Kris .Cringle CCovitz Tells Kids' Reaction to Santa By KRIS KKINGLE KOWITZ A steady stream of wide-eyed kids bombarded Santa Claus with questions at Miller's toyland Thursday afternoon. And I have to admit they outsmarted me time and again. A cross-section of the American public of tomorrow displayed an amazing variety of emotions as they shook my hand and Wheat, Lard Listed Firmer Chicago, Dec. 16 W) Wheat, soybeans and lard held to a firm trend on the board of trade to day. They were aided by addi tional government export allo cations. Corn and oats found the going more difficult. Dealings were light in most pits. Wheat closed higher, December $2.21'4-, corn was lower to higher, Decem ber $1.29, oats were lower to V higher, December 77 -t4, rye was unchanged to Vi lower, December $1.41, soybeans were lower to 1V4 higher, December $2.33-, and lard was 5 to 25 cents a hundred pounds higher, December $10.75 DEATHS Carl M. Hamre, late resldnt of 640 South Capitol street, near Mill city, ue 19 St th axe of 47 year. Sur viving are the widow, Mrs. Mary Hamre of Salem, two children. David and Karen Hamre. both of Salem: mother. Mrs. Brlta nwUnn ft. .: a sister. Mrs. Er nest Halvorsen. Qarretson, S. D.; and two brothers. John Hamre. Garrotson. S. D. a Tn..i. Tinmrf. Hell Ha olds. S. D. Mem- ber of the Unitarian church and the Farmers' union, rnvaw acrviu lield at the Howell-Edwaras cnapei m iay, December 18. with concluding serv Ices at Belcreat Memorial park. j A ..tin MrMihan Amanda Angelina McMahon. at the resi dence at 2P4 N. Knox at., monmouui. -cember 14, at the age of 89 years. Sister r..i w McMnhnti. Monmouth, and Mrs. Martha Clevencer, 01adwatr. Tex. Serv ices will be held Saturday, December 17, at 2 p.m. at the Evanftelical church at Mon mouth. Direction W. i. niaaon Shipment will be made to Douglas, Okla., for interment. Gertrude Dibble, at the residence at 593 a. commercial St., December 14, at the a of 02 years. Services will be held at the W T Hlgdon chapel Saturday, December 17 at 10 a.m. with concluding services at Belcrest Memorial park. Bev. George Swllt will omciaie. Martha Hooper M.rtha unnntir. late resident of Aurora, at a local hospital, December 16. An nouncement of services later by Howell-Ed wards chapel. OBITUARY Sublimity Albert E. Peterson, 69, dlad Thursday In Salem Memorial hospital. Recitation ol Rosarj at WeMl, funeral Home in mayion o o Y , i Q a.m. In St. Bonl- ...... n.thftiln r.hureh. Sublimity, with Father Joseph Scherbrlng officiating. In terment In Sublimity Catholic cemetery, t .t.i 20. mao. In Brooklyn, N. Tf .. he had lived In Oregon 13 years, as . re tired watchmaker, survived by the wid ow, Mrs. Sarah Peterson, a brother Ed ward, and two sisters, Jennie and Alice Peterson, au oi i-oru.mi. Miss Ella Hanna Mortensen .,. Woodburn Miss Ella Hanna Mortensen, 0, died at a Portland hospital Thursday. ev.. ... I,.,, In Minnesota. Oct. 14, 186B and came to iregon u' ov For the last two years she made her home with a sister In Portland, Mrs. Lena Peter Ton? She was a member or the Seventh Day Adventlst church. Funeral services will be held from the P-lnso chapel here Monday. Bev. N. O. Bernstein, of Port land, ollolatlm and burial In the Miller cemetery near stayton. surviving are another alster, Mrs. Mary Armltaae. todl. Oallt.. and live brothers. Fred .Morten sen. Molalla: William, Julius and Charles Mortensen, all of Lodl and Mans Mor tensen, Hutchinson, Minn. Donald Carson Newton ... n Independence Funeral services for Don ald Carson Newton. 37, who died In Port land Monday, were held Thursday from the W. L. Smith funeral home. Rev. John W. Hood officiating and final rites in Bel crest Memorial park in, Salem. Hi i to born in Independence In 1913 and married Maxlne Oberson in 1038. Surviving are his widow and two dauahters Donlne and Charlene: parents. Mr. and Mrs. O d Newton: brother. Maurice F. Newton. Port land, and two sisters. Mrs. Olndlola Wil liams. Salem, and Mrs. Helen Schlaa. To-v.-,,. fwivM his education in the Independence schools and at the "me or nis death was wiww " In farming. ' Mrs. Emma Margason w it....