Is going to sell fast. Eve. 2-0473 MR. J. E. LECLERC J. F. Ulrich, Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7758. Cd299 EXCELLENT opportunity available to right party to operate as exclusive agent In this territory for a large concern manufacturing the finest equip ment In Its field at 30 below compe tition. Sales experience helpful but not essential. Honesty, ability to cooperate with others and strong desire to build a future prime requisites. Small Invest ment required for Inventory. Business enn bo operated from home. Rcpresen tntlve will be In Salem Dec. 17 and 18, Write briefly of your background and give phone number to Capital Journal Dox 300. cd299 UNIT court, 3 garages. Income 1270 123,000. 1583 Market. Ph. 3-9409. cd5 box 145. Ph. cd3 3 STORY BRICK APT. RLDG., furnished, excellent location, construction, condi tion Sz investment. 182.000. 10 UNIT COURT close to Capital St Shop ping Center. 855.000. NEW BUSINESS building leased for 10 years. 143,000. BUSINESS BLDG, North, 3 good rentals, 136.500. 5 DUPLEXES with 10 rentals, West Salem. 135.000. NEW APT. RLDG. West Salem, excellent const. 132.500. CLOSE IN business btdg. with lease. 135,- Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989 Cd304 FURNITURE FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE tapestry davenport A chair. very goon cond. New walnut occasional inoie at a sacrifice, Cecil Wolverton, 1215 N. 24th. d399a SWING ROCKER, glass top cocktail table witn matched end table and what-not shelf and hassock. Ph. 2-4057. Address lajs Norway. d300 MAYTAG WASHER with pump, 135. A-l sectional DooKcase, HQ. 5 -piece Hard wood breakfast set, 119. Big overstuffed rocker. 119. Wood circulator, like new, 135. High grade Conn coronet and case, new, 1260, now 1110. Lge. oak dresser with plate mirror, IIS. Sec these red hot buys today at GLENN WOODRY'S FURNITURE MARKET '"See us to buy or sell." 1605 N. Summer d300 IT W1I.I. PAY YOU to cross the bridge and shop nt vnn s Home Furnishings. Every thltiB's drastically reduced In price. Charles of London living room suite; beautiful mohair frieze, regular 1325. now 1225. Bed davenos, with rockers to match tn tapestry, valour & frieze, at surpnsir.Kly low prices. Platform rockers. 19.50 St up. Floor lamps, regular 114.95 complete wtth bulbs 112.95. Van's Home Furnishings Foot of the Bridge. 801 Edgewater OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS d299 OUR GIFT TO YOU FREE $25.00 FREE MERCHANDISE In addition to the slieable saving on but purchase you can make In our store. We will give 135 In merchandise, of your selection, with the purchase of any davenport suite, daveno suite, or bedroom suite complete with springs and mattress. This offer good for a limited time. Hurry! ! Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS tOWF.1T PHICFS . HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H & H FURNITURE CO. 1550 FAIRGROUNDS RD. PH. 3-3797 d FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK WANTED nONIUD " ANDUCENSr.n livestock buyer K. C McCandlish 1137 S 25th Ph 38117 a309 LirFNSF.D LIVESTOCK Buyer." H. B. 8n then, 15W Lancaster Dr. Pa. 11343 s3M IFOR SALE HOUSES 'il -". i i miiw.iwi y " & AUCTIONS COME TO Scotty'i Auction House tonlte at 7:30 p.m. Another big sale. Many mveiy new items. mile. c. out center si. rn, ae;m. dd299 Auction Sale Tonite AT PORTER'S CABINET SHOP Come and brlnx something to sell. Free turkey to