- Rmm. Margason. 77, died Wednesday. December 14 at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Shirley Susee of Oervals where she had lived for the past three years. She was born In Santa Clara county. California. October 18, 1872. Mem ber of the Presbyterian church. Survivors Include her daughter, Shirley Susee or r.rvni . nn. Victor Margason ol r,...n BnH five arandchil' dren. Private funeral services will be held at the Rlngo chapel In Woodburn. Friday followed by Interment in r,vet.wu im mortal Park at McMinnvllle. Woodburn Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at the Ringo chap e! for Mrs. Mattle Troudt, 67. who died Monday. Dec. 12. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. wayne uvw. in ....... d .,, nnhi. nt the Four square church will officiate and interment will be In the Hubbard cemetery. w. Trn,., ... Wn In Hllhh.rd. AU8. 19, iA nvA th.r. nil of her life. She la survived by four sons, Wayne Bevens of The Dalles. Wilbur Bevens of Aurora, Orvllle Troudt of Hubbard, and Eldred Troudt in the Hawaalan Islands: two daughters. Vola Kllewer of Hubbard and veona ijivesay or vvooaourii, -children and three great-grandchildren. CTrnahv Ttaltnn Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. E. W. stasia of Monmouth attended funeral services for Crosby Dalton In Eugene. Dslton was a son of Mrs. Irene Dalton Wolverton and he was born In Monmouth December 4, 1886. Ho graduated from the Oregon State Normal school In Monmouth and was a pharmacist since 1917. For a number of years he worked in Independence. He is survived by, his widow, Margaret Shln ners Dalton, whom he married in Inde- dendence, Juno n, 1914: by a oaugnwr, Mrs. John Beardsley, Eugene: two sis ters, Mrs. John Orr of Alsea and Mrs. He- .n A Tavln. nf Pnrtland: a brother. Wal. ter Dalton of Kings Valley and by two grandchildren. CERTIFIED STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE JORY PACKING CO. ' 945 S. Commercial St. .-si. 3-4590 saiem, ure. -stroked my white beard. As I talked with them, some children were shy; others bub- oiea wiin entnusiasm; some laughed, some cried; some were jovial, others downright serious One thing is certain I had as much fun as the kids. Here are a few observations of our youngest generation in action: 1 The excavations being made along Capitol street must be im pressing the junior male popu lation of the city. A surprising percentage of boys I talked with Thursday told me they wanted a toy steam shovel for Christ mas. Girls are sticking to their old standbys, dolls and doll buggies Electric trains, miniature kitchen sets, wagons and tri cycles also still rank among the top on the children's preferred list. Some youngsters were ob viously well-coached on what to say to Santa Claus. Several reeled off something like, "My name is Johnny Jones, I am live years old, I am always a good boy, and I want a cowboy suit." Other children who had re hearsed their Santa Claus speeches developed an acute case of stage fright when they faced me. Most of the kids were honest. If they had been pulling kitty's tail or neglecting to eat their oatmeal, they were not hesitant in confessing their wrongdoings. One rosy-cheeked tot, when asked if he had acted nicely while playing with brother and sister, said, "Nah, I fight 'em." More than a few times I had questions and statements fired at me that really put me on the spot. Asked what she wanted for Christmas, a small girl replied in a huffy tone, "I thought I wrote you a letter." Another had evidently been a regular listener to some Santa Claus radio serial program, and queried me on certain happen ings of the story. Dozens wanted to know where the "brownies" were, and I was asked all sorts of questions re garding the North Pole and the habits of reindeer. Biggest headache in being a department store Santa Claus is the "borderline" case a 6 or 7-year-old who may believe in Santa or may not. Young sters who had me tagged as a Taken" delighted in leading me on for a couple of minutes be fore letting me know, in no un certain terms, that they thought my makeup was phony. (So help me, the nose WAS real.) Other trouble-makers are the 14 to 16-year-olds who seem to get a pleasure out of wisecrack ing about Santa's authenticism in front of tots who are faith ful believers in St. Nick. At times, I felt like a bully and a brute. Some children would howl with fright when I approached them. But most of Salem's young set stared at me with eyes that were curious and admiring. Looking into those eyes, and hearing the voices of happy, hopeful kids who live in a country where they're allowed to believe in Santa Claus was an experience I'll long remem ber. You see, the happiness of those kids is the very thing that the spirit of Christmas stands for. Acting as Santa Claus, and being able to make those kids just a little more hap pier, was an unforgettable joy and inspiration. God bless you, children. MARKET Completed from reports of Salem dealers or ine coma nee er Capital Journal Readeis. (Revised dally). Retail Feed Prices: Eki- Masb - S4.60. Rabbit Pellets 14.20. Dairy Feed 13.65. Poultry! Buring prices -Grade A color ed hens, 20c; grade A Leghorn hens and UP. 15c: grade A old roosters. 14c: Grade A colored fryers three Itut. 3Br-. Efts Buying- Prices Large AA, 37e: large A. 34-37c: medium AA, 31c; medium A, 29c: pullets, 25-27C. Wholesalt Prices Egf wholesale prices I -7c above thea prlcen above grade A generally quoted at 43c, medium 34c. Butterfat Premium 66c; No. 1, 14c s No. 1 6S-60& tbuyinr prices). Butter Wholesalt grade A, 6801 ro se" 73c Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use our Chines rem edles. Amazing success for 6000 years In China No matter with what ail ments you art afflicted, disorders, sinusitis, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, gas, constipation, ulcers, dlabet, rheumatism, gall and bladder, feter tkln. female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CHTXKSK BIBB CO. Office Boars ft, Taea. and Sat, tnly tM N Commercial Phone tIAM SALEM. ORE. j, i v n I ri .. ' ma, - f I ' HI r Bie Moment for Kiddies) Always a thrill in the life of a child is the annual visit with Santa Claus. Here two lntle Salem girls are shown talking to Santa in Miller's toyland Thursday afternoon. Under that beard and flowing white hair, Santa bears a striking resemblance to Chris Kowitz, Jr., Salem writer. SALEM MARKETS QUOTATIONS aalem Livestock Marhe B Volley Packing Company' Wooled lambs $10.00 to 120.00 Feeder lambs $13.00 to $17.00 Cutter cows $8-00 to $10.00 Dairy HelfefA $12.00 to $14.00 Fat dairy cowa $10.00 to $11.00 Bulls $12.00 to $17.00 CalVf. good (300-450 lbs.) 118.00 to 2n w Veal (150-300 lbs. I top ... $20-00 to $23.1)0 Portland Eastiide Market Carrots aold for 60-70 cent a dozen bunchea on the Portland Eaatslde Farmers Wholesale Produce market today. Other bunch vegetable prices were: Radishes 50-60 cents: green onions 60-70 cents and turnips 85 cents to $1.00, Cauliflower brought $1.75 a crate. Cabbage moved at $1.35-1.50 a crat. Celery was olfered at $1.50-2 a standard crate pascal. Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, itfoject to Imme diate change Premium quality maximum to .36 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 67o lb.; 02 score, 65o lb.; 00 score, 63c; 89 score, 55c, Valley routes and country points 2c lesi than first Butter Whole sale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score, 63 c A 02 score, 6201 B 80 score, 60o lb O 80 score, 67o. Above price are strictly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 30-42c, Oregon ft small loaf. 44tt-45c. triplets 1W less than singles. Etcs (to wholesalers) -A trade large. 40-42 ',ic: A medium, 36-374c; grade B large, 39-40c; small A grade, 35Vic. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: oraao aa prints. 68c; AA cartons, 69c; A prints. 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. Eg Price to retailers- oraaa aa large, 47c doz.; certified A large 49c; A large 44c; AA medium, 40c; cer tified A medium. 