give away. Lots of good miscel laneous Items to sell. EMERY ALDERMAN AUCTIONEER dd299 PETS FOR SALE Multi-colored Cocker puppies. OYO H. lVin. CC2991 CHOICE canary birds, 260 N. 16th. ec6' CHOICE eintrr. Ph. 1-43SS. 1341) Phm. FUEL GREEN OAK at dry prune wood. Ph. zi iw alter d p.m. ee30' DRY, 2ND GROWTH fir, stove length. iteosonaoie. Ph. 2-3943, 3-8445. eelfl DRY SLAB wood with few edgings. $12 iwo unit ioaa. ury ana urowm tn cora In 2-cord loads. Ph. 24276. ee303 WOOD A SAWDUST. Order now. mills close soon. R. w. Maker. Ph. 3-7868. ee299 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Presb Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging 5.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 36533 DRY 16" slab Se edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee AS nCRAFT'S -Woods. Ph. 3-3380. 844 Mill. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE Si HEATER ee301 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shells lor sale. Klorfeln Packing co.. 400 N, Front. ee West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCK WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL Si STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1526 Edgewater West Salem i PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash St maple, t fir. 16' slab and edgings. Ph 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY YOUNG ROASTING hens. Oven ready. Li berty Poultry Farms. Ph. 22873. 1303 NEW HAMPSHIRE chlcxs for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE CHRISTMAS GIFTS of walnuts St filberts available now at Salem Nut Growers, 3838 Cherry Ave. Ph. 3-356B. ff299 WALNUTS. 3149 Center s"t. Ph. 3-3327. ff299 FOR SALE Red fryers and roasters. El even weeks old. Weighing 34 to 4', lbs. Don't buy stale frozen chickens. Come out and get live ones. Choice birds round as ducks. Floor brooded In 4 inches of peat moss. No breast injuries nor bare backs. One and one-half miles north of Keizer school on Clear Lake highway. We also have potatoes. T. A. Brewster. Rt. 2, box 261. f(300 EASTERN alfal fa by ton or truckload. Ad- drrss 865 S. 13th. Ph. 2-9923. ff305 HELP WANTED WANTED Steel and accordlan bass play Players. For full Information inquire 537 Lancaster Dr. g300 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED lumber grader wanted. Curklund Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Ph. ins. ga300a HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN, ages 25 to 40 yrs. Hourly wage. Old reliable firm. 248 N. Commercial. Rm. 23. Apply 9 to Ha. gb300" EXPERIENCED atenographerPh4-227T Rb300 WANTED Young lady for general office work. Dictation required. Give age. qual ification, experience and relerence. Write Box 302 co Capital Journal. gb300 WANTED women nut shelters. All lntr work. 480 N Front Klorfeln Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OPP1UB AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3fi, 9Ut, str,rt Phon, 1-14RA p WANTED SALESMEN WHAT ARE your Plans for 1950? A good Hawietan Business is nard to beat. Big line well established makes good prof Its. No experience required. Write today for information how to get started. Rawlelah's Dept., ORL 135-254, Oak lamt Calif. gg399 REAL ESTATE gale.xman. Must have car and ambition. Apply at 331 N. High. gc3M' BOOK BINDING Have your National Geographies, Sci ence Journals and other niagarlnes bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We also rebind antique books. Hand and machine sewed. Capital City Bindery, 1925 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-8176. ghl4 WANTED POSITIONS YOUNG VET, Independent, stubborn and too much pride. Not less tnan anthtng a week. Many qualifications and rrt. 3-8090. h304 TREE WORK, topping, trtmminc. remov ing, insured operator. John Payne. 