39c; B medium, 35c: A small, 37c; cartons 2c additional. Cneese Price to retailers Portland Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon loaf, 6 lb loafs 44M-45c lb.; triplets, IVi cents less than singles Premium brands, singles 514c Ib.t loaf, 631-ic. Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB Plants, Ho 1 broilers under 2 lbs. 20-'J4c iryers a-s iw 33-aec: 3-4 ids aic. roasters 4 ibr and over. 27-28ci fowl, Leghorns, 4 lbs. and under. 15-16c: over 4 6c: colored fowl, all weights. 20- 21c; roosters, all weights, 14-16c. Turkey Net to growers, torn. 30-3lc: hens, 44-45c. Kabbits Average to growers, live whites. 4-5 lbs.. 17-lBc lb.: 6-6 lbs.. 16-17e b colored 2 cents lower, old or heavy does. and ducks, a-i3c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers. 40o; locaL 48-62c. Country-Killed Heats Veal Top quality. 33.34c lb.: other grades according to weight and quality witn iignter or neavier, as-aoc. Hogs ugnt mockers, 24-24 u; sows 18-20C. Lambs Top quality, iprlngers, 6-38c; mutton, 10-llc. Beef Oood cows. 24-25C lb.: canners- cutters, 20-22c. Freih Dressed Heats (Wholesalers to retailers per Beef steers: Oood 500-800 lbs., $39-41: commercial, $33-39; utility, $25-27. Cows Commercial $27-30; utility. $24 25; canners-cutUrs, $23-26. Beef Cuts lOood Steers i Hlno quarters. $50-52; rounds, 144-46; full loins, trimmed ROOFING Now is the time to order that new root before the rainy winter season. , Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 WANTED WALNUT MEATS Sold Two Ccrs in East for Holidays TOP PRICES PAID ON ALL GRADES CASH ON DELIVERY Alto Walnuts in the Shell KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Front St. Phone 3-7633 Open Every Daj, Except Sunday, 8 m.m. to 6 p.m. $70-73: triangles, $32-34: square chucks $38-40: ribs, $55-5B; forequartcrs, $34-36. Veal and call: Good, commercial. $34-37; Utility, $28-30. Lambs: oood-cnoice spring tamos, 42: commercial, $35-38: utility, $33-34. Mutton oood, 70 ids down, uiwu. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1, 8-12 lbs.. $38-42: shoulders, 16 lbs down. $30-33; spare ribs, $41-44; carcasses. $24-25; mixed rveienis per cwi lower. Portland Miscellaneous Caseara Bark Dry 12M.0 lb., green 4c ID Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 46c lb. Mohair 350 in on 12-montn growm. nominally. Hides calves, no id., accorains 10 weight; pips. 22c lb.; beef, ll-12c lb.; buUs, 6-7o lb. Country buyers pay 2c less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettes, first quality jum bo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c; medium, 27.2c; second oualltv Jumbos. 30.2c: lame. 28.2c, medium. 26.2c: baby, 23.2c, soft shell, first ouallti lame. 29.7c: medium, ond quality large, 27.2ci medium, 34.7c: Filberts Jumbo. 20e lb. 1 large, medium, 16e: small. 13c. Portland Live tuck Portland, Ore., Dec, IB (UFO Weekly livestock: Cattle: Friday salable 50; few sales strong. Calves Friday salable 10: mostly nom inal. Hoss: Friday, salable none: market nominal. Sheep; Friday salable none; market nom inal. This market will be closed to trading on December 26, 1949, and January 2, 1050, in observance of the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Portland Grain Portland, Dec, 16 ) Caah grain un quoted. casn wneat (Did eon wnite z.zuva: soft white (excluding Tex) 2.20tt; white club 2.20. Hard red winter: ordinary'ai per cent 2.20V&; 11 per cent 2.21; 12 per cent 2.22. Hard white baart; Unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheat 51; barley 9; flour 5; corn 5; mill feed 4. Choir Will Appear Woodburn A program of Christmas music will be present ed by the choir of the Methodist church, directed by Kenneth Thompson, as a part of the Sun day morning service at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Roy Arney will be the accompanist. The pastor Rev. Ormal Trick, will have as his sermon topic. "The Lost Christmas." LODGES A. Pacific Lodge No. 60, A.P & 1 AM. Stated Meeting Friday, December 16. Annual Dinner 6:30 p.m. Election of Officers. Past Mas ters' Night. 299 A. Klngwood Lodge No. 204, AF 7 & AAJL. Open installation Pri day, December 16th, at 8 p.m, 299 a, L .a. j. j. J. J. J. s. .. . - j. j. j. j. j. T T TTTT TTtTTTtTTtTTTTTTT ttt TTTTTT Stocks Seesaw In Fast Trading New York, Dec. 16 (AT Stock market leadership passed to mo tion picture issues today after a period of command by rail and oil shares. The main body of stocks did little or nothing in the way of price movement despite another session of fast trading. Gains and losses were well distributed The rate of trading slowed a bit, after three sessions in which volume in each topped 2,000,000 shares. Turnover approached 1,900,000 shares for the full ses- n. Superior Oil of California was one of the few upsets in the oil section following a three-day ad vance totaling 60 'A points. The price fell back around 7 points to 211 at one time. Higher most of the day were Paramount Pictures, Warner, Loews, Sinclair Oil, Amerada Petroleum, Baltimore and Ohio, Douglas Aircraft, Dome Mines, and International Paper. Losers include Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, Chrysler, Goodrich, Du Pont, General Electric and Phelps Dodge Cop per. STOCKS By the Aiwocntea Pr-ni American Can 101 Am Pow b Lt H'i Am Tel A Tel 148 Anaeonda 28 Bendlx Aviation SuTi Beth Bteel 51V, Boeing Airplane Jil Calif Packing Canadian Paclflo 4 Case J 1 39 s Caterpillar , 33 Chrysler uomwitn a bou ....... Cons Vultee Continental Can ''rown Zellerbacb ..... ..... Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft Oupont da Nem Oeneral Klectrlc Oeneral Food leneral Motors doodyear Tire ml Harvester Int Paper Hennecott Llbby McN ft L Long Bell 'A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator Nat Dairy 38 nt central . 11 Northern Paclflo 18 .. 13 V Pac Am Pish , Pa Oas St Eleo , . 33 4 Pa Tel St Tel .:oit Psnney J C , Radio Corp , Rayonler Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metal , Richfield Safeway stores . . 2 ears KoeDucK outhern Paclflo , Standard OH Co tudebaker Corp Sunshine Mining , Transamerlca union oil csj Union Paclflo Onlted Airlines a Steel Warner Bros Pic Woolwortb WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BARKIE DouRlaTfIf nolea or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole 6b Piling Co,, Inc. na5 USED piano. Ph. 3-5110. n 1.301 ! wanted furniture vo glue e repair. lh Bros. Purn Re finishing Co h 2-7001 nar USED SHOTGUN St .22 rifle. Ph, 3-S110. na30L PERSONAL MRS. MELVIN 8MITII, Spencer corset ler. Let a Spencer solve your figure problem All calls given special attention. Ph. 35072. P308 AVON COSMETltCs7Ph"3"-"4B88. p3C0 STANLEY nOME PRODUCTS. Lee 1165 N. I4th. Ph. 2-4801. p305a MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychlo reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m to 10 p.m dally. 173 8. Com' I. Under new man agement With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 21,285 p303 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. PO 724 Ph 3-5234. p333 ATTENTION The house-dust alTergy problem can be solved by phoning 2-4517 or call nt 757 Center. p302 Watch Your Weight! By J H. WILLETT of tha capital Drug Btor, Overweight has' a direct bearing on illnesses such as hcjirl trouble and diabetes, and it tends to shorten lite because it puts an added burden on other vital organs of the body. However, a weight reducing program must be undertaken with precaution and care after a doctor's examination. The kind and quantity of food is usually adjusted by diet to maintain the proper nourish ment while eliminating excess fat. There are satisfying rewards for the person who sticks to the doctor's recommended diet. You will feel better, have a better appearance, and look younger. Cnpr right This I, Ih, M5 of a acriss of Editorial AdterlUf menta appearing In this paper aach Frldaj. Copyright Capital DrugStore State & Liberty Phone 1-3118 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS WH1Z7.ER motorbike. Ask for Jim. OB399 Ph. 2-4904 "Heap Big Smoke & Lots ol rire Make Xmas 1949 a Practical, Useful & Lasting One! Low Cost Transportation BICYCLES WHIZZER BIKES SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED New Low Prices & Easy Terms, of Course VISIT INDIAN TERRITORY Shrock Motorcycle Sales JUST PASS THE UNDERPASS 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1423. qaaol' FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular alzea, 15.00 and up. Montgomery wara ts lo., Salem. FINANCIAL Personal Finance Co. 518 State. Rm. 125. Lie. - S-122 - M-165. C. R. Allen, Mgr. r300 FARM AND CITY LOANS i'hv, and ift YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real estate contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph 3-7163 r PRIVATE MONEY Spec-al Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payment ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phona 3-S161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDH CO. 183 o Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie No M-159 8-164 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. IPSO PairgiounC Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 17032 Lie N U369 6291 Floyd Kenyon Mgr t snt PI FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONL? 4 OR 4f. INTEREST ft to 40 Years and No CommlsalOD Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Slate St Phone 1-3663 IF YOUR PROPERTY Is for sal It Will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan It will stand. This Information obtainable with but very little trouble. DO NOT HESITATE to call on us for any Information you deslra about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 163 8. High St. Tel. 1-4121. r GENERAL FINANG8 CORP. LOANS Llo 8-133 and U-331 and ROY H. SIMMONS rNSURANOB AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St. TeL 3-9181 INSURANCE INSURE AND BE SURE Save 207. to 30 on Auto Insurance Complete Line of Insurance VAN M. GREER AGENCY 963 Highland Ave, Ph. 2-3451 ra305' TRAILERS 7 FT. HOUSE Trailer. Clean, furn. 450. 2252 Simpson 18-FT. VAGABOND trailer. Sleeps 4 Built-in ice box. Butane gas stove, oi heater. 4985 N. River Rd. t300' IB FT., 1049 aluminum Silver Lodger. Electric refrigerator. Butane stove, oil heat. Excellent condition. Just lived in short time. Must sell this week. Inquire at Fairgrounds Cottages, 2507 Portland Road. t32 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired Roen. 458 Court. Phone 1-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serrlu new appliance Vluce's Btectrlo Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 3-923 131 8 Liberty St o AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers seizors knives sharp ened Dexter 1140 Center 3-6833. o" Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, AUTO RADIUS UARIOM UOTORB NASfl BER V1CS Towlm servic day phooa t-9280. NlfM a-1804 33" Center. 0 BULLDOZING Bulldozlns, levl!n.r, road bids., clear Ins. teeth for bruah. Vlrull Kiukey, 1010 Palrview Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. Q6 BUILDING CAltrENTRT Remodel, repair that home oow Terms. No down pjvjment Phon. J-48S0 o" CARPENTERING AND PLASTERING Plumbing, fixture inntaHIni, cement fin lAhlnK. Reasonable. Rt. 7. box 418. CASH REGISTERS too tan" delivery of new RCh euh reutatei Kl maxex told, rented, re pa ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6713 o' CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed aatlifactlon new or repair oi foundation, aiaewaiiu drlvevartv pattoa. ourba, wall, tla. Call 2-4850 o' CHIMNEY SWEEP EXCAVATING EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 6, Box 437-C 0311 Brmthauot'r for flowers Dial 1-9111) C FURNACE & CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed St repaired, Dvorak. Ph. 24983 HOME PRODUCTS RAW LEIGH PRODUCTS. 2-8576. HOUSEHOLD PROD LOTH J R Watkln? Oo product1 Free de 1717 Center Ph 3-5396 0' IV V LATION Jolins-Manville Phone 3-3748 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing BulldinKX Factories Homes Estimates Without Ofiimatlon AMERICAN BLDQ MAINT CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 LANDSCAl'l NURSERl r Doerfler St Sons Ornamentals 130 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef ferson St Phone 33452 o LAWNMOWEKS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Com'l. fit. Q311 MATTRESSES Capita, Bedding Phone 1-4089 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stanos, onei c :s. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court 0' OIL BURNER SERVICE PAINTING Qfstrom's are equipped to do rout painting Phone 3-3483 o PAINTING St PAPER HANOI NO Papering St painting. Est. free. Ph. 3-2G08. o9 Painting and paperhanglng. Free estl mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o7 I ESTATE SALE f Bids ore now being received for sale of real and personal property at 2765 Brooks Avenue. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY As Guardian of (he Estate of Putney E. Perkins ; Phone 3-3136 for Details ' You'll have plenty of clean, odorless, safe heat whe. and where it's needed, if you depend on Thermador Portables! Backed by the famous Thermador name which stands for highest quality, longest service . warmth where you want it, when you need it. THERMADOR LONGFELLA Here's head-to-liecls warmth for chilly corners . . . the answer to every spot-heating problem! The LONG FELLA conserves room space, is extremely light and portable, operates economically from 115 volts. list price r n (Intl. Tx) Y.YJ THERMADOR HEAT FAN A versatile portable that utilizes Thermador's amazingly efficient forced air principle to provide all over warmth in winter, cooling cir culation in 3umrner. Built-in fan draws air our and down into the l:ing yone. (.ompact, safe, bcauti f jl'y designed; features economical operation from 115 volts AC. UST PRICE fwf. Tsxi 14.95 MANttTACTUftfD tHIMHADO IlICTtttCU MfO. Keith LUMBER PHONE 3-9165 Friday, Dec. Id, 194921 PAPERIIANGING Expert Paperhanslng and palntlnk H. J. Woodaworto. Ph. 3-9807. Free Jt Paperhanvlns to tout aattafactlon n yeara ezp. Aiao palntlm Ph. 2-OB10 03 03 PRUNING AND SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1203. PLUMBING PICT1TRK FRAMING ButcheoD Paint Btor. ROAD GRADING Lnree & Small Jobs. New grader. Jot Strlclcfaden, phono 3-5410. o8" SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms, all makes. W. Davenport. Ph. 1-7671, 03Q7 3AND t GRAVY!. Garden SoiL crushed rock. Shovel asd dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co. Phone 3-9349. O Valley Sand & Gravel Oo Silt, sand St f'll dirt Excavating 10B shove) St cat. Tractor scoop St trucks for dirt movlna. Ph office 24002. res. 37146 o. Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N. Bth. O307 SEITIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 107 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-6327. o2 K. P Hamel. Septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned Guaranteed work, 1143-8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. O301 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd's S-otlc Tank Service, 650 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o SEWERS AND SEITIC TANKS Elcctrlc Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean Sewers. Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-6327. 0 SEWING MACHINES Ali makes repaired, rree estimates, Simcei Sewing Machine Co 130 No. Commercial Ph 3-3512 TRANSFEP 5TORAGI jcal St Distance Transfer, atoract. Burnet oils, coal A orlquets Trucks M Portland dally Agent for Beklm Rouse hold goods moved to anywhere In OA. o. Canada Larmer Transfer A Storase. Ph 3-3131 O TRUCK A TRANSFER TYPEWRITERS 3ml th Oorona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables. Ah makes used machinal Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court. 0 VENETIAN BLINDS lalem Venetian Blinds mads to order or refinlAhed Reinholdt A Lewis 3-1639. Elmer The Blindman. Ph. 37328. WEATHERSTRIPPING WELL DRILLING WINDOW CLEANING Aome t lndow Cleaners Windows, walls) A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 1-3337 141 Court. Langdoc, Culbertaon and slather. WINDOW SIIADE3 Washcale Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Reinholdt A Lewis Ph 23639. o WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co Ph 2-4031 CO., LOS AMOtLIt I. CALIf. Brown YABfi- 4 . '1 L