348 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h300 YOUNG COUPLE wishes Job on general or dairy farm. Experienced, write Capita Journal. Box 301. hW9 BRD. A RM. tor little girl in nice large home tn Monmouth. Quiet ft reel, lawn, trees, pleasant plavmates, $43 rath. For Info., call Salem 3-35U. H308' REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFULLY located on corner lot In Englewood Dlst. This very attractive 3 B.R. home, lge. living rm., dining rm., nook St fireplace, finished dry base ment, automatic heat, sprinkling system in lawn. First time on the market and the price is right. RAMBLING ranch style 3 B.R. all on one floor, living rm. has nice fireplace and entrance hall, dining rm., nook, big utility rm.. oil piped lurnace, attach, gar., driveway wide enough that even your wife can't miss, lot 63x150, lo cated In Hollywood Dlst., lotta home for 112,600. LOCATED close to Englewood Bch. on corner lot, bdl. plumbed, 3 B.R. and den, dining rm., fireplace, and nook. Full dry basm. Oil furnace, ail for 811,500. OVER 100 acrea under cultivation, part Irrigated, good buildings, can be had with or without stock and equipment. Trade for town property will be con sidered. Ph. 2-8680. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate, 433 N. High St. Eva. Ph. 3-8704 - 2-7789 - 4-2326 - 3-5413 C3I GRABENHORST SPECIALS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Grocer? business Sz living quarters. Priced at 110.500. Will consider trade. Variety store, good location.. Total price 15.000. CALL PETER OEI8ER ENGLEWOOD 2 bdrm. home with full basm't., In excellent condition, ge. lot, sawdust heat, dry basement. To see this drive by 1990 Grant St. CALL EARL WEST CANDALARIA BEAUTY t bdrms. ranch type, located on Candalarla Blvd. L-shaped liv, rm., din. rm., hall, bath, hdwd. firs., fireplace, auto-oil heat, Inside utiHty, dble. gar age. This home 1s priced right. CALL ROY FERRIS INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 3-0608 - Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-S968 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR POLICY TO OFFER ONLY SAFE. STEADY INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTIES, WE HAVE SELECTED THE FOLLOW ING TWO A3 OUTSTANDING AND DESERVING OF YOUR INVESTIGA TION: ' POULTRY HATCHERY AND BROODER PLANT Located close In. this plant hag been run successfully by present owner for many years, showing a steady profit created by a never lacking demand. Well equipped, easily run. and showing a net profit of around 110,000 per year, this place Includes a truly remarkable home, which alone is worth the present reduced sales price. About $13,000 will handle very little cash re quired for running expense. OF A SIMILAR NATURE IS ONE OF THE FINEST TURKEY HATCHERIES In this territory. The physical setup a beautifully landscaped view home, modern Incubators, hot water heated brooder houses, henhouses and ten ant's house as well as the commercial background of this enterprise, are exceptionally attractive. Earning possibilities are outstanding reported by owner as amounting to around 113,000 per year. Little cash is needed to run this place successfully. Considering opportunities, the down payment of about 115,000 Is indeed small. WE INVITE CONTACTS BY PRINCIPALS ONLY AND SHALL BE GLAD TO DISCUSS DETAILS WITH QUALIFIED PROSPECTS. FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL ERIC R. NELTE WITH Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court Ph. 2-3639 AUTOMOBILE Valley Motor Co. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD USED TRUCKS & PICKUPS WHICH MUST BE ' SOLD. COME IN & SEE THEM & MAKE US AN OFFER. NO REASONABLE OF FER REFUSED. 3 1946 Chevrolet Long Wheel Base Trucks. 3 Late Model Ford Dump Trucks. 3 Ford y2-Ton Pickups. 1 Dodge y2-Ton Pickup. Valley Motor Truck Dept. Liberty at Marion WANTED POSITIONS cniLD CARE. 1117 6th. Ph. 33611. CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. J-9924, no ME OWNERS attention, for repair work of all kinds, complete roof Jobs, large or small. Immed. service by expert roofera. Call 4-2917. h299 GENERAL cleaning and painting and odd Jobs. Call after 6 p.m.. 3-9500. h2M CARPENTER work. New. repair, Ph. 2-2093 TYPING Rates reasonable. Will oall tor and deliver. Ph. 3-1398. h5 BABY SITTING. Phone 3-0580, TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h312' CHILD CARE by hour, da or week. 915 Jefferson St. h303 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. w. a. mcaiiis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h2 Mimeographing-Typing WOMAN WANTS house cleaning and iron ing 85c hr. Ph, 42396. Mrs. TOm MCCftll. h301 HOURLY child care. Ph. 2-0403. INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 1-6796. h305" IRONING in myhome. 2-7498 BABY SITTING. Ph. 3-6832. haw h302 CARPENTER work, any kind. Reaa. 1161 Union. Ph. 2-1487. h-2 CEMEN1 WORK wanted Ph 3-4850 FOR RENT ROOMS WARM RMS. Ph. 35539. 793 N. Winter. Jk304 LGE. SLEEPING room for couple or emp. lady. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3843S. Jk304 BUSINESS DIST. Sleeping rm. with elec tric plate, heat, hot St cold water. 355 Center. Jk301" WELL FURN. sleeping- room clone In. Emp. man. HjfaC water.737 Center. Jk301 PLEASANT sleeping room for man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 24547. Jk3Q4 GRAND HOTEL SALEM CLEAN WARM CONVENIENT WEEKLY RATES HIGH & COURT STS. PH. 3-3751 Mil rRIV. b,d rnu.. Uncle or doub. with or without board. RruonRble rat.,. Eld erly people welcome. Home mmosphrre. 38S N. Summer. Ph. 3-1140. JUM" SMALL, clean, warm room. Cloee In. Cook In, prtv,. It per week. 10 Chemekfta. mot I REAL ESTATI IBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Eve. Ph. 3-7047. AUTOMOBILES Ph. 3-3147 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOMS FOR GIRLS In modern home with other girls. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter St. Ph. 3-4372. Jk299 SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen prlv. H&C wtr. 754 Perry. Ph. 3-6317. ' Jk299 SLP. St LIGHT hskpg. rm. 3-4339. Jk307 FOR RENT APARTMENTS RMS. Si bath. TJnfurn. except range. 835. Ph. 24342. Jp301" 2 RM. FURN. upstairs apt. Close In. Ph, 2-0745. Jp304" 1 RM. kitchenette turn, for hikplng. Priv. ent. Near State House St Univ. Adulta only. 830. Ivan O. Martin. Ph. 34419. Jp301 3 RM. turn. apt. Pr. ent. Fr. B.St H-refrlg. 640 Marlon. Jp301 FURN. COURT Apt. 4 blks. from State House. Ph. 20714. Jp301 PARTLY FURN. 2 BR apt. In West 8a lem. Call 3-6398. Jp30P COURT APT. 3 rm. St bath. Elec. "heat. New, clean, refrlg. St range. 1348 8. 12th. JP301' CLEAN FURN. 3 bdrm. apt. Prlv. bath. Adults. 1595 B. Com'l. Jp301 3 RM. FURN. Apt. with private bath. Ground floor. 3600 N. Front. jpaoi NEW t-RM. apt. Partly turn. Adults. Hol lywood dist. 1047 Madison. Jp300 NICE FURN, apt. Bed and daveno. Gas heat St range. Elec. refrlg,, 137.30 per month. Ph. 3-8519. Jp304 NEWLY DECORATED, new furniture, 1 rm. dpt. Private bath. Utilities furn. 166. Ph. 3-9138. JP300 NEW 5 large rms. Ss bath, partly furn. Ph. 38067. Jp303a NICE I St 4 rm. turn. apt. Close In. Elec. heat. Ph. 30546. Jp2M WILL SHARE my cottage with employed girl. Home privileges, with all Util. furn. 1529 State State St. on back of lot. Ph. 2-1073. Jp300 DELUXE FURN. 3 Sz 3 rm. cottages. Rea sonable priced. 3130 Portland Rd. Jp299 2 RM. FURN. apt. Elec. refrlg. Close In downtown. 837.50. Inquire Bert Plena Realtor. 379 N. High. Ph. 33649. Jp399 t RM. turn, apt. Clean St nice location. 993 S. 12th. Between 8 a.m. St 5:30 p.m. JP300' 3 RM. APT. All furn. Good clean cond. All utilities excepting light furn. Al ways warm. Located near State Office building. Ph. 38673 or 37954 J. F. Ulrich. Jp300a RM. APT. Alto sleeping; rm. for 3. Ph. 34335. JP300 NICE. CLEAN apt. Emp. couple. Prlv. ent. St bath. 1009 N. am. Jp39l FURN. APT. Private bath. Bui by door. 1 partly turn, mo Maaiion . jpjoi I RM. furn. basement apt. Private bath. Utilities furn. 835. Ph. 29138 before 8 a.m. Jp300 YOU CAN afford the best I Ambassador apts. 150 to t"5. Ph. 3-6805. Jp33 CLEAN ? RM. furn. basement apt. Show er. Adults. 375 D St. JP300 NICE Ursa apt. Utilities furn, 168 1. 16th. JPJOO" AUTOMOBILES GET PROVED IN THE USED SELECT A HUDSON USED CAR YOU'LL GET MANY FEATURES JUST LATELY INTRODUCED ON SOME CARS PLUS FEATURES STILL EX CLUSIVE WITH HUDSON. SHROCKIZED HUDSON 1949 COMM. C LB-CPE. BEAUTIFUL TWO-TONE BLUB FINISH, SEAT COVERS TO MATCH, RADIO, WEATHER MASTER CONTROL HEATER. TRIPLE - SAFE BRAKES, CEN TER POINT STEERING, FLUID CUSHIONED CLUTCH. DRIVE MASTER EASIEST OF ALL WAYS TO DRIVE.THE CAR YOU STEP DOWN INTO. GUARAN TEED 3 HUDSON 1947 SUPER SIX ROOMY (6) PASS. SEDAN. TWO TONE BLUE FINISH AND UP HOLSTERING LIKE NEW. RA DIO, WEATHER-MASTER CON TROL" HEATER, TRIPLE-SAFE BRAKES. CENTER POINT STEERING WITH AUTO-POISE CONTROL. OVER-DRIVE FOR ECONOMY, CHROME ALLOY MOTOR BLOCK FOR LONG LIFE. 102 HORSE POWER FOR PERFORMANCE. YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN THIS ONE. OUARANTEED 11485 NOTE THESE LOW PRICES STUDEBAXER 1947 COMMANDER SEDAN, O.D , I 1498.06 KAISER 1947 SPECIAL SEDAN S 1245.00 CADILLAC 1947 (62) SEDAN $ 1895.00 CHEVROLET 1947 M. DELUXE CPE S 1095.00 CHRYSLER 1S40 ROYAL SEDAN 345.00 PACKARD 1941 (110) SEDAN 605.00 DODGE 1839 CUSTOM SEDAN 496.00 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN SELECT YOUR CAR AND SAVE Shrock Motor Co. CHEMEKETA AT CHURCH The Boss Says "Clean House". He'd Like To Do His Xmas Shopping. From The Looks He Means it. For Example '37 Buick Special Sedan $127.00 '37 Chev. 2-Door Sedan $197.00 '34 Ford Tudor one owner $107.00 '33 Ford Coupe clean $ 77.00 ' '36 Ford Tudor new motor, clean $127.00 '36 Olds Sedan looks and runs good .$117.00 YOUR CHOICE FOR $477 1941 LINCOLN CLB. CPE. 1941 MERCURY SEDAN. 1941 LINCOLN CLB. CPE. OR THESE FOR $997 1947 FORD TUDOR "6" VERY CLEAN. 1947 FORD TUDOR "8" LIKE NEW. Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 845 CENTER PH. 3-3012 CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH , WE DON'T HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF USED CARS IN TOWN, BUT WE DO HAVE AS FINE A SELECTION OF POPULAR MODELS AT POPULAR PRICES AS YOU WILL FIND ANY WHERE. CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH 1948 SPORTMASTER 1948 AERO SEDAN 1947 AERO SEDAN 1947 CHEV. 4-DOOR 1946 AERO SEDAN THEY ALL CARRY OUR 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE. TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 352 N. COMMERCIAL FOR RENT APARTMENTS APT. CLOSE IN Beautifully furn. 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-1887. Jp NICELY furn. apt. Private bath. Ph. 3-5838 or ee. 3-4814. Jp- CLOSE IN, clean 1-rm. hskpg. apt. 633 Ferry. Jp300 FUKNTSBED 3-F.U. COTTAGES. Ph. 25769. Jp307 FOR RENT HOUSES I B. R. HOUSE for sale or rent. Ph. 2-4039, 1380 N. 3th. Jm301 3 B.R. MODERN, a 11 -elec. unfurnished, l' ml. So. of 12th St. junction, 140. Burt Plcha, Realtors, 379 N. High St., 3-3649. Jm399 6 ROOM house, completely furn., 133. 1751 n. Front. jmsui MODERN S bdrm. house. 873 per mo. Ph. 29138 ueiore i a.m. jmjui NEW 3-rm. mod. furn. Elec. heat, laun dry. 3 adults. No peu. 3845 Portland Rd. Jm300 ONE ROOM furnished house, nice built- in. Mao only. 3015 Kappahn Road. Jm3H 1 BDRM. home. All electric, fully Insulat ed. 3 yrs. old. Attacned garage. Avail able Dec. 30. Call 39968 or 34369 after 6 p.m. Jm3O0" SMALL 2 bdrm. house. 2385 Shelton St. Inquire at 1131 N. 13th after Ipm. jrr.300 AUTOMOBILES NEW FEATURES CAR YOU BUY HUDS ON 19 4 8 SUPER-SIX, ROOMY (6) P A SS . SEDAN. TWO-TAN FINISH AND UP HOLSTERING LIKE NEW. RA DIO. WEATHER -MASTER CON TROL HEATER. FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS, TRIPLE. SAFE BRAKES, CENTER POINT STEERING, CHROME ALLOY MOTOR BLOCK FOR LONG LIFE. FORCE FEED OILING SYSTEM. 1 3 1 - HORSEPOWER CAR WITH THE MODERN STEP DOWN DESIGN. GUARAN TEED 11998 HUDSON 1946 SUPER-SIX ROOMY (61 PASS. SEDAN. MA ROON FINISH AND BEDFORD CLOTH UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW. RADIO, WEATHER-MASTER CONTROL HEATER. TRIPLE-SAFE BRAKES. CENTER POINT STEERING WITH AUTO-POISE CONTROL, FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS FOR THAT COMFORT RIDE. OVER DRIVE FOR ECONOMY ON THAT HOLIDAY TRIP. YOD MUST SEE THIS ONE. GUAR ANTEED 11393 TEL. I-792J of These Prices! 1948 SEDAN 1947 5-PASS. COUPE 1946 4-DOOR SEDAN 1946 COUPE 1941 TUDOR SALEM, OREGON FOR RENT HOUSES NEW 2 BR unfurn. house. Ph. 42842. Jm3 t ROOM HOUSE, furnished. Prlv. show er, immediate post. Ph. 2-0658. Jm298 NEW 2 B.R. unfurn. duplex, elec. heat, Vt mile E. State St. 4 Corners. Children welcome, 370 mo. 4345 State or Ph. 3-1125. Jmt FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR apace on State St Desk space on Marlon St Ph. 3-8482. J U DRIVE Trucks Robinson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. f BUSINESS RM. for rent, a U Stiff. FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store. Alio 3 story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor'! headquarter. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. Rlgh St. Tel. 1-4121. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Uontcnmerv Ward. J POWER TOOL rental for home and in dustrial rue Uowset Bret. Ph. I-II44J. TRAILERS 12.00 per day Bowser Broa. I4lu i2th. West Salem 'OOD USED PIANOS (Continued on Page 23)